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VapDraks after hours...

Smoky Blue

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Don't worry, just an innocent Drak far, far away

mhmm.. some how.. I kind of doubt that..

nice dragon, btw.. ;)


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[QUOTE="Smoky Blue,or do we?? :p *giggles..[/QUOTE]

Do we??? This is embarassing!!! How could I forget... obviously i was under an evil spell that compelled me to loose my memories.

Smoky Blue

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oh my.. I hate it guys.. but it is my bedtime and I must poof.. lol..

but what dreams I shall have tonight.. my my!! :D


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Guess im gonna have to go fire up my other puter for my river pics. VapDrak has lovely river pics, I'll go for the opposite of the muddy Mississippi river pic. LOL.


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Foggy mud. Story with this pic. I hooked into a approx 60# gar and he spooled all my line off reel, I tried to turn him but he broke off when my reel ran out of line. I sunk into that mud almost to my waste and was stuck. I had to unbutton my pants to pull myself out, I was able to get my pants out after I got out, but my boots were too far in to get back. :oops: I had to walk back to truck in my undies. :eek:



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Ok, I have to be up in 5 hours...
But since the girlz are asleep and you guys have strong stomach, just as this little beauty, I post "one for the road"


She really thought to eat that cow... wow, just wow... just another day in the office...

Buenas Noches :)


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Yep Frawg, Caff and the new Tyger didn't show up either... I guess there is a party somewhere...
Sorry..... and right after giving you guys a playful hard time too..... Friday I wasn't feeling that well, and Saturday I was *exhausted* after 4.5 hours straight of broadcasts and work after. Tonight? I'm just tuckered out from the weekend and headed for bed, but wanted to 'check in'. Hope y'all had a great weekend :) ni'nite!


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Hola Everybody :)
Those little PTs are very handy!
I'm playing with my new FT stuff :)
Got my (only authentic) Russian 91% on the sigelei 20w, 1.2 ohms microcoil with organic cotton (... finally :D ) and Creme Brullee from NT... I'm happy...

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