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Whiskey's CORNER #2 (#3 will be created 8-1-16)

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Answer your question?:facepalm:
Well you got it worse than me, fer sure! Starting to stick a little here. Think I'll take my coffee and head to the lab... In need of a new flavor. Something fruity,,, maybe peach? With some raspberry? Or dragon fruit. Hmmmmmm, possibilities!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So, Sunday I ordered the Billow V3 Plus from eciggity, I got a e-mail from them last night, they do not have enough of the Billow SS in stock to fulfill my order but they do have it in black. I do not want black, I canceled, I'll wait for SS to be in stock.


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
So, this wanker on /r/sex asked if he should tell his significant other that he went out and paid for sex. Most of the commends say NO.
Here is MY response:
"Tell the truth...demonstrate your trust and humility....then accept the consequences. Good chance that you will lose your partner since you just slept not only with a hooker, but everyone SHE has slept with. Pretty certain your partner does not want that kind of risk to her own health. In the end, you will at the very least have the knowledge that you are an honest person. Lying by omission is sneaky and deceptive, and just as bad, if not WORSE than lying outright. Reading the comments below, it seems like lying to the one you love is pretty popular. Am I being judgemental? Damn fucking right I am! Most seem to not want you to make yourself a victim, when you've already made a person who trusts in you....a victim." WHERE HAS HONOUR GONE???


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So, this wanker on /r/sex asked if he should tell his significant other that he went out and paid for sex. Most of the commends say NO.
Here is MY response:
"Tell the truth...demonstrate your trust and humility....then accept the consequences. Good chance that you will lose your partner since you just slept not only with a hooker, but everyone SHE has slept with. Pretty certain your partner does not want that kind of risk to her own health. In the end, you will at the very least have the knowledge that you are an honest person. Lying by omission is sneaky and deceptive, and just as bad, if not WORSE than lying outright. Reading the comments below, it seems like lying to the one you love is pretty popular. Am I being judgemental? Damn fucking right I am! Most seem to not want you to make yourself a victim, when you've already made a person who trusts in you....a victim." WHERE HAS HONOUR GONE???


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Ok...."Peach Guzzi" by Cafe Racer is GENIUS! Peaches, blueberries, vanilla custard, and green tea....and it is ALL THERE. Got this from, and will be getting more! Also a bottle of Lucky Bastard by Cafe Racer.


Excellence In Service
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Ok...."Peach Guzzi" by Cafe Racer is GENIUS! Peaches, blueberries, vanilla custard, and green tea....and it is ALL THERE. Got this from, and will be getting more! Also a bottle of Lucky Bastard by Cafe Racer.
Thanks for the kind words ! We have so many brands and flavors of juices it's like impossible to try them all.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Hey gang. I've been 1) over in the Refugee thread, 2) eating breakfast, and 3) fiddling with my new bluetooth keyboard for my tablet -- posted a msg via tapatalk over in the Refugee thread, but I swear to god, I have no earthly idea how you folks on mobile devices deal with that shit, it's horrible. I promise to be a lot nicer about typos in future! At least, now if I'm in sick in bed, I can at least keep up somewhat instead of getting way behind. Of course, I've been "sick in bed" like, once in the last 20 yrs. :D

Back on my PC now and THRILLED about it!

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