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Whiskey's corner

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a touch oɟɟ
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Wow! A Jimi Like-A-Palooza goin on.
Welcome back from your hiatus.

To all:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It gets better. Wife & I , well me, had a random piss test at the terminal my truck was leased to. In Nevada we got a Msg, to go directly to the nearest Terminal. They told us I tested positive for ****** & was fired. Since I owned the tractor all they could do is take their name off the doors. Arbys used to put tiny black seeds on some sandwiches. They found out 24 hours later. Begged Us to come back. Didn't. Took two phone calls to get another lease. Industrial Medicine is worse than a free clinic. :p:cool:
Isn't that about right,


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ECF Refugee
Hey y'all... 4 pages of catch-up, guess that's what I get for sleeping till noon. :D

I just had some news that really lightens my heart. I haven't said anything, I've been practicing a little constructive denial, hoping if I didn't express it in words more than I just had to, things would be ok -- my stepfather woke Monday, unable to speak intelligibly AT ALL... this is a man who's already suffered 2 strokes, and back in March had a massive heart attack and triple bypass surgery. This have been much the same all week, in ICU, unable to speak intelligibly; they were suspecting aneurysm.

However I just heard from my aunt, and when she and my mom got to the hospital yesterday, they discovered that my stepfather had regained his power of speech. :) Soooooo.... maybe he's on the mend? Lots of folks have been praying for him, he's so absolutely necessary to my mom, who's in a wheelchair herself, has very poor health between diabetes and cirrhosis and a great deal of pain from arthritis in her knees and 2 hip replacements that she never recovered very well from.

We're keeping our fingers crossed, and prayers continue unabated, for his recovery...

You are in our thoughts and prayers.

One is on the way:)

Isn't that about right,

Jimi it is goooooood to have you back:);):p:D:rolleyes:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good night to all Corner Folk.

@Jimi, may everything be okay with you, and like everyone else - we hope to read something from you very soon.

The house is official now, and after new roof (insurance, thank goodness) floor repair and new carpet - it will be ready to be occupied. Then, off to the Rockies we will go.

Nervous? Yes. Anytime a drastic move occurs within one's life, and health issues remain unresolved (for now) - my anxiety level tends to climb...

Liz is the love of my life, yet I worry about being burdensome in any way, that would affect her in this great hike of life (she will probably hit me with a wave of reproach for writing this... the mind, in and of itself, can create damage).

We're at the stroke of midnight, yet I need to believe that our upcoming events will be okay.

I need to believe. I need to.

I will post tomorrow. Be safe and well, Corner Folk.

LW & Liz (she's napping - we'll take our nighttime meds together, in a bit) :):):):)
Congratulations @ Lovewerks I am happy for you , co. is a great state


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Member For 4 Years
I typically function on 4-7 hours of sleep. That's normal for me. Today, I got 2.5. I feel more awake and alert than ever. Go figure. I've been oversleeping! Morning all. Mm. Coffee. Monster. Mmm

I can barely function if I get 6 hours sleep, but feel really great when I get 8 -10 hours sleep. Funny how people are different in our sleep requirements, lol

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Member For 5 Years
OK I guess, After 7 days of dilaudid and oxy I have started weening off of them. 90 oxy is a serious script of serious stuff. I need to ween off of them without actually falling into thinking I need them.
Using something non habit forming for pain relief and nausea, just weird using in the morning and not being a zombie with the munchies.

Appetite is back, pooping is getting back to normal.
Good to hear you're getting better my friend, recovery is slow and steady but it will come. we are all pulling for you


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I can barely function if I get 6 hours sleep, but feel really great when I get 8 -10 hours sleep. Funny how people are different in our sleep requirements, lol

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Pretty sure I conditioned myself for this. Took a few years of training. I'm still miserable. But I'm not complaining I've grown accustomed, it's normal to me.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Good to hear you're getting better my friend, recovery is slow and steady but it will come. we are all pulling for you
ya wicked slow, slower than I would like actually.
Energy is just sucked away.
Shower and get ready to step out and need a nap, wake up from nap want more nap.
kind of sitting in a gut pain free spot, the pain has went away but still have a fear I will cough to hard and I will blow my guts out.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Member For 5 Years
ya wicked slow, slower than I would like actually.
Energy is just sucked away.
Shower and get ready to step out and need a nap, wake up from nap want more nap.
kind of sitting in a gut pain free spot, the pain has went away but still have a fear I will cough to hard and I will blow my guts out.

Keep a throw-pillow on your lap -- I did that for probably 6 months after my c-sec! I have asthma so coughing is always necessary... but it sure can hurt if it catches you unexpectedly!



Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Keep a throw-pillow on your lap -- I did that for probably 6 months after my c-sec! I have asthma so coughing is always necessary... but it sure can hurt if it catches you unexpectedly!

I got a full sized pillow, my ribs need the support on the right side and it handy.


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George Carlin's Seven Dirty Words
If I remember these correctly... "Rat shit, bat shit, dirty old twat. 69 assholes tied in a knot. Yay!(maybe it was hooray, not yay) Lizzard shit! Fuck!" I remember that from a really old show of George Carlin's.

Ugh I'm thinking I need another mod to replace the snow wolf I just shipped out.
This is known as HS. Hank Syndrome.

@Jimi is home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hiya Jimi :)

Howdy Corner.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Member For 5 Years
Good Afternoon everybody, finally caught up. Body had a reaction with the conccoctoin of meds I take and OTC cold meds the other night and was woosey and sick all day yesterday.

I've always said that cold MEDS make you feel worse than the cold itself! Y'all remember Dristan??? *shudder*



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I don't like taking them but I have had this cold for over 6 wks now and I am getting desparate

I don't think that's a cold -- when I had what I thought was the flu for 5 wks, not getting better, I went to the doc, and he looked at me like he thought I was crazy -- neither colds nor flu last that long -- I had a bacterial sinus infection and required antibiotics to get over it.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
They said it could take a long time:eek: because the cancer in my lymph system really effects my amune system, it's been a real fight!
I don't think that's a cold -- when I had what I thought was the flu for 5 wks, not getting better, I went to the doc, and he looked at me like he thought I was crazy -- neither colds nor flu last that long -- I had a bacterial sinus infection and required antibiotics to get over it.

My brother has a bad cold too , he has to be careful as well
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