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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
OK.....Time for me to go and hang-out with my son. Talk to y'all tomorrow.......G'night everybody :wave:.
Good night Kev<3
About to head to work.:blech: Goodnight corner family. I'll see you guys sometime tomorrow, I have to take Brenda in for a pre-op appt in the morning so, I probably won't be on until the evening.:goodnight:
Have a good night Mark:wave:<3
Good night everyone:goodnight:
Good night Pete:hug:
All caught up. Night everyone. See ya in the am
Have a good one, Breazy:blowkiss:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Time for shut eye, Good night awesome corner folks:wave:<3


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hazy is alright in my book.
He might not be the easiest person to get along with...But then again neither am I.
You're right, I can be an asshole but
Kevin didn't mean "Here we go again" about me, rather he meant,
"here we go having to bust ass all day working for the man"

We're cool. Most of the folks on this thread are alright, Snake.
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