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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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We made a TON of progress on The Room today. Got those rugs taken to Goodwill; got rid of an amazing quantity of trash and junk. Got rid of the beat-to-shit old desk that was in there. Now I can actually GET TO the walls, to sweep down cobwebs and make sure all the dust is gone. This coming week, I'll get him to decorate all the woodwork and the ceiling with painters' tape, remove all the plug/lightswitch covers, and payday (Friday) we can get all the brushes and rollers I'll need, so I can get started on the painting. Yippee! :)



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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We put that old comforter and that pile of clothes back on the bed for now, because the cat likes to lay on it. :D The top couple or 3 garments in that stack will have to be re-washed, but I'm getting a lot of other stuff washed, so that can wait. Though currently, the cat is enjoying the number of boxes in the living room with room at the top, on top of the books, where she can lay. :giggle:



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When I was young I used to ride my motorcycle and camp all over the West.
I did the Mt Rushmore thing once and was like ok, kewl, but on my way.
Today, whether car or motorcycle, they charge $11 just to park in their lot.
BUT everytime I drive through on my way to Seattle seems to always be somebody in the car that hasn't been so off I go again.
Buy a mess of postcards and keep them in the glovebox. Knock out that passenger and when they wake up, put a postcard in their hands and tell them they really enjoyed their visit. :D
I got so fucking wasted in Sturgis the next few days are kinda a blur.
Because they claim to be the motorcycle capital of the world due to their huge rally every August, they have more bars per capita than anyplace I have ever been... but 90% of them are only open July and August, which nets them sufficient income that they don't need to be open the rest of the year.
First time through with my girlfriend (now wife) I had her believing in jackalope.
Should have stopped in at Wall drug Store. They have a stuffed donkey standing on its rear with bunny ears. The taxidermist did a good job because it really looked real, and, of course, it is labeled as a Jackalope. They did not use an antelope, so I told them what they really had was a JackAss.
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Morning OBS Engine fans, morning everyone else.

Tank has now gone into full time use..

Emily had a bad nights sleep bless.

Update on the Engine Mini, now this thing is purring like a kitten, I was getting very slight spitback, not popping coils or anything but it was getting a bit too saturated. It was very slight but I was aware of it, even more so after refilling it. I don't like to mention things like that on the first day of use.

I took the build out and replace the 6 wrap flapton 2.5mm ID with a 5 wrap flapton 3mm ID, that did the trick, the extra cotton I could get through the coils and into the holes solved any spitback, zero, none and now it's even smoother than before and by the bubbles it's wicking perfect now. Cons for this tank ?.....None o_O......Hmm, threads on the bottom could be a little better, man, that is nitpicking for the sake of it.

It's now official, the tank goes to the No1 spot for me, not just for flavor but for an overall vape, this one is on top and I'm not talking about tanks like the Goblin mini or serpent, different box of frogs but for a open lung hit, this beats the modfather, the Boreas, the Supreme, Griffin, Crius...and so on, this beats them all. There isn't a single atty I own that vapes as good as the Engine, I see no reason at all for me to get the 25mm version, more of the mini's, absolutely.
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Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Morning OBS Engine fans, morning everyone else.

Tank has now gone into full time use..

Emily had a bad nights sleep bless.

Update on the Engine Mini, now this thing is purring like a kitten, I was getting very slight spitback, not popping coils or anything but it was getting a bit too saturated. It was very slight but I was aware of it, even more so after refilling it. I don't like to mention things like that on the first day of use.

I took the build out and replace the 6 wrap flapton 2.5mm ID with a 5 wrap flapton 3mm ID, that did the trick, the extra cotton I could get through the coils and into the holes solved any spitback, zero, none and now it's even smoother than before and by the bubbles it's wicking perfect now. Cons for this tank ?.....None o_O......Hmm, threads on the bottom could be a little better, man, that is nitpicking for the sake of it.

It's now official, the tank goes to the No1 spot for me, not just for flavor but for an overall vape, this one is on top and I'm not talking about tanks like the Goblin mini or serpent, different box of frogs but for a open lung hit, this beats the modfather, the Boreas, the Supreme, Griffin, Crius...and so on, this beats them all. There isn't a single atty I own that vapes as good as the Engine, I see no reason at all for me to get the 25mm version, more of the mini's, absolutely.
Dangnabbit! I told you to stop talking about it! Now one of 'em has somehow mysteriously added itself my wishlist, and it's all your fault.:rolleyes:
I'm still not pressing the buy button though, for another week, to see if it is still your favorite.;)


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Dangnabbit! I told you to stop talking about it! Now one of 'em has somehow mysteriously added itself my wishlist, and it's all your fault.:rolleyes:
I'm still not pressing the buy button though, for another week, to see if it is still your favorite.;)
Ok, I understand, I'll keep you posted next week, I just bought a Smoant Knight V2 mod for it, I think that's gonna be on awesome pocket setup. Now the wait continues to see if they release a black version of the engine mini, that with the Smoant Knight V2 in black would look sick.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I'm just being a grump because my back hurts. Apparently a disk decided to wander when I was vacuuming yesterday, and the vertebra very obligingly squished it, and it's been hurting like a mofo ever since. You never really understand how important your spine is for EVERYTHING, until some part of it hurts. :xD:



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Yeah, I don't have disk problems, but I frequently strain various back muscles, or they lock up and spasm on me. I know this very well, you can't do ANYTHING without your back! LOL! Luckily, with muscle knots, I can usually stretch them back to normal. Usually.


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Morning! Where is everybody today? I usually have tons of posts to catch up on when I get back from chores. LOL! Is it my deodorant? :oops:

I've been busy :)



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Yeah, I don't have disk problems, but I frequently strain various back muscles, or they lock up and spasm on me. I know this very well, you can't do ANYTHING without your back! LOL! Luckily, with muscle knots, I can usually stretch them back to normal. Usually.

*Usually* a few days of taking it easy, bending my knees instead of my back, and ibuprofen/Alleve will make it feel better.. but until the inflammation eases, there really isn't much I can do except endure... and get the ol man to give me a hand with this and that. I've had issues with connective tissue my whole life, my joints moving in unexpected directions, but it seems to have gotten worse now that I don't have any estrogen to "grease the machinery." :cuss2:



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*Usually* a few days of taking it easy, bending my knees instead of my back, and ibuprofen/Alleve will make it feel better.. but until the inflammation eases, there really isn't much I can do except endure... and get the ol man to give me a hand with this and that. I've had issues with connective tissue my whole life, my joints moving in unexpected directions, but it seems to have gotten worse now that I don't have any estrogen to "grease the machinery." :cuss2:

Hope you feel better soon Andria.


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OK @Rixsta ... that picture of your roast made Lannie so hungry, she ran upstairs to the kitchen to create a special breakfast. She chopped up a piece of ham and threw it in the pan, followed by scrambled eggs and some olives, fried it all up, then topped it off with pieces of fresh garden tomatoes and a few dabs of sour cream. It was gorgeous! I was going to take a picture of the finished product, but we ate it so fast that this is all I can show you.



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OK @Rixsta ... that picture of your roast made Lannie so hungry, she ran upstairs to the kitchen to create a special breakfast. She chopped up a piece of ham and threw it in the pan, followed by scrambled eggs and some olives, fried it all up, then topped it off with pieces of fresh garden tomatoes and a few dabs of sour cream. It was gorgeous! I was going to take a picture of the finished product, but we ate it so fast that this is all I can show you.

View attachment 63536
I try and look after you Dad, glad my picture got you a good breakfast :) :) Sounds really nice


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
We made a TON of progress on The Room today. Got those rugs taken to Goodwill; got rid of an amazing quantity of trash and junk. Got rid of the beat-to-shit old desk that was in there. Now I can actually GET TO the walls, to sweep down cobwebs and make sure all the dust is gone. This coming week, I'll get him to decorate all the woodwork and the ceiling with painters' tape, remove all the plug/lightswitch covers, and payday (Friday) we can get all the brushes and rollers I'll need, so I can get started on the painting. Yippee!
Oh that'll be nice! Lots of work though

Morning OBS Engine fans, morning everyone else.
hehehe I know that's not what you meant, but it was funny. There are engine fans, and the rest of us are everyone else :D

It's now official, the tank goes to the No1 spot for me, not just for flavor but for an overall vape, this one is on top and I'm not talking about tanks like the Goblin mini or serpent, different box of frogs but for a open lung hit, this beats the modfather, the Boreas, the Supreme, Griffin, Crius...and so on, this beats them all. There isn't a single atty I own that vapes as good as the Engine, I see no reason at all for me to get the 25mm version, more of the mini's, absolutely.
Really glad you're loving it. I know they are different, but would do a contrast of the engine vs serpent mini please. Flavor, ease of build, wicking, capacity etc

I'm still not pressing the buy button though, for another week, to see if it is still your favorite.
Smart man!! Mornin to you and Atcha! Reckin you'll be heading out soon. Have a super safe trip. Hope you make it through Waco easily.

My Merlin came yesterday so I'm debating on whether I want to throw a coil in it or wait until I get home from work tonight.
yay! And you aint got it built yet?? at this point, better wait, you might love it so much you won't get any work done for thinking about it. :p

You never really understand how important your spine is for EVERYTHING, until some part of it hurts.
Truer words were never spoken! So sorry you're in pain. Hope it goes away quickly.

I've been busy :)

omggggggggg now that's not fair!! lol That looks sooooo good. Then again, I have gumbo! :D Sorry emmy didn't sleep well. Hope you both get better soon.

Far out! I think you beat me by six states (I've only been on the ground in 30 of them, plus seven foreign countries). Mt. Rushmore is, without a doubt, the biggest tourist place in this state, but save your money... I took my sister, BIL, and my daughter there and it wasn't worth the parking and entrance fees because you can't get any closer to it than if you'd stopped on the side of the highway and took a picture.
I've wondered about that a lot, and the grand canyon same way. But, I also had the same thoughts about Niagra Falls, sorta figured it might be a glorified leaky faucet, but standing on the maid of the mist at the base of the horseshoe falls, I truly felt like I was sitting in the palm of God's hand. I know that don't mean anything to some, but y'all can imagine what an incredible experience it was for me.

You got Gumbo from Atcha?? That sounds delicious! Night!
Jup and this is the 2nd time she's brought me gumbo. I'm a lucky girl! I love me some gumbo and she really does make it good!!

BUT everytime I drive through on my way to Seattle seems to always be somebody in the car that hasn't been so off I go again.
lmao.......I do like draco's idea bout the postcards. Do you share his opinion of not really any better than what you can see from the road?

Hope everyone is having a great day.


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lmao.......I do like draco's idea bout the postcards. Do you share his opinion of not really any better than what you can see from the road?

If you've seen a pic of Mt. Rushmore, like on the front of a road atlas or something, then you've seen it. I swear, I was SO disappointed when we went... there are trails that go up and around the back of it, and if they'd let us go hike the trails, it would have maybe been cool. Seeing it from right up close, you know? But they won't let you go any closer than the visitor's center, which to my mind was no better than looking at a picture. We won't be going again.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Oh that'll be nice! Lots of work though

It certainly is, after being used as a junk depository and spider playground for 5 yrs! :giggle: I actually love the hell out of painting, it's like vacuuming, instant feedback. It's the cleanup beforehand that's a real trial! But my husband is glad to help with all the non-painting parts -- he HATES painting -- so it works out. :) And sometime next year, our son will be home again, occupying that former junk depository, so I have terrific motivation. :) I've been wanting to cover up that vomitous green on the walls since we bought the house, and now have the right incentive to get it done. I'll be painting it a dusty pinkish beige/tan, a color dark enough to help hide the green, that will coordinate with the burgundy/brown/beige comforter set I bought. Next up, burgundy drapes and runner to go beside the bed.

Truer words were never spoken! So sorry you're in pain. Hope it goes away quickly.

Same here! It's nothing new, I injured it in the same spot many years ago, but the disk seems to have taken a mind to ooze out to the left this time, instead of the right as it did before. So at least it's not hurting my existing sciatica... it's just making both sides match. :D At least I have a week or so to mend, before the painting commences. :)



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Deb, I feel the same way you do about Niagra Falls. I'd love to go back!
I thought I finally knew what breathtaking really meant, driving through Aspen, CO I had to pull off to the side of the road and just breathe in the snow covered mountains, but that was nothing compared to Niagra!

I'm thinking that playing hooky from work would be good for my soul. Now...I just need to get the nerve up to call in and decide why I'm not working.
hehehe I used to have to call in dizzy sometimes. Bout 3 times a year I'd get a horrible bout of vertigo that would last 3-4 days. Couldn't walk straight, goin down the hall I'd ping off the walls like pinball. Certainly couldn't drive like that. Dizzy sounds so absurd, but it's way more than just dizzy. As soon as you move the whole world goes topsy turvy. Just trying to walk to the bathroom is an adventure.


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that's a shame. Unfortunately a lotta places are like that.
It might not seem that way to everyone. Rushmore has a paved trail from the visitor center down to the bottom of the scree slope that fronts the heads, but we got no better view or feeling of closeness down there (there is no excitement in looking up Lincoln's nose from half a mile away). Lannie and I both share an insatiable demand for exploration... we could never stand at the edge of Grand Canyon and take a picture and leave... we must climb down in it, touch it, get a feeling of the history of it. When I lived there, I was in the canyon at one place or another nearly every day. Had the Rushmore folks allowed us to hike the old trails around the backside, where you could come out on top of those heads, I am sure I would have a different opinion to report. But, like the bozos who put batteries in their pockets with change and keys, get burned, then blame the battery company, some idiot managed to fall off the top many years ago, so rather than build a fence to protect the stupid, they closed the trails.
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I had disc surgery back in 93 after enduring 9 solid months of various treatments, pain medications, sleeping on the floor and not being able to walk. I went over my primary care doctor to an orthopedic surgeon. He ordered an MRI and surgery was done 7 days later. Thanks to my PCP's screwing around my right leg is half an inch shorter than my left. My back hasn't bothered me since unless I overdo it.


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I thought I finally knew what breathtaking really meant, driving through Aspen, CO I had to pull off to the side of the road and just breathe in the snow covered mountains, but that was nothing compared to Niagra!

hehehe I used to have to call in dizzy sometimes. Bout 3 times a year I'd get a horrible bout of vertigo that would last 3-4 days. Couldn't walk straight, goin down the hall I'd ping off the walls like pinball. Certainly couldn't drive like that. Dizzy sounds so absurd, but it's way more than just dizzy. As soon as you move the whole world goes topsy turvy. Just trying to walk to the bathroom is an adventure.
I agree! I've had vertigo twice and it was unreal!


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At least I have a week or so to mend, before the painting commences.
be careful when ya start painting. I'm so thankful these injections have eased the pain up some. The left side is hurting more now of course, but that I can manage. They put the steroids between the spinal cord and the vertebrae, right at the nerve root. Last time I had them, they made the sciatica nearly unbearable. But he did these in a different spot and thank goodness the sciatica hasn't gone nutso on me.


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we could never stand at the edge of Grand Canyon and take a picture and leave... we must climb down in it, touch it, get a feeling of the history of it
I'm the same way. I think that's one reason the falls were so wonderful. I felt like I was right in them on the boat Looking at them.....meh.......but feeling like you were right in them was amazing. I wanted so badly to do the trail that goes behind the falls, but my 1/2 sister was too heavy to do that, so that meant my son and I couldn't do it either. :gaah:

I had disc surgery back in 93 after enduring 9 solid months of various treatments, pain medications, sleeping on the floor and not being able to walk. I went over my primary care doctor to an orthopedic surgeon. He ordered an MRI and surgery was done 7 days later. Thanks to my PCP's screwing around my right leg is half an inch shorter than my left. My back hasn't bothered me since unless I overdo it.
so glad the surgery worked for you. I know they are doing many of them better than they ever used to, but it still scares the stuffin outta me. I have one side shorter than the other also. I think it's my right side, but never remember. I can look in the mirror and tell, cuz one shoulder is a good bit lower. If I had better insurance, they'd likely be pushing me more to have surgery.

since you've had vertigo, call in dizzy. lol It's fun when you're online, cuz that's bout all you can do......folks ask why you aren't at work....... oh.......I called in dizzy. Then they say, so what makes today different?? hehehe


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I had disc surgery back in 93 after enduring 9 solid months of various treatments, pain medications, sleeping on the floor and not being able to walk. I went over my primary care doctor to an orthopedic surgeon. He ordered an MRI and surgery was done 7 days later. Thanks to my PCP's screwing around my right leg is half an inch shorter than my left. My back hasn't bothered me since unless I overdo it.

I had an MRI when I first injured it, since it was a workman's comp thing; apparently I have 2-3 small benign "tumors" right there, at the L4/L5 area, so I suppose it's possible that they're growing. But I noticed the pain right after I vacuumed my room, so I suspect I just bent wrong, maybe even just bending over to plug in the vacuum, or unplug it. Getting used to squatting instead of bending is annoying, but doable -- the real trial is trying to put stuff in the bottom rack of the dishwasher, since that's more of a lean to the side -- that's one of the things I need my husband to help with.



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I'm the same way. I think that's one reason the falls were so wonderful. I felt like I was right in them on the boat Looking at them.....meh.......but feeling like you were right in them was amazing. I wanted so badly to do the trail that goes behind the falls, but my 1/2 sister was too heavy to do that, so that meant my son and I couldn't do it either. :gaah:

so glad the surgery worked for you. I know they are doing many of them better than they ever used to, but it still scares the stuffin outta me. I have one side shorter than the other also. I think it's my right side, but never remember. I can look in the mirror and tell, cuz one shoulder is a good bit lower. If I had better insurance, they'd likely be pushing me more to have surgery.

since you've had vertigo, call in dizzy. lol It's fun when you're online, cuz that's bout all you can do......folks ask why you aren't at work....... oh.......I called in dizzy. Then they say, so what makes today different?? hehehe
Both my dad and my brother had disc surgery as well. It worked great for both me and my dad, my brother, not so much. He kept having surgery after surgery to fix scar tissue from the previous surgeries.
And I decided that since we did just come through wind and rain with the hurricane, that I would say a limb fell and damaged the roof. That's not entirely a fib though cause I really do have a limb on my roof! :teehee:

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