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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


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That is just beautiful. Great job.
Thanks. Definitely not looking to become a pro mason any time soon lmfao. Turned out decent for a fairly budget patio, the real beauty for me is not having to slop through the mud to get to my grill anymore. After it rains decent to heavy here, the clay stays muddy for days and just standing there you start to sink. Really is pretty miserable.

I have an issue posting pics too unless I 'paste' them. I got in the habit of using a screenshot tool when I played multiplayer online games and we needed a quick way to pop screenshots to one another. If I select an area and 'copy' it then it saves it to the clipboard and I can 'paste' directly into the text field to post here. The last pic was on my pc, I went to the file folder where it was stored. Right clicked and selected 'copy' and then clicked on a text entry to post here and right clicked to 'paste' and it directly pasted it. I used to use the 'attach files' button but since the forum's been revamped the last time it's been broken for me.


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I have to use the Insert Image tool for post an Animated GIF. Before I could just copy and paste in the VU Version 1.

Bliss Doubt

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Okay, I'm doin' this.

My prepper supplies included two cans of Nestle media crema. It's a pretty clean product. The first ingredient on the list is "light cream", and it contains carageenan as a thickener, plus a couple of other ingredients which probably are a stabilizer and a preservative. The ingredients list can be found anywhere online.

I've seen YouTube demonstrations of how you make sour cream by adding vinegar and/or lemon juice to it, then waiting for it to thicken. Butter by pouring the product into a jar and shaking and shaking, then straining out the lump of butter. I saw someone demonstrate frying an egg in the resulting butter.

What I wanted to know is, can you use it to make chocolate pot de creme?

Straight out of the can, it tastes exactly like heavy cream. I emptied my two cans into a saucepan. It becomes a bit separated in the can, so I stirred it to mix, with half a cup of sugar, heated just to bring it to a scald, then removed it from heat. I had a package and a half of Enjoy Life brand dark chocolate mini chips. Into the pan they went, plus a teaspoon of vanilla and a pinch of salt, and I folded it gently. You're not supposed to stir melting chocolate too much, or it will become grainy. So I folded gently until every turn showed me a smooth streak-less mixture. I think using mini chips was an important dynamic for quick melting, but if you only had regular size chocolate chips, you could chop them up some.

I waited to see if I made mousse, pudding, fudge, or just made a mess. I covered the pan with a paper towel to keep out my infernal kitchen flies, but to allow continued cooling and evaporation. I left it alone for half an hour.

Wow, wow wow. What turned out was chocolate pot de creme, dinner party ready, perfect in consistency and color, delicious, rich, creamy and silky. My pic shows the serving sloped the way the spoonful landed when I plopped it in, to show how it stands on its own. That's a dollop of Truwhip I added on top.Pot de Creme.jpg

I ate it, yum yum yum, and then I gave the rest to my neighbor across the hall, or I would have continued to eat it up.

I don't have any more media crema, but now I want to get more, to try making something with melted caramels, like I really need to be doing these experiments.

I can say, for preppers one and all, the media crema will work as cream for your coffee or, mixed with water, as milk, or, mixed with ranch dressing powder, as dressing for your canned artichoke hearts (water packed, they're "prepper lettuce").


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Cleaned up the yard a bit, under the porch, got rid of the big pile of excess dirt. Finished wiping up the grill, between the oil they put on it when it shipped and the spray oil I added, was kind of a soupy mess after seasoning it. My coffee is nothing fancy, just some maxwell house with a little creamer and sugar in it. Gets my day going though for sure. Helps the eyes open. lol

Bliss Doubt

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I remember reading that coffee was discovered by African goat herders, in Ethiopia I think, when they noticed how happy the goats became when munching coffee beans off the bush.

I've seen it written that beer is proof that God loves us. I think that's true of coffee as well, and vaping.

And chocolate of course.


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Thanks mate. Her Chronic Pain Syndrome was real bad. So she had to have more of her pain relief meds. Trouble is when they are upped her others get wiped out nearly. Like her depression and physc ones are rendered ineffective. Its , wait and weather the storm.
No fun, but even though to me its a storm I will and can't imagine ever what it is to her.
She is a good person, no ifs, but these/those downs are taxing. Id never give up though ever regardless. Ever.
Thanks mate. :)👍


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Always here if you need a talk. Send a PM or we can Video Conference.
Very very appreciative of that. My ability from my phone is limited data wise, and tried video once with someone here in Oz, was a fail due to its lack of ability.
But I can't say just how appreciative I am of your reach out and offer. Just reading that is a big thing.
I have learnt to roll with it all over the yrs. But my misses, this has tipped her, her mongrel close family have recently disowned her. Totally disinherited her.
Reason is her brother wanted and now has the multi mill$ house. It wasn't the money, that hit her it was what her Father said. "I love you all, you, your brother and ..... (me)"
She, we agreed we'd give half to the poor. There is now nothing. Zero. The dog has the lot. Its hit her hard. Sad end to it all. Her father was number one person wise, great guy and we were great friends and he talked to me about things that he never did with others, the mother and brother though utter evil personified.
Again its not the money. We are not well off, we rent, but will always survive. She wanted so much to be able to give to the poor as a legacy to her Dad as he was a good kind caring person. Its now never going to be. The Evils have the lot.


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View attachment 183935

I remember reading that coffee was discovered by African goat herders, in Ethiopia I think, when they noticed how happy the goats became when munching coffee beans off the bush.

I've seen it written that beer is proof that God loves us. I think that's true of coffee as well, and vaping.

And chocolate of course.

Some of the Ethiopian coffees are fantastic. The ones I've tried, I've liked every one. Don't have details, though, because they were bought by other people.


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Well I finally found a work around for the Display Resolution Issue with Winblows 10 Pro and using a KVM Switch. Bought a Display Port to DVI Cable and now only have Mouse and Keyboard hooked to KVM. When I switch PC's now I have to Manually Switch Monitor to DVI. Much better than having to change Resolution and resize/reposition windows.

A KVM Switch that supports EDID/DDC is so expensive it is crazy.


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Today was a bit of a flop, got little done around here in the yard. Must have pulled something in my back, aggravated my sciatic again I think. Can't really figure what since yesterday was pretty mild by comparison. Though I did load the grill box up with a fair amount of trash. Was a little awkward lifting it off the tailgate and up over the edge of the dumpster. Maybe that was it. Took some aspirin and have used a heating pad on it. Didn't think much of it when the day started, was a little stiff and sore. Until I realized I was partially bent over, went to straighten up and thought nope. lol.


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Today was a bit of a flop, got little done around here in the yard. Must have pulled something in my back, aggravated my sciatic again I think. Can't really figure what since yesterday was pretty mild by comparison. Though I did load the grill box up with a fair amount of trash. Was a little awkward lifting it off the tailgate and up over the edge of the dumpster. Maybe that was it. Took some aspirin and have used a heating pad on it. Didn't think much of it when the day started, was a little stiff and sore. Until I realized I was partially bent over, went to straighten up and thought nope. lol.
I have always found Diclofenac gel a good reliever with my back. Voltaren is the brand one but they are all the same. I just put some on my arm just above my wrist an hour ago. A while back I fell down some stairs and damaged something in it. Was giving me grief all day till I put some on. Right now id say 90% relief.


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Since we have a Tropical Storm approaching I guess I will do the lawns today since it will be raining for the next few days.


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Today was a bit of a flop, got little done around here in the yard. Must have pulled something in my back, aggravated my sciatic again I think. Can't really figure what since yesterday was pretty mild by comparison. Though I did load the grill box up with a fair amount of trash. Was a little awkward lifting it off the tailgate and up over the edge of the dumpster. Maybe that was it. Took some aspirin and have used a heating pad on it. Didn't think much of it when the day started, was a little stiff and sore. Until I realized I was partially bent over, went to straighten up and thought nope. lol.

My son, as he grew before he was born, decided to sit on my sciatic nerve in my right side, and at times it was just about unbearable. Several times I had my right leg just give out under me, and I went down on my knees more than once. And omg, the pain laying in bed at night, and trying to get up in the morning. It made me cry, and I'm not talking about just getting a tear or two in my eyes, I mean full-out have-to-blow-my-nose, ugly face crying. Sciatica can get mean as hell.

Thank all the powers that be, the instant he was born it went away. Little turkey-head weighed 8 lbs and 10 oz,, which is why he was gobbling up all the real estate in there. I hope I NEVER have to feel that again.


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My son, as he grew before he was born, decided to sit on my sciatic nerve in my right side, and at times it was just about unbearable. Several times I had my right leg just give out under me, and I went down on my knees more than once. And omg, the pain laying in bed at night, and trying to get up in the morning. It made me cry, and I'm not talking about just getting a tear or two in my eyes, I mean full-out have-to-blow-my-nose, ugly face crying. Sciatica can get mean as hell.

Thank all the powers that be, the instant he was born it went away. Little turkey-head weighed 8 lbs and 10 oz,, which is why he was gobbling up all the real estate in there. I hope I NEVER have to feel that again.

I have injured my back a few times and I have Sciatica so I know what you are talking about. I recently Bruised my back and it hurt for a week. One morning I couldn't get out of bed~! Imagine my surprise when I had to roll over let my legs fall and then was able to prop myself up. Most normal people might go to a Doctor but I just took a 12 Hour Aleve. Felt better the next day~! Doctor Steve


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My son, as he grew before he was born, decided to sit on my sciatic nerve in my right side, and at times it was just about unbearable. Several times I had my right leg just give out under me, and I went down on my knees more than once. And omg, the pain laying in bed at night, and trying to get up in the morning. It made me cry, and I'm not talking about just getting a tear or two in my eyes, I mean full-out have-to-blow-my-nose, ugly face crying. Sciatica can get mean as hell.

Thank all the powers that be, the instant he was born it went away. Little turkey-head weighed 8 lbs and 10 oz,, which is why he was gobbling up all the real estate in there. I hope I NEVER have to feel that again.
Yea it's exactly what it does. I mean I'll get in a position sitting or lying down where it feels fine. I can sit up on the edge of the bed and feels pretty much ok. Then I go to stand and do it wrong or something and feels like a nasty jab above my hip across my lower back and my leg wants to buckle. Standing straight up is a chore. Feels like on a normal day it's stressed like I'm standing flexing backward and shifting my hips forward stretching to the limit except all I'm trying to do is get vertical lol.

Busy as I've been doing stuff pretty much daily around here figured I'd be in better shape than all that. When I first started having any back pain was years ago, maybe 6yrs ago? Chopping wood in winter with a heavy maul/wedge and mid swing my foot slipped on the snow and ice. Threw me all out of whack. Since it seems it doesn't take a helluva lot to aggravate it again.

@Smigo I've never heard of it, I'll have to try and look it up, see if it's something I can find locally.

@SteveS45 Don't have any on hand, have heard good things about it. Might have to see if I can find some.


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Yea it's exactly what it does. I mean I'll get in a position sitting or lying down where it feels fine. I can sit up on the edge of the bed and feels pretty much ok. Then I go to stand and do it wrong or something and feels like a nasty jab above my hip across my lower back and my leg wants to buckle. Standing straight up is a chore. Feels like on a normal day it's stressed like I'm standing flexing backward and shifting my hips forward stretching to the limit except all I'm trying to do is get vertical lol.

Busy as I've been doing stuff pretty much daily around here figured I'd be in better shape than all that. When I first started having any back pain was years ago, maybe 6yrs ago? Chopping wood in winter with a heavy maul/wedge and mid swing my foot slipped on the snow and ice. Threw me all out of whack. Since it seems it doesn't take a helluva lot to aggravate it again.

@Smigo I've never heard of it, I'll have to try and look it up, see if it's something I can find locally.

@SteveS45 Don't have any on hand, have heard good things about it. Might have to see if I can find some.

Have you tried a physical therapist? I used to be skeptical about them, until I had two separate falls from which I'd never have recovered had it not been for this young GENIUS physical therapist who used to practice in the town I worked in.

Most specifically, I fell once at my daughter's house and landed right on my left side. Knocked my pelvis, sacroiliac, whatever whatever all out of alignment and it was hurting like a bitch. After Rebekah had already helped me with a knee on which I had knocked my kneecap clear out to one side and five visits to the orthopedist didn't help, I went to see her again after that fall. I know exactly when she twisted me just the right way for everything to slide back into place. She had me lie on my side, and she kind of twisted her arms around me and pulled. When she did that, I felt it in my hip and back, and it barely hurt any more after that. She gave me some exercises to help it stay in place, and I had a couple of follow-up visits with ultrasound treatments, but damn if she wasn't a miracle worker.
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I have a Back Brace that was Custom Made for my back by a Chiropractor. I got hurt in a Read End Collision and went to him for almost 2 years. Cost like $8K and the first time you put it on the Nylon or whatever the fuck it is made of conforms to your body. They work wonders IMHO and this is speaking from Personal Experience. Even a Generic one helps with Sciatica.


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Looks like a bad one. Hold on to your hat and good luck!

Was outside enjoying a Mojito and the wind started blowing the rain under the awning but it was so much rain coming down it started to flood the patio. I redirected one of the leaders from a gutter but going to have to buy a piece to extend it out into the lawn. Good thing all the gutters are clear~!


Cranky Old Fart
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I've been on a mini road trip to a customer about 4 hours from me. I went up there to train them on installing our equipment.

Weather for the next few days is going to be nasty hot! We would gladly take some of your rain @SteveS45! Cali had it's driest rain year for over 100 years. It's gotta be the 'Rona's fault... :giggle:



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I've been on a mini road trip to a customer about 4 hours from me. I went up there to train them on installing our equipment.

Weather for the next few days is going to be nasty hot! We would gladly take some your rain @SteveS45!

View attachment 184004

It was 95 here today with ridiculous humidity~! Plus with a couple of inches an hour and flash flooding I think you would PASS~! LMAO


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I haven't watered the lawns in about a week because of all the rain. I did have to water the gardens though because they dry up in this heat. Never understand why the neighbr water in the rain or when it is going to rain. I can understand those with automatic sprinklers but some have water sensors and you can manually shut them off.


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So sitting here and my TV went Black and the Cable Box shows ERR. Nothing worse than being stuck in the house and no TV. At least I have the Media Player and Smart TV's so we can watch movies. As long as the power stays on and I don't have to drag out the Generator.


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So sitting here and my TV went Black and the Cable Box shows ERR. Nothing worse than being stuck in the house and no TV. At least I have the Media Player and Smart TV's so we can watch movies. As long as the power stays on and I don't have to drag out the Generator.

We have a couple of Roku TVs here, and I think Roku is the best thing since sliced bread. During all this rain we've had in the past four days or so, the satellite has acted up, so I've just changed over to Roku and watched a bit of TV there.

I'm not much for watching local TV channels, so Roku/Netflix/Prime Video/CNN/CW/HBO Max/Showtime Anytime, etc. are fine with me.


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We have a couple of Roku TVs here, and I think Roku is the best thing since sliced bread. During all this rain we've had in the past four days or so, the satellite has acted up, so I've just changed over to Roku and watched a bit of TV there.

I'm not much for watching local TV channels, so Roku/Netflix/Prime Video/CNN/CW/HBO Max/Showtime Anytime, etc. are fine with me.

My GF loves Netflix but for me I get everything I want just by downloading it. Once I have it, the Internet can be down and I can still watch.


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So with it pouring rain this morning I was outside feeding the Birds under the awning to boot and saw the rain backing up on the patio and there was a 5-6 foot puddle getting close to the basement window. When the rain stopped I had to go to Optimum and pick up a Cable Box because the one in Moms Bedroom would not turn on. So after booting it up and correcting all the settings I went to Ace Hardware and picked up a 10 foot downspout to extend the leader. Wound up doing a temporary repair on the Window Well Cover because the wood is rotted I need to make new ones. Dad made these so I have to rebuild them just like he did.




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Must have been fishy Friday. :)

Had the wife stop & get us some Long John Silver's. Learned when she got home that was a mistake. Had her get the 10 piece fish & chicken, side of slaw, tea for us both. It come to $35.

Oh well, I got some snack on food for the next day, or so. I recall maybe a year, or two ago that order would likely have been $20 or less. The expedient exorbitant rise of costs is enough to cause one to interrogate, "wut happen?" Yes, I've seen similar price raising for various other "fast food" types of places.

That aside & not even comparable, wow! People keep pushing for that $15 hrly minimum wage & the employers will gladly start rolling out full automation. Then, what will anyone do? There will ll be no "get the foot in the door" jobs for high school kids. There will be nothing for retirees to do part time to offset SS.

People will not be able to make a wage if $15 hrly goes through. Education is too costly for most to even consider for leveraging themselves into basic entry level of "skilled labor". That will be all that remains too as there will not be a need for "unskilled labor" to fill the positions filled by automation.

*smh* Man it's gone from ridiculous speed to ludicrous real quick. Look, I see plaid. Ha!

Let me clarify. I'm not saying folks don't deserve a decent minimum wage. They do indeed and most assuredly. I "get that", I genuinely do. What I am saying though is I think it all really needs a big ass re-thinking. Been looking at videos on how "capitalism is killing us" and keep finding myself tending to agree. So yes, thinking we need a re-think.
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