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Whiskey's CORNER #2 (#3 will be created 8-1-16)

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Hmm... they said it's not broken? The only thing that might be making it hurt that bad then is probably a bone bruise, which is very painful -- and lingers -- a bone bruise I got 35 yrs ago is still a bit tender, just at the top of my tibia before it turns into knee. But yeah, a 2nd opinion may not be a bad idea.

To bad the owner tried to tell me I can't go to the hospital for a second opinion. Drunk fucks pushing for a lawsuit

sent from a dumb operated smartphone


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I have two crowns,,, love them! Hate the rebuildable deck for them but the stock coils are pretty decent. Damn juice flow holes are too small in the build deck. Thing just works, and works well. No leaks!!! Still fight with my serpent occasionally,, leaky bastard. Total user error but it pisses me off.

Off to work a bit early,,, birthday cake for me today. Hate my job but love the peeps there.

Have a good afternoon,, I hope I get a chance to pop in later
Happy Birthday Kimber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bronze Contributor
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ECF Refugee
I have two crowns,,, love them! Hate the rebuildable deck for them but the stock coils are pretty decent. Damn juice flow holes are too small in the build deck. Thing just works, and works well. No leaks!!! Still fight with my serpent occasionally,, leaky bastard. Total user error but it pisses me off.

Off to work a bit early,,, birthday cake for me today. Hate my job but love the peeps there.

Have a good afternoon,, I hope I get a chance to pop in later
Hi Kimber, nice to meet you! I hope you have a GREAT birthday !!!:stars2::confetti:


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Went back to well works to actually see my xray. They at my request sent them back off a again.
Also I'm pretty well fucked on getting a second opinion on this without paying an arm(haha) and a leg

sent from a dumb operated smartphone


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Went back to well works to actually see my xray. They at my request sent them back off a again.
Also I'm pretty well fucked on getting a second opinion on this without paying an arm(haha) and a leg

sent from a dumb operated smartphone
File a workmens comp claim NOW. Before it's too late. If it's not healed right the first time you won't be using it nearly as well in ten years. Worry about the money later


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Went back to well works to actually see my xray. They at my request sent them back off a again.
Also I'm pretty well fucked on getting a second opinion on this without paying an arm(haha) and a leg

sent from a dumb operated smartphone
No, your employer has to pay for it. He doesn't have a choice. Or he could have a workman's comp suit.

I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.
He's right I think, they are responsible (payment) depending on if you are allowed 2 opinions
Make sure you check into that


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File a workmens comp claim NOW. Before it's too late. If it's not healed right the first time you won't be using it nearly as well in ten years. Worry about the money later
It's a workmans comp claim but i cant get a second opinion without waiting until Monday to go threw all the shit of hoops of talking to them about if I can get a second opinion on the insurance company's dime (hell no) but the owner will fight me the whole way

sent from a dumb operated smartphone


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Ohhh those dreaded white air fluffs.....grrrrrrr hate those too
It fucks me up like all get out.
Where I grew up we would get 4-6' drifts it was like snow... except suckier.
We almost burned down someone's mobile home one night, we lost our bangs and eyebrows.

So we were fucking around and a bit drunk and there were piles along the curbs about a foot high.
Me being smart flicked a match into it.... *WHOOSH* it goes up like a fast fuse.... a line of fire going like no one's business right into a dude's car port that had a roof high drift of fluffy shit about 10' deep.... *WWWWWHHHHOOOOSSSSHH!!* it went up in a giant fireball... we came out of dude's driveway and car port smoldering.
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