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Womper Woom Wejects


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Thank you all for caring and for your loving thoughts. They ran a zillion tests and found nothing definitive. There will be more follow-ups and more testing because nothing specific was found. I suggested to the doctor that the "infection" which caused the fever was likely caused by the ripping of the kidney stone as it passed out of the ureter. He scratched his head as if to ask how much medical knowledge I had and said that was pretty much his conclusion because all the other testing gave me a clean bill of health and there was no indication why all this was preceded by a mild heart attack, other than just too much stress. Likely the two events being so close together was pure coincidence and all heart testing done this weekend indicates that muscle is - at least at this point - secure. I see that Lannie was carefully not mentioning that part (as per my request), but it will come out eventually anyway, so there is no longer any point in trying to hide the fact that it happened. Yes, dear ones, I am an oldt phart who pushes himself too hard, and I will slow down, but I will never stop entirely. When you stop living, you might as well be dead anyway.

BTW @Atchafalaya , I checked out of the hospital before the cookies arrived, but the nice owner of the flower shop called Lannie here at home and promised to provide them the next time I go to Rapid City. So I guess they will be a Thanksgiving treat instead of Halloween. Thank you sweetie.

Glad you're home and resting up. Nothing wrong with slowing down a little bit, especially the next several days.And congrats to you and Lannie on your new addition to the family!


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OK, I'm still not caught up on the pages I missed yesterday, but I got through what I missed since my last post. Whew! I see Rich posted the pics of the lovely Miss Buffy Morgaine. ;)

The calf puller IS like a winch, but this one didn't have chains. They were nylon slip-loops that went around the calf's ankles, the center being looped over a hook attached to a line on the big steel thingie and a crank at the bottom to pull the calf out. Kind of like a fishing reel. There's a "U" at the cow end of it that snugs up against the back of her thighs and the tension of the calf being pulled keeps it in place. Very simple, and very effective. The neighbor said he was glad I called because a breech (backward) calf most always drowns as it's being born, if not pulled out rapidly. When the umbilical gets pinched between the calf's body and the cow's pelvis, it cuts off their oxygen and the calf takes a breath. If they're coming out headfirst, that's a good thing, it gets them breathing, but if they're backward, they take a breath and drown in amniotic fluid. I should have known this, but I didn't, having never dealt with a breech calf before, so I'm glad he knew what to do. Now I do, too. Anyway, by pulling the calf out smoothly and quickly, they're out before they realize their oxygen is cut off, so their first breath is air instead of fluid. Luckily, this little one was early and still small enough to "whoosh" right out with no problems. It was over in a matter of less than a minute. :)

The neighbor that came over is Buffy Morgaine's "grampa." He's the guy that owns the big Angus ranch that we take the cows over to for breeding. So he always has a bit of an interest in all the babies born here. :) There was a big sale yesterday and our other neighbors were at the sale, so I'm EVER so glad that the bull guy wasn't there, otherwise things could have turned out differently. I still would have attempted to pull the calf, but it would have been by hand, and I didn't know about the drowning thing, so if I hadn't been quick enough, or she was too slippery to get a good grip on, it could have been bad. I'm just so grateful he was available to help.


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Lannie, the universe knew you needed a bright light after all the darkness of the previous couple of days. Buffy Morgain is adorable! And, you'll have a new one to milk in the future right?

Yup, she'll be a milker. We wanted to keep one of Cricket's daughters because Cricket is 3/4 Jersey, and her daughter then is 3/8 Jersey, so there'll be more milk and she should be a more persistent milker. Helen, for instance, is a GREAT milk cow, but her quantity isn't as much as a more "dairy" type breed (Helen's mostly beef), and when her calf is weaned, she dries herself off. Even if I keep milking her every day, she just puts out less and less and within a month it's not worth going to the effort of milking for what little she gives. Buffy Morgaine should milk a bit longer. Cricket will go for a year afterward if I need her to. This last year, she raised her own calf, then she raised Bandit's orphan calf, then I continued milking her for several months until it was time to stop and let her prepare for this calf to be born. So she's a good one to keep a daughter from. :)


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Did you try out the Baby T8 ?

I had the first trick or treat in over 10 years, that's what happens when you moved down to the road area, ain't nobody mad enough to climb them cliffs in the past.

Buffy was better ! HA. Great to have you back, you got us worried there for a min.

Hi Debs x Shes gone to school now..

Morning Y'all


Time to make a yummy juice :)


Not yet, just about when I think this coil has had it I keep getting good vapes off it. I hate to say it but I kind of hope it gives up soon so I can though just hate to yank a coil that's still working to try another. Even though I bought a healthy supply of them. I did order me another Baby Beast in SS for the SS Alien yesterday though looking forward to it so I can have a different flavor running.

And g'morning everyone. Glad to see you back @Draconigena. :)


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OK, I'm still not caught up on the pages I missed yesterday, but I got through what I missed since my last post. Whew! I see Rich posted the pics of the lovely Miss Buffy Morgaine. ;)

The calf puller IS like a winch, but this one didn't have chains. They were nylon slip-loops that went around the calf's ankles, the center being looped over a hook attached to a line on the big steel thingie and a crank at the bottom to pull the calf out. Kind of like a fishing reel. There's a "U" at the cow end of it that snugs up against the back of her thighs and the tension of the calf being pulled keeps it in place. Very simple, and very effective. The neighbor said he was glad I called because a breech (backward) calf most always drowns as it's being born, if not pulled out rapidly. When the umbilical gets pinched between the calf's body and the cow's pelvis, it cuts off their oxygen and the calf takes a breath. If they're coming out headfirst, that's a good thing, it gets them breathing, but if they're backward, they take a breath and drown in amniotic fluid. I should have known this, but I didn't, having never dealt with a breech calf before, so I'm glad he knew what to do. Now I do, too. Anyway, by pulling the calf out smoothly and quickly, they're out before they realize their oxygen is cut off, so their first breath is air instead of fluid. Luckily, this little one was early and still small enough to "whoosh" right out with no problems. It was over in a matter of less than a minute. :)

The neighbor that came over is Buffy Morgaine's "grampa." He's the guy that owns the big Angus ranch that we take the cows over to for breeding. So he always has a bit of an interest in all the babies born here. :) There was a big sale yesterday and our other neighbors were at the sale, so I'm EVER so glad that the bull guy wasn't there, otherwise things could have turned out differently. I still would have attempted to pull the calf, but it would have been by hand, and I didn't know about the drowning thing, so if I hadn't been quick enough, or she was too slippery to get a good grip on, it could have been bad. I'm just so grateful he was available to help.

Love the name ;)

I kind of wish I was a Cow living with you, free food, a place to sleep and no worries and once in a while I'm taken for no strings attached free sex, woohoo......take about a dogs life, gimme a cows life

Not yet, just about when I think this coil has had it I keep getting good vapes off it. I hate to say it but I kind of hope it gives up soon so I can though just hate to yank a coil that's still working to try another. Even though I bought a healthy supply of them. I did order me another Baby Beast in SS for the SS Alien yesterday though looking forward to it so I can have a different flavor running.

And g'morning everyone. Glad to see you back @Draconigena. :)

I built up the Boreas and tossed it back down, same with almost all my tanks, this baby beast has messed up my vaping lol. Now I'm vaping it full time, all day, everyday, I'm back on premade coils again :facepalm: but the flavor and the way it vapes is so good, everything else is meh....

I think I'll have to get the RBA for it, I even cancelled my Supreme in gunmetal.. :confused:.......Ahh, I'll wait till the big baby comes out, you get the RBA with it. I have enough coils to last me into 2018 anyway.

Who needs to build when you get a vape like this.
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I kind of wish I was a Cow living with you, free food, a place to sleep and no worries and once in a while I'm taken for no strings attached free sex, woohoo......take about a dogs life, gimme a cows life
yeah but you forgot about one thing hun.........once or twice a day they come out and yank on yur hangy down parts!!

Morning all I need a coffee IV!
here ya go!

Sat here today starring at my neglected Boreas, so gonna try something different, pretty low build, lets push this tank to it's limits lol
Please don't blow nuttin up or set yur hair on fire!!

I'm EVER so glad that the bull guy wasn't there, otherwise things could have turned out differently. I still would have attempted to pull the calf, but it would have been by hand, and I didn't know about the drowning thing, so if I hadn't been quick enough, or she was too slippery to get a good grip on, it could have been bad. I'm just so grateful he was available to help.
So glad that everything worked out so well and he was able to help. I'm assuming she's fine and healthy and nursing great etc??


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The energy drinks makes my heart race. Big no no for someone with cardiac issues. I wish I could drink them!
Oh they are down right terrible for you, I know that haha, I drink them to often, Emily is always going on at me about them but when I've had a bad nights sleep, one can of this has me rocking again..


Just to note, when he's talking about the 0.15ohm coil, it's not the V8-T8, he's talking about the V8-X4.......Dam all these silly coil names lol.

Look forward to trying the 0.2ohm one, everyone raves about this tank, it's easy to see why though when you vape it, every single person at work vapes the baby beast and they are all rda, rta guys, that speaks volumes.

LOL! Rixy, you make me laugh! I've missed you SO much! As long as you're a girl cow, yeah, it's an easy life here. But we eat the boys. :devil:

Figures, we always get the rough deal lol

yeah but you forgot about one thing hun.........once or twice a day they come out and yank on yur hangy down parts!!

That doesn't sound so bad :p


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So glad that everything worked out so well and he was able to help. I'm assuming she's fine and healthy and nursing great etc??

Yup, I had to help her find the teat at first, but once she figured out that's where the milk was, there was no stopping her! LOL! She practically emptied Cricket's udder last night, and that's no small feat! Cricket makes a lot of milk. Every time I looked at her, she was nursing again. :giggle: For such a little thing, Buffy Morgaine probably (if I had to make an educated guess) put away at least a gallon yesterday, and probably more like a gallon and a half. Her tummy was very full when we did evening chores.


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Oh they are down right terrible for you, I know that haha, I drink them to often, Emily is always going on at me about them but when I've had a bad nights sleep, one can of this has me rocking again..
The kids don't drink em as much as they used to, but they used to drink a lot. I hate those things, and was forever warning my son about em. They do still drink em sometimes, but they're awful. Soooooo much better to eat some protein and/or fiber. It'll stick with you and no crash.

That doesn't sound so bad
lmao! I thought ........... oh never mind :rolleyes: :D

For such a little thing, Buffy Morgaine probably (if I had to make an educated guess) put away at least a gallon yesterday, and probably more like a gallon and a half. Her tummy was very full when we did evening chores.
oh that's wonderful!!! She'll grow a foot overnight if she keeps that up!


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@Draconigena and @Lannie see if any of these are the type of insulator you need for the IsubG I know some are for the protank, but dunno if any of the others will fit or not.

Oh, Deb, thanks for looking that up, but I've already checked with them, and none of them are big enough for the iSubs. They're all Protank sized.

Well, I went out to do the first milking this morning, but that little PIGGY had beat me to it. When I went out at sunrise, she was tucked into the hay, sleeping, and Cricket's udder was pretty full, but by the time I got out there to actually do the milking, Miss Piggy had woke up and had her breakfast! You aren't-a-kiddin' I think that calf is gonna grow a foot a day at this rate. Well, she can enjoy herself today, because starting tonight she has to go to calf jail every night, and stay there until AFTER I do the milking in the morning. What I do is milk until the milk stops flowing, then let the calf out to nurse one quarter, which causes Cricket to let the rest of her milk down, then we pull the baby off and put her back in her stall while I finish milking three quarters (I leave one for the calf, plus they get all the milk the rest of the day, as well). This method has the added benefit of halter and lead training the calf, so when they're bigger and stronger than me, they still mind me when the lead rope is on them. Sometimes I'm smarter than my cows. ;) (And sometimes I'm not. :oops:)


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Oh they are down right terrible for you, I know that haha, I drink them to often, Emily is always going on at me about them but when I've had a bad nights sleep, one can of this has me rocking again..


Just to note, when he's talking about the 0.15ohm coil, it's not the V8-T8, he's talking about the V8-X4.......Dam all these silly coil names lol.

Look forward to trying the 0.2ohm one, everyone raves about this tank, it's easy to see why though when you vape it, every single person at work vapes the baby beast and they are all rda, rta guys, that speaks volumes.

Figures, we always get the rough deal lol

That doesn't sound so bad :p

Man I can't wait for that tank, I never thought I would go back to prefabs but this one may do just that for the time being. And I hear ya on the names it can get quite confusing since they offer so many different configurations. :D


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by the time I got out there to actually do the milking, Miss Piggy had woke up and had her breakfast! You aren't-a-kiddin' I think that calf is gonna grow a foot a day at this rate.
lmao! I never liked Miss Piggy, but that's a great nickname for a greedy lil calf! oh well, sorry the site didn't have it. Someone posted it. I didn't think it would work but wanted to see.

CBA November syndrome
the huh?


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I will! His costumes are never one shot deals. He'll wear them over and over while playing. He loves Spider-Man so he'll dress up in his costume, break out his figurines and play for hours. My daughter gets her money's worth in costumes for that kid!
That's good. He'll have a blast. Man, wouldn't it be fun to be a kid again? For one day?


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Sure would like to have my kid body back again though..........before I busted it!
I think about that one every now and then and always wonder... would I make the same mistakes over and over? Having your kid body back implies having your kid brain too, which means you're invincible... until proven otherwise, then you're broken again...


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I will! His costumes are never one shot deals. He'll wear them over and over while playing. He loves Spider-Man so he'll dress up in his costume, break out his figurines and play for hours. My daughter gets her money's worth in costumes for that kid!
Sounds like my Son, bless him x

Oh.......well that splains it........... I don't know nuttin bout Rixy's thang! :D


Pizza Order, had to have stuffed crust too, sooooooo naughty :pizza:

Never drank an energy drink...
I think it would have a bad reaction to your DNA..

I think about that one every now and then and always wonder... would I make the same mistakes over and over? Having your kid body back implies having your kid brain too, which means you're invincible... until proven otherwise, then you're broken again...
I'm always breaking mine still, the latest is next door is having new fencing, he vapes, which is cool and I was chatting with him but I stepped backwards and fell down the post footings, it was only 3ft and I sort of fell and ended up sitting on the grass, took my vape out and carried on talking, I thought he was gonna wet his pants with laughing. I'm used to it :rolleyes:
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I think about that one every now and then and always wonder... would I make the same mistakes over and over? Having your kid body back implies having your kid brain too, which means you're invincible... until proven otherwise, then you're broken again...
Well, Tabitha had her surgery today for extracting the extra teeth that were infected. Poor baby. I went to the store on break and got her some canned dog food -- soft. It all went well and I can't wait to see that little pug face.


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Well, Tabitha had her surgery today for extracting the extra teeth that were infected. Poor baby. I went to the store on break and got her some canned dog food -- soft. It all went well and I can't wait to see that little pug face.

An da Rixsta treated the Pugsta to a gold grill init, ya get me.......


Brap Brap dat bling thang


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Never drank an energy drink...
me either, but I do like saving some of the empty cans for die cutting the metal. Arizona tea too! the ginseng and honey one especially.

Pizza Order, had to have stuffed crust too, sooooooo naughyt
Sounds good. We have a place here, Papa Murphy's. They make em, put em on a disposable baking pan. You just bake it ever how long it says. They got a chicken bacon ranch stuffed pizza. Soooooooooo good. Haven't had that in a long time!

I'm always breaking mine still, the latest is next door is having new fencing, he vapes, which is cool and I was chatting with him but I stepped backwards and fell down the post footings, it was only 3ft and I sort of fell and ended up sitting on the grass, took my vape out and carried on talking, I thought he was gonna wet his pants with laughing. I'm used to it

older DM did not trip, floor was sad so I hugged it.jpg

Well, Tabitha had her surgery today for extracting the extra teeth that were infected. Poor baby. I went to the store on break and got her some canned dog food -- soft. It all went well and I can't wait to see that little pug face.
awwwwww poor baby. But just for a lil while.....then she'll feel sooooooo much better!!! Glad it went well!!


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I should never be around sharp knives. There is now blood on our cheese. :rolleyes: (It's just a small puncture, it stopped bleeding already, don't panic, Deb!)

I did make several bottles of juice today, however, and that always seems to go well. Nothing sharp to poke or slice myself open on. :D

Rich fixed the bottom of the calf stall door (had to screw on an extra piece of board so she can't limbo out underneath), then we re-bedded it and put a water tub in there, so Miss Piggy will be in Calf Jail tonight. Maybe I'll be able to get some milk tomorrow. She's the cutest little baby. She likes her stall, and went in there to take a nap all on her own. Well, it's quiet and secure, and back in the corner, away from the big door, so it's a natural "refuge" type of place. And when she's in there, Cricket knows her baby is safe and can go out and graze a little bit. Cricket will be so happy to be sprung from the pen tonight after we lock Morgaine up in her stall. She loves her baby, and would stay and "protect" her as much as she felt she had to, but when she's tucked safely in the calf stall, you can almost see Cricket heave a big sigh of relief and then she goes right out to the pasture, knowing she doesn't have to worry about her for a while.


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awwwwww poor baby. But just for a lil while.....then she'll feel sooooooo much better!!! Glad it went well!!
It did go well and it's a good thing I brought her in for her shots and checkup a week ago. They pulled around 8 teeth and she had a huge abscess. :( But, she will be feeling better real soon and they told me this is not uncommon for a pug. She's still a little out of it but did enjoy her soft food tonight. She wants no part of Mr. Freeman. lol. She just either stands, or sits, but with her eyes closed. I wish she would go to sleep before the next round of pain killers and antibiotics!
I'm out of here for the night folks. Allergies. Caint see. lol.


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I should never be around sharp knives. There is now blood on our cheese. :rolleyes: (It's just a small puncture, it stopped bleeding already, don't panic, Deb!)

I did make several bottles of juice today, however, and that always seems to go well. Nothing sharp to poke or slice myself open on. :D

Rich fixed the bottom of the calf stall door (had to screw on an extra piece of board so she can't limbo out underneath), then we re-bedded it and put a water tub in there, so Miss Piggy will be in Calf Jail tonight. Maybe I'll be able to get some milk tomorrow. She's the cutest little baby. She likes her stall, and went in there to take a nap all on her own. Well, it's quiet and secure, and back in the corner, away from the big door, so it's a natural "refuge" type of place. And when she's in there, Cricket knows her baby is safe and can go out and graze a little bit. Cricket will be so happy to be sprung from the pen tonight after we lock Morgaine up in her stall. She loves her baby, and would stay and "protect" her as much as she felt she had to, but when she's tucked safely in the calf stall, you can almost see Cricket heave a big sigh of relief and then she goes right out to the pasture, knowing she doesn't have to worry about her for a while.
You're such a great GrandMOOther (like Moo said). And the calf is adorable. One last thing. BE CAREFUL!!!!!! BOTH OF YOU!!!!!!!! That is all.


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I should never be around sharp knives. There is now blood on our cheese. :rolleyes: (It's just a small puncture, it stopped bleeding already, don't panic, Deb!)

I did make several bottles of juice today, however, and that always seems to go well. Nothing sharp to poke or slice myself open on. :D

Rich fixed the bottom of the calf stall door (had to screw on an extra piece of board so she can't limbo out underneath), then we re-bedded it and put a water tub in there, so Miss Piggy will be in Calf Jail tonight. Maybe I'll be able to get some milk tomorrow. She's the cutest little baby. She likes her stall, and went in there to take a nap all on her own. Well, it's quiet and secure, and back in the corner, away from the big door, so it's a natural "refuge" type of place. And when she's in there, Cricket knows her baby is safe and can go out and graze a little bit. Cricket will be so happy to be sprung from the pen tonight after we lock Morgaine up in her stall. She loves her baby, and would stay and "protect" her as much as she felt she had to, but when she's tucked safely in the calf stall, you can almost see Cricket heave a big sigh of relief and then she goes right out to the pasture, knowing she doesn't have to worry about her for a while.

Keep it up, Lannie! You're making it REALLY hard to want to eat a steak.


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G'evening everyone! :wave:

@Rixsta Finally got around to trying that .15 quad coil and I must say I am getting flavors from my juice I didn't know were there. And I haven't even really cranked it up yet being a new coil and all but am looking forward to vaping on it this evening when I can crank the wattage up. Looks like I need to buy some new coils for the BB. :)

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