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Womper Woom Wejects


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Didn't @Atchafalaya's test say most of us were Logicians?
Three logicians walk into a bar.
The bartender asks, "would all three of you like a beer?"
The first one replies, "I don't know"
The second one replies, "I don't know either"
The third replies, "Yes all three of us would like a beer."


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Cowculated humor?

Didn't @Atchafalaya's test say most of us were Logicians?
Three logicians walk into a bar.
The bartender asks, "would all three of you like a beer?"
The first one replies, "I don't know"
The second one replies, "I don't know either"
The third replies, "Yes all three of us would like a beer."
Reckin ya gotta be a logician to git that one :rolleyes: lol


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Reckin ya gotta be a logician to git that one :rolleyes: lol
Well, it does take a certain kind of thinking. Logically, the third guy knew the first two wanted a beer, because if they didn't, they would have known the answer to the question and would have said "No" instead of "I don't know."

Working backwards then, the second guy didn't yet know if the third guy didn't, he only knew he did, and he knew the guy before him did.
And of course the first guy had no idea what either of the other two wanted.

Clear as mud now, right?


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I think they succeeded. I keep hearing tiny footsteps runnin across the patio. Omggggggggg we're being invaded!! :p

that's beyond awful! Don't even wanna think about y'alls winters. It's 76 here, I'm in shorts, and have the back door open
It's acorns. They are falling like crazy!!!! There's an old saying that harsh weather is to come after a mass acorn fall. Of course there's no proof. lol
Hey everyone! Busy day. :)


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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It really is! He got a new laser machine a few months ago but his wife has been making ornaments so last night he finally got my cup in the machine. I love it! The Atchafalaya Basin Bridge holds so many great memories for me. (Hence my forum name - lol)
I want one! Can he engrave one with your face on it?:D


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Oh and @Debadoo Another reason for a tight budget between now and Christmas, I'll be off for 10 days-12-22 through 1-2 with no pay.
jup, saw that on the other thread! So kewl! Not that it's without pay, but just glad you'll get some time to rest!

It's acorns. They are falling like crazy!!!! There's an old saying that harsh weather is to come after a mass acorn fall. Of course there's no proof. lol
Hey everyone! Busy day.
it's weird. They look like longer skinnier acorns without the caps, and are a good bit heavier than acorns. If these are young green acorns, this isn't when they fall. Better not be no stinkin harsh weather comin!!

Like my new cup? My coworker laser engraved it for me.
oh that is fantastic!!! Love it!! oh, got yur coupon in the mail today so the mailman probably has it by now.

Well, it does take a certain kind of thinking. Logically, the third guy knew the first two wanted a beer, because if they didn't, they would have known the answer to the question and would have said "No" instead of "I don't know."

Working backwards then, the second guy didn't yet know if the third guy didn't, he only knew he did, and he knew the guy before him did.
And of course the first guy had no idea what either of the other two wanted.

Clear as mud now, right?
You want a whoopin too don'tchya? I can tell hehehe People sayin those sort of things that I don't understand, doesn't bother me. Them trying to explain it to me does! :D


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I want one! Can he engrave one with your face on it?:D
OMG lol! NO!
BTW I loved all the pics! Lynn, you were HOT!
Kad, I really want to get one for you but not sure what you want on it. Maybe Cub's Win??? With your name? And Deb, I was thinking of aFfrying pan with Debadoo under it for you. Thing is, he won't be able to get to them until after Christmas because his wife is constantly using it.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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OMG lol! NO!
BTW I loved all the pics! Lynn, you were HOT!
Kad, I really want to get one for you but not sure what you want on it. Maybe Cub's Win??? With your name? And Deb, I was thinking of aFfrying pan with Debadoo under it for you. Thing is, he won't be able to get to them until after Christmas because his wife is constantly using it.
Geezers, I don't know what I would want on it either.


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And Deb, I was thinking of aFfrying pan with Debadoo under it for you. Thing is, he won't be able to get to them until after Christmas because his wife is constantly using it.
that's sweet hun, but that would just kinda be wasted on me. You don't need to get me nuttin. :) But, I know you're likely to do it anyhow, so told my son and anyone who might wanna get me something, all I want is stamp stuff. Am hopin I can get back to doing either classes or selling cards etc to make a lil money. But seriously, spend your money on you and kad and your son! I just want a visit!


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Very nice! Been considering picking that game up but am so tied up with Skyrim at the moment let me know what you think of it. :)

And g'morning everyone, hope you have a good one.
So far it's way better than the first one (thankfully) ..

Personally though, I'd take Rise of the tomb raider over this..

Taking a break from gaming, a few have asked me to do a dual build in the Serpent Mini 25, so I'll do that now, that dual deck is all about the coils, too lower build or to much ramp up time and it just ain't gonna work


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Morning! :) Our weather forecast keeps changing because they don't know exactly where the center of the storm is going to go. Buncha amateurs. Weather-guessers is what we call them. Yesterday afternoon it was up to 3 to 5 inches of snow, and two days of sub-freezing highs, and now it's MAYBE 1.5 to 2 inches of snow but 40s during the day, so whatever falls at night will melt the following day. The ground is still very warm, so even if it did stay below freezing during the day, it would melt from the bottom up. There still might be a few annoying drifts, since snow in SD rarely EVER falls straight down (it did once last year, and it was BEAUTIFUL!), and there's some substantial wind associated with this storm, but like I said, I don't think it will last long. It's still a tad bit too warm.

HOWEVER, Friday night is supposed to go down to 14, and Saturday night down to 18, so it will be crackling-cold Saturday and Sunday morning. I'ma hafta break out my Cabela's wool hunting socks and winter boots, it looks like! LOL! The rest of the days are only supposed to be in the high 20s or low 30s for lows. We're going to have to move the outside trough inside to the barn, and hook up the heater, so the critters will have water over the weekend. Oh, and we need to put up the storm windows, too. Rich stocked our inside wood box yesterday, so we have plenty of wood to burn when it's cold out. :) We should be all set. :D


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Just as I suspected, the dual deck changes the tank completely, doubles the airflow and you have to run it at a higher wattage to get the same flavor, the dual deck is pointless to me, it's not how a Serpent Mini should vape, I don't like it at all.
That lovely smooth single coil vape is now just like any other RTA, ruined the whole tank but I can see why they did it, it does give buyers the option but nah....Deck is coming straight out and back to the single for me...

Few pics anyhow.



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Morning! :) Our weather forecast keeps changing because they don't know exactly where the center of the storm is going to go. Buncha amateurs. Weather-guessers is what we call them. Yesterday afternoon it was up to 3 to 5 inches of snow, and two days of sub-freezing highs, and now it's MAYBE 1.5 to 2 inches of snow but 40s during the day, so whatever falls at night will melt the following day. The ground is still very warm, so even if it did stay below freezing during the day, it would melt from the bottom up. There still might be a few annoying drifts, since snow in SD rarely EVER falls straight down (it did once last year, and it was BEAUTIFUL!), and there's some substantial wind associated with this storm, but like I said, I don't think it will last long. It's still a tad bit too warm.

HOWEVER, Friday night is supposed to go down to 14, and Saturday night down to 18, so it will be crackling-cold Saturday and Sunday morning. I'ma hafta break out my Cabela's wool hunting socks and winter boots, it looks like! LOL! The rest of the days are only supposed to be in the high 20s or low 30s for lows. We're going to have to move the outside trough inside to the barn, and hook up the heater, so the critters will have water over the weekend. Oh, and we need to put up the storm windows, too. Rich stocked our inside wood box yesterday, so we have plenty of wood to burn when it's cold out. :) We should be all set. :D
Keep warm in that Capela's gear!!! :)


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A quick hi to all. Lannie, stay warm.

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Hi Eskie!!!! Be safe!
Rixy, I ordered some Toffee juice hoping it would be as good as my old fav, English Toffee. It's BLECH. My goal when I get back from Kadly's next week is to learn how to nic up my juice because I've got some of Lannie's I haven't even tried. yet. :(
Ok, busy day again so have a great day all!
Oh, and Debs, my lozenges came in. Hopefully they'll work as good as the gum.


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Weather-guessers is what we call them.
Jup we call em that too. Tx storms can be quite unpredictable. I've always said I'll put my back, hips and knees up against their fancy equipment and knowledge anyday of the week and twice on Sundays! And I know what crackin cold least what we called it. When everything cracks and crunches when ya walk on it........havin to crack a layer of ice off everything! I had a really hard time liking that post though with all that cold talk. Just glad y'all got yur wood ready and stuff. Bundle up! It's 61 here and I'm freezin!! Of course, I fell asleep on the couch in shorts again. But I do got a puppy hot water doggle snuggled up next to me :)

That lovely smooth single coil vape is now just like any other RTA, ruined the whole tank but I can see why they did it, it does give buyers the option but nah....Deck is coming straight out and back to the single for me...
Good to know at least they didn't ruin the whole thing. It's still great as a single coil.

Hi Eskie!!!! Be safe!
Rixy, I ordered some Toffee juice hoping it would be as good as my old fav, English Toffee. It's BLECH. My goal when I get back from Kadly's next week is to learn how to nic up my juice because I've got some of Lannie's I haven't even tried. yet.
Ok, busy day again so have a great day all!
Oh, and Debs, my lozenges came in. Hopefully they'll work as good as the gum.
oh kewl, hopefully they'll work so you can use your coupon on another batch. Didn't realize you'd already ordered some. Come by after work one day, and we'll get your juice from Lannie nic'd up real quick. All you need to bring with you is the juice.

Good Morning, a very good morning :)

Asmodus Minikin V2 180w review tomorrow :cheers:
Wow!!!!!!! Awesome DVD player!!!!!! :D

Howdy everyone!!


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Jup we call em that too. Tx storms can be quite unpredictable. I've always said I'll put my back, hips and knees up against their fancy equipment and knowledge anyday of the week and twice on Sundays! And I know what crackin cold least what we called it. When everything cracks and crunches when ya walk on it........havin to crack a layer of ice off everything! I had a really hard time liking that post though with all that cold talk. Just glad y'all got yur wood ready and stuff. Bundle up! It's 61 here and I'm freezin!! Of course, I fell asleep on the couch in shorts again. But I do got a puppy hot water doggle snuggled up next to me :)

Good to know at least they didn't ruin the whole thing. It's still great as a single coil.

oh kewl, hopefully they'll work so you can use your coupon on another batch. Didn't realize you'd already ordered some. Come by after work one day, and we'll get your juice from Lannie nic'd up real quick. All you need to bring with you is the juice.

Wow!!!!!!! Awesome DVD player!!!!!! :D

Howdy everyone!!

DVD PLAYER!!!!! HERESY!!!! :giggle::giggle::giggle:


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hehehe thought that would git ya. I'm really gonna have to hide when Rixy sees it! Either that or throw some Chinese at him, that should hold him til I get away! I can't run, but I can roll downhill really fast! :p

Don't tell anyone but the first thing I did with my PS4 when I got it way back when was watch the "Talladega Nights" Blu-Ray that came with it. :giggle::giggle:


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Don't tell anyone but the first thing I did with my PS4 when I got it way back when was watch the "Talladega Nights" Blu-Ray that came with it. :giggle::giggle:
lmao........shhhh yur secret is safe with me, I won't say a word.

LMAO!! You and me both! My right foot has something wrong with it now so I'm limping. Thought it was my shoes, but no...........gitin' old aint fa sissies.
oh that stinks. Git yur purdy cane out and use it. Sorry it's hurting. and hey! who's gittin old??? Not any of us!!!

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