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VapDraks after hours...


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I'm sorry I've been MIA this week has been insane and I finally have time to breathe I'll be around.


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So *this* is where the nightowls are hanging out! *subscribed* ;)


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Whaaaaaaat? Either you guy lack conviction or I have waaaaay too much time on my hands in the wee hours. Probably the latter.

Smoky Blue

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There's also: that is a really random post and most of those in there are late nighters.

I'm not getting notices from most of the threads I've watched so I forget I have a ton of threads I'm watching and come in to find 10 pages since my last look...and no notices.

Me too.. but if you go up to watched threads.. they are all there.. thinking on killing the email notices for watched threads..


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Hahaha... today I came back from the jungle with the notice that a package had arrived. I had to go from the airport directly to a meeting with the gubernmint guys, but really exited I ordered a pony express to the capital from my office to the capital, just because i'm impatient. At the end it was a lost package from fat daddy with batteries and spare parts... Hahaha


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BAH! Well I've been doing good on not buying anymore equipment. I did fall off the wagon and bought 2 bottles of premium juice, It was so expensive Im embarrassed to say how much it was. :oops: I filled up the kayfun, and im having trouble finishing the tank. :mad: it's not too good. Lot of flavor I must say but jeesh it's terrible. Guess have to go in the steep pile.


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Man, I feel for you there!
Immagine living so far away (shipping between 20/30 $) and wanting to try a 10 ml bottle of designer juices... You're right that sucks!!!
Anyhow I would have a suggestion, since they are not listed here as suppliers just PM me.
Just a suggestion so you would check the reviews out and decide by yourself, by now it's my only juice supplier, as I like to think of them: "my court alchemist"... but you know I'm a Drak :D


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Well I think Im done trying out different juice companies for a while. Im just in to basic flavors not 6 mix ones. I'll just go back to the regular guys that are pretty inexpensive, and their flavors taste like the title says. I have got juice off ebay real cheap that taste better than some of these Premium guys. LOL.


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I shouldn't complain. Were all good here. It's been a real nice summer here in the mid-west USA. Not hot and humid like usual, been mid 80's with low humidity pretty much the whole summer. Usually 95-100 with humidity in the 90% range. Being in the jungle Im sure you know all about humidity.
Been rolling through vacations at work so next week will be my last week doing 12 hour shifts. Back to 10 hour shifts after next week. Makin money, keeping my tanks full, house is paid off this summer, so guess I can't complain. :)


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Now that is a difficult question!
My house is at 2600 mt. and I work mostly in the Amazon. On the Amazon I could get you real data on monday, but on how it feels, I would say it's really hot and humid :D
Where I live, although, I can tell you it feels like spring all year long. Sometimes hotter and sometimes rainier... but spring all year long! So no complaints here either ;)


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I was curious how heat and humidity effects the vaping equipment. Since I've only been vaping 6 months and usually my equipment is always with me in the a/c house and car I haven't figured it out yet. I leave 2 kayfuns at work and over the weekends the A/C doesn't run there, when I come in monday seems the tanks are a bit flooded. I was guessing from the high heat and humidity, thats why I ask.


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Oh... that is true! Heat affects your tanks ( drippers not as much), also altitude has a great influence.
Never found a trick for heat. What I can tell you, in case of tanks and abrupt altitude changes is to store the tank or mod upside down... simple solution I got over a lot longer time that you're vaping and passing the same mountain pass at least 2 times at month :eek:
My first solution was chain vaping through the pass, bit over an hour... that was fun sometimes too :)
Anyhow it really is about the internal pressure of the tank: temperature and altitude are influent, humidity not so much...
But humidity hits your batteries and Mods without pity :confused:


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Ahh ok.
Well im 5 hours into this new crappy juice and still half tank left ..........................(
I refuse to dump the liquid gold, I MUST VAPE IT. It taste so odd it might be growing on me. :eek:
I would describe the taste as ODD. LOL

What flav you vapin on now?


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Always have my Atomic Fireball by my side though. One thing about that juice is it's a Cinnamon hot flavor and it expands the top o ring where the chimney goes into the mouth piece. It gets so big after 2 weeks it won't fit anymore. LOL Been using all the extra o rings pieces you get when you get new kayfuns,


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I just hope it doesn't convinces you just on the last drops... and then you order a jumbo bottle... and start this odessy all over again o_O
"Trust your first instinct" is valid for juices also, most times.


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Always have my Atomic Fireball by my side though. One thing about that juice is it's a Cinnamon hot flavor and it expands the top o ring where the chimney goes into the mouth piece. It gets so big after 2 weeks it won't fit anymore. LOL Been using all the extra o rings pieces you get when you get new kayfuns,

For spare parts you can check out fat daddy, once you have spares just vape through those rings :D


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For spare parts you can check out fat daddy, once you have spares just vape through those rings :D

Yeah I've been keeping my eye on Fatdaddy vapes. I thought I was going to have to get some 510 parts that he had in back order for awhile, but my concerns about the Cana mods haven't been a problem.


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Hey Vap, have you put your new Kenthal and organic cotton to work yet, or waiting for the fasttech kayfuns?


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Yep Frawg, Caff and the new Tyger didn't show up either... I guess there is a party somewhere...
Anyhow, how rude of me ... I didn't tell you my what my vape is: a coffee tobacco blend that I love and,during the day, I had some cinnamon danish too :q


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Hey Vap, have you put your new Kenthal and organic cotton to work yet, or waiting for the fasttech kayfuns?
Before I went to the jungle I tried my new gages and OC on my Russian (the real deal) for the special occasion and got a... "meh" result :D
Tonight I am just to tired to try anything... But tomorrow I will play with all of 'em :)


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Before I went to the jungle I tried my new gages and OC on my Russian (the real deal) for the special occasion and got a... "meh" result :D
Tonight I am just to tired to try anything... But tomorrow I will play with all of 'em :)

What I forgot to tell you guys is that I had a similar order from Angelcigs and that one is already here and washed out :)

Edit:This was meant to be a reply to the fasttech post...


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Well my friend when I first started talking to you, you had gone on a very long streach without vape equipment purchases. You've fallen off the wagon it seems. :)

All good, from my limited experience in vaping the market seems to have made great improvements in the last year or two.
Last edited:


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Oh yeah, you're right! But i"m happy to stalk my postman again :D
Really i exagerated a bit... but can you imagine: I'm still waiting for an (real) Expromizer and am in a coop for the IPVs (35 AND 50) a couple of MPVs and minor stuff... and have to check out if I didn't order a Kaiser the other night...
I guess it's time that DW comes back from hear trip and stops this madness :D

Did I mentioned that I also got a total of 600 ml of different juices from my newly appointed "Court Alchemist"?


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Oh man, I like to post one of my pictures atleast once a day. I give you SAM HAMBONE and MILA

Picture 004 (3).jpg


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You're sooooo right!!!

Ok I'm ready for som sleep but i leave you this video here... different but interesting:

Buenas noches


Bronze Contributor
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Howdy folks. Is it just me or do your sleep hours revers on you on the weekends? Believe it or not I just got up and it's 3:45 am here. Ugh. No I gotta wait at least 4 hours before I can get any work done around the house. I don't think my neighbors or the wife would appreciate me going out and mowing the lawn at daybreak :p


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I work graveyard and basically keep my same sleep hours on the weekend too. Im too old to be changing my sleep habits. Sun comes up I head to bed. LOL


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I try to keep to the same schedule, but then I find myself falling asleep at 11 pm while watching tv or a movie with the wife. So for my weekends are naps at night and a little nap in the afternoon,after I get some work done around the house.


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Yeah, it hurts still, SAM gone too, he was my best friend. We added a BOBO though big ole Boxer.


Silver Contributor
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Howdy folks. Is it just me or do your sleep hours revers on you on the weekends? Believe it or not I just got up and it's 3:45 am here. Ugh. No I gotta wait at least 4 hours before I can get any work done around the house. I don't think my neighbors or the wife would appreciate me going out and mowing the lawn at daybreak :p

Yeah I have some grass cutting to do today too. I hate cutting in morning cause it's usually damp, so cut it after the afternoon coffee.


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I'm sorry for your loss Wabah, I know how much it hurts. But I am sure that they both had a very good life with you. And happy lives are the best we can give and get from each other.


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Yeah I have some grass cutting to do today too. I hate cutting in morning cause it's usually damp, so cut it after the afternoon coffee.
I would but I have to do some cooking in the afternoon, ham and cheese stromboli with homemade bread. So the grass will have to make do with an early haircut :)


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I would but I have to do some cooking in the afternoon, ham and cheese stromboli with homemade bread. So the grass will have to make do with an early haircut :)
Damn you doin it all, sounds good. I see a crock pot that has some beans soaking in water, in the kitchen, think she goin to make crockpot beans and ham.

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