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Womper Woom Wejects


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Ah, so now I begin the process of moving. After my rest in the countryside, I'm giving it up to return to the city. Finally, no more worries about who's going to shovel the snow. No more "Crap, there's no one delivering Chinese food at this hour" (a yay for 24 hour delivery in NY!).

The downside? Crap, noise, waiting for elevators, and neighbors you might actually see in the hall.

Not too bad and gave myself a week to pack. Good thing I have vaping to keep me calm through this.


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Ah, so now I begin the process of moving. After my rest in the countryside, I'm giving it up to return to the city. Finally, no more worries about who's going to shovel the snow. No more "Crap, there's no one delivering Chinese food at this hour" (a yay for 24 hour delivery in NY!).

The downside? Crap, noise, waiting for elevators, and neighbors you might actually see in the hall.

Not too bad and gave myself a week to pack. Good thing I have vaping to keep me calm through this.
You can do it!!!!
Confucius also says "man who keeps hands in pockets make good ball player" :rolleyes::giggle:
OMG Lynn that's hilarious!

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Ah, so now I begin the process of moving. After my rest in the countryside, I'm giving it up to return to the city. Finally, no more worries about who's going to shovel the snow. No more "Crap, there's no one delivering Chinese food at this hour" (a yay for 24 hour delivery in NY!).

The downside? Crap, noise, waiting for elevators, and neighbors you might actually see in the hall.

Not too bad and gave myself a week to pack. Good thing I have vaping to keep me calm through this.
yep I will likely be moving soon too.
The mental hospital let the SIL loose again.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Ah, so now I begin the process of moving. After my rest in the countryside, I'm giving it up to return to the city. Finally, no more worries about who's going to shovel the snow. No more "Crap, there's no one delivering Chinese food at this hour" (a yay for 24 hour delivery in NY!).
I hate moving. Only good thing I saw in that was 24 hr Chinese delivery Hope you like it.

The mental hospital let the SIL loose again.
oh that really sucks. But yeah that's how it goes. They get em lined out on their meds, and have no more reason to hold em. We've both been through this a lot.

What do you mean winter? This is still fall weather.
not to us!!


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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tap tap tap where iz everbody???


People's Reviewer
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Hi Y'all, I have the flu, really bad, worst I've had it for years, just typing on here is taking up all my energy but I wanted to let you know that we are OK.

I have to go back to bed.

Take care everyone x

(((hope your toothache is better Debs)))


Silver Contributor
Member For 3 Years
yep I will likely be moving soon too.
The mental hospital let the SIL loose again.

I thought it was a 60 day court order. Let me guess, back on meds, greatly improved, discharge on meds. Within a few days she stops taking them. Sorry for all the grief. It's a lot to deal with.

tap tap tap where iz everbody???

I'm packing. How annoying. I'll be jumping in and out as best I can.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Eskie, I envy you in a way for moving back to the city. :) I live in a small town but in the city. I moved out in the country once after getting married and hated it. I was used to 5 minutes from everything. Grocery store, fast food places etc. Once out in the country, I was 12 miles from town and I hated it.


Silver Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Eskie, I envy you in a way for moving back to the city. :) I live in a small town but in the city. I moved out in the country once after getting married and hated it. I was used to 5 minutes from everything. Grocery store, fast food places etc. Once out in the country, I was 12 miles from town and I hated it.

Yeah, it was a nice break but time to go in. I hate commuting and will need to spend more than my current once or twice a week at work. But yes, the convenience is way better, and I grew up in the city so this has been more like a great adventure than a true relocation.

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Member For 4 Years
Yeah, it was a nice break but time to go in. I hate commuting and will need to spend more than my current once or twice a week at work. But yes, the convenience is way better, and I grew up in the city so this has been more like a great adventure than a true relocation.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Totally understand that. After my divorce, I moved back to the city. Been here ever since! :)


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Member For 4 Years
As long as it is not failed asleep.
lol newp, I'm pretty good at it most of the time. Just fall asleep when I don't want to. Then go through spells where I don't sleep much, but luckily that's only sometimes.

At work. Where else would I be?
I know. ((((((((((lynn))))))))) sure wish you could find a better job. How's your tooth doin today?

Hi Y'all, I have the flu, really bad, worst I've had it for years, just typing on here is taking up all my energy but I wanted to let you know that we are OK.
I have to go back to bed.
Take care everyone x
(((hope your toothache is better Debs)))
(((((((((rixy))))))))))))) been wonderin bout you darlin. Sure hope you're better soon. Hope everyone else doesn't have it or get it. and it's poor lynn with the toothache.

I'm packing. How annoying. I'll be jumping in and out as best I can
sure don't envy you that task. Moving is awful. But I hope the move will be good for ya. Don't like hearing you have to go into the job more often though


Silver Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Glad your tooth is better, Lynn. Dental pain can be the worst.

Made good progress today. ended up with 16 boxes of books donated to the library by me. No way to duplicate my shelf space in the city, and the library can make good use through a book sale and expanding their collection. Now I need a hot shower, and handful of motrin, and a good massage. Too bad I can only get 2 out of 3 right now. Night all!


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Glad your tooth is better, Lynn. Dental pain can be the worst.

Made good progress today. ended up with 16 boxes of books donated to the library by me. No way to duplicate my shelf space in the city, and the library can make good use through a book sale and expanding their collection. Now I need a hot shower, and handful of motrin, and a good massage. Too bad I can only get 2 out of 3 right now. Night all!
shame you had to get rid of em......but so glad you donated em to the library! Sure wish you could get that hot shower though. :p


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ECF Refugee
ended up with 16 boxes of books donated to the library by me
If you had to get rid of them, the library is a good choice. I have such a love affair with my books (2,000? 3,000?) that if we ever move, I'd give up space for a couch or bed rather than part with my books. Hmmmm... how about building a bed frame that is a bookcase on three sides? Given the way people are changing things today and claiming that is the way it has always been (made-up false history?), keeping my old books is the only proof that things used to be different.


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Member For 3 Years
Well I still kept an awful lot of books with no idea where I could place them, but a pruning was a necessity. The library people were happy, so there's that. More to do today, tomorrow, the next day.............................

I'm looking to make this all happen by the end of the week as I need to travel the week after, and of course Thanksgiving is right in the middle. At least I won't be responsible for making the turkey this year.


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Yeah, I'm sure this "vote" will only include us old folks - when we read Ayn Rand (and other books about over-powerful centralized governments controlling our lives) as school assignments. Today, they don't want the kids to even know such books exist because that is exactly what the government is trying to do to us... first, program the young to believe that is the way they should live, then eliminate all of us who won't go along with it. FEMA camps anyone?


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Good evening Wompers:wave::bliss:
Hey Whiskey!!!!
Eskie, I envy you in a way for moving back to the city. :) I live in a small town but in the city. I moved out in the country once after getting married and hated it. I was used to 5 minutes from everything. Grocery store, fast food places etc. Once out in the country, I was 12 miles from town and I hated it.
I'm 8 minutes from town and live on 2 acres but I love it. Except for the snakes.............and scorpions............and the occasional Texas Giant Red Headed Centipede. :eek:


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ECF Refugee
Hey wompers! As most of you know I'm in Indiana now. Deb, it's COLD. But, it's also beautiful and we are having a wonderful time. Kadly was nice enough to let me use his extra laptop as I am so inept at texting from my phone. Had a ton of laughs last night with his kids, ate gobs of pizza, and went out again this morning for breakfast. I'll catch up as soon as I'm back in Texas. Have a GREAT weekend all!!

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