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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
Hey, mate. How’re you and the missus?
Hi Felix, yep we are ok. Weather getting a bit colder now. Our lockdown is to be reviewed the 11th next month. Other states are relaxing it but I am with our state leader in better safe than sorry. Never thought much of him in the past but he's stood up well and shown a level head and some solid wisdom since covid which to be honest has surprised me. Im seriously wanting to go fishing right now but get it the stay home bit.
We here though have such crazy low numbers and I think its why so many are flouting the rules, especially where we are in the bush with ultra low infections. But I look at the rest of the world like where you guys are and its a horror movie on my tv. Especially those on here telling about friends and relatives with it. Our little town has had only 3 cases since, so they say, and nothing in the last 3 weeks. No deaths.
We feel so lucky to be so apart from the major towns and cities.
But even though thats the case, still feel the sadness, the sorrow and helplessness to hear and see what is going on everywhere else. Its like its all falling down around us.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Update: Got a call from the Hospital from Palliative Care nurse. My sister developed a fever overnight and having trouble breathing. They took her off the VPAP because they can't give her nourishment to gain strength. Steroids, Antibiotics and Morphine being treated with. Had to do a Whatsapp Video Call so parents could see her because it is just too dangerous to visit. They started to talk Hospice or End of Life care.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Update: Got a call from the Hospital from Palliative Care nurse. My sister developed a fever overnight and having trouble breathing. They took her off the VPAP because they can't give her nourishment to gain strength. Steroids, Antibiotics and Morphine being treated with. Had to do a Whatsapp Video Call so parents could see her because it is just too dangerous to visit. They started to talk Hospice or End of Life care.

Omg, I’m so sorry. How are you and the P’s taking it? I hope she can pull through.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Omg, I’m so sorry. How are you and the P’s taking it? I hope she can pull through.

As best as we can and I am trying to be the Rock or Cornerstone. I can't understand how you liked the Update though...................


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Latest Update: Blood Pressure falling but she is still fighting in her own way.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
That’s good that she’s fighting. I’m hoping for the best. Stay calm and grounded as much as you can. :hug:

I am trying my best Sweetie~! I had a moment before when I was Thanking my Online friends here for their thoughts and prayers so I am having a glass of wine. I have to be ready in case that dreaded call ccomes to be here for my parents. I will worry about myself when I am convinced they are coping.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
I am trying my best Sweetie~! I had a moment before when I was Thanking my Online friends here for their thoughts and prayers so I am having a glass of wine. I have to be ready in case that dreaded call ccomes to be here for my parents. I will worry about myself when I am convinced they are coping.

That’s all you can do! I know you’re their rock, but don’t forget to take a bit of time for you. What a month for you this has been.

I know they say God never sends you what you can’t handle, but I guess that doesn’t mean it’s easy! :hug::hug:


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Well we got a call and she is not doing well but I told the Nurse last time she was on Life Support do not follow her wishes and follow the DNR in her will. They removed the Life Support and she woke up saying she was hungry with no resuscitation. Not actually thinking that will happen now. Fucking Sucks


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Well with the last call things are not looking good. For a person who has been Quarantined for 6 weeks to get the Corona-VIrus or Covid-19 that is pretty fucked up. BP is low and breathing labored. I am beside myself and looking in right now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
I was thinking that. You don’t want your parents to be alone if something happens, imho.

How’re you doing? You should add a bit of sugar or honey to your coffee, maybe. This is very stressful and shocky for you. :hug:


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Update: My Sister Karen is improving and fever is gone. Breathing better and Blood O2 is now up to 94%. Not out of the words but major improvement since yesterday they were talking Hospice Care. I told them Karen is a fighter and don't give up on her. Good Hospital but I have to think it is God answering all your prayers.

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