Thanks. Definitely not looking to become a pro mason any time soon lmfao. Turned out decent for a fairly budget patio, the real beauty for me is not having to slop through the mud to get to my grill anymore. After it rains decent to heavy here, the clay stays muddy for days and just standing there you start to sink. Really is pretty miserable.That is just beautiful. Great job.
I LOVE this thread. I've spent hours going back through the months and seasons in it. None more fun than this one
Everybody's vapin' on the porch.
Thanks mate. Her Chronic Pain Syndrome was real bad. So she had to have more of her pain relief meds. Trouble is when they are upped her others get wiped out nearly. Like her depression and physc ones are rendered ineffective. Its , wait and weather the storm.
So true.
So true.
They wear you at your best and worst.![]()
Very very appreciative of that. My ability from my phone is limited data wise, and tried video once with someone here in Oz, was a fail due to its lack of ability.Always here if you need a talk. Send a PM or we can Video Conference.
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I remember reading that coffee was discovered by African goat herders, in Ethiopia I think, when they noticed how happy the goats became when munching coffee beans off the bush.
I've seen it written that beer is proof that God loves us. I think that's true of coffee as well, and vaping.
And chocolate of course.
I have always found Diclofenac gel a good reliever with my back. Voltaren is the brand one but they are all the same. I just put some on my arm just above my wrist an hour ago. A while back I fell down some stairs and damaged something in it. Was giving me grief all day till I put some on. Right now id say 90% relief.Today was a bit of a flop, got little done around here in the yard. Must have pulled something in my back, aggravated my sciatic again I think. Can't really figure what since yesterday was pretty mild by comparison. Though I did load the grill box up with a fair amount of trash. Was a little awkward lifting it off the tailgate and up over the edge of the dumpster. Maybe that was it. Took some aspirin and have used a heating pad on it. Didn't think much of it when the day started, was a little stiff and sore. Until I realized I was partially bent over, went to straighten up and thought nope. lol.
Must have pulled something in my back, aggravated my sciatic again
Today was a bit of a flop, got little done around here in the yard. Must have pulled something in my back, aggravated my sciatic again I think. Can't really figure what since yesterday was pretty mild by comparison. Though I did load the grill box up with a fair amount of trash. Was a little awkward lifting it off the tailgate and up over the edge of the dumpster. Maybe that was it. Took some aspirin and have used a heating pad on it. Didn't think much of it when the day started, was a little stiff and sore. Until I realized I was partially bent over, went to straighten up and thought nope. lol.
My son, as he grew before he was born, decided to sit on my sciatic nerve in my right side, and at times it was just about unbearable. Several times I had my right leg just give out under me, and I went down on my knees more than once. And omg, the pain laying in bed at night, and trying to get up in the morning. It made me cry, and I'm not talking about just getting a tear or two in my eyes, I mean full-out have-to-blow-my-nose, ugly face crying. Sciatica can get mean as hell.
Thank all the powers that be, the instant he was born it went away. Little turkey-head weighed 8 lbs and 10 oz,, which is why he was gobbling up all the real estate in there. I hope I NEVER have to feel that again.
Yea it's exactly what it does. I mean I'll get in a position sitting or lying down where it feels fine. I can sit up on the edge of the bed and feels pretty much ok. Then I go to stand and do it wrong or something and feels like a nasty jab above my hip across my lower back and my leg wants to buckle. Standing straight up is a chore. Feels like on a normal day it's stressed like I'm standing flexing backward and shifting my hips forward stretching to the limit except all I'm trying to do is get vertical lol.My son, as he grew before he was born, decided to sit on my sciatic nerve in my right side, and at times it was just about unbearable. Several times I had my right leg just give out under me, and I went down on my knees more than once. And omg, the pain laying in bed at night, and trying to get up in the morning. It made me cry, and I'm not talking about just getting a tear or two in my eyes, I mean full-out have-to-blow-my-nose, ugly face crying. Sciatica can get mean as hell.
Thank all the powers that be, the instant he was born it went away. Little turkey-head weighed 8 lbs and 10 oz,, which is why he was gobbling up all the real estate in there. I hope I NEVER have to feel that again.
Yea it's exactly what it does. I mean I'll get in a position sitting or lying down where it feels fine. I can sit up on the edge of the bed and feels pretty much ok. Then I go to stand and do it wrong or something and feels like a nasty jab above my hip across my lower back and my leg wants to buckle. Standing straight up is a chore. Feels like on a normal day it's stressed like I'm standing flexing backward and shifting my hips forward stretching to the limit except all I'm trying to do is get vertical lol.
Busy as I've been doing stuff pretty much daily around here figured I'd be in better shape than all that. When I first started having any back pain was years ago, maybe 6yrs ago? Chopping wood in winter with a heavy maul/wedge and mid swing my foot slipped on the snow and ice. Threw me all out of whack. Since it seems it doesn't take a helluva lot to aggravate it again.
@Smigo I've never heard of it, I'll have to try and look it up, see if it's something I can find locally.
@SteveS45 Don't have any on hand, have heard good things about it. Might have to see if I can find some.
Looks like a bad one. Hold on to your hat and good luck!
Looks like a bad one. Hold on to your hat and good luck!
I've been on a mini road trip to a customer about 4 hours from me. I went up there to train them on installing our equipment.
Weather for the next few days is going to be nasty hot! We would gladly take some your rain @SteveS45!
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Our farmlands would soak it right up. We'll take the rain, you can keep the humidity.It was 95 here today with ridiculous humidity~! Plus with a couple of inches an hour and flash flooding I think you would PASS~! LMAO
Can be cant it. We have not had such a wet cold winter for yrs! 10 years easy.You can have it~! Sure we can always use rain just lately too much too fast~!
So sitting here and my TV went Black and the Cable Box shows ERR. Nothing worse than being stuck in the house and no TV. At least I have the Media Player and Smart TV's so we can watch movies. As long as the power stays on and I don't have to drag out the Generator.
We have a couple of Roku TVs here, and I think Roku is the best thing since sliced bread. During all this rain we've had in the past four days or so, the satellite has acted up, so I've just changed over to Roku and watched a bit of TV there.
I'm not much for watching local TV channels, so Roku/Netflix/Prime Video/CNN/CW/HBO Max/Showtime Anytime, etc. are fine with me.
Must have been fishy Friday.![]()