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Womper Woom Wejects


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3rd tank now, not a single leak or dry hit !
Thats good to hear, very nice review!
Im always on the lookout for subohm tank RBA Deck reviews incase I already have the Subohm Tank or find myself wanting or ending up with one in a kit, etc. Which is unlikely due to regs and me having a tight budget now, keeping budget on future proof gear.

I believe @coolerat uses his TFV4s mainly with the RBA Deck and said their as good as most RTAs.

Rhelton(Usually in the TP room at the other place) uses a Horizon Arctic tank with the RBA Deck.
Says it works great aswell and keeps it in his daily rotation. I've been meaning to order that RBA head for a while to try on my old Arctics as they are good for lower wattage vaping.

Subtank Minis, we all know work well with the RBA Decks im sure lol ;)


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Went to VU :Live Mod envy and they were still talking politics....

Back to reading my latest David Weber book.
Yea I'm done talking politics. And tired of reading and hearing about it.
Guess I'll hit the hay soon. I need to get my lazy butt up early and catch up on all this housework. I've been sooooooo lazy!


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Thats good to hear, very nice review!
Im always on the lookout for subohm tank RBA Deck reviews incase I already have the Subohm Tank or find myself wanting or ending up with one in a kit, etc. Which is unlikely due to regs and me having a tight budget now, keeping budget on future proof gear.

I believe @coolerat uses his TFV4s mainly with the RBA Deck and said their as good as most RTAs.

Rhelton(Usually in the TP room at the other place) uses a Horizon Arctic tank with the RBA Deck.
Says it works great aswell and keeps it in his daily rotation. I've been meaning to order that RBA head for a while to try on my old Arctics as they are good for lower wattage vaping.

Subtank Minis, we all know work well with the RBA Decks im sure lol ;)
Mike, I'd love to know more about the RBA deck for a Horizon Arctic tank. That's the tank my son uses and the coils are getting hard to find.


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Good morning everyone! Well I just crashed and slept for 10 hours. Really need coffee and vape.

Politics. Again??:gaah:

Rixy, thanks for the report on the RBA. Sounds like that makes the big baby a solid choice. Guess it's time for vape mail!:vapemail:

Only other stuff I have inbound is some wire and some other coil choices for the Super tank.

Traveling again on Monday to take my friend to the NIH to see if she can get into the experimental study they're running, Two days of tests for her, two days for me to catch up on my reading. This is one of those times where a Kindle so beats out a hardcover. I've always loved to read, and have lots of filled bookcases, but a Kindle makes it so much easier to travel with a whole bunch of books for whatever strikes me on the trip. Now it's a "charge, the phone, charge the tablet, charge the mods, charge extra batteries" sorta day. It's probably why my electric bill keeps going higher and higher.

Oh, and a haircut. Haven't had time for that in a while, and long hair is not a good look for me.


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Morning Y'all, filled the Big baby up last night with the RBA in, woke up this morning, bone dry, vaped it all morning, dam thing is near perfect even with those shabby china coils in.

Need to put my own build in this next week, never have much time on Sundays.
Last edited:


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Went to VU :Live Mod envy and they were still talking politics....

Back to reading my latest David Weber book.

Honestly this is the one thing about this forum that makes me miss ECF. Not the civilized discussion of politics but the cesspool discussions that devolve into nothing more than disgusting personal attacks of anyone with a differing opinion. When the mods themselves are posting meme's that indicates the proper way for "butthurt people to commit suicide" it is very, very unsettling.

And now I will get off my soap box and go play Skyrim, hope you all have a wonderful day. :)


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Cool game, my PS4 Pro is here next Tuesday so the kids are happy as they can have my original PS4 lol..

Gaming n vaping, is there anything better ha

It is, been taking up all my free time since I got it, let me know what you think of the PS4 Pro I'm still kind of on the fence about it but am very curious. The only thing bad about vaping and gaming is I don't think I realize how much juice I actually blow through just puffing away while playing. :D


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It is, been taking up all my free time since I got it, let me know what you think of the PS4 Pro I'm still kind of on the fence about it but am very curious. The only thing bad about vaping and gaming is I don't think I realize how much juice I actually blow through just puffing away while playing. :D
LOL and how many times have I got a dry hit because the tank was empty but I was too focused on the game.

I can already tell you pretty much anything you want to know about the pro, if you don't have a 4k HDR TV, besides quicker load times and framerates, it's not worth getting one.

If you don't yet own a PS4, then yes, may as well get the Pro, especially if your thinking of getting a 4k TV in the near future.


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LOL and how many times have I got a dry hit because the tank was empty but I was too focused on the game.

I can already tell you pretty much anything you want to know about the pro, if you don't have a 4k HDR TV, besides quicker load times and framerates, it's not worth getting one.

If you don't yet own a PS4, then yes, may as well get the Pro, especially if your thinking of getting a 4k TV in the near future.

Yeah I took a big ole puff off the baby the other day and was like WTF is wrong with this thing??? Well duh that's what happens when you puff your tank and there is absolutely no juice in it. But I was very pleasantly surprised that I vaped that much out of it before getting a dry hit.

Ah yeah no 4k here yet and already have a PS4 so probably not worth the jump right now.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Honestly this is the one thing about this forum that makes me miss ECF. Not the civilized discussion of politics but the cesspool discussions that devolve into nothing more than disgusting personal attacks of anyone with a differing opinion. When the mods themselves are posting meme's that indicates the proper way for "butthurt people to commit suicide" it is very, very unsettling.

And now I will get off my soap box and go play Skyrim, hope you all have a wonderful day. :)
Umm VU live is the live video channel.


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Gaming n vaping, is there anything better ha
Chocolate. Chocolate is better than gaming. NOT vaping though. :D
Good morning everyone! Well I just crashed and slept for 10 hours. Really need coffee and vape.

Politics. Again??:gaah:

Rixy, thanks for the report on the RBA. Sounds like that makes the big baby a solid choice. Guess it's time for vape mail!:vapemail:

Only other stuff I have inbound is some wire and some other coil choices for the Super tank.

Traveling again on Monday to take my friend to the NIH to see if she can get into the experimental study they're running, Two days of tests for her, two days for me to catch up on my reading. This is one of those times where a Kindle so beats out a hardcover. I've always loved to read, and have lots of filled bookcases, but a Kindle makes it so much easier to travel with a whole bunch of books for whatever strikes me on the trip. Now it's a "charge, the phone, charge the tablet, charge the mods, charge extra batteries" sorta day. It's probably why my electric bill keeps going higher and higher.

Oh, and a haircut. Haven't had time for that in a while, and long hair is not a good look for me.
My sister loves her Kindle. I'm still back in the dark ages when it comes to reading.


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Kids can really suck sometimes. So, it's "ok" for my son's friend to bring his dog to Thanksgiving, but it's NOT ok for his own mother to bring hers. WTF? Really? So, he'd rather his mom have to drive 6 hours on death highway 35 than his friend to drive 2 hours back and forth. Thing is, I know it's his wife that's saying I can't since I overheard her in the background telling him NO. grrrrrrrr.
Ok Linda, be a good mother-in-law.........suck it up and be glad they at least invited you this time! :cuss2::tantrum::xD::gaah:
Edit: I'm SOOOOOOOO glad I'm no longer paying for his cellphone, car insurance and student loans!
Ok, one more tantrum.......:xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::cuss2:


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Kids can really suck sometimes. So, it's "ok" for my son's friend to bring his dog to Thanksgiving, but it's NOT ok for his own mother to bring hers. WTF? Really? So, he'd rather his mom have to drive 6 hours on death highway 35 than his friend to drive 2 hours back and forth. Thing is, I know it's his wife that's saying I can't since I overheard her in the background telling him NO. grrrrrrrr.
Ok Linda, be a good mother-in-law.........suck it up and be glad they at least invited you this time! :cuss2::tantrum::xD::gaah:
Edit: I'm SOOOOOOOO glad I'm no longer paying for his cellphone, car insurance and student loans!
Ok, one more tantrum.......:xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::xD::cuss2:


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Thanks. I really am feeling like BRAT WOMAN right now. lol. But, you know it really doesn't matter how well you raise your kids. I would never in a million years expect my mother to drive a long distance, refuse to allow her to bring her dog (making her drive back IN THE DARK on the highway to hell), but allow a friend to bring theirs. No way, no how.


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I may NOT go at all now. Lynn, we should make a stand together on this kid thing. You don't buy presents, I don't drive 6 hours with Cervical Stenosis just to eat turkey. :kickbutt::poop:
I so agree hon!! There's no way in hell that I would deny my mom anything! That SUCKS!!! To be honest, I wouldn't go. And I would tell him the exact reason why. Grrrr...that pisses me OFF!! :xD::xD::xD::xD:


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:crab:I suppose the best thing for me to do today is staff offline since I'm so crabby. :crab:
One good thing, is that I normally do not stay angry long. You all have a great day!
Oh hell to the no that you stay offline!! You have a right to be crabby! I would be too! :hug::hug::hug::hug:If I had the funds and a way, I'd travel south and you and I would have Thanksgiving together. :)


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Only when we get older do we stress so much, let's go back to not giving a dam lol



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Awe, you can be as crabby as you want babe, you don't have to run away.:blowkiss:
I so agree hon!! There's no way in hell that I would deny my mom anything! That SUCKS!!! To be honest, I wouldn't go. And I would tell him the exact reason why. Grrrr...that pisses me OFF!! :xD::xD::xD::xD:
Gosh thanks you guys! :) You all are sooooooooo sweet. :blowkiss:
You mean today is different from the other days?

Leg it!!!!
Even you Croms. :blowkiss:

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