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Womper Woom Wejects


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Yeah my tastebuds were in a deep coma for a long time; I was using 2%-2.5% sweetener in everything.... but recently had to get it down under 1% or I can't stand it. So apparently my tastebuds are finally waking up. :) :) :) 'Bout damn time! :giggle:

When a recipe calls for any kind of sweetener I look at the rest of the flavorings before I add the sweetener to it. If the other flavors are "sweet" ones, I don't add any.


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When a recipe calls for any kind of sweetener I look at the rest of the flavorings before I add the sweetener to it. If the other flavors are "sweet" ones, I don't add any.
Go figure this, I am not a sweet tooth, I don't really eat cakes, chocolate, never eat sweets (one a year ??), I don't eat desserts after meals, I don't have sugar in my drinks, unless it's a cuppa tea, I hate full fat coke, dam stuff clings to your teeth, only drink diet stuff.

Then comes my vaping, I am the biggest sweet tooth ever, the sweeter the better, bang them custards in, the creams, the sweet fruits, the glazed donuts, Ethyl Maltol, ya Ice creams, candy flavors, all that kinda crap I love in my juice and that's really all I vape. I killed three starre pure coils in under a week because of the sweetener in the juice, which is why I'm back on the RTA scene. I'm an oddball lol

Good, more for me an' Rixy! :D


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Go figure this, I am not a sweet tooth, I don't really eat cakes, chocolate, never eat sweets (one a year ??), I don't eat desserts after meals, I don't have sugar in my drinks, unless it's a cuppa tea, I hate full fat coke, dam stuff clings to your teeth, only drink diet stuff.

Then comes my vaping, I am the biggest sweet tooth ever, the sweeter the better, bang them custards in, the creams, the sweet fruits, the glazed donuts, Ethyl Maltol, ya ice creams, candy flavors, all that kinda crap I love in my juice and that's really all I vape. I killed three starre pure coils in under a week because of the sweetener in the juice, which is why I'm back on the RTA scene. I'm an oddball lol

No hon...I'm the oddball. It seems like most everybody likes the sweet stuff. If all I have to vape is sweet liquids I'll buy a pack of smokes in a skinny minute because they aren't. And that's why I don't add sweetener to any of my DIY stuff because I don't want to buy smokes now.


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Then comes my vaping, I am the biggest sweet tooth ever, the sweeter the better, bang them custards in, the creams, the sweet fruits, the glazed donuts, Ethyl Maltol, ya Ice creams, candy flavors, all that kinda crap I love in my juice and that's really all I vape. I killed three starre pure coils in under a week because of the sweetener in the juice, which is why I'm back on the RTA scene. I'm an oddball lol


I recently started using Erythritol which doesn't melt/caramelize nearly as much as other sweeteners. 1% is more than enough, and far less gunking.


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When a recipe calls for any kind of sweetener I look at the rest of the flavorings before I add the sweetener to it. If the other flavors are "sweet" ones, I don't add any.

I may get to that point myself -- down to .6% in my strawberry & cream, when I used to use 2.5%!



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I recently started using Erythritol which doesn't melt/caramelize nearly as much as other sweeteners. 1% is more than enough, and far less gunking.
I will have to get some of that, I'm always rewicking ha
I may get to that point myself -- down to .6% in my strawberry & cream, when I used to use 2.5%!

That's what I use Andria, in fact, if I post a recipe, I leave it out, very rare you will see that listed in my recipes but I use it in every single one.


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I will have to get some of that, I'm always rewicking ha

That's what I use Andria, in fact, if I post a recipe, I leave it out, very rare you will see that listed in my recipes but I use it in every single one.

I often put things like "sweetener to taste", or a suggested range. People who've been doing DIY for a while understand that sweetener is often not required, but newbies don't realize things like that.

I also add a good bit of Flash to my own recipes, but I never list it, when I post the recipes -- most folks don't really care much for TH, especially those who use high-VG.



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D'OH, it is sweet isn't it LOL, more cucumber hey, maybe we should do a V2 then. It will be summer again for me in less than two weeks, need to mix some up.

V2! Yeah! LOL! You should see how many versions of Raspberry Custard Doughnut I have (all of them are from you, in case you forgot ;)) and my Creamy Cappuccino recipe has a V4 now. I just keep thinking of ways to make it better. :) In fact, just this morning, as I was indulging in some strawberry cheesecake juice, I thought of a way to make IT better, too, so I'm gonna tweak on it and see what I come up with.


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Cucumber with mint is also a great vape when you have a cold.
Good point, haha, you have just triggered a funny memory. I had a cold, before I met the wompers, lets say, I was in noob mixing mode then but I had lost my taste, so got really fed up and thought, right !

I think I called it Popsicle choc chip, some chocolate flavoring, cool mint and ice cream but I put 10% Koolada in it, omg, that cool mint and koolada combined turned my throat and nose into Mr Freeze, it was so bad. After that day, I had a new respect for Koolada :facepalm:

V2! Yeah! LOL! You should see how many versions of Raspberry Custard Doughnut I have (all of them are from you, in case you forgot ;)) and my Creamy Cappuccino recipe has a V4 now. I just keep thinking of ways to make it better. :) In fact, just this morning, as I was indulging in some strawberry cheesecake juice, I thought of a way to make IT better, too, so I'm gonna tweak on it and see what I come up with.
Raspberry Custard donut, I still vape that, in fact, I had some yesterday, don't ask me which version it was lol


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There's this thing I like to make (food, not vape juice) that's yogurt with chopped cucumbers, raisins, and peppermint. VERY good stuff. I've heard of raisin flavoring for juice, but I've seen such mixed reviews on it. One of these days I'd like to try making a juice that tastes like mosto khyar, if the raisin flavoring was any good. I'd sure vape that. :)


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There's this thing I like to make (food, not vape juice) that's yogurt with chopped cucumbers, raisins, and peppermint. VERY good stuff. I've heard of raisin flavoring for juice, but I've seen such mixed reviews on it. One of these days I'd like to try making a juice that tastes like mosto khyar, if the raisin flavoring was any good. I'd sure vape that. :)
Raisin, cappuccino with cream. I have wanted to make that for a long time. Sounds wacky though..

I like the V3 the best - that's the one I always make. It's the one with seventy-leven ingredients, of course. :teehee:
Oh yes, it's a rather wacky creation I must say but it does work well. Hmmm, maybe wacky works hey

Got to go get the kiddies ready for bed and cook steak for me and Emily x

Me and Lannie could probably spend an entire day and night talking about juice mixin lol........probably longer :)


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Go figure this, I am not a sweet tooth, I don't really eat cakes, chocolate, never eat sweets (one a year ??), I don't eat desserts after meals, I don't have sugar in my drinks, unless it's a cuppa tea, I hate full fat coke, dam stuff clings to your teeth, only drink diet stuff.
Then comes my vaping, I am the biggest sweet tooth ever, the sweeter the better, bang them custards in, the creams, the sweet fruits, the glazed donuts, Ethyl Maltol, ya Ice creams, candy flavors, all that kinda crap I love in my juice and that's really all I vape. I killed three starre pure coils in under a week because of the sweetener in the juice, which is why I'm back on the RTA scene. I'm an oddball lol
I'm just the opposite. Over the last few years I've developed quite a sweet tooth for eating stuff. I used to always just want crunchy salty snacks. But I don't care for super sweet juices. They're all kinda sweet, cuz it's mostly fruits, but I rarely add sweetner to any of it.

very rare you will see that listed in my recipes but I use it in every single one.
so you been holdin out on us huh! lol

Red raspberry sucks for me but black raspberry is YUM!
Same here if I'm eating them. But I do put some red raspberry in my betelgeuse clone. well, not mine, but I make it lol

I think I called it Popsicle choc chip, some chocolate flavoring, cool mint and ice cream but I put 10% Koolada in it, omg, that cool mint and koolada combined turned my throat and nose into Mr Freeze, it was so bad. After that day, I had a new respect for Koolada
Wow. I've never found a chocolate vape that I like, but I LOVE eating chocolate. But yeah koolada from what I understand is best added as drops, not mls! hehehe I can't imagine 10% of it!!

cook steak for me and Emily x
yummmmmm enjoy!

Kad and Atchya just left a bit ago. My son was taking a nap, and his dog Frankie was napping with him. I'd tried to get Frankie to come out and meet Kad........ he loves Atcha. But he was comfy in the big bed and wuzn't budging. Now this is the dog that goes beserk whenever anyone comes over. He literally loses his mind. When you open any of our doors or windows, it rings the door bell and a voice says which door or window is open. I thought that would have made him go nuts to come out of the bedroom to see who was there, but he didn't.......voices didn't make him wanna come out. He wouldn't come out when I opened the door to see if he'd come meet Kad. Soon as they left and I came back in the house.........he started barkin and whinin to get outta the bedroom to see who was here. :facepalm: I let him out and he ran all over the house like a crazy dog sniffin all the places they'd walked tryin to find em. Really dog??? lol Did I mention he's a terrior-ist?? lol Now he's in his usual position attached to my leg on the couch using me for a puppy pillow.


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Thank you everyone for your kind wishes, your a lovely bunch of people.
I'm going to bed early to rest and read a book. Rixy is right about that Carnival juice, it's really tasty but I can see how it might be too sweet for some people.

Good night :)


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Make a juice and put "blue raspberry" in the name and I'll try it. Some suck. Some are fantastic. But I'll try any of them.

Sweetner?? Its funny cause I have the mother of all sweet teef. I don't like chocolate but any cookie cake candy pop anything sweet I must have. But I never did sweet vaping. Til one day I found high power and sweet juice. Then its been off to the races. The TFV8 has really been a game changer for me.I need mo power now. Pulled all my parallels and went with nice fat claptons. Doubled my power. Oddly my percentages haven't changed including the sweetner and mt dayily total isn't up much either but my enjoyment level is up 10 times.


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Thank you everyone for your kind wishes, your a lovely bunch of people.
I'm going to bed early to rest and read a book. Rixy is right about that Carnival juice, it's really tasty but I can see how it might be too sweet for some people.

Good night :)

To sweet is like to much money or too much ass.

Ain't no such thing.


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Make a juice and put "blue raspberry" in the name and I'll try it. Some suck. Some are fantastic. But I'll try any of them.

Sweetner?? Its funny cause I have the mother of all sweet teef. I don't like chocolate but any cookie cake candy pop anything sweet I must have. But I never did sweet vaping. Til one day I found high power and sweet juice. Then its been off to the races. The TFV8 has really been a game changer for me.I need mo power now. Pulled all my parallels and went with nice fat claptons. Doubled my power. Oddly my percentages haven't changed including the sweetner and mt dayily total isn't up much either but my enjoyment level is up 10 times.

I can relate to this, get the right tank and mod to power these claptons with the right airflow (for this style of vaping) and nothing vapes as good, I run flat claptons in every single setup now, any other coil just doesn't cut it. I find the flat claptons to be even better than the regular round ones. I here the views that a single wire can vape just as good as these claptons, that they have a slow ramp up/down time, I have to disagree, you just need to know how to vape them properly in the correct setup, then there is no going back. The flavor, the smooth draw and the satisfaction is second to none, I'm with you on this one, I know exactly what your talking about.
To sweet is like to much money or too much ass.

Ain't no such thing.
Amen brother..

Thank you everyone for your kind wishes, your a lovely bunch of people.
I'm going to bed early to rest and read a book. Rixy is right about that Carnival juice, it's really tasty but I can see how it might be too sweet for some people.

Good night :)
Awww poor Emmy, going to take her a warm drink up, bless x


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I can relate to this, get the right tank and mod to power these claptons with the right airflow (for this style of vaping) and nothing vapes as good, I run flat claptons in every single setup now, any other coil just doesn't cut it. I find the flat claptons to be even better than the regular round ones. I here the views that a single wire can vape just as good as these claptons, that they have a slow ramp up/down time, I have to disagree, you just need to know how to vape them properly in the correct setup, then there is no going back. The flavor, the smooth draw and the satisfaction is second to none, I'm with you on this one, I know exactly what your talking about.

Amen brother..

Awww poor Emmy, going to take her a warm drink up, bless x

I feel bad for Boden sometimes cause he likes science but vaping isn't science its witchcraft.

He's talking about heat all the time without factoring airflow.

The Cromwell

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The dyanmics involved in attys are very complex and cannot be summed up in any 1 or 2 statements.
Air volume, Air flow pattterns, Air velocity, Coil shape and size, Wattage, wicking material and density, How you comb your hair, etc are all factors and many more.
Per the same wattage and device though smaller diameter wires will give off more vapor than larger diameter ones.
Boden proved that.


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Oh no question Boden has achieved a lot in the vaping world, a lot more than peeps no but he's very modest about it..

I'm no technical person, I just know how to make these chunky coils vape well, it's took a very long time but now I've got it down they perform just the way I love to vape and that's what it's all about. With everything aside, if you enjoy your vape then that's all that matters.


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now I've got it down they perform just the way I love to vape and that's what it's all about. With everything aside, if you enjoy your vape then that's all that matters.
absotively!!! When I sold my nuppins bout a week ago, I bought two BF atties another reonaut was selling, a Sapor, and a Hastur. I've built the Hastur, but need to play around with coil placement. I think it'll be a nice atty once I figger out the best coil placement to get a good vape from it.


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Oh no question Boden has achieved a lot in the vaping world, a lot more than peeps no but he's very modest about it..

I'm no technical person, I just know how to make these chunky coils vape well, it's took a very long time but now I've got it down they perform just the way I love to vape and that's what it's all about. With everything aside, if you enjoy your vape then that's all that matters.

True. I'm really very fortunate to be completely satisfied with my very-modest vaping style -- the low amount of vapor suits my lungs, and is very conservative on juice usage, so it's dirt cheap -- a 60ml bottle lasts more than a week. The straight 9-wrap coils are simple and easy and even quick to make, and since I'm cutting down on my flavor percentages, last a bit longer than when I had to dry-burn every other day.

Even if I COULD handle lots of thick vapor, I'd probably still vape the way I do -- it's a tightwad's dream come true. :giggle:



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Ok, I'm outta here. Gonna go eat some of the yummy smellin gumbo Atcha brought me and watch some TV, if I don't fall asleep on the couch firs! Y'all have a good evening. To rixy and emmy, sweet dreams, see y'all tomorrow. Hope y'all will be feeling better then.

Kad..........very safe trip home tomorrow! Was so great getting to meet you hun!!


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For Lannie and Fuzzy. Packing my shit. I get a coffee cup when I travel to a state. Just my thing. I have 36 cups so far.
Far out! I think you beat me by six states (I've only been on the ground in 30 of them, plus seven foreign countries). Mt. Rushmore is, without a doubt, the biggest tourist place in this state, but save your money... I took my sister, BIL, and my daughter there and it wasn't worth the parking and entrance fees because you can't get any closer to it than if you'd stopped on the side of the highway and took a picture.


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Ok, I'm outta here. Gonna go eat some of the yummy smellin gumbo Atcha brought me and watch some TV, if I don't fall asleep on the couch firs! Y'all have a good evening. To rixy and emmy, sweet dreams, see y'all tomorrow. Hope y'all will be feeling better then.

Kad..........very safe trip home tomorrow! Was so great getting to meet you hun!!
Me too and I hope you had a nice time Kad, I'm sure you did.

Night Y'all


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Ok, I'm outta here. Gonna go eat some of the yummy smellin gumbo Atcha brought me and watch some TV, if I don't fall asleep on the couch firs! Y'all have a good evening. To rixy and emmy, sweet dreams, see y'all tomorrow. Hope y'all will be feeling better then.

Kad..........very safe trip home tomorrow! Was so great getting to meet you hun!!

You got Gumbo from Atcha?? That sounds delicious! Night!

Ohh those are too dark side for me. Maybe a Merlin is in my future, but no Boreas or TFV8.
I just vape a lot at max 40 watts and 23 watts in my STM's.
Don't use Claptons and such so my vape is more efficient.

I love my Merlin. But now I love my Engine even more.:D

And honest, not all that high power. TC 30W 450F after preheat stays ~15W with dual 316L simple coils total 0.5 ohm. More air? Yes (but I also still have the air restrictor in the Merlin). Flavor goes to....................the Engine. I've been splitting my day between my Merlin with a Ry4 in it and the Engine in the evening with a Butterscotch I made. I keep switching over earlier and earlier to the Engine. Might as well just make it a full time switch.


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Far out! I think you beat me by six states (I've only been on the ground in 30 of them, plus seven foreign countries). Mt. Rushmore is, without a doubt, the biggest tourist place in this state, but save your money... I took my sister, BIL, and my daughter there and it wasn't worth the parking and entrance fees because you can't get any closer to it than if you'd stopped on the side of the highway and took a picture.

When I was young I used to ride my motorcycle and camp all over the West.

I did the Mt Rushmore thing once and was like ok, kewl, but on my way.

BUT everytime I drive through on my way to Seattle seems to always be somebody in the car that hasn't been so off I go again.


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Me too and I hope you had a nice time Kad, I'm sure you did.
Thanks, I have had a wonderful so far. Heading for home in about 18 hours, so still have a bit more time to enjoy.

You got Gumbo from Atcha?? That sounds delicious! Night!
Oh, it is delicious! I got Atcha's gumbo before Deb did, and it really was fabulous.

The Cromwell

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When I was young I used to ride my motorcycle and camp all over the West.

I did the Mt Rushmore thing once and was like ok, kewl, but on my way.

BUT everytime I drive through on my way to Seattle seems to always be somebody in the car that hasn't been so off I go again.
Yep once is all anyone needs for Rushmore.
After being there perhaps it is more than anyone needs?

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