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Whiskey's CORNER #2 (#3 will be created 8-1-16)

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Thanks anyway, Spygoat. He makes reallllllly good juice. I've been DIY for over 2 years and his is the only juice I've purchased in that time frame. I got a 30ml for the price of a 16ml. I could've gotten 2 16ml for the price of one, but decided on the 30 of the "cookey". I've heard SUCH good things about it.


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Evening everyone ! Was going to go running again today but I think it's to hot lol. 97 the car thing said. Plus the legs hurt from yesterday. So I might just do the correct thing and wait until tomorrow. When I was running every day it wasn't a problem. But........Americas Got Talent is on again tonight. Last night I watched the whole thing but fell asleep on the part where they pick the people staying lmao. See you guys in the AM I'm beat as usual.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Evening everyone ! Was going to go running again today but I think it's to hot lol. 97 the car thing said. Plus the legs hurt from yesterday. So I might just do the correct thing and wait until tomorrow. When I was running every day it wasn't a problem. But........Americas Got Talent is on again tonight. Last night I watched the whole thing but fell asleep on the part where they pick the people staying lmao. See you guys in the AM I'm beat as usual.
There were a couple I saw they picked that should have gone home, one example was the mother and son dance team


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Often wonder what terrible crime I committed to be the last single one of my family. Am I some kind of test animal to live all alone? When I laugh no one hears. When I cry no one is there. No loving arms to hold me. No one to ask what should I do. Just empty. What did I do? :(


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ECF Refugee
Hi Peeps... :wave:

Been busy trying to call around to get my car fixed and staying indoors where it is cool. With the occasional trip to my garden to pick tomatoes, squash, cukes and now (finally) okra. Onions and taters are still growing and the bush beans kicked the bucket thanks to Loser Assholes stupid ass dog. She was a big beautiful black furred white eyed Husky German shepherd mix but she's pulled all her ass hair off and we've been trying to give her away. We can't care for such a large dog and when we kicked fiance's druggie nephew off the property, he abandoned her. He NEVER EVER cared for her and she's 8 and half years old. We've bought all her food and such but she eats too damn much. I wish the stupid fucker never got her. The only reason he did was because I got her brother, who she killed, and whiny bitch boy wanted another dog (he already had three.). Mother Fucker....:gaah::cuss2::headbang::kickbutt:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hi Peeps... :wave:

Been busy trying to call around to get my car fixed and staying indoors where it is cool. With the occasional trip to my garden to pick tomatoes, squash, cukes and now (finally) okra. Onions and taters are still growing and the bush beans kicked the bucket thanks to Loser Assholes stupid ass dog. She was a big beautiful black furred white eyed Husky German shepherd mix but she's pulled all her ass hair off and we've been trying to give her away. We can't care for such a large dog and when we kicked fiance's druggie nephew off the property, he abandoned her. He NEVER EVER cared for her and she's 8 and half years old. We've bought all her food and such but she eats too damn much. I wish the stupid fucker never got her. The only reason he did was because I got her brother, who she killed, and whiny bitch boy wanted another dog (he already had three.). Mother Fucker....:gaah::cuss2::headbang::kickbutt:
Sounds like he needs to go out for a cruise on one of my amigos shrimp boats. 13 miles out to sea, shit ;)happens. :cool:


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Member For 2 Years
Hello, @Whiskey, @pete67, @Vapin4Joy, @Huckleberried, and all participants herein.

Just arrived at Liz's therapy appointment. She is on edge, and our home departure was nothing but stress.

The rearview mirror had to be super-glued to the windshield, thanks to our dogs during the trek from the East Coast.

Liz has better health coverage than I do, but they're making her jump through so many hoops that I think it's unfair.

She's about to run out of her meds, but Colorado is strict about prescribing controlled substances (except for the legal one that grows).

They even enter you into pharmacological state database. With a picture taken of you at the neighborhood Walgreens.

They're surprisingly tight, except for one Federal law.

Very strange.

Pain level: 8. We're going to a pharmacy after this appointment, so I've got the WRITTEN prescriptions.

Poor Liz. I love her so much, but when she's under duress - her Irish comes out. Duck, and cover.

Damn it, I hurt. Yet, I don't complain about it too much.

It's too much of a downer.

Hopefully, this appointment will pave the medical path that she needs to see the end of.

The end, being a psychiatrist.

I already have a psychiatrist appointment next month, and I'm already prescribed.

The medical care in Colorado is superlative, compared to where we lived before. To get that level of care (!) where we used to live, you had to go to Duke or UNC.

Here, you're in, er, civilization.

Not so much, where we lived before. Do I miss it? Nope.

I do, however, have to thank that uncivilized state for giving me the medical stepping stones that brought me to where I am.

Plus, I love my power chair. :inlove:

Just like I love my Liz. Actually, I love Liz more than I love myself. :wave:

LW & Liz :hug:

View attachment 56982 She's soooo adorable :stars2:. LW
Hi LW,
I am Joel, and the new "old(er) fart" on the corner,

I introduced myself a couple of weeks ago and have been mostly a late-night lurker since. I see the tight knit family and friends that make up this group, and don't really know how to merge into the traffic without causing a head-on, but your post really touched me.

I have no idea what Liz and you are dealing with (and it is none of my business). But my heart goes out to you both. I am sorry that the move was so taxing on the both of you. But I am glad that it has been worth it. I hope that each of you, in your own way, find a better quality of life in your new Colorado surroundings. I hope you continue to be impressed with the care that each of you receive. And I hope you each may find the relief you need.

The love you express for Liz is truly touching!

My thoughts and prayers go out to you and Liz; may you find the peace, comfort, and joy, that you desire.

With all of my respect and love,


Member For 3 Years
Member For 2 Years
Good morning Saddle & Joel:wave:
Good morning Whisky! Can I please ask for a little guidance regarding this thread (private or public). After watching/reading this thread for the last couple of weeks; I don't want to be "that guy." After 54 years I know I don't have a lot of face left to loose; but I don't want to make my sponsor embarrassed for inviting me.
Just kidding, but there are some really good folks here and I don't want to be a jerk.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Good morning Whisky! Can I please ask for a little guidance regarding this thread (private or public). After watching/reading this thread for the last couple of weeks; I don't want to be "that guy." After 54 years I know I don't have a lot of face left to loose; but I don't want to make my sponsor embarrassed for inviting me.
Just kidding, but there are some really good folks here and I don't want to be a jerk.
I can't see how you could possibly be a jerk, Glad you are here, we chat mostly here and support those who need it. Great to have you hang out<3:hug:


Member For 3 Years
Member For 2 Years
I can't see how you could possibly be a jerk, Glad you are here, we chat mostly here and support those who need it. Great to have you hang out<3:hug:
You all seem to know each other so well. It is just kind of hard to "step" in without feeling like a tool. In my brief 50 (?) page lurking, 10(ish?) days, everyone knows everyone. I feel kinda like I'm crashing the party.

..... and I type slow to boot.... can ya tell?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You all seem to know each other so well. It is just kind of hard to "step" in without feeling like a tool. In my brief 50 (?) page lurking, 10(ish?) days, everyone knows everyone. I feel kinda like I'm crashing the party.

..... and I type slow to boot.... can ya tell?
Nahhh, Everyone has their own pace, here's a start.....what type of gear do you have and where are you from? I am a dog therapy person and we have our own business with real estate appraisals:)
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