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Womper Woom Wejects


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One regret was starting that reincarnation religious thing....
lmao! Jup.......not dissin anyone's beliefs, just havin a lil fun. I don't understand believing in reincarnation. Having to keep on going in this life time after time after time........repeating dumb mistakes, hoping you get some things right next time...... vs..... doin yur best one time...... then being in Heaven where everything is perfect for eternity. I'll take the 2nd one. :)


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And I know what crackin cold least what we called it. When everything cracks and crunches when ya walk on it........havin to crack a layer of ice off everything! I had a really hard time liking that post though with all that cold talk. Just glad y'all got yur wood ready and stuff. Bundle up! It's 61 here and I'm freezin!! Of course, I fell asleep on the couch in shorts again. But I do got a puppy hot water doggle snuggled up next to me :)

"Crackling cold" is what I call it when the air's so cold it almost feels like it could crack. Worse than that is Really EFFIN Crackling Cold, where the snot freezes in your nose. ;) I've always wondered why eyeballs don't freeze, but I guess it's the saline tears and all the blinking or something. It might be that, because in the deep cold, my eyes water a lot. They're tryin' to keep from freezin' I think. But then why does my damn nose have to run when it's cold? THAT freezes! LOL!

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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lmao! Jup.......not dissin anyone's beliefs, just havin a lil fun. I don't understand believing in reincarnation. Having to keep on going in this life time after time after time........repeating dumb mistakes, hoping you get some things right next time...... vs..... doin yur best one time...... then being in Heaven where everything is perfect for eternity. I'll take the 2nd one. :)
Whose Idea of perfection?


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I've always wondered why eyeballs don't freeze, but I guess it's the saline tears and all the blinking or something. It might be that, because in the deep cold, my eyes water a lot. They're tryin' to keep from freezin' I think. But then why does my damn nose have to run when it's cold? THAT freezes! LOL!
lol My dad used to stand outside grillin chicken in the middle of winter....... tears would freeze on his face from the cold. I never thought about that, but you could be right. the tears might be protecting your eyeballs. so glad I don't have to deal with that kinda cold no more.

Whose Idea of perfection?
God's and from the description.........I concur hehehe


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Sometimes the consequences for our actions are more immediate.
Hence Darwin Awards.

Or karma, saw a story on the news this morning that is a perfect example. Some dude jacked up a truck to steal the rims and tires off it, and during this process the truck fell on him and killed him. Moral to the story don't be out stealing wheels and you won't have a truck fall on you. :)


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Member For 4 Years
Sometimes the consequences for our actions are more immediate.
Hence Darwin Awards.

Or karma, saw a story on the news this morning that is a perfect example. Some dude jacked up a truck to steal the rims and tires off it, and during this process the truck fell on him and killed him. Moral to the story don't be out stealing wheels and you won't have a truck fall on you. :)
lol hate that it happened to him.......but as ya said, shouldn't have been doin that.


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Yeah that was probably not a really fun way to go but he put himself in that position. I better stop now cause I have to change my oil tomorrow don't want karma biting me in the ass. :p
I have no idea why, but I googled truck falls on man stealing rims, and it came up with pages! Evidently, your guy wasn't the first!


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lol hate that it happened to him.......but as ya said, shouldn't have been doin that.

It's very hard to feel sorry for someone who gets injured or killed when they're out doing something illegal, should of stayed home and watched Burn Notice.

I have no idea why, but I googled truck falls on man stealing rims, and it came up with pages! Evidently, your guy wasn't the first!

I wouldn't doubt it, you know they're not out stealing rims with 3 ton floor jacks and jack stands. They probably have the car jack out of a '92 Camry and some wood blocks. :giggle::giggle:


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I just feel bad for folks that for whatever reason don't have a very good moral compass. Ya just don't know what happened to em in life to make em that way.

I understand that and I used to until I saw those people from the inside among them, I was headed down a dark path but knew instantly from the first door slamming behind me it wasn't what I wanted in life. Most of then have no moral compass to speak of and would rob their own Grandmother if it meant getting ahead and wear their failures like a fucked up badge of honor. So I reserve my feelings for those who deserve it.


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I understand that and I used to until I saw those people from the inside among them, I was headed down a dark path but knew instantly from the first door slamming behind me it wasn't what I wanted in life. Most of then have no moral compass to speak of and would rob their own Grandmother if it meant getting ahead and wear their failures like a fucked up badge of honor. So I reserve my feelings for those who deserve it.

Jup there are many unfortunately that are exactly like that


People's Reviewer
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Wow!!!!!!! Awesome DVD player!!!!!! :D

Howdy everyone!!


LOL, Morning x

Minikin V2 review delayed due to the item being in stock but really it was out of stock and now I have to wait 3 to 5 days for a refund, don't you just hate it when that happens !!!

Anyway, ordered from somewhere else, so review tomorrow.:rolleyes:
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So popped into work and what does Mark have, yup a Minikin V2, borrowing it today but already I can say this mod is special. I'm also enjoying these Bosun Juices, the strawberry custard is probably the best strawberry juice I have tried, really nice. Their biscuit custard is also great, getting that digestive taste then in comes the custard.

Anyway, using this mod today will help with the review tomorrow.

Now I'm going to turn more customers to the darkside, see y'all later.

Got loads of Serpent Mini 25s to sell, I'll be picking up a black one today, superb atty.

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