Bit of a surprise I'm posting in the kitty thread again. Well, we've been putting out some "dry cereal" feed for a small pride over the past few months. There's a black mama cat who has had two, now, juvenile cats and at least two other kittens. She had four of the juvies but two were all that remained.
They are feral strays and so far resist becoming too domesticated. Up in the barn atop the hill they hang out. We're not calling animal control because well frankly, rats, mice other assorted rodents need reminded to not over populate. Neighbor up at the corner of our property, or what was ours, keeps letting their chickens roam free.
Told my wife if the cats got their chickens the neighbors could go unf**k themselves. Our property, we can let feral cats be on it. They ought to pen their chickens lest "something" get them. We live rural, all kinds of critters just loves chicken. We got foxes, racoon, possum, coyote, possibly lynx cats or bob cats, a bear what beds down for Winter in the cave on the other side of the creek.
So sure, let the neighbor complain if one the feral cats hold up in our barn gets chicken.
<Imagined covo>
"Why didn't you call animal control?"
"Ya know? Yer right, we ought to call them to get your damn chickens that roam unto our property. Don't want them over here but it doesn't seem to bother you does it? Gee, y'all weird. Nah, forget animal control we'll call the law. Y'all weird so we a scared o' ya."
"We meant you call animal control for the cats."
"Um, why? Not our cats."
"So you'd let animal control get them."
"They ain't hurting a thing on OUR PROPERTY."
"But they got our chicken/s ..."
"Uh huh, and what the f**k are your chickens doing on OUR PROPERTY? Dips**ts."
</Imagined covo>
By the by, ought to be obvious I'm a country boy and have lived / worked on farms. It's only natural I love cats and dogs. Cannot say I got a real preference either way though my wife is more the cat person than me.
Still, I got no qualms with cats as long as they don't become lawyers.