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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


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so are parts of russia.


Been watching videos off and on from Dan for a little while now. Always interesting to see people who are supposed to be so different share so many similarities. In this video particularly they show the climate and environment, which resembles swaths of Appalachia, Virginia & West Virginia where I've lived all my life.

My grandfather, uncle, grandmother, mom and us grand kids would plant potatoes like they do in the video. We may have used lime instead of ash, or maybe ash, or a combination. Point being we grew potatoes just the same as these folks in Russia. We've lived off the land, in harmony with nature.

No people want war any longer. There's no place for it. We're all so much alike and can see it, can unite despite all the greatest & best efforts to divide and conquer. Speaking of, I'm going to pull back a bit of veil here.

You can look up the Pheonix Program used in Vietnam. While it was seen as controversial, it was also a success. The strategy originally came from a French general, who is said to have borrowed the core idea from Lau Tzu.

The core idea was to get little fish turn on sharks by swimming with them, whilst being a shark yourself. In Western terms we call this being a wolf in sheep's clothing.

This strategy was also employed briefly in Mexico when POTUS Obama first was sworn into office. American soldiers captured, neutralized Mexican drug cartel members. They then donned the garb of these cartel soldiers, attacked other rival cartel soldiers in hit and run fashion.

Each time they swapped out garb choosing randomly between the different cartel. This in effect sparked a civil war among the cartels. Obama didn't care, he wanted the wicked white powdered substance used to waste lives to stop flowing into America from Mexico. This strategy might have stopped it fully.

"Let the cartels kill themselves off," was the logic being used. Do believe Mr. POTUS was also asked, "Really sir, how does that work out in Chicago?" Unfortunately, that wasn't heeded.

The biggest problem though was civilian collateral. Civilians were unavoidably caught up in the cross fire. The operation was instantly aborted. The soldiers walked away (left via exfiltration), despite orders to continue. The soldiers knew what was done was wrong, and would be worse to continue. They disobeyed what they felt unlawful orders.

Not a soldier faced disciplinary actions, retaliation and they never will. Yes, soldiers called their own orders. Yes, it was in effect a mutiny. It was also the ethical and morally correct thing to do.

People don't want war. Soldiers will no longer bring war to the people. Soldiers themselves are the people, have families with the people. We will soon answer an email signature line question I saw back in 1992. "What happens if there's a war but nobody shows up to fight it?"
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Been watching videos off and on from Dan for a little while now. Always interesting to see people who are supposed to be so different share so many similarities. In this video particularly they show the climate and environment, which resembles swaths of Appalachia, Virginia & West Virginia where I've lived all my life.
three presidents are lined up to be executed. clinton goes to thew firing squad..ready..aim..clinton shouts earthquake and all the firing squad run away, so does clinton.
nixon goes next..ready..aim..nixon shouts tornado,,,all run away nixon to.

ah i know now said president carter...ready,aim,,fire says clinton. lol lol


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
three presidents are lined up to be executed. clinton goes to thew firing squad..ready..aim..clinton shouts earthquake and all the firing squad run away, so does clinton.
nixon goes next..ready..aim..nixon shouts tornado,,,all run away nixon to.

ah i know now said president carter...ready,aim,,fire says clinton. lol lol

People joke about him, seem to want to degrade him but Mr. Carter was a great leader. When facing a crisis of oil shortages he put on a sweater, enacted fuel conservation measures.

During his time as President, no one in his staff, nor the military fired one shot in hostilities, defense. He swore no violence would come from America during his term, none did.

Not saying Carter was a saint. He did at least atone a bit for what sins he may have done. That's a far sight better than most of the others.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. --- British politician Lord Acton

I get your humor though. Reminds me of one about H.I.V. being used to execute a fellow. One other fellow chose hanging. Another took a bullet. This last guy took an H.I.V injection, come away laughing. "Fooled you all, I'm wearing a condom."

[HASH=239783]#FETCTAJ[/HASH] [HASH=85556]#FuckVUBot[/HASH] [HASH=239817]#Scratch&Sniff[/HASH] [HASH=239821]#GFY[/HASH] [HASH=106592]#GUFY[/HASH]
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People joke about him, seem to want to degrade him but Mr. Carter was a great leader. When facing a crisis of oil shortages he put on a sweater, enacted fuel conservation measures.

During his time as President, no one in his staff, nor the military fired one shot in hostilities, defense. He swore no violence would come from America during his term, none did.

Not saying Carter was a saint. He did at least atone a bit for what sins he may have done. That's a far sight better than most of the others.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. --- British politician Lord Acton

I get your humor though. Reminds me of one about H.I.V. being used to execute a fellow. One other fellow chose hanging. Another took a bullet. This last guy took an H.I.V injection, come away laughing. "Fooled you all, I'm wearing a condom."

[HASH=239783]#FETCTAJ[/HASH] [HASH=85556]#FuckVUBot[/HASH] [HASH=239817]#Scratch&Sniff[/HASH] [HASH=239821]#GFY[/HASH] [HASH=106592]#GUFY[/HASH]
i was jut joking about presidents lol


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! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !


Diamond Contributor
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Eh, poop happens. I'd make a joke here but it's not appropriate, & might seem anti-something and well it's just a joke.

Besides I don't do wine/whine. And asking why that would be wine/whine. F- it I'll just drink Black N Tan, go on my merry.

PT starts tomorrow at 11 am, oh I'm so dreading it. They gonna hurt me something terrible.
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
No, no it's not morning yet. Even if it is it's the wrong day. *having flashback nightmare vision of physical therapists, .... "Ben, we are your loving family!" and feeling all the pain screaming like Luke Skywalker ... "Nooooooooooooo!"*

I'm joking ... mostly. I know I do need the physical therapy & know it doesn't all involve pain. Even know to a degree you need to sometimes get through pain to get over it, within reason. I'm just kind of dreading generally.

I'm not supposed to be getting ... the o-l-d. That isn't for me. I'm the rooster. Ha!


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Eh, poop happens. I'd make a joke here but it's not appropriate, & might seem anti-something and well it's just a joke.

Besides I don't do wine/whine. And asking why that would be wine/whine. F- it I'll just drink Black N Tan, go on my merry.

PT starts tomorrow at 11 am, oh I'm so dreading it. They gonna hurt me something terrible.
just be strong buddy


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The PT gal looked me over this morning. Said it may be good to take today off. I start actual therapy tomorrow. She agreed with the x-rays, torn cartilage. Going to work toward limbering & mobility as I still have strength up from when foot broke, ankle rolled. Back to work tomorrow after therapy.


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Got water tens treatment & ultra sound this morning. Then, some massage, a few exercises. The PT guy Jesse did wonders. He's taking a whole foot approach to going after the torn cartilage.

His main focus was on Achilles' tendon to help limber everything up. He also worked a fair bit on the bottom of my foot, saying it was a solid wall of knots.

Felt good working tonight. Called out for two morning shifts tomorrow & Friday. Gonna finish a few bites of lunch/supper, rack out. Y'all run 'er slow.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Sorry to hear you hurt yourself~! Prayers for Quick Healing~!

It goes back to Oct. of 2020. That was when I fell and broke the foot, rolled the ankle. I did some PT a bit after the foot had mended. Needed to get strength up so the ankle didn't roll again.

Rolling in this case was a bad thing. It meant the ankle had gotten dislocated. Yes, an ankle is supposed to move to some degree but there's ways it's not supposed to move.

Now, having healed up from that and been working the torn cartilage decided to flair up. It has been there since 2020 biding time. Plying it with stress from being on my feet to work exacerbated the injury.

Jesse thinks the cartilage will tether itself back together if coaxed along using a whole foot approach. Chelsea who is his boss thinks we should focus on limbering the ankle itself directly. Both methods are going to get used.

I ought to be able to heal up nicely. If I don't heal fully, at least ought to be able to keep abreast of the issue. Keep it not so much an issue that locks my foot up, which is what had happened.

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