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What did you do today that is vape related?


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Rebuilt my Dead Rabbit RTA. Thing was as sluggish as, I don't even know what. It had two 2.5mm N80 tri-core Claptons in it, so I pulled those out and put two 3mm N80 24awg round wire coils in. Turned wattage down about 20W (to about 42W) and it vapes better than it did. I think it'll be better still after it breaks in a bit.

No kidding, it was taking about 10 hits on those other coils to get them hot enough to put out a decent amount of vapor. Damn coils must have been kanthal or something. Truthfully, I don't remember where they came from - but they look like the coils I make myself with the Wotofo N80 tri-core wire. Don't behave like them, though, although I do mainly use those as singles. I guess it's just too much metal (for my preference) when there are two coils involved.
Personally I hate the flavor of Kanthal. Has a nasty after tea at the bottom of the dregs taste. Yuck. I’ve heard there’s mention this as well. Maybe it’s just the cotton. I stated using rayon immediately
upon starting my own building 4 years now. But it’s just what you like or not. Lots of recommendations from people here who have more experience than me. This was just my imo. Good luck


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Rebuilt my Dead Rabbit RTA. Thing was as sluggish as, I don't even know what. It had two 2.5mm N80 tri-core Claptons in it, so I pulled those out and put two 3mm N80 24awg round wire coils in. Turned wattage down about 20W (to about 42W) and it vapes better than it did. I think it'll be better still after it breaks in a bit.

No kidding, it was taking about 10 hits on those other coils to get them hot enough to put out a decent amount of vapor. Damn coils must have been kanthal or something. Truthfully, I don't remember where they came from - but they look like the coils I make myself with the Wotofo N80 tri-core wire. Don't behave like them, though, although I do mainly use those as singles. I guess it's just too much metal (for my preference) when there are two coils involved.
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Made 120ml of DIYFS Holy Vanilla + Georgia Peach

Made up 15ml of 3% EM solution..hadn't done it in years...

Cleaned up some old RDAs too. The Royal Hunter's copper inner top was badly gunked/corroded to the plastic body, but I managed to soak it free and clean it up Like new again.



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Started out with just going to refill the SOB squonk clone, but it turned into a full teardown and maintenance work...argh. It was pretty dirty/gunked up in spots I couldn't really see easily until I took it apart. PITA, but glad I did it.


The Reload X is too good of a sRDA to have a dirty host mod slowing it down. ;)

Just Frank

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Personally I hate the flavor of Kanthal. Has a nasty after tea at the bottom of the dregs taste. Yuck. I’ve heard there’s mention this as well.
I don't get a bad flavor from it, but usually less flavor. That's when I'm using regular single or dual coils. I use the same specs in N80 and it's like the flavor is amplified. I've found uses for kanthal though. It works well for series coils (plenty of flavor), and for the coils I make for mesh atomizers. I have no idea why or how, but kanthal "Mesh Alternative" coils friggen deliver. At times, it's some of the best flavor I've ever experienced. I have no idea why it doesn't behave the same way as regular coils. I have a kanthal coil in one of my Profiles right now (kA1 SFC: 20x34/39ga, 18mm long, .11Ω, using 70W) , and the flavor is just ridiculous. I can't stop hitting it at times.

Luckily I can use all the popular metal types for vaping wires. I don't get strange metal tastes or allergic reactions. It's a shame that some people are limited to one kind or can't take advantage of all the different types.

I've come to realize that I'm not going to understand certain things when it comes to rebuildable atomizers and coils. Some things don't work well when you'd think they should, and other things work well for unexplainable reasons.

Lady Sarah

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Hubby and I went to the flea market. At one of the vendors, a table had several boxes of "stuff". In one of the boxes was the remains of a Kangertech mod. Pieces were missing, and the mod had been very badly beaten. We both had a laugh that it was out for sale. The vendor walked over and asked about it. Hubby told him he was trying to sell a broken vape mod that wasn't worth fifty cents. That vendor said "I didn't know. Thank you for letting me know" and threw it in the trash where it belonged.


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I set up my first Billet Box yesterday, one of the champagne-silver 70W SXK boxes. Had ordered a cute set of blue w/white splatter screws, but they didn't work well on it, so I went back to the stainless screws that came in it. Switched out the fire and the wattage buttons for dark blue cerakoted buttons from Billi Billi, put on a Half Moon mods DT and some MK Mods cyan acrylic panels from FT. Played musical bridges and boro tanks until I finally landed on a translucent boro tank with the Ambition Mods Molen bridge. I'll post some pics one of these days, but not right now. I can't seem to get good pics inside the house.

Ordered another "outfit" for this box from AliExpress, a different kind of blue-green panels, a dark blue boro tank, another screw-in drip tip, and a Psyclone bridge clone. Also ordered a little tackle box to keep pieces and parts in, since messing with BBs seems to create so many little pieces and parts.

Anyway, I like the box. Vapes great!

ETA: Forgot to add, I cut a strip of a transparent vinyl sticker to fit the bottom of the box, to prevent the rash that invariably happens from it being moved around. The strip is actually the bottom half of this:

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I set up my first Billet Box yesterday, one of the champagne-silver 70W SXK boxes. Had ordered a cute set of blue w/white splatter screws, but they didn't work well on it, so I went back to the stainless screws that came in it. Switched out the fire and the wattage buttons for dark blue cerakoted buttons from Billi Billi, put on a Half Moon mods DT and some MK Mods cyan acrylic panels from FT. Played musical bridges and boro tanks until I finally landed on a translucent boro tank with the Ambition Mods Molen bridge. I'll post some pics one of these days, but not right now. I can't seem to get good pics inside the house.

Ordered another "outfit" for this box from AliExpress, a different kind of blue-green panels, a dark blue boro tank, another screw-in drip tip, and a Psyclone bridge clone. Also ordered a little tackle box to keep pieces and parts in, since messing with BBs seems to create so many little pieces and parts.

Anyway, I like the box. Vapes great!

ETA: Forgot to add, I cut a strip of a transparent vinyl sticker to fit the bottom of the box, to prevent the rash that invariably happens from it being moved around. The strip is actually the bottom half of this:

View attachment 197282
Yay so happy you finally took the BB plunge ;) and you like it!

Just Frank

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I used to enter contests back in 2018 through 2019, and won a ton of crap 😁. My first mesh rebuildable was a Digiflavor Themis RTA that I won from one of the vendors. Truthfully, I've only used it a handful of times. I've liked mesh, but never really loved it. I also have the dual coil version and mainly used that deck. I remember being super intimidated by the mesh deck. Nobody really knew what they were doing back then. A lot can change in 4 years. I'm revisiting my old tank tonight.

Since I won that tank, it's probably sat for years in a closet. All the while I've been honing my skills as a wire spinner. Ive gotten into mesh rebuildables big time this past year, but it's not because of mesh. I make my own coils for them (some of which have been fantastic). I made a piece of "Mesh alternative" wire a few days ago that went into the deck.

I was going to use Mavaton X (My favorite cotton), but the pack was low. Not a problem, I have tons of Puff cotton pads. Wicking it, was a piece of cake. We don't need no stinkin' ceramic blocks here 😆.

It's kind of strange tank. It's very solidly constructed, and doesn't look like it'd hold much liquid. There's layers going on, and the juice looks strange in it sometimes.

I made the coil a bit long on purpose, but doing that requires a bit more power than I normally use. I got it at 75W, and it's vaping wonderfully. Resistance (Which is hard to predict for these sometimes)= .08Ω. That's a little lower than I expected, but that's how it goes I guess. For being one of the first mesh RTAs, this thing vapes pretty nice. It's kind of got a lot of airflow (Like the Zeus X), so I cut it way down. The flavor is there though, very enjoyable. Like I said, I can't believe I used to be afraid to use this thing 😆. I'm sick at home and thought I'd share. Goodnight everybody 👍.


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I used to enter contests back in 2018 through 2019, and won a ton of crap 😁. My first mesh rebuildable was a Digiflavor Themis RTA that I won from one of the vendors. Truthfully, I've only used it a handful of times. I've liked mesh, but never really loved it. I also have the dual coil version and mainly used that deck. I remember being super intimidated by the mesh deck. Nobody really knew what they were doing back then. A lot can change in 4 years. I'm revisiting my old tank tonight.

Since I won that tank, it's probably sat for years in a closet. All the while I've been honing my skills as a wire spinner. Ive gotten into mesh rebuildables big time this past year, but it's not because of mesh. I make my own coils for them (some of which have been fantastic). I made a piece of "Mesh alternative" wire a few days ago that went into the deck.

I was going to use Mavaton X (My favorite cotton), but the pack was low. Not a problem, I have tons of Puff cotton pads. Wicking it, was a piece of cake. We don't need no stinkin' ceramic blocks here 😆.

It's kind of strange tank. It's very solidly constructed, and doesn't look like it'd hold much liquid. There's layers going on, and the juice looks strange in it sometimes.

I made the coil a bit long on purpose, but doing that requires a bit more power than I normally use. I got it at 75W, and it's vaping wonderfully. Resistance (Which is hard to predict for these sometimes)= .08Ω. That's a little lower than I expected, but that's how it goes I guess. For being one of the first mesh RTAs, this thing vapes pretty nice. It's kind of got a lot of airflow (Like the Zeus X), so I cut it way down. The flavor is there though, very enjoyable. Like I said, I can't believe I used to be afraid to use this thing 😆. I'm sick at home and thought I'd share. Goodnight everybody 👍.

So sorry to hear that you are sick! Hope it's not serious and you'll be feeling better very soon!

Just Frank

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Member For 5 Years
So sorry to hear that you are sick! Hope it's not serious and you'll be feeling better very soon!
Thanks! It's my first time with Covid but I'm doing fine. I just have a runny nose and a bit of a sore throat. I started losing my taste yesterday, but it seems better today. It could be worse so I'm glad it's only minor symptoms. Hopefully it goes away somewhat quickly.


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I used to enter contests back in 2018 through 2019, and won a ton of crap 😁. My first mesh rebuildable was a Digiflavor Themis RTA that I won from one of the vendors. Truthfully, I've only used it a handful of times. I've liked mesh, but never really loved it. I also have the dual coil version and mainly used that deck. I remember being super intimidated by the mesh deck. Nobody really knew what they were doing back then. A lot can change in 4 years. I'm revisiting my old tank tonight.

Since I won that tank, it's probably sat for years in a closet. All the while I've been honing my skills as a wire spinner. Ive gotten into mesh rebuildables big time this past year, but it's not because of mesh. I make my own coils for them (some of which have been fantastic). I made a piece of "Mesh alternative" wire a few days ago that went into the deck.

I was going to use Mavaton X (My favorite cotton), but the pack was low. Not a problem, I have tons of Puff cotton pads. Wicking it, was a piece of cake. We don't need no stinkin' ceramic blocks here 😆.

It's kind of strange tank. It's very solidly constructed, and doesn't look like it'd hold much liquid. There's layers going on, and the juice looks strange in it sometimes.

I made the coil a bit long on purpose, but doing that requires a bit more power than I normally use. I got it at 75W, and it's vaping wonderfully. Resistance (Which is hard to predict for these sometimes)= .08Ω. That's a little lower than I expected, but that's how it goes I guess. For being one of the first mesh RTAs, this thing vapes pretty nice. It's kind of got a lot of airflow (Like the Zeus X), so I cut it way down. The flavor is there though, very enjoyable. Like I said, I can't believe I used to be afraid to use this thing 😆. I'm sick at home and thought I'd share. Goodnight everybody 👍.
Your wiring spinning skills are awesome! That’s a beautiful mesh coil!

Hope you have a quick recovery & feel better soon!


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Member For 5 Years
I don't get a bad flavor from it, but usually less flavor. That's when I'm using regular single or dual coils. I use the same specs in N80 and it's like the flavor is amplified. I've found uses for kanthal though. It works well for series coils (plenty of flavor), and for the coils I make for mesh atomizers. I have no idea why or how, but kanthal "Mesh Alternative" coils friggen deliver. At times, it's some of the best flavor I've ever experienced. I have no idea why it doesn't behave the same way as regular coils. I have a kanthal coil in one of my Profiles right now (kA1 SFC: 20x34/39ga, 18mm long, .11Ω, using 70W) , and the flavor is just ridiculous. I can't stop hitting it at times.

Luckily I can use all the popular metal types for vaping wires. I don't get strange metal tastes or allergic reactions. It's a shame that some people are limited to one kind or can't take advantage of all the different types.

I've come to realize that I'm not going to understand certain things when it comes to rebuildable atomizers and coils. Some things don't work well when you'd think they should, and other things work well for unexplainable reasons.
Like you, I like to experiment as well but I always make sure that I have at least one backup in case things take a nose dive again. Right now I’ve been experimenting with Ni80 in various coil setups and I’m loving it.

Never thought I’d move on from SS316L well not exactly because I have bought a lot of premade coils all using ss316l. So I’ll continue to use both depending on the conditions ie atty, mode, and configurations.

For me vaping went from reducing nicotine but also I ended up falling in love with the hobby/collector aspects of vaping.


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Partly last night, partly this morning, ordered an Aspire Boxx boro mod from Sourcemore, and some more buttons and such from Vapeology.

I've wanted a Boxx for a while now, so was happy to find one for a great price at Sourcemore. Roughly $60 shipped, not bad at all.


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I remember I said That i was hoping one day I could quit vaping. Well that day has officially entered, as of October China has officially banned the sales of flavor e juice all over China. No news on underground sales, but chances are slim. Bunch of ppl has stocked up but I didn’t.

This looks like the end. Really shitty day and way to start the national holiday with coolio dead all of sudden.


From Wherever
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"Last November, Chinese laws were amended to bring the vaping industry under control of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration (STMA), which regulates Chinese tobacco products, and is actually headquartered in the same building as the China National Tobacco Corporation—the world’s largest cigarette manufacturer."



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"Last November, Chinese laws were amended to bring the vaping industry under control of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration (STMA), which regulates Chinese tobacco products, and is actually headquartered in the same building as the China National Tobacco Corporation—the world’s largest cigarette manufacturer."

We all knew about this already in China, I just didn’t think people would pussy out like that. Cuz we see ppl sell smuggled cigarettes all the time and everywhere, selling flavor juice/cartridge underground isn’t going to be something crazy, but yet ppl are scared cuz of the consequence. The tobacco bureau now owns the vape industry in China and they don’t really have the slightest interested in the industry besides making money period.

This is what happens when you have a bunch government dumbass that don’t vape run the vape industry. Off-topic just let me know, on the same day the e-bike industry also got a change cuz a bunch of non e-bikers from the government are running the industry


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I built a couple of bridges with some Wotofo spool wire, tri-core Clapton stuff, but I think I've decided that bridges work better for me with stainless 26awg round wire. I'm about to rebuild a Killa-B clone, because the 0.14 ohm coil in it just can't seem to get enough air, and it always has just the slightest burnt taste to it. I think it'll do better with a 0.35 to 0.4 ohm round wire coil.

I'm procrastinating, because I spent about half the day yesterday with juice all over my hands, and I just absolutely hate that. It's the worst part of vaping, imo. (I'm very nearly neurotic about my hands, so juice and I just don't do well together.)

Also made my first Oh Shit with buying a bridge. I didn't notice that the four one five is an MTL bridge, which it most certainly and undoubtedly is. To quote Andria D, it's gnat's ass tight. Anybody want a four one five clone?

I'm serious when I say it's tight. It's way tighter than the assembly in my Aspire Plato, which carries an Aspire Nautilus 1.8 ohm BVC coil.

Evello mortem tyrannis

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Member For 4 Years
I built a couple of bridges with some Wotofo spool wire, tri-core Clapton stuff, but I think I've decided that bridges work better for me with stainless 26awg round wire. I'm about to rebuild a Killa-B clone, because the 0.14 ohm coil in it just can't seem to get enough air, and it always has just the slightest burnt taste to it. I think it'll do better with a 0.35 to 0.4 ohm round wire coil.

I'm procrastinating, because I spent about half the day yesterday with juice all over my hands, and I just absolutely hate that. It's the worst part of vaping, imo. (I'm very nearly neurotic about my hands, so juice and I just don't do well together.)

Also made my first Oh Shit with buying a bridge. I didn't notice that the four one five is an MTL bridge, which it most certainly and undoubtedly is. To quote Andria D, it's gnat's ass tight. Anybody want a four one five clone?

I'm serious when I say it's tight. It's way tighter than the assembly in my Aspire Plato, which carries an Aspire Nautilus 1.8 ohm BVC coil.
I was using the wotofo wire but couldn't get anything the right size and ohm I'm a dtl guy myself and am used to using series tubes so I really had to fidget to get the right warmth air and lungfull. I am finding 4mm airflow to be sufficient keeping the ohms at .28 to .3 I don't get any dry hits and I chain vape hard! I think it was b.m. that gave me a rundown on wicking boros and since he explained the principle she's been golden + my mobb clone rocks.


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I didn't notice that the four one five is an MTL bridge, which it most certainly and undoubtedly is. To quote Andria D, it's gnat's ass tight.
I also don't like tight MTL... has to be loose MTL for me. I actually had to drill out the airflow holes on my Zlide (just slightly bigger... 1/16 inch) Now I like it. When I was searching for a good MTL RTA, I realized many of the popular ones are just too tight of air draw (for me)

Evello mortem tyrannis

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I also don't like tight MTL... has to be loose MTL for me. I actually had to drill out the airflow holes on my Zlide (just slightly bigger... 1/16 inch) Now I like it. When I was searching for a good MTL RTA, I realized many of the popular ones are just too tight of air draw (for me)
Fair enuf bro good work on the modification idea that's one way to make it perfect for you haha


Member For 2 Years
So I get to work and go out on my break and took a long hit off the mod and get a horrible throat hit that had me feeling like I took some Egyptian sand and swallowed it. My gf said just bring the Ronin so I did, just to take the top cap off the pandora and realize I made a rookie mistake. I forgot to pre burn in the coils and I could see hotspots all over the place. I swear hell has less hotspots then that coil did. Rough day on my end…

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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I tried out vertical builds for the first time on a couple of my Serpents.

I used 24g N80 for my first try. The legs are a bit wonky but the flavor is pretty intense using a commercial juice that I'm familiar with.
I did start getting some drier hits around 70 puffs in so trimmed and adjusted my wicking a bit. Seems to be wicking better but time will tell.
20230131_152045-COLLAGE.jpg IMG_20230201_085810643.jpg

For my second try I went with 26g N80.
I put a test mix in this one so I can't really compare how the flavor is, but figure it should be similar to my first build.
Working well so far.
20230131_234656-COLLAGE.jpg IMG_20230201_085850117.jpg

Both builds were wound using a 5/32" drill bit.
I went with a strip of a Muji cotton pad cut from deck to top of the coil and divided in half thickness-wise for the wick.


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I tried out vertical builds for the first time on a couple of my Serpents.

I used 24g N80 for my first try. The legs are a bit wonky but the flavor is pretty intense using a commercial juice that I'm familiar with.
I did start getting some drier hits around 70 puffs in so trimmed and adjusted my wicking a bit. Seems to be wicking better but time will tell.
View attachment 201970 View attachment 201971

For my second try I went with 26g N80.
I put a test mix in this one so I can't really compare how the flavor is, but figure it should be similar to my first build.
Working well so far.
View attachment 201972 View attachment 201973

Both builds were wound using a 5/32" drill bit.
I went with a strip of a Muji cotton pad cut from deck to top of the coil and divided in half thickness-wise for the wick.
Looks great! I used to love my Serpents! I haven’t used it in a long time.


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Looks great! I used to love my Serpents! I haven’t used it in a long time.
Thank you!
I only started with rebuildables last year when I began stocking up and happened to find a bunch of Serpents on clearance for $5 each, so I don't have much history with them.
I also have the RDTA, SMM, and Elevate.

Build #1 is still working well since I adjusted the wicking. I'm somewhere around 130 puffs since then.
Build #2 is around 100 and no issues yet.
I'm liking these setups a lot right now.

I have a Griffin that I tried to put verts in last night, but after two different methods of wicking didn't work well I switched the coils around to the regular way.


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Thank you!
I only started with rebuildables last year when I began stocking up and happened to find a bunch of Serpents on clearance for $5 each, so I don't have much history with them.
I also have the RDTA, SMM, and Elevate.

Build #1 is still working well since I adjusted the wicking. I'm somewhere around 130 puffs since then.
Build #2 is around 100 and no issues yet.
I'm liking these setups a lot right now.

I have a Griffin that I tried to put verts in last night, but after two different methods of wicking didn't work well I switched the coils around to the regular way.
Have fun experimenting!


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Found a great coupon code for ecigmafia in a Cheap Vaping Deals email today. CVDS20 is 20% off site wide, free shipping over $100, and their Sadboy e-liquid is priced well even before the discount. I got about 8 bottles of e-liquid, (Sadboy plus others) plus an updated Drag X, some PNP coils, and extra pods for a little over a hundred bucks.
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From Wherever
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I fought my vapes today at work, all day..

#1 Long time daily beater Topside says FU my contacts are worn, my door is janky, I'm done with you. I will only hit like a wet noodle no matter what you try.

#2 Second hand Topside says FU, CHECK ATOMISER, check atomiser, not atomizer. Clean me, CHECK ATOMISER, not atomizer, I'm done.

#3 Smok RPM 25 says FU, you didn't change coil, I'm nasty now and done with you.

#4 Smok RPM 5 says FU, my battery is dead and you didn't bring another 18650 or a charger, d-ass. I'm done with you.

#5 Esco Bar says FU, my battery is dead too and ain't shit you can do period.

#6 Pico and RTA saves the day but tells me later you could have used my 18650 in that Smok and not have to MTL only ALL DAY....😡🥵🤬🤬

I feel better....maybe 😪


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not sure if i should make a new thread about it, but i saw friend today and dinner with him. i asked him how he was doing, he told me not well as hes in debt right now and he sold everything. reason was because he was in a court battle with the government on vaping. he didnt really get into detail about it but it was mostly flavors and regulations and stuff like that. he had a vape shop in another city near by, but its now gone. kinda sad to know that he ended up like this as i heard he was in battle for vape rights, just never thought he would end up in debt.


From Wherever
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Clean and rewick the DD. Thought I'd share some photos because eh, why not.
Believe it or not this has about 110 ml of sweet gunky commercial through it.
Using Bob's Special Tampon method of rayon over cotton....
The scraggly aftermath:
Ready to go again:

Bliss Doubt

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Today - not a damn thing, except vape as usual. But last night I made 55ml of strawberry & cream (I make 55ml in a 60ml bottle, so there's plenty of room for shaking it well!). Should last about a week/10 days-ish.
Welcome to the VU, arjunkumar63la. I look forward to seeing more posts from you.


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Built an RDTA for the first time...

1 round-wire coil
2 mesh strips
3 hours
4 bales of cotton
5 different screwdrivers and about
600 swear words later
I've got a working RDTA
filled with what's supposed to be DIY coconut flavored e-liquid that tastes like cheap whiskey.

Am I a REAL vaper now?


From Wherever
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Member For 5 Years
Built an RDTA for the first time...

1 round-wire coil
2 mesh strips
3 hours
4 bales of cotton
5 different screwdrivers and about
600 swear words later
I've got a working RDTA
filled with what's supposed to be DIY coconut flavored e-liquid that tastes like cheap whiskey.

Am I a REAL vaper now?
Yes, vaping is hard work, lol

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