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Whiskey's CORNER #2 (#3 will be created 8-1-16)

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I read & understand all kinds of diets. We don't all have the same desires. Pass the bacon.

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Yeah...that was actually for @Jimi in an effort to make his dietary requirements more livable. As for desire...I can assume that he does not "desire" this at all, and would gladly intercept your bacon. Now, I am not saying that you are implying anything...but it does bear repeating that I do not, nor will I, or Mattie seek to foist our dietary choices onto others. We simply give zero fucks about what anyone puts into their bodies :)


Diamond Contributor
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Yeah...that was actually for @Jimi in an effort to make his dietary requirements more livable. As for desire...I can assume that he does not "desire" this at all, and would gladly intercept your bacon. Now, I am not saying that you are implying anything...but it does bear repeating that I do not, nor will I, or Mattie seek to foist our dietary choices onto others. We simply give zero fucks about what anyone puts into their bodies :)
And i do really appreciate your efforts MK I could use all I can get thanks my friend!!!:):)


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Managed to fall at work today. No big deal. Shit happens.
Unfortunately for me I landed on my elbow. It's starting to look a little broken. I really hate doctors to. But I have 48 hours to file a injury report with my boss. Gonna go in the morning, after a call to the boss and get it checked out.
Will post a pic in a few moments.

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best pictures I can get by myself lol.
My bones don't usually stick out, minus, of course, my elbows

sent from a dumb operated smartphone


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Dried load? You aren't that damn old, are ya?

Not quite. It was fun bringing dried laundry up in a downpour. Then, on the way back up looked into the bottom and saw Thistle dog wandering around outside of the pen. He was trying to chase lightning, damn fool. To his credit I asked "wat doin" and he walked right up to the barn atop of the hill & waited for me to get his tie out back on him and take him into the barn for the evening/night.

Around 4:30 AM now, still raining. Took our inside dog, Shrek out for a early morning potty about 3:45, rain, rain, rain.


Blonde disaster
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Not quite. It was fun bringing dried laundry up in a downpour. Then, on the way back up looked into the bottom and saw Thistle dog wandering around outside of the pen. He was trying to chase lightning, damn fool. To his credit I asked "wat doin" and he walked right up to the barn atop of the hill & waited for me to get his tie out back on him and take him into the barn for the evening/night.

Around 4:30 AM now, still raining. Took our inside dog, Shrek out for a early morning potty about 3:45, rain, rain, rain.
Why would you keep a dog tied up outside all the time? Poor thing. Sorry, I hate seeing that. Dogs are pack animals and should be with family, INSIDE.


Blonde disaster
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On the road already, hubby is driving. Unfortunately we are going to hit Harrisburg during rush hour ugh. Sure hope they can fix this foot.....make the trip worth it.

Sent from a pay phone



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OUCHY! What did you do?
Well I came threw the swinging door at light speed lmao. There stands the owner. I basically juke right and hit a water puddle from the dish tank. Went totally loony toons and was perfectly level in the air when I came down on my ass/ipv 3li and my left elbow lol

sent from a dumb operated smartphone
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