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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


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good smile there buddy, have a great day


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Well actually, ... *chuckles* I really don't have much sense of taste either. Seems it and smell are interlinked like that. I love the umami flavor and sweet things. Mainly I enjoy food textures since I cannot smell & only barely taste. I get bitter, sour, tangy, salty, spicy. But to me these are all simply basic tastes.

For example I get no difference between gator meat and Angus beef, unless the chef/cook knows specifically what they're doing. Meat to me is spongy, wet and bland in a way. I like Lawry's seasoning for it and garlic bread.
dont tell your local restauraunt that, he will give you road kill and charge you for Angus!


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My deal with testosterone has been life long since I was around 23 to 28 years old. I cannot recall the exact year I first was diagnosed. Been a while back and there's a lot of mixed emotions, thoughts, double thoughts on it.

This is what has caused me to not have a sense of smell. My pituitary did not tell my brain to make olfactory nerves (the nerves which cause a sense of smell) while an embryo (joey) or at birth.

Due to the KS ( Kallmann Syndrome ) I was also deemed a reject, "unfit" for military service. At least that's what I was told at age 20. Never mind anything I may or may not have done from age 17 or so, unoffically. Of course, I may have been anywhere with some guys playing weekend warrior too. Who knows?

What I do know is I fit in with certain types way too easily. Never been called anything but earned being known as a dog. This is why work is work to me and the muscle memory, training, template professionalism let it all roll on with me.

I fit everywhere but nowhere. Well, actually I fit in my wife's arms by my critter kids.
and that is the most beautifl place to be my friend.


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See that? You got all my sperm bud. Part of my condition is I barely produce sperm. That I do make doesn't live well enough to fertilize anyone. I'll never sire a human child, at least not naturally. I don't need "protection" for that, or "snipped". I'm biologically sterile.

But yeah, now I know where all my sperm went. :D
geez you had me worried there! i thought for a second you wanted me to give it back to you :ejuice:


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Alright, there's a conspiracy afoot.

Yesterday, pulled a 6 AM to 2 PM shift up at HJK Elementary. Working the cafeteria during a lunch, noted some napkins on the floor. Approached a boy sitting at the table by them. Asked him to pick them up. He reached up and leaned against me to stand. It then wound up being a full on hug. He stood there not wanting to let go a minute. I had to hug back.

Was feeling rough yesterday as well. Bad sinus infection, scratchy throat. That wouldn't have mattered though. I would have still gotten hugged, well or on death's door. Think a plot exists to keep me around. Not sure which kid started it. Maybe it's just a "break the grumpy adult" game. Will need to watch out for these ambushing huggers.


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Yes. A cup of coffee would suit me fine this morning. Unfortunately I'm not bothered to go have to excuse myself to my wife's lording BIL. Not when we got told upon moving back we were welcome, we live here too. No. I wouldn't need to "beg" to get a cup of coffee if that were so. And so, I'll just do without.

Adding insult further. He didn't insulate exterior walls. I sleep close to one. Not that it matters as it floods in on that wall too. It'll be cold insulation or not. But then he sets in the kitchen in front of a kerosene heater. It's the only source aside from electric space heaters for heat in the house.

He's got a perfectly fine wood stove. He simply doesn't want to bother with firewood. It ought to magically take care of itself for him.

It's no wonder I've gone from sinus infection to a cold overnight. If I cannot work, I cannot work. You can figure my wife will get an ear full.

Say anything to him "oh no, don't rock the boat". "Be the better man."

Damn it, I hate looking at realism. Quick somebody give me a Thorazine drip.

I'm sure the question will be asked. "Why don't you just go on and do yourself then if they're not, ...?"

Well that comes back to rocking a boat as well. Even if I went at it as diplomatically, easy, polite as I could it still comes back to it "being their place" to do & not mine. We were invited to live here, ergo we're guests. It's still their household. Don't want to overstep those ancient boundaries.

The last time me Christy made a light chores list and put it up on a fridge for everyone to attend, they went off to another state. Her mom cannot handle that any more. The chores were the basics, "make a mess, clean it up", "trash is full, take it out", "dishes filling sink, do dishes". Me and Christy pitched in and started doing, they ran off.

So no, not going that route again.

Apologies for being a downer. This is still life for us though. We did good in a apartment off to ourselves. H.U.D saw she made $10 extra on one paycheck so the rent was jacked up $100 a month. We were not going to pay $500 monthly for something never ours, when we can get a mortgage running $300 month.

Now we're kind of stuck until we get an egg called down payment put back. No further ahead than we were two, three, four years ago. And it isn't that we hemorrhage our money. Yes we eat out due to lack of capacity here. Yes I've got some nice vape stuff. Neither of these really are of great consequence.

Bills are paid first. We do try saving. We get drug back "I need to buy a load of firewood", "Jere needs to fix the truck so you got to pay for parts" ... *smh* We don't get to live our lives. I'm growing weary of it. May as well not even have a life I think sometimes. Ah but can't think that.

Need to hold on for platitudes, hope, affirmations. Sorry, they seem to come up short looking at reality. I don't know.
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Cranky Old Fart
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Back on the road tomorrow in MN after 3 weeks home. It's gonna be cold one, negative overnight and single digit highs. This will be a shock after 60's and 70's here at home.

Went to Orthopedic surgeon Friday and he said that the hip needs replaced except this particular surgeon doesn't do hips. His staff will find one that is in my insurance plan then wait for an opening. It could be 6 months or so... I'm kinda pissed that my primary care doctor's staff didn't find one that did hips in the first place. Oh well, life in a small town.


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Taking a couple days off vaping. Ill by means of bronchitis. Am sure it'll pass & fare off. For the time though vaping irritates.

Get well soon. You might need antibiotics. It's a bad time for bronchitis - so dang cold outside. Try not to breathe the cold air too much. I'm wishing you well.


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Get well soon. You might need antibiotics. It's a bad time for bronchitis - so dang cold outside. Try not to breathe the cold air too much. I'm wishing you well.

I don't get sick with colds but this crazy weather does mess with me. Go out dressed for Antarctica and wind up in a Tee Shirt to need more layers before the end of the day~!


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Get well soon. You might need antibiotics. It's a bad time for bronchitis - so dang cold outside. Try not to breathe the cold air too much. I'm wishing you well.

Got some remainders of amoxicillin from dealing with that plague. Been dosing those, one o' morn, one o' even. Air is nothing but cold and damp at the time here.
get well soon
Need to show you my clay feet brother. On the way home I asked father in law if he would float me a tin of snuff this evening. So, took a quick rub that didn't settle right. Got another and it set right. My goodness though, a little round tin of Skoal cost about $10.

Not rubbed snuff in years, Being nicotine dependent though, four days no vaping, needed the nicotine. Once I get by this bronchitis, back to vaping for me. So now you can get the pitchforks & torches, a cord o' rope if you want.

My point is at times we all might have little back slides. What you need to understand though you realize your errors and keep trying to do/be better.


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Got some remainders of amoxicillin from dealing with that plague. Been dosing those, one o' morn, one o' even. Air is nothing but cold and damp at the time here.

Need to show you my clay feet brother. On the way home I asked father in law if he would float me a tin of snuff this evening. So, took a quick rub that didn't settle right. Got another and it set right. My goodness though, a little round tin of Skoal cost about $10.

Not rubbed snuff in years, Being nicotine dependent though, four days no vaping, needed the nicotine. Once I get by this bronchitis, back to vaping for me. So now you can get the pitchforks & torches, a cord o' rope if you want.

My point is at times we all might have little back slides. What you need to understand though you realize your errors and keep trying to do/be better.
its better to try and fail. than to never try at all. you dont learn from a good day. you learn more from a bad day, my grandfather had a good saying."you have 2 ears and one mouth,,use them in the right proportion"

and lastly " it is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you stupid than to open your mouth and prove them right"


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Yes. A cup of coffee would suit me fine this morning. Unfortunately I'm not bothered to go have to excuse myself to my wife's lording BIL. Not when we got told upon moving back we were welcome, we live here too. No. I wouldn't need to "beg" to get a cup of coffee if that were so. And so, I'll just do without.

Adding insult further. He didn't insulate exterior walls. I sleep close to one. Not that it matters as it floods in on that wall too. It'll be cold insulation or not. But then he sets in the kitchen in front of a kerosene heater. It's the only source aside from electric space heaters for heat in the house.

He's got a perfectly fine wood stove. He simply doesn't want to bother with firewood. It ought to magically take care of itself for him.

It's no wonder I've gone from sinus infection to a cold overnight. If I cannot work, I cannot work. You can figure my wife will get an ear full.

Say anything to him "oh no, don't rock the boat". "Be the better man."

Damn it, I hate looking at realism. Quick somebody give me a Thorazine drip.

I'm sure the question will be asked. "Why don't you just go on and do yourself then if they're not, ...?"

Well that comes back to rocking a boat as well. Even if I went at it as diplomatically, easy, polite as I could it still comes back to it "being their place" to do & not mine. We were invited to live here, ergo we're guests. It's still their household. Don't want to overstep those ancient boundaries.

The last time me Christy made a light chores list and put it up on a fridge for everyone to attend, they went off to another state. Her mom cannot handle that any more. The chores were the basics, "make a mess, clean it up", "trash is full, take it out", "dishes filling sink, do dishes". Me and Christy pitched in and started doing, they ran off.

So no, not going that route again.

Apologies for being a downer. This is still life for us though. We did good in a apartment off to ourselves. H.U.D saw she made $10 extra on one paycheck so the rent was jacked up $100 a month. We were not going to pay $500 monthly for something never ours, when we can get a mortgage running $300 month.

Now we're kind of stuck until we get an egg called down payment put back. No further ahead than we were two, three, four years ago. And it isn't that we hemorrhage our money. Yes we eat out due to lack of capacity here. Yes I've got some nice vape stuff. Neither of these really are of great consequence.

Bills are paid first. We do try saving. We get drug back "I need to buy a load of firewood", "Jere needs to fix the truck so you got to pay for parts" ... *smh* We don't get to live our lives. I'm growing weary of it. May as well not even have a life I think sometimes. Ah but can't think that.

Need to hold on for platitudes, hope, affirmations. Sorry, they seem to come up short looking at reality. I don't know.
by faing reality you will always think you are losing your way. imagine you and your wife living on the streets, hoping its not raining wondering where you can get washed in the morning.forgetting what a tv is, having to sleep on cardboard cuddling your shoes before they get stolen, drunk yobs pissing on you while you sleep, so now ask yourself as you suck on your vape "is my day so bad"

have a nice wife cuddle, be objective, you are a tough prove it buddy.

shake my hand and hurt it..yup plenty of life in you my friend.


Diamond Contributor
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by faing reality you will always think you are losing your way. imagine you and your wife living on the streets, hoping its not raining wondering where you can get washed in the morning.forgetting what a tv is, having to sleep on cardboard cuddling your shoes before they get stolen, drunk yobs pissing on you while you sleep, so now ask yourself as you suck on your vape "is my day so bad"

have a nice wife cuddle, be objective, you are a tough prove it buddy.

shake my hand and hurt it..yup plenty of life in you my friend.

Know plenty got it worse, or better. Not invalidating them, nor do they invalidate me.

A British S.A.S ranger approached Churchill. Churchill asked the soldier how they were doing.

"Going through Hell, sir," the soldier replied.

Churchill didn't miss a beat, "Carry on then, keep going you'll get through it."

My very life & existence is proof you "get through it". "Getting through it" is all I've ever done, ever will do. I see no problem in expressing a tiredness of that being all one has to life.

Will expressing it help? Likely not. Does it change the outcome, or feeling? No. Why do it? Why be human?

I'm not the man of steel. I chose being flesh of butter so the ants can carry me all over the globe & I'll live on in each molecule. Butter can also fall through the cracks, something else it seems I do life long.

You're correct, I do and will survive. My question remains, ... why? Know life is a choose your own adventure with no manual. That ought to thrill me no end, unfortunately it doesn't. Know I define my own meaning. Elation ought to be there, isn't.

Only, ... why, ... as a question holds fast. Tired of having no answer. Anything I can do to change that? No.

Sorry, I never have paddled in the shallow pool. I run still because there's depth.


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Know plenty got it worse, or better. Not invalidating them, nor do they invalidate me.

A British S.A.S ranger approached Churchill. Churchill asked the soldier how they were doing.

"Going through Hell, sir," the soldier replied.

Churchill didn't miss a beat, "Carry on then, keep going you'll get through it."

My very life & existence is proof you "get through it". "Getting through it" is all I've ever done, ever will do. I see no problem in expressing a tiredness of that being all one has to life.

Will expressing it help? Likely not. Does it change the outcome, or feeling? No. Why do it? Why be human?

I'm not the man of steel. I chose being flesh of butter so the ants can carry me all over the globe & I'll live on in each molecule. Butter can also fall through the cracks, something else it seems I do life long.

You're correct, I do and will survive. My question remains, ... why? Know life is a choose your own adventure with no manual. That ought to thrill me no end, unfortunately it doesn't. Know I define my own meaning. Elation ought to be there, isn't.

Only, ... why, ... as a question holds fast. Tired of having no answer. Anything I can do to change that? No.

Sorry, I never have paddled in the shallow pool. I run still because there's depth.
be proud of yourself, you are a strong lady, respect and sympathy to you. you know where i am if you need to get it off your chest x


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Know plenty got it worse, or better. Not invalidating them, nor do they invalidate me.

A British S.A.S ranger approached Churchill. Churchill asked the soldier how they were doing.

"Going through Hell, sir," the soldier replied.

Churchill didn't miss a beat, "Carry on then, keep going you'll get through it."

My very life & existence is proof you "get through it". "Getting through it" is all I've ever done, ever will do. I see no problem in expressing a tiredness of that being all one has to life.

Will expressing it help? Likely not. Does it change the outcome, or feeling? No. Why do it? Why be human?

I'm not the man of steel. I chose being flesh of butter so the ants can carry me all over the globe & I'll live on in each molecule. Butter can also fall through the cracks, something else it seems I do life long.

You're correct, I do and will survive. My question remains, ... why? Know life is a choose your own adventure with no manual. That ought to thrill me no end, unfortunately it doesn't. Know I define my own meaning. Elation ought to be there, isn't.

Only, ... why, ... as a question holds fast. Tired of having no answer. Anything I can do to change that? No.

Sorry, I never have paddled in the shallow pool. I run still because there's depth.
all too often i ask the question ..why. losing my family, no one to help me, praise me/teach me/kick my ass etc/ ,,why? first try at business..i failed. second try..i succeded..why? i had no mone,,why? now i have..why?

believe me the old saying ...its easier to cry in a mercedes than it is in a kia,....that is not true. ive had/shed more tears in a mercedes..why? when i had no money, i had to use the only tool i when i have money...i just buy what help i need. i have looked at this situation and realised that having money means i dont need to think, and doing that,really hurts. i used to lie awake wondering how do i geet a car? now i have 6. but thing is 3 have never moved since i bought them, so WHY did i buy them, alone in 6 bed house, so i keep it and buy a 8 bedroom house WHY.
what i am trying to say is i have seen the word WHY from both sides and i still cant answer or figure it out.
if you eat frozen pies or best angus steak, you are still going to flush it down toilet. if you drink only water or the best scotch, you will piss it out. so what is the difference between being able to or not being able to.
sometimes you dont choose your own adventure, i was married for 23 yrs, i had nothing early on, we got through it. i became successful, we divorced..WHY.
you and i are the same, arms legs men bits, no difference, in some ways i am jealous of you because you have to use yourself to fix your problem, i just buy the answer to it. that makes you..a better person than me, it can all seem to hard we can all say i will just end this fucking life. i tried 4 times, i had a severe heart attack, i had 2 brain aunerysma...yet i am still here. no i dont know WHY either.
anyone can make it, you just need to find the answer, but through all the hard times..if your family stays beside you...then you have a lot more than i have buddy,
please dont forget to let them know that...every day.

cheers, love to your family.
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Good day at work today. Go in tomorrow to finish the assignment. May need to go Friday as well, not been told yet.

I had some free time. Stood at the end of a hall looking out a door window. The principle walked up behind me, a lady, "I'm sorry to interrupt you, can you check out some fuses though."

I turned with a smile, "You're not interrupting me, ma'm. I'm at your disposal in fact. Yes, I'll check it out for you. What exactly is the issue?"

"Two classes are having trouble with their televisions not functioning on the outlets. Been suggested fuses shot Friday night. If so they just need flipped to be reset. I don't know the layout yet or I would."

"Doubt I know the layout myself but the panels are marked. I'll check it out."

"Thank you."

"Ma'm." I then did go find the proper fuses, flipped them. Checked the classrooms, asked the teachers. They saw lights flicker and figured I reset the fuses. They would check the televisions and talk to principal. I nodded, ducked back out.

Thought it a bit funny the principal "didn't want to interrupt me". No, she wasn't being snarky or sarcastic. Anyway, ...
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Well I just got the results of the X-Rays, which shows no fracture of her Ankle so she just sprained it. This New My Chart Application they have is great. No need to get the Doctor on the phone unless I don't understand something. We live in a Virtual World now. Somethings suck ass but some are really good and benefit us.


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Well I just got the results of the X-Rays, which shows no fracture of her Ankle so she just sprained it. This New My Chart Application they have is great. No need to get the Doctor on the phone unless I don't understand something. We live in a Virtual World now. Somethings suck ass but some are really good and benefit us.

The hospital system here uses My Chart as well. Seems like I remember from some years ago that the first hospital system I saw that in was Duke University.

It's been really useful for me because I can see blood work lab results over time. Have trouble sometimes with high liver enzymes, so have to keep an eye on that, also vitamin D, B12, iron levels, and thyroid.


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Do agree. It is a result of Federal HIPPA regulations requiring medical records to go digital back in 2005. Reasoning was security, efficiency. It also helps cut out paper waste & chases.

Going Digital wasn't HIPAA it was why HIPAA came about. Being in IT I have to go threw HIPAA Training and Certification for every Company I work for. PIMA but I see the reasoning and I make them pay me to do it~!
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