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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee

Spring has sprung. <3


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Worked outside all day to keep my hands busy and my mind occupied. Had a Beer and a couple of glasses of wine waiting for Italian Take Out to be delivered for dinner. Never got a call for a WhatsApp Video conference with my sister but hopefully tomorrow. I understand how busy the Nurses and caregivers are. Have a good night all I am hanging in there and making sure the parents are coping. Not much more I can do. If it comes down to Karen's last minutes I will be there and take a bath in Clorox before I come in the house.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Karen is holding her own and Oxygen level is at 94%. Going to try weening her off the Oxygen and attempt to get some food in her or at least some nutrition. Praying and fingers crossed.

I’m so glad to hear it!!! Yay!! You must be super relieved. Have a good night tonight, Steve. I’m so happy for you.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Worked outside all day to keep my hands busy and my mind occupied. Had a Beer and a couple of glasses of wine waiting for Italian Take Out to be delivered for dinner. Never got a call for a WhatsApp Video conference with my sister but hopefully tomorrow. I understand how busy the Nurses and caregivers are. Have a good night all I am hanging in there and making sure the parents are coping. Not much more I can do. If it comes down to Karen's last minutes I will be there and take a bath in Clorox before I come in the house.

I thought she was doing better. I’m so hoping she’s over the worst of it. The blood oxygen sounded promising.

Keep us up to date. I prayed for her a lot, and sent love and light. :hug,:


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I thought she was doing better. I’m so hoping she’s over the worst of it. The blood oxygen sounded promising.

Keep us up to date. I prayed for her a lot, and sent love and light. :hug,:

No she isn't through with this and her compromised Immune System plus her compromised normal body functions make this one hell of an ordeal. She has had MS for over 40 years and still fighting it. Although her quality of life many would give up she is still proving all of them wrong. Last time she was on Life Support due to a Seizure I said to the Doctors the hell with her DNR and you do what is necessary. Well they took her off it and she woke up and said I am hungry~!
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
No she isn't through with this and her compromised Immune System plus her compromised normal body functions make this one hell of an ordeal. She has had MS for over 40 years and still fighting it. Although her quality of life many would give up she is still proving all of them wrong. Last time she was on Life Support due to a Seizure I said to the Doctors the hell with her DNR and you do what is necessary. Well they took her off it and she woke up and said I am hungry~!

Being hungry is always a good sign! But yes, corona is affecting people with underlying issues really hard. I’m just hoping she’ll stabilize and stay stable, and move into recovery.

A lot of people were praying and sending energy, so hopefully it will help to pull her through.

Hope you’re doing okay. You’ve had a few body blows lately. :hug:


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Being hungry is always a good sign! But yes, corona is affecting people with underlying issues really hard. I’m just hoping she’ll stabilize and stay stable, and move into recovery.

A lot of people were praying and sending energy, so hopefully it will help to pull her through.

Hope you’re doing okay. You’ve had a few body blows lately. :hug:

She has not been eating I was talking about a previous Hospitalization when she was on Life Support. We will see if they can get her some nourishment.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Hope you’re doing okay. You’ve had a few body blows lately. :hug:

I overdid it yesterday working outside. Woke up during the night with a nasty cramp in my leg probably from dehydration so I pounded down a 16 ounce water. So was up most of the night and today I am sore as all shit.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
She has not been eating I was talking about a previous Hospitalization when she was on Life Support. We will see if they can get her some nourishment.

Sorry! My week has been meh. I’ll keep sending light and prayers to her, though.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Fresh bagels would make my day! It's hard to find good ones where I live. I'll just have to make some, maybe a good project for this week.

This is a New Bagel Store that opened up and the owner is the Chef at a Fancy Restaurant in North Shore Towers. While some business owners cry and complain others adapt and help the community. Aside from just bagels they offer meals and salads. Next time I have to remember a menu but the way I shop these days is in and out as fast as possible.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
This is a New Bagel Store that opened up and the owner is the Chef at a Fancy Restaurant in North Shore Towers. While some business owners cry and complain others adapt and help the community. Aside from just bagels they offer meals and salads. Next time I have to remember a menu but the way I shop these days is in and out as fast as possible.

I’m not even sure what opened back up near me. It would be nice to order from someplace now but they all were closed down for being “non essential”. Thing is, they had so many people getting delivery from these places. So how is it not essential? They were providing food!

My parents live in a big place like NST and they’ve got everything there, too. My dad went into a facility before lockdown for early onset dementia, although he sounds,fine when I speak to him. Supposedly he’s doing okay. I hope he doesn’t end up having to stay there!!


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
So how is it not essential? They were providing food!

Some places near me Delivering and providing Curb Side Pick Up had to close for 2 weeks because someone got sick or some sick dumb ass came there while sick. Must protect the customers so according to Health Department and CDC Rules they must close and disinfect or sanitize. Sucks but it protects you.


Cranky Old Fart
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
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Some places near me Delivering and providing Curb Side Pick Up had to close for 2 weeks because someone got sick or some sick dumb ass came there while sick. Must protect the customers so according to Health Department and CDC Rules they must close and disinfect or sanitize. Sucks but it protects you.
That sucks! I have to deal with the full blown bullshit even though our county has a total of 140 cases and just 3 deaths. I just glove and mask when going into a store. For walking the dog, we don't bother since we can keep away from the very few people we see.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I have had 2 mugs of coffee and I am wide awake. Have to go to the Bank and hit the Liquor Store on the way home. Have 3 hours to kill at least and all I have to do is shower.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
I may try to sleep a bit more. I was up late last night. Anyway, I’ll make green tea and chill out. It still feels like the middle of the night to me. :yawn:

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