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VapDraks after hours...


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Here is my concern, with the air flow ring. Is it like the kayfun after you fill, it weeps juice out the airflow hole untill pressure is built up? If so the juice would leak around that ring untill you equalize the pressure?


Silver Contributor
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Here is my concern, with the air flow ring. Is it like the kayfun after you fill, it weeps juice out the airflow hole untill pressure is built up? If so the juice would leak around that ring untill you equalize the pressure?

No, because you fill it upside down and then screw the base (building deck) on it, when it's closed you turn it and have already the pressure in it... so no leaking :)
But I don't want be the cause of you jumping the "no buying vape stuff" wagon!!!


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It's YOUR fault!! :D I Want it. Honestly I've kind of been hoping one of my 3 Kayfuns would break down. :rolleyes: Once FastTech get's their clone army goin on it, Im in. :p I'll probably request a VapDrak update on it in a couple weeks.


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It's YOUR fault!! :D I Want it. Honestly I've kind of been hoping one of my 3 Kayfuns would break down. :rolleyes: Once FastTech get's their clone army goin on it, Im in. :p I'll probably request a VapDrak update on it in a couple weeks.

Absolutly, I'm more than glad to share my experiences...
Talking about german "clones" there's another one that really caught my eye and it's this one:

Not as pricey as the expromizer, but also a german "clone" of the super expensive rose rda concept... didn't find an english review for it, but the germans are very happy with it... still my advice is : "Stay on the wagon" ;)


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Hey @Wabah58, I'm doin' fine, how about you? Other than vapelust? I have vapelust too. I might drop that $70 for the expromizer. Pondering if I should.


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Hey @Wabah58, I'm doin' fine, how about you? Other than vapelust? I have vapelust too. I might drop that $70 for the expromizer. Pondering if I should.

Doin good, making my list for a 4 am walmart run after work. Oh and RANT! Why the hell do the donut cooks at Walmart start baking untill 6 am??? Days half over at that time.:oops: Donut making should start at 3am o_O


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Well, if you use vape logic, I can spend $20 on a kayfun clone that may be a PITA, or I can spend almost 4X that and get something I'll really like. Doesn't that make sense to you? lol

There's a vape show here next month. I'm wondering if I should wait until then...maybe some vendor will have it for less?


Silver Contributor
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Well, if you use vape logic, I can spend $20 on a kayfun clone that may be a PITA, or I can spend almost 4X that and get something I'll really like. Doesn't that make sense to you? lol

There's a vape show here next month. I'm wondering if I should wait until then...maybe some vendor will have it for less?

Decisions decisions.....


Silver Contributor
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Well, if you use vape logic, I can spend $20 on a kayfun clone that may be a PITA, or I can spend almost 4X that and get something I'll really like. Doesn't that make sense to you? lol

There's a vape show here next month. I'm wondering if I should wait until then...maybe some vendor will have it for less?

It sounds rational... and there will be clones!
Also that Kaiser I posted is really interesting, for what I know there's already a good clone (of the clone :D) by YiLoong available in the States. I will look into it tomorrow and come back to you about it, I'm just too lazy right now ;)


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Thanks, @VapDrak, I can wait, no rush.

I had grand plans to be mad-mixing tonight. About all I'm up for is vaping and watching a baseball game.


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No baseball down here :(

Sooo for the shocking part of the night, found this on another forum...

Did you know that vaping turns us in Godless Homosexuals... no? Me neither!

Check it out:

I really thought it was a joke organized by some "troll club", but since I had too much time on my hands ( I was at work In HQ), I checked out the thread and the forum...
OMG, I laughed and I cried, I can't believe this people actually exists outside of Hollywood fantasies, after the laughter it made me sad...
Really shocking if you snoop around...


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Member For 4 Years
No baseball down here :(

Sooo for the shocking part of the night, found this on another forum...

Did you know that vaping turns us in Godless Homosexuals... no? Me neither!

Check it out:

I really thought it was a joke organized by some "troll club", but since I had too much time on my hands ( I was at work In HQ), I checked out the thread and the forum...
OMG, I laughed and I cried, I can't believe this people actually exists outside of Hollywood fantasies, after the laughter it made me sad...
Really shocking if you snoop around...

Thats a funny site. LOL Been there before. Found one person saying Tampons are the devils fingers, don't use.


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VapDrak, check out this video Indoorsmokers did on what Landover Church said about him. It's the funniest video. He really lays it on half way through. I was crying in tears it was so funny. Make sure to watch it to the end LOL.



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VapDrak, check out this video Indoorsmokers did on what Landover Church said about him. It's the funniest video. He really lays it on half way through. I was crying in tears it was so funny. Make sure to watch it to the end LOL.

Right now... have to cleanse my palate after the BS I saw over there :D


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VapDrak, check out this video Indoorsmokers did on what Landover Church said about him. It's the funniest video. He really lays it on half way through. I was crying in tears it was so funny. Make sure to watch it to the end LOL.

Ok @Wabah58 ... you, Sir, made my night :D
I dunno if Indoorsmokers is our best defense against those UltraZealots, but it was funny... Harharhar!
Since I don't live in the States and really don't know what is going on... I do have a doubt:
WS is the state that legalized weed, right?
I was just wondering about that herbal Ginger Ale he was drinking... reminded me a lot of certain Brownies of my youth (... not made by Mom)


Silver Contributor
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Ok @Wabah58 ... you, Sir, made my night :D
I dunno if Indoorsmokers is our best defense against those UltraZealots, but it was funny... Harharhar!
Since I don't live in the States and really don't know what is going on... I do have a couriosity: WS is the state that lagalized weed, right?
I was just wondering about that herbal Ginger Ale he was drinking... reminded me a lot of certain Brownies of my youth (... not made by Mom)
Yes Washington state and Denver Colorado. He does videos on vape gear and the new gear for smoking the weed consentrates, too. He has some funny videos on the waxes oils and beer cookies, etc. his channel is targeted to the newer vapors, but still a good channel.


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Ali Chishi!!!
Ali Punja!!!
Ali Tuta!!!

Ok... that was just: good morning, good afternoon and good night in Kichwa. I don't think they have a real expression for birthday... but the intent still counts, doesn'it?


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Whats the local food scene like down there VapDrak? :cool:

Hmmmm... Food... one of the powers that really drives me...

My Mom was Italian and I grew up in Italy after my 10th birthday, Hmmmmm... food....

Anyhow, there are very interesting recipies and dishes one can enjoy down here
It would be really a to big theme... what I can say is that Ecuadorian cuisine is pretty varied and... Delicious


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It happens with time ,I guess :p

Happy birthday @CaFF

Yup, and TY! :D

Mom brought me a tasty BK's Big King burger...makes me happy. Washing it down with one of these:


I think the plan is; a bit of happy hour at the local Tomato Bar, then go with Uncle to get my free steak dinner at another watering hole after 5:30pm. Too damn hot to sit around in the Apt. and roast on my B-day. :D


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Kitties are good, they're getting canned food because it was my birthday.

Happy Belated Birthday @Frawg !!

I thought the grumpy cat might make you laugh a bit..... I luvs me some grumpy cat :p


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and last but not least, a very happy belated birthday to @CaFF as well! :D

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