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Womper Woom Wejects


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Traveling again on Monday to take my friend to the NIH to see if she can get into the experimental study they're running
Hope she gets in. Have a safe and relaxing trip

The only thing bad about vaping and gaming is I don't think I realize how much juice I actually blow through just puffing away while playing.
The only thing play is subway surfers hehehe But I end up vaping less. I get so caught up and ignore the vape, then stop playing....... vape my face off......back to the game.

Good Mornin wompers! All happy here today because I decided to take the day off. I have BUNCHES to do today but first I have to drink my coffee!
So glad, and hope you're having a great one! 31 days is ridiculous.

Chocolate. Chocolate is better than gaming. NOT vaping though.
And this is why we're sisters!! hehehe

@Atchafalaya watched another good one last night add Exists to your list decent movie and is set in the Piney Woods of East Texas.
Don't like Horror movies, but love that area!

Edit: I'm SOOOOOOOO glad I'm no longer paying for his cellphone, car insurance and student loans!
I'm so glad you aren't as well!! I know you wanna see him, but think about the last visit and if it was worth it. If it was, go...... but give him an earful. If it wasn't worth it, don't go and tell him why. But I do understand, I haven't told my son how I feel about a few things either. Of course, I do have a place to live because of him, and that's why.

go back out and use some plastic! Weeeeeeee!!
wahooooooo what did ya git????

See, there's some of that temptation again.
what temptation? I was told to whack ya and chose not to! I shoulda got a hug at the very least for that!

No free agents allowed?
I think that's what I am, but not sure. :p

she was fine when I met her, went nuts shortly after "I do".
with you and RC I'm seeing a theme here. hehehe j/k been there done that too :(

I came in from a small get together and bumped the HELL out of my left arm. Feels broken! But I know it can't be. Hurts like heck though.
oh no.......hope it really is feeling better.

I started this post many hours ago............then fell asleep............ so I'll post it, but just woke up and gotta go do sumpthin. will be back after bit to catch up.


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Late night early morning wompers! Up early to actually get some work done before I head out for the next few days. I love all the photos. Glad everyone posted.

So just to break up the monotony I decided to change one of my Engines over to dual Claptons. My old coils just didn't seem right so it was easy to justify. Used 316L 26G/32G, 0.24 ohm, and after some playing around with TC for them, got them dialed in and wow, are these things juice hogs. Flavor is great, cloud is big, and I'm liking these things.Preheat in TC and then placing a ceiling around 420F and it's warm and smooth. Not overheating towards the end of the hit, and not waiting a few seconds for the coil to get up to temp. Now I have to practice making them some more, because the amount of wire I end up wasting with less than optimal builds is way too wasteful.

I'll be popping in and out the next few days, so a happy start of the week to all.


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Late night early morning wompers! Up early to actually get some work done before I head out for the next few days. I love all the photos. Glad everyone posted.

So just to break up the monotony I decided to change one of my Engines over to dual Claptons. My old coils just didn't seem right so it was easy to justify. Used 316L 26G/32G, 0.24 ohm, and after some playing around with TC for them, got them dialed in and wow, are these things juice hogs. Flavor is great, cloud is big, and I'm liking these things.Preheat in TC and then placing a ceiling around 420F and it's warm and smooth. Not overheating towards the end of the hit, and not waiting a few seconds for the coil to get up to temp. Now I have to practice making them some more, because the amount of wire I end up wasting with less than optimal builds is way too wasteful.

I'll be popping in and out the next few days, so a happy start of the week to all.


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Yeah, it's all your fault. These freaking Claptons in the Engine make it hard to see the monitor. The flavor is great though. I have a butterscotch custard that I liked, but with these coils the flavor just pops right out. I can even sorta taste the individual flavors I mixed with. Using Claptons in the Limitless+ was good, and was better than a simple coil build, but boy do they make this tank pop.


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Yeah, it's all your fault. These freaking Claptons in the Engine make it hard to see the monitor. The flavor is great though. I have a butterscotch custard that I liked, but with these coils the flavor just pops right out. I can even sorta taste the individual flavors I mixed with. Using Claptons in the Limitless+ was good, and was better than a simple coil build, but boy do they make this tank pop.
Glad you could join us, no going back now buddy.


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Serpent Mini 25mm

As always, I love these tanks, even more so with the 25mm, extra capacity and airflow. It has always been a great single coil tank and still is.

Made a Flapton, I only use flat wire now, more flavor, surface area, way less popping too.

Built a nice 26g / 34g coil, ohms out at 0.5ohm, 40w , no need for crazy builds or power in this tank, it can still chuck the clouds and the flavor is outstanding, I see no need for the dual deck, it's gonna get way to hot.

Easy to build, easy to wick, using some of me old Kendo gold in there, filled her up, no leaks or spit back, awesome vape.

Battery life for days, flavor and clouds, just cannot fault the Serpent mini's

One thing about these tanks, you can really chain vape on them when they are wicked right, walk the plank juice in here just tops the Big Baby and that's dual coil, just goes to show.

It's also a really nice looking tank too. The original fell out of my rotation just because I was fed up of filling it, now it's firmly back in my ADV.
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I had a few people ask me Serpent mini or Big baby, dam, that's a hard question to answer but I have to give it to the Serpent in single coil setup, it's just got more going for it in everyday use. One coil, ease of build, you go through less juice, get more battery life, great flavor and fully open it's the perfect amount of airflow, slightly restricted.

Big baby for pre mades though is still tops .....

If you lung hit, everyone should have one of these, I've had 3 Serpent Mini's, two 22mm in black and SS and this one, with the 25mm it really is great. Just a simple tank that works, out of all of them they have never leaked on me, ever.

Cons, don't like the standard drip tip.

One last thing to add which is important, well for me it is, the Serpent you can inhale slower and for longer, try that on the Big baby or many RTA's and it will dry hit after a while. The wicks are so short it just keeps up.


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With Christmas coming, I'm on a tight budget as well.
how come?? Who ya buyin prezzies for since yur gonna tell yur son and daughter it's their turn for a change???? :giggle:

Family pix? Me and my daughter in 1971:
with a Gremlin! hehehe Have loved all the pics!!
Here's my son and granddog. All my pics are in storage, so will have to take one of me and my son together, but for now you can look at his pic then at my avi real quick lol
Frankie & Daniel in car closeup.jpg
Knowing me, I'd fit it the wrong way round.
not to mention slicin yurself into a million or so pieces when you went crashin through it after installing it :giggle:

I am really losing my mind! Well, what's left of it anyway. I finished dinner and went looking for my vape. A Pico with a Melo3 mini on it. I looked on the chair, the table beside the chair, looked in the kitchen, my bedroom, even my coat that I had on when I went out to feed the dogs, no mod. Came back, sat down in the chair, looked over at the table and there it was. SMH
lmao........I've found myself a few times unable to find something I was holding at the time so don't feel bad!

Taking my stealthy setup to avoid setting off hotel smoke detectors
Just check and see what type of detector they have. Some don't work on clouds, they work on something else that will detect it even without the clouds. But mostly those are in airplanes and things cuz they're expensive.

But married women do not want female free agents around their me.
true, many don't. But I'm safe around married men. That's why I like to flirt with em, I know they're safe. :D

He said it's Batman, Fatman and Superman, bloody charming that is lol
I ain't that fat

If you lung hit, everyone should have one of these, I've had 3 Serpent Mini's, two 22mm in black and SS and this one, with the 25mm it really is great. Just a simple tank that works, out of all of them they have never leaked on me, ever.
Keep plannin on gittin a serpent mini. But now I wanna get some stamping stuff, so dunno, might be awhile hehehe

Howdy y'all!!


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I had a few people ask me Serpent mini or Big baby, dam, that's a hard question to answer but I have to give it to the Serpent in single coil setup, it's just got more going for it in everyday use. One coil, ease of build, you go through less juice, get more battery life, great flavor and fully open it's the perfect amount of airflow, slightly restricted.

Big baby for pre mades though is still tops .....

If you lung hit, everyone should have one of these, I've had 3 Serpent Mini's, two 22mm in black and SS and this one, with the 25mm it really is great. Just a simple tank that works, out of all of them they have never leaked on me, ever.

Cons, don't like the standard drip tip.

One last thing to add which is important, well for me it is, the Serpent you can inhale slower and for longer, try that on the Big baby or many RTA's and it will dry hit after a while. The wicks are so short it just keeps up.
I have a 22mm Serpent Mini. 2 actually. 1 works, 1 don't. I'll stick with that one. Good review though! :)


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That was timing, just had a call, my Son has fell over at school (10 year old) and bust up his leg, got to go and get him, if I'm not back, I'm at hospital cause he has broken it, hopefully it's just a sprain or something.

Wonder who he takes after...........could really do without this today.


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Guess I should take a break from Skyrim every once in awhile and check my tracking emails, new batteries and the Big Baby were sitting in my mailbox all weekend......:facepalm:

Oh well got it up and running before work and I love it going to run a pre-made for awhile and then try out that RBA. And @Rixsta I get it now holy shit that drip was friggin' huge so glad they included an adapter you'll pull your jaw muscles trying to vape off that damn thing.


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Mornin' Deb! I'm spending all my money on the grandson for Christmas and his birthday(January 15). He's only 4 so I don't hold the no present thing against him.
Oh absolutely!! and totally didn't mean that to come out as nosy and bossy as it sounded. Just jokin bossy! hehehe Just irritates me to no end that you get treated that way. <3

Done that, underside of my left arm, near the elbow, that was nasty, straight threw a sheet of glass.
what are we gonna do with you?

That was timing, just had a call, my Son has fell over at school (10 year old) and bust up his leg, got to go and get him, if I'm not back, I'm at hospital cause he has broken it, hopefully it's just a sprain or something.
Wonder who he takes after...........could really do without this today.
Oh hope it's not serious. Schools here will call even for minor things so they don't get sued in case it turned out to be something more than it seemed.

Guess I should take a break from Skyrim every once in awhile and check my tracking emails, new batteries and the Big Baby were sitting in my mailbox all weekend......
lmao........enjoy it hun........and yeah ya do need to come up for air once in awhile


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That was timing, just had a call, my Son has fell over at school (10 year old) and bust up his leg, got to go and get him, if I'm not back, I'm at hospital cause he has broken it, hopefully it's just a sprain or something.

Wonder who he takes after...........could really do without this today.

Oww. Hope he's OK with just a sprain or something. This is why parents go gray and then here their kids joke about it. I'm sure you'll take good care of him. My thoughts are with you.


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with a Gremlin! hehehe Have loved all the pics!!
Yeah, it was kinda funny... That was a 1970 1/2 (official designation for their first year production) and I bought it while I was still in England. They shipped it to me there and it was the first Gremlin to ever be in England (maybe the only one for all I know). I got stopped by a cop there once - not for doing anything wrong - he just wanted to know what it was and how fast it would go. He said, "Will it do the ton?" (Brit for 100 mph) and I said, "How can I answer that without admitting I have broken the speed limit laws?" He smirked and said, "OK, will it go that fast in YOUR country?" I told him, "The speedometer goes to 120 mph and I've had it there a few times." Truth being, I doubt I ever got it over 85 mph. It had a big straight six engine and he wanted to see it. He said that was about twice the size of any British engine he'd ever seen and yet it was considered to be small and economical in the USA. He probably would have freaked out if he'd seen the 454 cubic inch V8 in my 1976 Trans Am (obviously not even made yet at that time). Ahhhh, the good old days...


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Guess I should take a break from Skyrim every once in awhile and check my tracking emails, new batteries and the Big Baby were sitting in my mailbox all weekend......:facepalm:

Oh well got it up and running before work and I love it going to run a pre-made for awhile and then try out that RBA. And @Rixsta I get it now holy shit that drip was friggin' huge so glad they included an adapter you'll pull your jaw muscles trying to vape off that damn thing.
Yes it's crazy wide lol.
Let me know what you think of it and what coil you use..

Thanks everyone for your concerns about my Son, it's just a bruised bone and a cut on his knee, he is limping about but nothing major and he is still going to school tomorrow, they way the teacher sounded, I thought he had lost his leg or something, he doesn't have children and it's very apparent.


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He probably would have freaked out if he'd seen the 454 cubic inch V8 in my 1976 Trans Am (obviously not even made yet at that time). Ahhhh, the good old days..
Jup........and now we have the smart car. Even smaller than most of the Brit cars I've on Tv lol

Thanks everyone for your concerns about my Son, it's just a bruised bone and a cut on his knee, he is limping about but nothing major and he is still going to school tomorrow, they way the teacher sounded, I thought he had lost his leg or something, he doesn't have children and it's very apparent.
Very glad it was nothing major. Any accidents here, they pretty much make ya come get them. then it's your choice to take em to the doc or not. but that way the school can't get sued later if it turns out to be something big

Sounds like someone is throwing things in our back yard, but no one is back there. Must be GIANT acorns hitting stuff. One just now sounded super loud. Been goin on all morning. First time I've heard this

The Cromwell

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Jup........and now we have the smart car. Even smaller than most of the Brit cars I've on Tv lol

Very glad it was nothing major. Any accidents here, they pretty much make ya come get them. then it's your choice to take em to the doc or not. but that way the school can't get sued later if it turns out to be something big

Sounds like someone is throwing things in our back yard, but no one is back there. Must be GIANT acorns hitting stuff. One just now sounded super loud. Been goin on all morning. First time I've heard this
Tiny little alien spaceships landing.


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Yes it's crazy wide lol.
Let me know what you think of it and what coil you use..

Thanks everyone for your concerns about my Son, it's just a bruised bone and a cut on his knee, he is limping about but nothing major and he is still going to school tomorrow, they way the teacher sounded, I thought he had lost his leg or something, he doesn't have children and it's very apparent.

So far I love it using the T-8 Q4 I think the quad coil .15 ohm, just as good as the Baby but not having to fill as often. And the SS Big Baby looks great on the SS Alien as well really slick setup and couldn't be happier with 'em.

And am glad to hear your Son is ok, few days of chilling out and playing video games out to fix him right up. :D


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Off? They are trying to get out.
I think they succeeded. I keep hearing tiny footsteps runnin across the patio. Omggggggggg we're being invaded!! :p

Current forecast says rain/snow mix on Thursday with snow and sub-freezing Friday - accumulation about 2 inches. If there is wind with that, it could make drifts 1 - 1.5 feet.
that's beyond awful! Don't even wanna think about y'alls winters. It's 76 here, I'm in shorts, and have the back door open


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OK, here's a cow joke for Lannie.
There are two cows standing in a field.
The first cow says to the other, “I was artificially inseminated this morning.”
The second cow replies, “No way, I don’t believe you.”
The first says, “It’s true, no bull.”


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Ahh Don't you get the occasional Blue Northerner?
say it norther. jup we do. It does get cold here, but not yet, and not anywhere near as bad as them. Once in awhile it even snows here (if yur lookin outside during the right 15 minutes, you'll even get to see the snow) lol

OK, here's a cow joke for Lannie.
There are two cows standing in a field.
The first cow says to the other, “I was artificially inseminated this morning.”
The second cow replies, “No way, I don’t believe you.”
The first says, “It’s true, no bull.”
groannnnnnnnn lol

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