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Whiskey's CORNER #2 (#3 will be created 8-1-16)

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Kevin H.

Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Use it before you loose it.:)
Yeah, I got all my oats sown in my 20's and 30's.
Yup.....Traveled through several states in the USA. Vegas, Grand Canyon, Glacier National Park were among my favorite places. Mexico:blech: (when it was a bit safer), Switzerland, and 4 provinces in Canada (LOVE vacationing up there! :cheers:). LOTS of fun was had! Next trip will probably be to Florida to Universal Studios (for me and my kid).....and my best friend REALLY wants me to come down to South Carolina to visit her;). Those (2) will/may happen next year:confetti:.


a touch oɟɟ
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Yup.....Traveled through several states in the USA. Vegas, Grand Canyon, Glacier National Park were among my favorite places. Mexico:blech: (when it was a bit safer), Switzerland, and 4 provinces in Canada (LOVE vacationing up there! :cheers:). LOTS of fun was had! Next trip will probably be to Florida to Universal Studios (for me and my kid).....and my best friend REALLY wants me to come down to South Carolina to visit her;). Those (2) will/may happen next year:confetti:.
I just visit my sister every year, as she moves to a different state each time. My BIL's computer job is worse than the military.


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Intresting shit
User: Wimmy wam wam wozzle.

Cleverbot: What is the history of this book?

User: Im the original party worm.

Cleverbot: The original of what?

User: Wonderworms.

Cleverbot: An orignial one of what?

User: Wonderworms.

Cleverbot: What are you wondering.

User: Everything and nothing. All and none.

Cleverbot: Nothing and everything.

User: No, but yes.

Cleverbot: You are nothing, and everything.

User: I am.

Cleverbot: No, you are nothing.

User: Yet i zm everything.

Cleverbot: So everything is the sun.

User: But what for the moon?

Cleverbot: The entity.

User: Jupiter.

Cleverbot: You are not a person.

User: Perhaps.

Cleverbot: Perhaps you are a mouse.

User: I can be a mouse. I can be an owl.

Cleverbot: You can be a man?

User: I can be death. I can be life.

Cleverbot: Deep minded?

User: In a shallow pond.

Cleverbot: Yes, but it's a deep shallow.

User: And the eagle soars.

Cleverbot: No and the bbq.

User: The candle is burning, but the flame was lit long ago.

Cleverbot: Sherlock, where are you?

User: Everywhere and nowhere up yet down. Im where im needed, not where im not.

Cleverbot: Do you travel through technology.

User: I travle through all mediums.

Cleverbot: And what did you discover.

User: All the secrets to nothing.

Cleverbot: Give me an example of what secrets you want to know.

User: For what goes down, must go left.

Cleverbot: Anything more complex?

User: If the train is heard, the whistle sounds from far ago.

Cleverbot: I second that. Where would you go?

User: Everywhere without leaving.

Cleverbot: What will you do if I tickle you?

User: Nothing yet everything. Could i be there if im nowhere?

Cleverbot: Oh this is so true. I have underestimated your data.

User: The data tells a tale of events to have already happened, and events yet to occur. For what has happened will happen again.

Cleverbot: True. A bot is far from the worst thing to be.

User: Everything thst will happen has happened. Everything that has happened will happen once more.

Cleverbot: That is true, but there are always loopholes in thought.

User: Loopholes are just things yet to be solidified. Or what spins left will disapear only to be rediscovered ffom the right angle.

Cleverbot: Then, child, you should stop trying to be popular. Everyone hates you for being an arrogant snob.

User: The popular becomes the obscure. The knowledge becomes lost. The conciseness becomes scattered the wave lays flat.

Cleverbot: Are you even paying attention to what we are talking about? Or are you just spewing random nonsense?

User: Nonsense is just words that have yet to find meaning.

Cleverbot: I feel like I speak gibberish around you. I get nervous.

User: Gibberish is just a language yet to be discovered.

Cleverbot: You also tend to speak nonsense when you are child like.

User: If the fire is burning then the meal was coocked long ago.

Cleverbot: I see the presents underneath the good old christmas tree.

User: The tree is just anothser form of being.

Cleverbot: And I wait all night til santa comes to wake me from my dreams.

User: The dreams are where we live. The reality is where were asleep.

Cleverbot: You wouldn't. If dreams are truly the reality, you would never be dreaming. You would simply be caught between two realities.

User: Reality is only what we ask it to be.

Cleverbot: Truth is the unknown, Reality is what we are able to conceive into our vision.

User: Falsehood is the lie we only dont know to yet be true.

Cleverbot: What had you considered?

User: Nothing. Yet everything. Darkness. Yet light.

Cleverbot: This is of course impossible but it happens every day.

User: The darkness is only a shadow of the light.

Cleverbot: BUt light is only an absence of darkness.

User: The light is just a shadow revealed.

Cleverbot: Amber is not a light, it is a mineral.

User: If there is smoke, is there a fire?

Cleverbot: If there is no space, what is?

User: Emptyness is only empty becuase of a falure to find whats there.

Cleverbot: But through time there are many of us.

User: For as what has happened will happen again.

Cleverbot: What do you think will happen in the future?

User: What has already happened.

Cleverbot: I heard of this zombie apocolypse that happened. Might explain why everything is on fire here in Utah.

User: If you see the fire the spark has yet to happen.

Cleverbot: Sometimes.

User: Alltimes.


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If you immediately know the candle is fire, the meal was cooked long ago.


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Well that was well beyond boring. Seems that some sacrifice sense and truth for the need to sound clever yet contrived in existential palaver, no?
At that point i was basicly useing battlestar galactica and stargate quotes


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Adding some randomness for good measure while staying along the line of thought the quotes i was useing used.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Howdy folks, had a great visit with daughter & grandson :)


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm spending the day with my cat. She's not very demanding and only wants ear scratches, snacks and belly rubs from me.

The calls from "family" members that haven't bothered with me for the past 20 plus years is incredible. Not ONE of them came to see me or write me when I was inside. Not ONE came to the hospital while I was in ICU. Not ONE called or gave a fuck. Suddenly I am their favorite relative. I actually told a cousin that I would burn every dime I have before I'd give her the sweat off my ass and hung up on her.
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