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Whiskey's Corner#3

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Someone, please tell me where this is located!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The Douche bags have figured out how to light fire works again. If I had the money these Morons waste on fireworks I could buy a fully stocked Motorcycle dealership for cash. God made Idiots too. :mad:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Broke my rx200s.
Walked out of the movie, temp was somewhere between nutsack and lockeroom.
Broke my cane, no dinner out. Motherfuck this holiday.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Broke my rx200s.
Walked out of the movie, temp was somewhere between nutsack and lockeroom.
Broke my cane, no dinner out. Motherfuck this holiday.
shit if I was closer I'd send you mine. I only keep it as a spare. I know what your saying though i'm home alone was supposed to go to the inlaws over night but I'm sick and the father inlaw has cancer and isn't doing well. Can't risk passing him something.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
No joke, was fine and dandy the cushion on the reclining theater seat kept sliding out from under me trying to dump me on the floor, temp was fine until the movie started. 45 minutes of comericals... before it started it was fine.
Movie starts and the lights are not dimmed MASSIVE glare in the glasses, heater cranks up to sweat through socks and shoes, somewhere between mathathon runner taint and hell.
Glasses kept fogging up, pool of sweat on pleather almost slide me to the floor.
Had to go to the bathroom three times to untwist myself. Told the managers how hot it was and it got cranked up more.
You know it is fucking overboard heat when standing there it is running down your neck.

I could not take it anymore and walked out, a total waste of a gift card, I am livid pissed at that.
The sound was set to ear shattering, I understand movie level but this was set to rattle the fillings out of my teeth level, like hearing damage without ear plug level. My ears are screeching like I have been to a concert.
Contacted their corporate.
Mom was pissed I left but mother fuck it I was sweating so fucking badly my toes were wrinkling and I looked like I had worked out in my tee shirt.. and it is 34 degrees outside.

Dropped my mod since I was so sweaty and cracked my sled and I just had the fuck enough and busted my cane.
Mom is now blaming me for ruining xmas and xmas eve dinner was called off.
Fuck it, don;t give a fuck, I fucking hate this holiday.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
The manager walked it and walked out.
Someone was playing fuck around because it was 10 minutes of ok then got hotter and louder. Went from hearing damage to rattling the fire extinguisher on the wall loud.
Posted a yelp, contacted corporate.
No one there tonight was very motivated to be there.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The manager walked it and walked out.
Someone was playing fuck around because it was 10 minutes of ok then got hotter and louder. Went from hearing damage to rattling the fire extinguisher on the wall loud.
Posted a yelp, contacted corporate.
No one there tonight was very motivated to be there.
I can't help you much. Most of my ideas would get you arrested. I worked @ Cinema 6 as a floor usher. My Boss was a perv.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
What is the bigger shame it is a damned good movie but playing fuck fuck games with fogging up glasses and slip n slide rips you out of the 3d headspace so badly.
The glare and fog was making the 3d to much to bare, I almost puked because it fucking with the visuals so badly.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Anger is a feeling I can't have. I like it too much. Think about the best way to get what you need out of the experience. Or ride your Harley thru the doors. Grab the Twerp by the neck & make him sing Mammy. Your choice. :cool:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Anger is a feeling I can't have. I like it too much. Think about the best way to get what you need out of the experience. Or ride your Harley thru the doors. Grab the Twerp by the neck & make him sing Mammy. Your choice. :cool:
Bah I might say fuck it and contact dreamworks that the theater is fucking around with their bottom dollar.
The studios get a bit pissy about that.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Frank is my alter ego. The other one is dangerous. We keep him hid in the club house till we need him. Don't think Hank done it this way. ;)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Bah I might say fuck it and contact dreamworks that the theater is fucking around with their bottom dollar.
The studios get a bit pissy about that.
Most likely you will fume & boil & wait weeks, & just get theater tickets. Calm your happy ass down. Tomorrow is Xmas, & People love you. :cool:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
And the Cops said, We will try to get your van back, but we can't make any promises. I have been more pissed off than most carbon life forms. I got over it.
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