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Womper Woom Wejects


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Sort of, I don't have a hairy back or anything which I'm pleased about and hair in the right places, that's subjective, some like it smoooooooth.

wow, is there anything we don't talk about here LOL
Not much. We cover about every subject.
Time for some wine. Somehow a wind picked up and I got blown into a wine store of which I proceeded to partake in the delicate task of buying a huge bottle. :devil:


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Im getting to know peeps here too well, I was going to put in brackets (not the poop kind) I left it though to see if you would and of course you did.

I did sand blast my ex wife in bed once I admit, that was the morning after a party, shit happens.

I got so toasted one night I stood up out of bed and swore I went in the restroom(no. 1), I didn't. Fucking mead in giant bottles at the Ren Fest. :giggle::giggle::cheers:

My ex-wife enjoyed that little escapade as much as I enjoyed steam cleaning the carpets the next morning with a raging hangover.


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Im getting to know peeps here too well, I was going to put in brackets (not the poop kind) I left it though to see if you would and of course you did.

I did sand blast my ex wife in bed once I admit, that was the morning after a party, shit happens.
I got so toasted one night I stood up out of bed and swore I went in the restroom(no. 1), I didn't. Fucking mead in giant bottles at the Ren Fest. :giggle::giggle::cheers:

My ex-wife enjoyed that little escapade as much as I enjoyed steam cleaning the carpets the next morning with a raging hangover.
You guys!!!! This is GREAT STUFF!


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I got so toasted one night I stood up out of bed and swore I went in the restroom(no. 1), I didn't. Fucking mead in giant bottles at the Ren Fest. :giggle::giggle::cheers:

My ex-wife enjoyed that little escapade as much as I enjoyed steam cleaning the carpets the next morning with a raging hangover.
Cool ha

Well peeps. I'm off here for the night. I'm tired. From doing NOTHING ALL DAY! Also, I have my Raspberry Pi up and running and have several scary movies to watch.
Bon Soir!
Night Atcha

I watched the puppet master, omg, I loved that film as a teenager, now, its sooooooo bad


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Good morning, Emily. And everyone else. Have a nice stroll. It's always great to walk a beach early in the morning. Or morning, as it's 10 AM there? Which is still early on a weekend.

Morning Eskie, she's usually up at 8am on the weekends so she was late getting up, walk on the beach is better than any coffee to wake you up.

Today I'm going to review the RBA deck on the Big baby, I've never really got on with RBA's in tanks designed for premade coils, I find them awkward and they always leak on me. Maybe I'll try the doll wicking, tails up, cap on, cut flush, stuff.

The Cloud beast RBA was great to build on, I stuffed those wicks straight to the bottom, made extra sure it was wicked right and it poured the juice out, I'm hoping for a better result this time.

I will be using some 26g kanthal wire x2, wrapped in some 32g NI80 and wicking with Kendo Gold. It will be interesting to see the flavor difference and airflow. (if it works)

In fact, scrap that, I will use the wire already in the RBA, sort of a test run to see how it performs
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Time for some wine. Somehow a wind picked up and I got blown into a wine store of which I proceeded to partake in the delicate task of buying a huge bottle.
hehehe good story! Hey ya gotta blow where the wind takes ya!

I've not drank for 9 days now, well not booze.
it's good for ya......give yur liver a break! :p

Shit gets real when you go to the Ren Fest on the Pirate Weekend.
I have never been to the one down there even the whole time I lived in Galveston, and dated a living history buff. Have never been to the one up here (kinda) closer to us in Waxahachie either. But have always wanted to go to one. A friend of mine many many years ago, used to be on the brochure for the one in Houston. She played the harp, and would play at Renfest every year.

Morning everyone, feel better this morning.
Going to have a walk on the beach after breakfast
Glad you're feeling better. A walk on the beach sounds so wonderful! Specially if it were a warm one! I just woke up (fell asleep on the couch) and am freezing! had to go put more clothes on and am still freezing! It's 17 below!!! Ok, 53 for most folks. :D Seriously, if my son weren't here, I'd have the heater on!!

There was a lady in the house before. To quote you...what am I, chopped liver?
You tell em!!!

That is NOT the appropriate response to that!!!!!!! hehehe

I know I'm scarce these days, but Cricket finally came into her full production, and Little Buffy Morgaine is still way too little to drink it all, so I'm dealing with cheese and clabber every day. It'll slack off as Morgaine gets bigger and can take more of the milk, then I won't have so much to deal with, unless I want to. That's what I love about strapping healthy calves - if I'm feeling overwhelmed with milk, I can just let THEM deal with it, and they are happy to help out. If I want more, I just take more before they finish it up. It's a win-win. Right now, though, I'm overwhelmed with milk! LOL!

hehehe Couldn't resist. Then again, I've always loved John Denver!

I'm as good as any old fart can be.
((((((((Rich))))))))) good to see ya!

Ok, that said, someone gave me a Mini Vogue mod. This thing is TINY! Anyone hear of it? (Kadly, sorry I gave you the name on the mod instead of what was on the box)
Here's a pic next to my Pico and a quarter.
Yipes.........that thing IS tiny! what is it a 350 mah??? lol

This B&M shop charged her $80 for it and a tank
that's just so wrong!!

Hey Reign the Gamer! Glad Marley is well. I've spent almost $2000 this month on my 3 dogs. Seems when one has something wrong, they all end up with something wrong. And, 3 different things!! They're doing better though.
Yipes. So glad they're doing better though!

No one's around. So I can be as goofy as I want!!!! Teeeeeeeeeeeheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Cute joke ---->>>>> (open)
lmao............nearly didn't open that one that cuz I thought I figgered you were tryin to psych us out.

Pssst! Atcha, Andria was looking for you.
Did she get upset over something? Noticed she hasn't been around in a long time.

But I do have to pluck chin hairs now.
yeah and where the hell did those things come from?????

Doh! I forgot I was supposed to be Good Kad, at least until I find out if Santa is gonna give me what I want for Christmas! I'm gonna refrain from any further doggystyle jokes. Off to see if there are any vape related items named 69 or Cowgirl.
I saw that!

Then the tank will dolphin on you...
HEY!!! No bein nasty when it comes to dolphins!!! :lol:

maybe it will come to you when your milking ? Oh no
This is Kads fault tbh
and you too!!

Oh no I meant on the Baby's haven't got the Big Baby yet which reminds me I need to check my tracking this morning.
ETA: Boooooooo expected delivery Monday, oh well at least something to look forward to besides work.
And I am off to the Doc's y'all have a good one.
You had to be reminded to check tracking!!!
Hope all went well at the doc's! Whut did he say? Besides stick out yur tongue or sumpthin

Since I already said I wasn't touching that tank name anymore, I thought about discussing the Wanko, but then I realized that's already been beat to death.

omg, look who's liking posts, I'm in so much trouble now
hehehe at first thought you meant me instead of Emily (since she said she wuz gonna tell on ya to me the other day) and thought, well you at least had gotten a reprieve cuz I fell asleep on the couch.

Wankos are good for squonking. Just squeeze your squonker till your Wano spurts, then suck?

Bring him round and I'll tell you
Good one!!!


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Ok.........I just got TOLD! Tried to post and VU said.............ERROR! Please limit your post to less than 10,000 characters! :facepalm: it's all the smilies I tell ya........... photo bucket has really long codes! Honest they do!

A simple box of chocolates, hell, even a wrapped up chocolate bar, anything really, it is never about the value of the gift but always about the thought.....
For me, my parents come before anything, I owe them a great deal and it is a sign of manners, appreciation and down right respect and love for bringing me up, a little something is the least I can do.
That's so sweet!! Wish more kids felt that way and didn't take loving parents for granted. Kids think well you had no choice. guess what........lots of parents make a choice not to raise their kids well or at all. If a person had good parents they should really appreciate it. Well, they shouldn't come before anything, but I still like the way you think! It's not about how much money was spent or not, it's about did someone think of you and put any effort into making you feel loved or special. I've been without money to spend on Christmas for folks most of the time, but that never stopped me from trying to make it special. One year I went through sale ads and cut out pictures of things my son and a sorta adopted one who was living with us at the time would like and found small boxes, and wrapped the items up for each of them. I told em before they opened them to not get excited, they weren't really gifts, but they at least got to open something and we all had fun. One year I couldn't get a tree and we didn't have a plastic one, so I wrapped lights around the back of the recliner, and hung ornaments on the light strands and we had a Christmas chair! Put the tree skirt in the seat of the chair. My son still remembers that one fondly.

Morning wompers! Well I spoke too soon. First hard freeze warning is out for tonight which means draining and shutting off all the outside pipes to there's no plumbing work next spring.
oh that's awful. Reckin I should stop whinin about it being 17 below huh! But I'm still really really cold. Cold brings pain, so I'm gonna keep whinin! hehehe

Rixy, I agree with you 100%! My mom and dad came first, before anyone else. My daughter is a very selfish, self centered person. She wasn't raised that way but once she hit adulthood she changed. I keep hoping that someday she will change. And it's really sad but both of my kids make it known to me that they expect me to buy them stuff for Christmas. One of these days, I'm going to fool them
((((((((Lynn)))))))))))))) I'm really sorry sweetie! Uhmmm........... yeah, I would make this year the year! I know it's hard to do when it's your kids, but treat me like that then expect me to reward you for it? Newp don't think so!

some people, no matter how you bring them up, turn out bad.
well not bad people necessarily, they just do bad things sometimes :hug:

Usually drinking day but I have a cold now too
awwwwww sorry you got it too now. Hope y'all don't all pass it around a second time.

Nice to know your lady is a very generous and sharing person

but she can keep her soup.
awwwwwwww c'mon ya big baby (you are what you vape) Raw garlic soup is good for ya!!! hehehe

Morning Debs :blowkiss:
Mornin sweetcheeks!!! <3 <3 <3


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hehehe good story! Hey ya gotta blow where the wind takes ya!

it's good for ya......give yur liver a break! :p

I have never been to the one down there even the whole time I lived in Galveston, and dated a living history buff. Have never been to the one up here (kinda) closer to us in Waxahachie either. But have always wanted to go to one. A friend of mine many many years ago, used to be on the brochure for the one in Houston. She played the harp, and would play at Renfest every year.

Glad you're feeling better. A walk on the beach sounds so wonderful! Specially if it were a warm one! I just woke up (fell asleep on the couch) and am freezing! had to go put more clothes on and am still freezing! It's 17 below!!! Ok, 53 for most folks. :D Seriously, if my son weren't here, I'd have the heater on!!

You tell em!!!

That is NOT the appropriate response to that!!!!!!! hehehe

hehehe Couldn't resist. Then again, I've always loved John Denver!

((((((((Rich))))))))) good to see ya!

Yipes.........that thing IS tiny! what is it a 350 mah??? lol

that's just so wrong!!

Yipes. So glad they're doing better though!

lmao............nearly didn't open that one that cuz I thought I figgered you were tryin to psych us out.

Did she get upset over something? Noticed she hasn't been around in a long time.

yeah and where the hell did those things come from?????

I saw that!

HEY!!! No bein nasty when it comes to dolphins!!! :lol:

and you too!!

You had to be reminded to check tracking!!!
Hope all went well at the doc's! Whut did he say? Besides stick out yur tongue or sumpthin


hehehe at first thought you meant me instead of Emily (since she said she wuz gonna tell on ya to me the other day) and thought, well you at least had gotten a reprieve cuz I fell asleep on the couch.


Good one!!!

I love the Ren Fest down here one of the only things I miss about the ex-wife we would go at least once a year and going to one alone is just weird so I'm holding out until I meet a nice nerdy girl who will accompany me. :)

And the Doc said something not that surprising I have gotten my yearly upper respiratory infection. Put me on a z-pack and told me to take Robitussin CF for awhile which sucks cause I have a garage full of new car parts that I don't even feel like installing. Hoping maybe Sunday after church I will feel a little better and get to it. I'm thinking I should be able to see about an 80+ HP bump over what I have now which will put me squarely in the mid 400 HP range on all motor, quite a respectable number for a 4.6 Mustang.

And g'morning everyone hope you have a good one.


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1500 mah actually. And after some research, depending on the tank, that might not be out of line for B&M pricing.
wow.......that's impressive then. Shouldn't have judged it without checkin into it it I reckin. big things lll pkgs and all that

I love the Ren Fest down here one of the only things I miss about the ex-wife we would go at least once a year and going to one alone is just weird so I'm holding out until I meet a nice nerdy girl who will accompany me.
well if I can ever get down there round that time, and ya haven't found yur nerdy girl......I'll go wiff ya! As long as ya dress up, cuz well ya gotta dress up for things like that. Loved doing that at Dickens on the Strand!

Phooey on the URI. Kewl beans on the more HP but sorry ya don't feel like playin wiff yur toys. and am I mistaken or was that your inaugural panning? We usually do have a celebration of some sort for the first one. :D


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wow.......that's impressive then. Shouldn't have judged it without checkin into it it I reckin. big things lll pkgs and all that

well if I can ever get down there round that time, and ya haven't found yur nerdy girl......I'll go wiff ya! As long as ya dress up, cuz well ya gotta dress up for things like that. Loved doing that at Dickens on the Strand!

Phooey on the URI. Kewl beans on the more HP but sorry ya don't feel like playin wiff yur toys. and am I mistaken or was that your inaugural panning? We usually do have a celebration of some sort for the first one. :D

Oh heck yeah I always dressed up that's one of the main reasons to go! :)

And thanks it's been quite awhile since I had parts stacked up just sitting in the garage they usually go straight from the box onto the car. And I must be being slow this morning still on my first cup of coffee, panning?

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