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We love cats


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years

So very very true... in the midst of the financial disaster of 2011 that I detailed in your "real truth" thread, *just* after we'd made the decision to try and pursue salvation by buying a home... Tuxie showed up with a tiny little starving mew and flea-infested little starving body on our carport, no more than 3 months old. She got us thru some VERY rough times.... oh, and the VERY night we made that decision, fiding a $100 bill on the floor at Kroger was a real clear msg too. :D



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years

I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of these cuties before, but they’re called Lykoi(s). They’re better known as the werewolf cat! These guys are pretty rare, with only 32 cats registered in acceptable colors and another 22 that are unacceptably colored (therefore they aren’t registered). Only seven brave souls have taken a liking to them enough to become registered breeders.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years

My mother was a cat hater. Never understood it. Her sister is cat-phobic, she has a godawful irrational terrible FEAR of cats, and as irrational as a phobia is, it still makes more sense than someone who just hates cats for no good reason. She was probably thrilled that I had such a terrible allergy to them! Even though she had to give me Dimetapp everytime I came in clawing at my face and eyes.

Been playing with damn cats again?"
"Well STOP IT!"



Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
someone who just hates cats for no good reason
I was questioning a psychiatrist I met at a party about a zillion years ago (I have an insatiable curiosity about a million subjects), discussing things I thought were irrational in a "normal" human being and having him tell me his viewpoint. He said, for those who have the most basic mindset (i.e., people who have not focused on something modern and become absorbed in it, like computer programming, engineering, etc.), the single most fearsome animal in their world is the cat. I questioned if this was just lions and tigers, but he said that, while it might have started in our minds there, it is carried forward to even the common house cat. Some people actually do believe that cats will try to steal the breath from their children while sleeping. Gotta be something very horrific in their superstitions to believe in Steven King type stories.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I was questioning a psychiatrist I met at a party about a zillion years ago (I have an insatiable curiosity about a million subjects), discussing things I thought were irrational in a "normal" human being and having him tell me his viewpoint. He said, for those who have the most basic mindset (i.e., people who have not focused on something modern and become absorbed in it, like computer programming, engineering, etc.), the single most fearsome animal in their world is the cat. I questioned if this was just lions and tigers, but he said that, while it might have started in our minds there, it is carried forward to even the common house cat. Some people actually do believe that cats will try to steal the breath from their children while sleeping. Gotta be something very horrific in their superstitions to believe in Steven King type stories.

It never made a bit of sense to me, because my mom was absolutely phobic about rodents of all kinds -- when they once found some tiny lil mouse droppings in the kitchen, my mom didn't go into that kitchen for 6 months! Seems to me that anyone so damn phobic of rodents would absolutely LOVE cats, who are a rodent's worst nightmare! But my mom was truly one of the most irrational people I've ever had the misfortune to know; I'm quite sure that a major reason she and I had such a rough and troubled relationship was because to me, rationality is THE highest good, whereas hers was more on the order of "keeping up with the Joneses", "what will the neighbors think," etc. And having a son who is so much like me in MANY respects, and with whom I've always had a stellar relationship, I can finally understand why she always felt compelled to try and mold me into a Jr version of herself... and why it infuriated her so much that it was completely impossible.


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