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Whiskey's CORNER #2 (#3 will be created 8-1-16)

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Why would you keep a dog tied up outside all the time? Poor thing. Sorry, I hate seeing that. Dogs are pack animals and should be with family, INSIDE.

Would that could. Our family situation presently does not allow for that. As to being tied, neighbors, and the dog is part bit bull. I know he's not aggressive. I also know the neighbors have small human children outside at times, Unfortunately, small human children merit more value than overlooking unwarranted fear of a breed of dog. Ergo, he needs tied so as to provide others assurance.

At present kind of worried about him now as it is. For a while it seems some form of cancer has been getting at his rump. Not sure a veterinarian could offer any help regarding that. He seems content most of the time and continues eating, drinking, in general enjoying life despite sometimes obviously hurting a little. If it is indeed a cancer as I suspect, the only thing possible to suggest would be putting him down.

He seems happy in living and not often in pain from this with his rump. I am watching him closely for signs he's not enjoying life any longer. At that time, I will responsibly ensure he no longer suffers, I will, not a stranger. It will break my and his hearts but it'll be what it'll be. Until then, if he's enjoying life I'll give him that.

He was off the tie out yesterday evening to be in the pen with two other dogs. The shed we built as of yet has any buffering for a tin roof inside. It gets quite loud during a downpour. I know because I was caught in the shed having fed the two dogs in there yesterday evening. The downpour came, I was stuck. So, Thistle escaped the pen yesterday evening to not be in the shed with the others during the storm. He likes her granddad's wood barn.

This morning in feeding him, I noted him hobbling and holding up his front leg. I am hoping he did not get snake bit, or worse, struck by lightning. I tried to look at his leg but as I touched it, he drew away whimpering. I am going to let him rest in the barn, with food and water. I'll talk things over with my wife. We'll have to see what's going on with him, and it may require both of us. If needed despite my reservations, he will see a vet.

If they see what I believe is the cancer, maybe they will find it is something else which may be helped. If so, we'll go from there. I would rather not have him tied, or any of my dogs penned. There are two that are not penned, who lay around near our front door. They sleep up behind the house. The two others seem content to be in the pen. They enjoy the shed and under it.

My wife and I are working toward bettering our living situation. Our efforts though require time, require relying upon external factors, sources beyond our control. No, that is not an excuse, it simply is what it is. Yes, it frustrates the shit out of me. There is far too much in our lives that bear "would if could" and not all of it has been brought into our lives by our choices. We do our best, same as anyone.

Clarrifying: The two dogs that stay loose are a mix of Lab / Great Pyrenees / Airedale and do not intimidate in the sense one that has any bit of Pit Bull in it's breeding. That is why they are allowed being loose. And not being defensive, merely explaining our situation. Have no doubt, if I had us a pole barn home built and it was only me wife, our kids would have accessible doors into our house and out of it to roam as they chose. Don't have that as it's not our land, in a flood plain, we live with her family. Nephews have allergies, her bro-in-law tends being well, adverse at times.
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Hank F. Spankman

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Hank, you still in trouble? You DO have a knack for it.

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I'm on a serious vape spending lockdown. And then they put the black Goons up on the site. Needless to say I went a bit spastic. But I did, indeed, manage to finagle someone into ordering one & trading it to me. And he shall henceforth be known to me as a saint of a man forever!


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm on a serious vape spending lockdown. And then they put the black Goons up on the site. Needless to say I went a bit spastic. But I did, indeed, manage to finagle someone into ordering one & trading it to me. And he shall henceforth be known to me as a saint of a man forever!
I saw that(the goon), so nice looking


Blonde disaster
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Would that could. Our family situation presently does not allow for that. As to being tied, neighbors, and the dog is part bit bull. I know he's not aggressive. I also know the neighbors have small human children outside at times, Unfortunately, small human children merit more value than overlooking unwarranted fear of a breed of dog. Ergo, he needs tied so as to provide others assurance.

At present kind of worried about him now as it is. For a while it seems some form of cancer has been getting at his rump. Not sure a veterinarian could offer any help regarding that. He seems content most of the time and continues eating, drinking, in general enjoying life despite sometimes obviously hurting a little. If it is indeed a cancer as I suspect, the only thing possible to suggest would be putting him down.

He seems happy in living and not often in pain from this with his rump. I am watching him closely for signs he's not enjoying life any longer. At that time, I will responsibly ensure he no longer suffers, I will, not a stranger. It will break my and his hearts but it'll be what it'll be. Until then, if he's enjoying life I'll give him that.

He was off the tie out yesterday evening to be in the pen with two other dogs. The shed we built as of yet has any buffering for a tin roof inside. It gets quite loud during a downpour. I know because I was caught in the shed having fed the two dogs in there yesterday evening. The downpour came, I was stuck. So, Thistle escaped the pen yesterday evening to not be in the shed with the others during the storm. He likes her granddad's wood barn.

This morning in feeding him, I noted him hobbling and holding up his front leg. I am hoping he did not get snake bit, or worse, struck by lightning. I tried to look at his leg but as I touched it, he drew away whimpering. I am going to let him rest in the barn, with food and water. I'll talk things over with my wife. We'll have to see what's going on with him, and it may require both of us. If needed despite my reservations, he will see a vet.

If they see what I believe is the cancer, maybe they will find it is something else which may be helped. If so, we'll go from there. I would rather not have him tied, or any of my dogs penned. There are two that are not penned, who lay around near our front door. They sleep up behind the house. The two others seem content to be in the pen. They enjoy the shed and under it.

My wife and I are working toward bettering our living situation. Our efforts though require time, require relying upon external factors, sources beyond our control. No, that is not an excuse, it simply is what it is. Yes, it frustrates the shit out of me. There is far too much in our lives that bear "would if could" and not all of it has been brought into our lives by our choices. We do our best, same as anyone.

Clarrifying: The two dogs that stay loose are a mix of Lab / Great Pyrenees / Airedale and do not intimidate in the sense one that has any bit of Pit Bull in it's breeding. That is why they are allowed being loose. And not being defensive, merely explaining our situation. Have no doubt, if I had us a pole barn home built and it was only me wife, our kids would have accessible doors into our house and out of it to roam as they chose. Don't have that as it's not our land, in a flood plain, we live with her family. Nephews have allergies, her bro-in-law tends being well, adverse at times.
Sorry I did not mean to be a jerk in my response. I live in an area where old farmers keep their dogs tied up outside year round. I have seen dogs die in the cold. I hate that mentality the old farmers have about animals. Did not mean to lump you in the same category.


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I'm on a serious vape spending lockdown. And then they put the black Goons up on the site. Needless to say I went a bit spastic. But I did, indeed, manage to finagle someone into ordering one & trading it to me. And he shall henceforth be known to me as a saint of a man forever!

She really is going to serve you your testicles for breakfast


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
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Sorry I did not mean to be a jerk in my response. I live in an area where old farmers keep their dogs tied up outside year round. I have seen dogs die in the cold. I hate that mentality the old farmers have about animals. Did not mean to lump you in the same category.

I understand completely. As far as Thistle, with what I think a cancer. I had tried what is called Old Black Salve on it for a few weeks, thinking it may have been bot flies. The salve would have helped. It didn't help though. I let up for week, tried again for a week. Still to no avail.

I know, my wife knows and her family knows our dogs are not mistreated. Yet to look at Thistle, well, I could understand someone thinking the dogs are mistreated. That and if it is indeed cancer, there truly isn't much to be done. Being as I am, little human kids I'll never be given opportunity to be a daddy. Critter kids, I'm daddy and my kids love me. Well, expect maybe Bucky the cat what calls me "prick".

The funny aspect of Thistle being loose yesterday evening lies in how he responded. I was walking back up here from down at her dad's with a bag of laundry. I look down and see him walking outside the pen. I ask him what he's doing.

He literally walks up to the barn, waits for me to get the lead and take him into the barn. No, I don't believe it is Stockholm Syndrome either. *chuckles* He's just that mild natured, that good of an old hound. He'll get loose, have a half hour running around our back yard, come back and want back in the barn.

Makes me sick seeing any of them suffer for any reason. Loathing our situation at times, too. Life though, we do what we can.


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Xray taken sent home. Awaiting a call saying either I have a broken or fractured arm. It looked like two hairline fractures to my (untrained) eyes. I've sadly seen my fair share of broken bomes on xrays

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What might this be?

Well well. How I've missed thee

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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Well I came threw the swinging door at light speed lmao. There stands the owner. I basically juke right and hit a water puddle from the dish tank. Went totally loony toons and was perfectly level in the air when I came down on my ass/ipv 3li and my left elbow lol

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You'd really think someone who owned a restaurant would have more sense than to stand in front of a swinging door, wouldn't you. :D



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You'd really think someone who owned a restaurant would have more sense than to stand in front of a swinging door, wouldn't you. :D

Unfortunately he's also a drunkie-the-fuck-clown and comes in tore up from the floor up to eat his jim beam and Cheerios everyday

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Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
I fucking love you buddy! Couldn't have said it any better then that

sent from a dumb operated smartphone
An overwhelming number of people own a restaurant because they've always wanted to. Ownership requires complete becomes your spouse. Those types tend to treat it as their personal kitchen, and a vehicle to impress friends and others. The one thing that kept me from owning my own place, is that 64% of all new restaurants WILL fail. Perhaps not immediately...but eventually. Too many Chefs work hard to keep a place open, and find themselves compensating for the owner's lack of ability. This is why these types of owners can not keep good talent. In the end, it's the paying customers that suffer.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Sorry I did not mean to be a jerk in my response. I live in an area where old farmers keep their dogs tied up outside year round. I have seen dogs die in the cold. I hate that mentality the old farmers have about animals. Did not mean to lump you in the same category.
HiYa Skully my friend How's the mouth feeling today, I hope they can do something for your foot !!!


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Unfortunately he's also a drunkie-the-fuck-clown and comes in tore up from the floor up to eat his jim beam and Cheerios everyday
I was surfing TV the other night, Tom Hanks was on Stephen Colbert, so I stopped to watch for a few. Colbert pours 2 bowls of Lucky Charms, and instead of milk, he adds Baileys. They started to enjoy the hell out of it, from the looks of it.

Hi folks... kind of in and out. Trying to stay caught up in here. Hope you heal up soon, itsme!

Hank. Dude.


Diamond Contributor
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Won't be till next week, get to have more blood work done tomorrow after work, and I know I will be getting the call to put me on cholesterol meds, and then next week we go over the results
I hate having blood drawn, happens every 6 wks for me. They always use one of those blunt pointed needles on me or at least it seems like it. You might need to eat more veggies, it will help the gaul bladder and the cholesterol buddy.
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