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Womper Woom Wejects


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That's funny! Suzanne is my middle name.

It is awful you still have that tooth and more awful they charged you that much! If she couldn't have done the rest of it, she shouldn't have done any of it! That 143.00 better be comin off what you pay them next visit. Gimme their phone number!!! I'm so sorry darlin, but really hoping the antibiotics will get the pain down soon. hope they gave you a script for pain meds too!

Wasn't Pinks a TV show?
I was gonna say pinky and the brain too, but atcha beat me to it. Didn't know there was a show called pinks. Thought that was illegal most places.

Noon. Snowing. Thermometer says 30F. Wind Chill is 16F.
that is soooooooo not good!

Currently 71F, 68F tomorrow, 40F Saturday.
You scared me. Didn't see the avi, thought this is like our weather, then saw 40 and thought nooooooooooo a cold front is comin.......looked at the avi and was so glad it wasn't atcha posting that!


Silver Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Whoa what did I wander into??? RANDOM VIOLENCE!!!!!



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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Probably! And yep, he had no empathy at all! After we split up, he went around telling everyone it was MY fault. I said yeah, I was the one lying, cheating and sleeping with another woman. He's an asshole! I hope he rots in hell! :devil:
That's what they do. They blame everyone else for their ineptness at being a decent human. I


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
@Debadoo if you think that's bad look what @Atchafalaya has to look forward to in a couple days.
you do know after this she'll never visit you again in the winter right?!

No, YOU'RE schmoopie.
one of you can be googly bear

I thought all ex's were bastards?
newp my son's dad and I are friends

Me too! And rainy and cold I couldn't ask for more.
(I'm weird like that I love the dreary weather.)
jup, you are weird! ;)

Howdy y'all!!


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Wuts a Friday????
I agree!!

There is no friday for farmers.
Or for people who work where I do.

Fridays? big deal. They are followed by Saturday and Sunday, both work days for me.
And the place I work at gave out turkeys on Wednesday to their employees. I work there but since I'm a temp, I'm not entitled to a turkey. :cuss2:

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