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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


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So I see everyone talking about coffee... I love my morning coffee (2 cups) We have a Keurig coffeee maker with re-usable filter "cups". Been using Folgers (cheap at Costco) but tired of rinsing those re-usable cups. A local store has a 100 pack (of pre-made cups)... 100 for $24 (it's a good deal but what if I don't like the coffee... then I'm stuck with 100 of them) The store is called "Smart and Final", the house brand is "First Street" and the coffee is "donut house" (or something like that) I assume it's like "Dunkin Donuts" coffee (haven't tried that but seems popular) It's a medium roast. The only other choice is "French Toast" but it's dark roast (if they offered french toast in medium, I wouldn't hesitate) Should I take a chance on this?
Or... any suggestions for a good (and affordable) K-cup brand?


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So I see everyone talking about coffee... I love my morning coffee (2 cups) We have a Keurig coffeee maker with re-usable filter "cups". Been using Folgers (cheap at Costco) but tired of rinsing those re-usable cups. A local store has a 100 pack (of pre-made cups)... 100 for $24 (it's a good deal but what if I don't like the coffee... then I'm stuck with 100 of them) The store is called "Smart and Final", the house brand is "First Street" and the coffee is "donut house" (or something like that) I assume it's like "Dunkin Donuts" coffee (haven't tried that but seems popular) It's a medium roast. The only other choice is "French Toast" but it's dark roast (if they offered french toast in medium, I wouldn't hesitate) Should I take a chance on this?
Or... any suggestions for a good (and affordable) K-cup brand?

I’ve done Donut House in the past. It’s not bad. I will have to see what grinds I’m currently mixing and putting in my reusable K-Cups.


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any suggestions for a good (and affordable) K-cup brand?

Might want to try this. I've reduced coffee consumption. When the desire hits though been drinking this. Can drink it black, or with two teaspoons of sugar, a bit of dry creamer. Also good as boatswain's mate coffee (that's adding no more than a cap full of rum to a cup). Boatswain's mate coffee helps knock chills, either physical, mental, spiritual. It's a "bracer".

Helped move some firewood yesterday afternoon. I got up here at the barn wood shed . Father in law got on the tractor with the scoop. I loaded him up and he went down to his place where my nephew N ---- unloaded him & stacked it on his back porch. We wound up getting five solid loads put in for father in law. He come up the last time, "N ---- has run out of gas." He figured he had enough in to do a bit too.

Wife brought in a job order she got to see. It is for the union of painters, dry wall guys, flooring guys (yes, gals can do it too). The job open is for going around cleaning power plants. You meet up with a crew, go out where ever the job is, get your motel room & a daily stipend, plus you get decent pay. The work is done in solid 12hr/7day shifts meaning 12 hrs each of 7 days. You can work in state or out of state, where ever the work takes your crew.

She was asking if it sounded like something I might like doing. Told her it's all pretty much the same to me, work. I don't mind work, none of it really "sung out" to me and seems a "calling" or anything I'm going to "passionately in love" with doing. That aside I need to do something to bring money in for us. Got 15 years until retiring. My question to her was if she was telling me to go get lost. Kind of seems that way. "Here's the bank info, have 'em put your money there. Now, go get lost wheedle boy."
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So I see everyone talking about coffee... I love my morning coffee (2 cups) We have a Keurig coffeee maker with re-usable filter "cups". Been using Folgers (cheap at Costco) but tired of rinsing those re-usable cups. A local store has a 100 pack (of pre-made cups)... 100 for $24 (it's a good deal but what if I don't like the coffee... then I'm stuck with 100 of them) The store is called "Smart and Final", the house brand is "First Street" and the coffee is "donut house" (or something like that) I assume it's like "Dunkin Donuts" coffee (haven't tried that but seems popular) It's a medium roast. The only other choice is "French Toast" but it's dark roast (if they offered french toast in medium, I wouldn't hesitate) Should I take a chance on this?
Or... any suggestions for a good (and affordable) K-cup brand?

I have been buying Eight O'Clock Dark Italian Roast, but last week I ordered one box of the Sumatra k-cups from Walmart. I can barely tell the difference in the two. Eight O'Clock k-cups are 10.99 for 24, the Great Value Sumatra k-cups here are somewhere around 4 bucks for 12.

Well, never mind that. I left what I just said in order to say this: Since I ordered the Sumatra coffee a week or ten days ago, Walmart has gone up on the price from $3.97 for 12 cups (or somewhere in that neighborhood) to $6.12 for 12 cups. Assholes.

So anyway, @VapeOn1960, for decent coffee on a budget, I haven't been able to top the Eight O'Clock Dark Italian Roast from, if I'm in a position to order about 4 boxes of 24 at a time. Otherwise, the shipping gets prohibitively expensive.

The Eight O'Clock is definitely a dark roast, but it is so much better than that shit (the Americano) Starbucks sells, there's just no comparison. I drink my coffee black, and would never have bought a dark roast coffee up until a few years ago when I bought the Eight O'Clock DIR for my son. It smelled so good when he'd make it here that I had to try it, and I just fell in love with it.

Our Walmart has Eight O'Clock's Original Medium Roast in a box of 24 for $12.94. If you really don't like dark roast coffee at all, that might be a good place to start. Don't know if that price sounds reasonable to you, but it's only been a few years ago that k-cups were $15 and up for boxes of 18. The average price has come down considerably since then.

It's probably prudent to buy small boxes locally until you find a blend you know that you like, even though at first it may be a little more expensive. Then when you find something that strikes you right, you can hunt down a good price on it online.


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Got called out to work for a lady at Fair-- Elem. school today. Her name for short is Deb. Her husband had had a stroke, he was also being treated for Covid. So, I was called out at 5 A to be there at 6 A.

Told wife I didn't normally like day shift but considering who I would stand in for I didn't mind. Deb at the school has always seemed decent to me. She's also really good at the work, four years with service employee of the year.

So, at work approximately 8 A. My mom calls to let me know my dad (sperm donor) died Feb. 3rd. My half sister named Deb for short had got in touch with mom. Deb my sis, will send me a copy of the "long" form death certificate. I'm having it sent simply as a curiosity, really nothing more.

So, got home and messaged with Deb, my sis this evening a bit. From her I learned our "dad" had another brother for us named "Mike". Now, all totaled I have four half brothers and a half sister. Two sets of two brothers from two different fathers and a sis from one father comprise my half siblings.

None of my dad's kids are planning to attend his funeral or visit. None of us felt any love lost between us and him. In fact he was so indifferent toward us we never communicated with him, he was our dad, an adult who could have reached out if he chose. He never really did. He tried "playing" daddy with me but never was nor never could be. He was the same with the others.

May need to work same again tomorrow, possibly into start of next week. Don't mind if I'm needed to do so. I can cover for Deb my co-worker. She's got a good bit on her plate.


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Thank you all for the advice about coffee (I have tried Eight O clock and like it... wasn't in K-cups) My whole point is I'm tired of filling rinsing the re-usable things for the Keurig (I'm well aware of many good coffees... even have a grinder for whole beans) For now, just want the convenience of the drop-in K cups.
@nadalama , I think I will try crazy cups (and I can try a variety... I like that) Thanks (have that bookmarked)
BTW, when I used a regular coffee maker (and used the grinder) I would get this (from grocery outlet but they don't have it anymore):


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On a sidenote: I'm low income and have a "food card" but can't use that online so was seeking something at the local stores. I actually found some good vanilla nut coffee, used it in the re-usable K-cup (and it was great) but it sort of "glues" itself in and I can't rinse it (gave up and gave it to my son... he was very happy about that) I'm starting to wonder if the real solution is to just buy a cheap regular coffee maker and go back to making it like I used to.


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On a sidenote: I'm low income and have a "food card" but can't use that online so was seeking something at the local stores. I actually found some good vanilla nut coffee, used it in the re-usable K-cup (and it was great) but it sort of "glues" itself in and I can't rinse it (gave up and gave it to my son... he was very happy about that) I'm starting to wonder if the real solution is to just buy a cheap regular coffee maker and go back to making it like I used to.

The perfect cup of coffee~!


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I'm starting to wonder if the real solution is to just buy a cheap regular coffee maker and go back to making it like I used to.

Might also try a French press. They might require just a bit more than your standard $10 Mr. Coffee, imo though seem worth it. All you need to do is heat water for them, however you can do that. The presses can be more durable than the $10 Mr. Coffee.

*looking around for someone ambulating by with mugs o' Joe, ought to be sleeping but waiting another hour*


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Our official Porch Kitty.... She's not Spoiled ;) :teehee:

This is the upper part of Lil'Calis cave.
We put Emmas old doggie bed in there for insulation, put a heating pad underneath the blanket for those really cold nights.
Nice n Cozy :)

Her in the bottom part of her cave and just waking up


! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !


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Maow and Shrek have taken to being teenagers. "Dad he drooled on me." "He whacked me with his tail."

Yesterday the game was see who could run the other outside. I put a stop to that. Put them both up on the bed with me. They each then saw me loving on both of them, equally.

You could almost hear them both, "damn he caught on and figured us out." Sometimes critters is better than human kids, other times I'm not so sure. *chuckles*


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Love the cat pics (also into dogs) Most people say you are either a dog person or a cat person... no way, I love them both. Grew up with dogs... as an adult had cats, love them both. If you could "loan" me your dog, I would love to roll around in the mud with it. If you have a cat, you might be surprised (even cats that don't take well to strangers) once I pet it, it will instantly know I know what cats like. I just love animals.


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My mother always had dogs (mostly small dogs like Yorkie Terrier) After her last dog passed, there was a stray cat (most likely left behind when someone moved) I would come and visit (and I liked cats) so would pet her. My parents blamed me for her staying around (but I never fed her... they eventually did) Anyway... mom named her "sassy cat" because she would "talk" to us. The joke was "are you sassing back at me"... the name stuck. She loved that cat for years. She was a very mellow sociable cat and even tolerated the small children. She would not fight with other cats but when they approached the back porch she would stand her ground. I miss her (and my cat Jack... he lived with my wife and I in the city and then when we moved way up in the mountains, we came back and brought him up to live with us (5000 ft elevation) He was amazing (got small chipmonks, squirrels and birds) and also got "treed" by coyotes several times (one time, he may have been up in that tree for 3 hours... waiting for us to get home) Both cats lived over 14 years.


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Most people say you are either a dog person or a cat person... no way, I love them both.

Same here. Although, tend to lean more toward dogs. Hilarious part of having a cat, Maow and dog, Shrek? I see that the dog is my wife's and the cat mine.

Maow is very mellowed out, probably from being neutered. He is a hunting tom cat that is both indoor, and outdoor. Maow loves to pick on Shrek, me, wife, granddad, grandma.

We're thinking Maow was secondarily adopted by grandma & granddad. They already have GG (greasy gal), a girl cat & Luna a big white Great Pyrenees & Golden Lab mix dog. Maow goes in to visit.

Shrek is probably about 15 or so old, still in real good health. He has a few issues with his back, arthritis. Shrek is a mix of some Mexican breed and English squirrel dog. Does he ever bother going after mice, squirrel? Nope, not even bothered. He chases "sky raisins" (house flies) though. Shrek is our little dog.


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My mother always had dogs (mostly small dogs like Yorkie Terrier) After her last dog passed, there was a stray cat (most likely left behind when someone moved) I would come and visit (and I liked cats) so would pet her. My parents blamed me for her staying around (but I never fed her... they eventually did) Anyway... mom named her "sassy cat" because she would "talk" to us. The joke was "are you sassing back at me"... the name stuck. She loved that cat for years. She was a very mellow sociable cat and even tolerated the small children. She would not fight with other cats but when they approached the back porch she would stand her ground. I miss her (and my cat Jack... he lived with my wife and I in the city and then when we moved way up in the mountains, we came back and brought him up to live with us (5000 ft elevation) He was amazing (got small chipmonks, squirrels and birds) and also got "treed" by coyotes several times (one time, he may have been up in that tree for 3 hours... waiting for us to get home) Both cats lived over 14 years.

My mother preferred dogs, too, until after I'd left home and was living on my own. At that point, I started having cats and don't think there has been but one relatively short period of time since then that I haven't had at least one cat. I love "great white north" dogs and hubbs and I have had a few Huskies who lived outdoors, and an old beagle who wandered up in the yard one day and took up with him. All the dogs have passed now, and all the cats except one. I won't have more pets after this one cat who is left.

My favorite cat was a male Maine Co*on mix, ginger, named Miyu. We adopted him and his sister when they were 5 and 3 from a weekend Pet Adoption Drive at PetSmart. The sister, Deebie, passed when she was about 15, and Miyu stayed with us until he was 19. He was my good old lap friend for a long time and I still miss him to this day. The cat we have now is also a Maine Co*on, about 16 years old now, named Mo. He's an uncivilized beast, talks up a blue streak about all the shit outside that's not how he likes it. Also fusses like he's never been fed in his life. If you try to stop petting him before he's ready, he will reach out with claws extended and grab you, like "oh no, you ain't stopping yet!" Can't count the times he's drawn blood on me. My ex-DIL and I went to the Henry Co, VA Humane Society to get him when he was 3; he was originally intended to be the DIL's cat, but she just never bonded with him, so when she moved out of our house, he stayed here.


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Roughly Fri. 22022-02-11 11:30 PM EST: Squad came and took MIL to hospital. She apparently seemed to have had another "sugar spike". Her diabetes is being managed. Although nobody is sure if she took meds this evening.

She is to go get a new pacemaker. The one now has its battery going out. Wife thinking they ought to keep her over weekend through to Monday when they do the pace maker.

Morning shift for me at Fair--- elem. school was mixed. There were two minor seeming negative issues. These were balanced by about four positive ones. So all in it was an okay shift.

Now, to try going back to sleep. Shrek woke me because wife had gone out to attend her mom, didn't take him. Got down there and Maow was up on a table eating out of a bowl. Asked "Roo" if that was acceptable.

Maow left there with us of his own will. He heard my tone telling him Roo didn't want that. Maow figured "the gig was up". Plus it embarrassed him in front of GG. She had been watching him.

Well, to the rack again. Run 'er slow.


Sat 12 Feb 2022 05:24:46 AM EST

Worked Tue through Fri this past week at Fair--- elem. school on morning shift of 6 A to 2 P. The regular full timer named Deb for short, saw her husband have a stroke late Mon night, early Tue morning.

Last I heard from Dale, she wasn't being permitted in to see him. He was stable but not in "a good part of the woods" yet, having not passed the swallow test. This was Fri afternoon when Dale come in to pull his 2 P to 10 P shift, he always comes in at about 1 P.

As I told him I was glad for the work but not the reason why I was needed. Dale nodded. "Got you, Ben," he said, "We've really been impressed and thankful to have you step in," he concluded.

He was standing there yesterday as I had my back turned and faced out of the custodian closet. I heard his can of Copenhagen drop onto the floor.

He got it up and tried putting it into his shirt pocket again, thud. Dale's shirt hung off one comer of a metal "wire" rack with our supplies. Finally he took the shirt in hand and put the can into the pocket.

"Thought I had a bad pocket," he chuckled "no, I was just missing it." I could see the rub of snuff in his front lower lip shifting back to the right. I chuckled and told him he was going too fast again. He nodded. Then, it was my turn.

I went to the back of the closet and he stepped between me and the outward door. I took out my vape and had a few draws. He stood leaned against the well blocking view into me as we spoke a bit more mainly on the job and some on life in general. He looked at me finally, "Ben, get the hell out of here. I got to get to work."

I doubt we talked more than ten minutes. We had spoken a full month of conversations though. He's a good guy. Dale explained to me folks in our district didn't really care about tobacco use/vaping. This applies as long you're not stupid with it and professionally discrete. It's kind of an unspoken thing, those that do use tobacco/nicotine don't speak of others that do.

This he had told me during the evaluation. Dale was the one that first evaluated me. It was funny how that worked out, I caught on right away he was doing the evaluation. Upon my evaluation Dale saw I did good work.

He also saw I give a sh*t about the work and tried doing my best. Dale has no problem with me doing his shift of work & accepts if say "that's clean" that it is clean. He knows I might "shortcut" but the work is done.

A shortcut example follows. Say our routine list tells us to clean a room with carpet on an "as needed" basis. We can look over the room to see if need is warranted, if not we're done cleaning the room. We're afford a certain level of discretionary judgement "as professionals" doing our service work.

No one is shirking work by any means. We are though doing what is needed and prioritizing that.

None of us are promoting or giving tobacco or vaping stuff to the students. Many of the students know we use but don't say anything either. Our county is that kind of community,. Children know to do what adults say not as they do.

The adults illustrate, "you do this you can get hurt, sick or worse." And the adults tell them to stay away from tobacco. We all know though, kids will try. But no, the adults just don't give it over, unless parents or grandparents and even there's hard pressed.

Anyway, today will be laundry day. Got to get a newer pair of shoes. Wife ordered the others too big. She got a size lower for me. Y'all run 'er slow.
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More words of wisdom
10 Ancestral Teachings

1) The Earth is our mother, care for her.

2) Honor your ancestors through your actions.

3) Open your heart and soul to the Great Spirit.

4) All life is sacred; treat all beings with respect.

5) Take from the Earth what is needed and nothing more.

6) Put the good of all before your own interests.

7) Give constant thanks for each new day.

8) Speak the truth; but only of the good in others.

9) Follow the rhythms of nature; rise and retire with the sun.

10) Enjoy life's journey, but leave no tracks.


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Good Howler Metal Morning for those in EST.

<note> Mental not to self: Do not watch these guys' live performance at Wakken far, far, far, far, too early of a morning. It makes you want to conquer all & leaves you in tears for the goodness. :) </note>
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