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Womper Woom Wejects


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@Rixsta I remember you put a wrap on your Pico in black (? carbon fiber) and yellow. Was that from Zapwrapz? And is the Zapwrapz carbon fiber textured or is it just a flat vinyl with a design on it? I tried another wrap from Jwrap in the US, but didn't like the texture of it (not carbon fiber, some brushed metal that felt like bushed vinyl).

Here you go buddy


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Q: How many women with PMS does it take to change a light bulb?
A: One. Only ONE!! And do you know WHY it only takes ONE? Because no one else in this house knows HOW to change a light bulb. They don't even know the bulb is BURNED OUT. They would sit in this house in the dark for THREE DAYS before they figured it OUT. And once they figured it out they wouldn't be able to find the light bulbs despite the fact that they've been in the SAME CUPBOARD for the past SEVENTEEN YEARS. But if they did, by some miracle, actually find the light bulbs, TWO DAYS LATER the chair that they dragged from two rooms over to stand on to change the STUPID light bulb would STILL BE IN THE SAME SPOT!! AND UNDERNEATH IT WOULD BE THE CRUMPLED WRAPPER THE STUPID @*!#$% LIGHT BULBS CAME IN! WHY?! BECAUSE NO ONE IN THIS HOUSE EVER CARRIES OUT THE GARBAGE!! IT'S A WONDER WE HAVEN'T ALL SUFFOCATED FROM THE PILES OF GARBAGE THAT ARE 12 FEET DEEP THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE HOUSE. THE HOUSE!! IT WOULD TAKE AN ARMY TO CLEAN THIS... I'm sorry...what did you ask me?
lmao! this one and the dog one was funny, the rest of em "liked" cuz I love you! hehehe

Clearly you know all of our cats... belly rubs... I'm gonna lay on the kitchen floor, right in the middle, so ya can't get around me until my belly is satisfied.
I was actually wondering earlier how many hours I've spent rubbin Frankie's belly. But he's worth it.

ROFL! I'm just glad it was dead, because chasing those things is for...CATS!!!
This is one reason I can't deal with cats! I know some dogs will do that too, but have never had one that did

I have dentist tomorrow, deep clean, they look clean to me but the dentist insists it's always best to have one, yuck, I hate it, goes right through me. Not looking forward to that. Yup, I'm a big baby
Yuckkkkkkk I have a severe dentist phobia. But good you're going. Not having good dental care over the years is one reason my teeth are in really bad shape.

@Eskie I quoted you but it didn't show up. also has some pico wrap thingies, but not as kewl as the ones rixy got.

Thanks y'all we had fun. then my son, gd, and I played pictionary til my back wore out. We all tied.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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LMAO! I just pictured you running around your house, coolfire in hand, chasing a chipmunk out of your son's new room!!

:giggle: :giggle: :giggle:

Actually today I have my black minibook in hand... and the cat had taken her prize and hid under my husband's desk! But I was actually running around hunting the broom and dustpan -- with all the hoopla with the dust in that room, it wasn't in its usual spot, so I had to run around screaming WHERE'S THE DAMN BROOM! :giggle:

But I finally got the dead vermin outta here, and after she meowed and pleaded for an hour, I let her back out too, hollering DON'T BRING ANYMORE DEAD SHIT IN MY HOUSE!!!!

:giggle: :giggle: :giggle:


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:giggle: :giggle: :giggle:

Actually today I have my black minibook in hand... and the cat had taken her prize and hid under my husband's desk! But I was actually running around hunting the broom and dustpan -- with all the hoopla with the dust in that room, it wasn't in its usual spot, so I had to run around screaming WHERE'S THE DAMN BROOM! :giggle:

But I finally got the dead vermin outta here, and after she meowed and pleaded for an hour, I let her back out too, hollering DON'T BRING ANYMORE DEAD SHIT IN MY HOUSE!!!!

:giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
Awe but she was so proud of her catch! lol
Good thing you found it. Dead vermin stink after a while and your husband would have been at his desk wondering what that stench was. lol!


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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This is one reason I can't deal with cats! I know some dogs will do that too, but have never had one that did

Normally, she comes to the sliding glass door in the back, so I can see she's got some vermin, and I won't let her in till she drops it. This time, she surprised me by coming to the garage door, where I couldn't see her before I opened the door! :giggle:



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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And sneaky. hehehehe
My outside dog just eats the vermin. Kills them, then waits a few days until they ripen up. :eek:

The only stuff she kills that I've known her to actually eat, are birds. Once, I opened that door to the garage, and there was like an explosion of red feathers EVERYWHERE -- but no bird. She ate that poor cardinal. :( But they wised up; they stay up in the trees, and I don't let her outside till 11am at the earliest, so the birds can take care of their morning ablutions without worrying about a cat.

But when I saw that today she had a chipmunk, I was relieved, because as I chased her thru the house, it almost looked like she had a snake hanging out of her mouth -- she kills those all the time. I hate that she kills chipmunks, they're so dang cute, but I sure was glad it wasn't a snake!



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Sorry Lynn. Didn't mean to make ya feel bad, that woulda had a wink if I knew how to do it from my phone, wasn't trying to criticize. I'd give you a wub but VU doesn't have it.

Sent from my SD4930UR using Tapatalk

A wink is a semi-colon and an ending parenthesis. You do something similar to a wub with a colon - blowkiss - colon.



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Member For 4 Years
Better than bringing in something live
very true!

a wub for lynn from kad Love  wub emoti from ECF.gif

glad you're nearly home. Hope you're feeling good and not worn out hun!
Must be such a long drive. Gonna need new tires soon.
When I drove to my brother's house in Indianapolis, it was 1,040 miles. Not sure what part of Indiana kad is in.....but that at least gives you an idea. I drove straight through....... 20 hrs. Didn't intend to drive straight through, but wasn't tired when it was time to stop for the night, so I kept going. By the time I got tired, I was too close to stop.


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The only stuff she kills that I've known her to actually eat, are birds. Once, I opened that door to the garage, and there was like an explosion of red feathers EVERYWHERE -- but no bird. She ate that poor cardinal. :( But they wised up; they stay up in the trees, and I don't let her outside till 11am at the earliest, so the birds can take care of their morning ablutions without worrying about a cat.

But when I saw that today she had a chipmunk, I was relieved, because as I chased her thru the house, it almost looked like she had a snake hanging out of her mouth -- she kills those all the time. I hate that she kills chipmunks, they're so dang cute, but I sure was glad it wasn't a snake!

I'm glad it wasn't a LIVE snake! Yea, Croms gave me the heebeegeebees talking about it not being "alive" . lol


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very true!

a wub for lynn from kad View attachment 63601

glad you're nearly home. Hope you're feeling good and not worn out hun!

When I drove to my brother's house in Indianapolis, it was 1,040 miles. Not sure what part of Indiana kad is in.....but that at least gives you an idea. I drove straight through....... 20 hrs. Didn't intend to drive straight through, but wasn't tired when it was time to stop for the night, so I kept going. By the time I got tired, I was too close to stop.
Omg, that is seriously long. It is for us anyway on this small Island. I can't get my head around that. 160 miles is my limit lol
Dang, I'd have to fly there or sommat


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lol nawwwwww it's lots of fun sometimes to take long road trips!!
Yes it can be fun. More fun with company for the trip.
I used to LOVE driving long distances. Actually checked out the truck driving school here at CTC for after I retire from here. But, my neck had other plans. So, I'm just going to be an actress in Hollywood. :cool::D:cool::rolleyes:


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Ok, so I go out for a vape break earlier. Drive to the park. Some dude wearing sagging pants down to his knees (ok, maybe not that far down.....but close) walks in front of my car, looks at me, and proceeds to start dancing. I just sat there in the car and kept vaping. Ignoring him. He turns and walks off. GEEZ.


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I ordered an RX 2/3 earlier after hearing all yall that talk about them being Comfortable and what not, plus 3 18650's for usin it at the desk is nice... Hopefully it wont have the problem of not running in Dual 18650 setup... Got it from VapeNW on sale, and acouple old Fogger V4/V5 RTA's for $5 each lol


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I ordered an RX 2/3 earlier after hearing all yall that talk about them being Comfortable and what not, plus 3 18650's for usin it at the desk is nice... Hopefully it wont have the problem of not running in Dual 18650 setup... Got it from VapeNW on sale, and acouple old Fogger V4/V5 RTA's for $5 each lol
That's awesome Mikey!


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So, I'm just going to be an actress in Hollywood
oh goody. when you make it big, you can bring me in!

Ok, so I go out for a vape break earlier. Drive to the park. Some dude wearing sagging pants down to his knees (ok, maybe not that far down.....but close) walks in front of my car, looks at me, and proceeds to start dancing. I just sat there in the car and kept vaping. Ignoring him. He turns and walks off. GEEZ
what a weirdo!

Not on your own lol
I've done several long road trips on my own. I had a pic of my son on the dash, and when I'd see sumpthin neat, I'd hold his pic up so he could see it too. :rolleyes: ya just gotta be easily amused, or kinda nuts. Fortunately I'm both!

I ordered an RX 2/3 earlier after hearing all yall that talk about them being Comfortable and what not, plus 3 18650's for usin it at the desk is nice... Hopefully it wont have the problem of not running in Dual 18650 setup... Got it from VapeNW on sale, and acouple old Fogger V4/V5 RTA's for $5 each lol
oh kewl! did you use the 10%off code?


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Ok, so I go out for a vape break earlier. Drive to the park. Some dude wearing sagging pants down to his knees (ok, maybe not that far down.....but close) walks in front of my car, looks at me, and proceeds to start dancing. I just sat there in the car and kept vaping. Ignoring him. He turns and walks off. GEEZ.

Is that unusual there? In NY you get folks doing that on the subway all the time, then hoping for a tip.


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oh goody. when you make it big, you can bring me in!

what a weirdo!

I've done several long road trips on my own. I had a pic of my son on the dash, and when I'd see sumpthin neat, I'd hold his pic up so he could see it too. :rolleyes: ya just gotta be easily amused, or kinda nuts. Fortunately I'm both!

oh kewl! did you use the 10%off code?
Yea! Dropped it all down a decent bit.. Which is why I bought it there...Usually I never get to use those coupons lol


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Is that unusual there? In NY you get folks doing that on the subway all the time, then hoping for a tip.
It would be here, if someone did that here he'd be arrested.
We also dont do these road trips, it's all alien to me. We live so different I guess.

Yea! Dropped it all down a decent bit.. Which is why I bought it there...Usually I never get to use those coupons lol
Congrats Mikey.


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Ok, so I go out for a vape break earlier. Drive to the park. Some dude wearing sagging pants down to his knees (ok, maybe not that far down.....but close) walks in front of my car, looks at me, and proceeds to start dancing. I just sat there in the car and kept vaping. Ignoring him. He turns and walks off. GEEZ.

Things like this make me so glad we decided to live in Hillbilly Hell. Well, actually, we're not even in Hillbilly Hell. There are PEOPLE there. Here? Mostly cows. Yeah. Cows. :)

Is that unusual there? In NY you get folks doing that on the subway all the time, then hoping for a tip.



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Back from getting wood...
We also don't do these road trips, it's all alien to me. We live so different I guess.
It all depends on what you're used to. I grew up in Oregon, got my license, first car, etc., there. We lived in a small town outside of Portland (250,000 then, over a million today). Back then, a long trip was to go into Portland for "special" shopping... about 25 miles one way. Over the years, my trips got longer and longer until it was no big deal to drive all the way across the state in one day (Orygun is about twice the area of England). When I was in England (at least in Suffolk), towns were no more than 15 miles apart, so it seemed like one did not have to go very far to get from one place to another, but in many states here (like South Dakota), many towns are 75-100 miles apart, so if you want to go shopping, you learn to drive longer distances. And the more you do it, the less you pay attention to how far you have to go. Today, one day a month, I drive an average of 250 miles just to do our shopping. If someone had told me 30 years ago that I would be doing that, I would have said, "No F'ing way, Jack!!!" So a road trip, today, of 1,000 or 2,000 miles is no big deal.

Example: several years ago, an online friend offered Lannie a free female Great Pyrenees livestock guardian dog; all I had to do was go get her. I took off from out house after breakfast, drove across South Dakota, all the way across Minnesota, and halfway through Wisconsin, took a couple hours nap, then drove south out of Wisconsin, through Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee to a truck stop in Knoxville, where I slept in the car for a few hours. The next morning, I picked up the dog, drove all the way across Tennessee westward, across the tips of Kentucky and Illinois, all the way across Missouri, up the west side of Iowa and back into South Dakota, where I got another couple hours nap. Then I drove across South Dakota to home. All that for a dog? No big deal. Really.

OK, back outside now to unload the truck. Later gang.
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Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Now that's just WRONG!! Somebody should replace it!
I have it now, and one way or another Deb is getting a working mod back when I get done playing with it.:)

Wait! I thought you wanted me to order it?
I don't know what color I'm getting. Probably black again.
What color did ya order for me?:D

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