Go figure... China let's you smoke and Vape in clubs....Yes we can smoke in the club in China. But seriously it was the fucking stupidest decision I made.
In the USA... It's DEMONIZED in Restaurants, Clubs/Bars....Anywhere. But we're the Land Of The FREE
It was funny (not really) but I laughed
After getting my tattoo done, was waiting for my ride outside. Two women were walking towards me, the wind was blowing from the North, two women walking from the South. I took a vape before I saw them, the Vapor blew towards them. After seeing them I didn't take another vape. They took a step down off of the side walk onto the road made a wide half circle to avoid me, though, I never took another vape, and they just went off about how BAD Vaping is... OY VEH
As it states below.... People need to...
! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !