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VapDraks after hours...


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Ok time for a pic.

Machine at work Im finishing, it only needs the hood but it's missing the belts that will run on the rollers.

Anybody care to guess what kind of machine it is?? It connects to about 9 more just like that section.

View attachment 2966

That... that looks just the Mega Mod I was finnishing in my secret cave under the volcano

... are you watching me? Do you have satellites, drones and stuff following me???


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Ok now I'm really ready for the sack... Buenas Noches Everybody!

Oh, I found the concert I saw many years ago (see the other post)... violins, pipes, bagpipes, etc. & rock

I know it's hard because of the foreign language, but the music is universal...


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Hahaha... Young man... when I started 36mg where normal... but we where sucking on washed tea bags :D
The DNA20 I'm using right now is from DZ, great guy and, I think, friend of mine. I'm also one of the few to have a wood box 20 DNA from him ( I think we are no more then 10 happy owners, if not less), this, and the Russian 91%, is why I abbandoned the search for new and better last year... I was thinking I got to vape nirvana and then ... one day I came back lurking around on the forums and the rest is history :oops:
Let this be a lesson, Dear Grasshopper

Heck yeah....I still have Bluemist Vaping's Rob's Blackjack in 32mg and a bunch of ol 24mg juices from 2012. :D

Never did the Pyramid tea bag stuff, or the Blue Foam, but I also couldn't have imagined the gear I'm using now. Or, that I could afford it.


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OK, what part of "almost" time for me to guys didn't get???
"Almost" I said...where's everybody? :D
At 3am eastern I was attempting to fall into an 8 hour coma so I wouldn't fall asleep here at work today. 3.5 hours to go and at least we've had a few customers. Of course my 8 hour coma was a 4 hour nap, kitten rescue & dry-off due to severe t-storms, and then a 2 hr nap right before we left to come into to work.


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HEER! Kinda...Today was weird at work. We have a single bathroom in the building for 4 businesses, there's a German fest going on just up the road from the shop, one of the businesses besides the shop is a tattoo place, and a Mexican owned cellular store. Lots of people were sneaking into the tattoo shop and asking to use the bathrooms - which aren't public access. I wandered back to the bathroom almost at the end of the night and I hear all sorts of weird noises coming from the bathroom, I knock. She opens the door really fast and practically screams, "OH! You want some of my drugs?" Nothing else, other than dumping half her purse which is the size of my laptop bag, dumping out numerous bottles of pills, and various powdered pharmaceuticals. My only response, "Uh....No, really I'm good, thanks though. You should probably leave, and not do your drugs in the bathroom of a business you don't know, and aren't actually shopping at." She scooped up her pharmacy, and scampered off down the hall. I finished my business and went back down the hall to the shop and half the doors are wide open to the tattoo shop. Yep, definitely not one of ours. Mostly we refuse bathroom requests unless its clearly an issue. The tattoo shop guy asked me if she was our customer "Nope, not ours, probably a partygoer." And he closed & locked his door. I went into the shop and closed and locked our door too.

Didn't need stoner-tripping-drunk-barbie, traipsing through the office by accident.


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Born of insomnia, and penned for a private conversation, this actually made me laugh at myself.... so of course I had to share it here...... The after hours thread seems like the perfect place.....

TygerTyger burning bright
Vaping late into the night
Twisting wire and forming coils
In hopes to make juice insta-boil

Reading threads whilst filling tanks
Liking posts and typing thanks
Chuckling over quips and memes
Wow! It's later than it seems!

TygerTyger burning bright
Staying up way past midnight
Get to bed, else soon you'll be
Brewing double-strong coffee!

(Somewhere, William Blake is turning over in his grave *chortles*)


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Born of insomnia, and penned for a private conversation, this actually made me laugh at myself.... so of course I had to share it here...... The after hours thread seems like the perfect place.....

TygerTyger burning bright
Vaping late into the night
Twisting wire and forming coils
In hopes to make juice insta-boil

Reading threads whilst filling tanks
Liking posts and typing thanks
Chuckling over quips and memes
Wow! It's later than it seems!

TygerTyger burning bright
Staying up way past midnight
Get to bed, else soon you'll be
Brewing double-strong coffee!

(Somewhere, William Blake is turning over in his grave *chortles*)

I love it!!!!
Now I see, we were born the same!!! insomnia and I don't need to feel guilty for not sleeping at night again lol
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Grok this EQ I just did for a Queensrÿche song....that tells ya how insane their tonal range is.


Running 320kb/s MP3 on an hacked Audigy X-Fi in full 44.1 kHz mode with an old-skool 2.1 Altec Lansing ACS45 ....built with 200W innards, but run at half that.

I can shake the Apt. And, still retain sonic quality. ;)


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Now for the desert. I did a ninja run to Dairy Queen when no one was looking and got me box of Buster Bars. Pic looks terrible, but trust me WAS GOOD!! Probably been 10 years since I had one of these.080514222915.jpg


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New DingDongs are not the same as old DingDongs. I miss waxy flavorless chocolate that didn't melt. Needing a bath after eating new hostess products at the same price, isn't what I was expecting.


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New DingDongs are not the same as old DingDongs. I miss waxy flavorless chocolate that didn't melt. Needing a bath after eating new hostess products at the same price, isn't what I was expecting.

Yeah, the new twinkies are ok, though. Ding dongs were best when they were wrapped in the foil. :cool:


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Oh boy, it does need cleaning, doesn't it? LOL

*reaches in the freezer without touching the sides
LOL you thought the inside was bad, have a peek at the outside. Notice the lovely patina where we open it from ( Bottom section top left) It's a real goood working model though.



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LOL you thought the inside was bad, have a peek at the outside. Notice the lovely patina where we open it from ( Bottom section top left) It's a real goood working model though.

View attachment 3216

That looks like the food storage fridge at the regional autopsy suite I worked at. No one would volunteer to clean it. I only did data entry, I never put anything I wanted to consume in said fridge. Mind you the doctors who did the autopsies kept their food in coolers in the walk-in corpse closet.


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That looks like the food storage fridge at the regional autopsy suite I worked at. No one would volunteer to clean it. I only did data entry, I never put anything I wanted to consume in said fridge. Mind you the doctors who did the autopsies kept their food in coolers in the walk-in corpse closet.

Yeah when our wives/girlfriends would come in, the white keyboards that we had back here used to be the topic of their disgust, with all the greasy keys. Well work finally got us black keyboards to hide the filth, that has focused the attention to the fridge.


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Tyger, I opened my phone and saw your poem again, sitting right there in front of me, & I loved reading it again, for the 10th time, or more lost count, but again, it was what I needed! After not sleeping all night again!
Thank you again Tyger!!!!!!


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Hey VapDrak, see if you can find my shoes that they stole in Acapulco when i was there 20 years ago. :(

Having a good time?


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Vacations are almost done... I was in Mexico city for a couple of days, vaping in Teotihuacan with the Gods :) , then in Taxco where those Pancho Villa bandits lured me with tequila & mezcal into buying way too much silver stuff:eek:
... and now in Acapulco for a little beach and sun.
Brought only my expromizer and an old clearo as a backup... never needed the back up! The expromizer is performing better then I expected


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Grok this EQ I just did for a Queensrÿche song....that tells ya how insane their tonal range is.

View attachment 3186

Running 320kb/s MP3 on an hacked Audigy X-Fi in full 44.1 kHz mode with an old-skool 2.1 Altec Lansing ACS45 ....built with 200W innards, but run at half that.

I can shake the Apt. And, still retain sonic quality. ;)
The only prob is the Lossy Mp3 compression everyone has accepted as a quality source :) sounds like a nice setup


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Tyger, I opened my phone and saw your poem again, sitting right there in front of me, & I loved reading it again, for the 10th time, or more lost count, but again, it was what I needed! After not sleeping all night again!
Thank you again Tyger!!!!!!

Glad to be of at least some entertainment value, @Teo22 LOL.... better luck tonight with the sleep..... I'm very close to that even as I type...... zzzzzzzzz


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Glad to be of at least some entertainment value, @Teo22 LOL.... better luck tonight with the sleep..... I'm very close to that even as I type...... zzzzzzzzz
I didn't mean it as a joke. I just find it so true.
When I use to smoke I use to stay up till at least 4 to 4:30, had it all my life and I would love to stay up at night and enjoy the peace, and always be smoking, but I knew a lot was enjoying smoking; I loved It, just really enjoyed it.
After I read your Poem I realized that it was exactly the same! But now it's the vaping! I love it & enjoy it & I think-no-I know I love it better than smoking!!! And the great part is I don't have to stay out in the living room in front of the fireplace, now I can be in my room, enjoying making coils and playing with all my vaping toys. I must have at least 10 mech. mods & 10 VV/VWs and at least 7 glass vape tanks I haven't even opened lol
The next one I'm learning is the Fogger 4.0, and lot of it is the deals you find lol
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The only prob is the Lossy Mp3 compression everyone has accepted as a quality source :) sounds like a nice setup

Understandable, but FLAC is just too big a format for having much of a collection when I don't even own a real stereo. My old ears can't tell hardly any difference from a good 320k and a FLAC. ;-)

JPG is lossy, but we still use it eh?


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Understandable, but FLAC is just too big a format for having much of a collection when I don't even own a real stereo. My old ears can't tell hardly any difference from a good 320k and a FLAC. ;-)

JPG is lossy, but we still use it eh?
True on most devices and low end stereo equipment one cannot tell he difference. I have a huge Mp3 collection and Flac and HQ 96k/48 and 192k and I am a audiophileholic but most of the time I open Spotify :) I was just making a relative comment


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True on most devices and low end stereo equipment one cannot tell he difference. I have a huge Mp3 collection and Flac and HQ 96k/48 and 192k and I am a audiophileholic but most of the time I open Spotify :) I was just making a relative comment

No worries.

I do own an old Superscope A260 and some other fun stuff, and I do appreciate the audiophile stuff.
But, the computer is just too easy. For a 1BR Apt., there is no place or reason for a big stereo.:)

Weird thing: went to the Rite-Aide store, asked the gal where I could find Talc. She didn't know what that was.o_O

Finally said "Gold Bond"...that she knew.

How the....?!


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Hey guys, good evening.

I'm lusting over their kayfuns myself @Wabah58

Doesn't help their prices are so cheap when on wagono_O

Think VapDrak is still on vacation.

I been stalking the neighbor today, trying to catch him to unload some juice I don't want. :oops: He has one of them atomic fart canister exhaust on his car so I've been keeping my ear peeled waiting for him to pull in the hood. Trying to clean old stuffs out.

What doin?


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Nothing exciting this weekend, just house stuff.

But, I did go to the store and did you know that Lay's now has a Cheesy Garlic Bread flavor chip?


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Nothing exciting this weekend, just house stuff.

But, I did go to the store and did you know that Lay's now has a Cheesy Garlic Bread flavor chip?

Yes mam, bought a bag last weekend, thank you very much. Think I was the only one that ate them with my new Ham sammiches. Pretty good. I decided I would like the bag with half CGB and half regular.


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Well, it's 12:24am here and I'm awake. I blame naps.

I've had those CGB chips too, very yummy, but yeah, can only take so much at a time. The stuff that kills me is the Chester's Puffcorn...Nommmmm.

Tiki had a weird nap today also. AKA "The Paws that Refreshes"


I did make a spicy nacho 3-cheese & bean dip from scratch though today. =)


Those are photos taken with the new camera I got. I'm working on re-learning how to do things and the menus on the new camera and discovering a few new concepts this one can do. It's "fun".

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