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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Eternity And A Day - Paul Haslinger
(from the Underworld Soundtrack)

All time favorite movies? Let's see if this one throws your profile of me for a loop. While it may not be my absolute favorite, it is in the top 3, and it is the movie I have probably watched more times than any other movie.
Go ahead, take a wild guess. Need a clue? 1941. Need another? Humphrey Bogart was in it, so was Sydney Greenstreet
Right now you are probably thinking of the wrong Bogey flick.
So let's add in Peter Lorre and Mary Astor and a black bird and one of the most unromantically romantic (or is that romantically unromantic?) lines in literary (written by Dashiel Hammet) history...

" I hope they don't hang you, precious, by that sweet neck. Yes, angel, I'm gonna send you over. The chances are you'll get off with life. That means if you're a good girl, you'll be out in 20 years. I'll be waiting for you. If they hang you, I'll always remember you."

Yep, I love The Maltese Falcon.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Eternity And A Day - Paul Haslinger
(from the Underworld Soundtrack)

All time favorite movies? Let's see if this one throws your profile of me for a loop. While it may not be my absolute favorite, it is in the top 3, and it is the movie I have probably watched more times than any other movie.
Go ahead, take a wild guess. Need a clue? 1941. Need another? Humphrey Bogart was in it, so was Sydney Greenstreet
Right now you are probably thinking of the wrong Bogey flick.
So let's add in Peter Lorre and Mary Astor and a black bird and one of the most unromantically romantic (or is that romantically unromantic?) lines in literary (written by Dashiel Hammet) history...

" I hope they don't hang you, precious, by that sweet neck. Yes, angel, I'm gonna send you over. The chances are you'll get off with life. That means if you're a good girl, you'll be out in 20 years. I'll be waiting for you. If they hang you, I'll always remember you."

Yep, I love The Maltese Falcon.

Well of course I looked it up. I feel certain I've seen the Maltese Falcon at some point, but I don't remember it. When I was a kid they used to run wonderful old movies on Saturday afternoons (after cartoons, which they also don't run anymore), and late nights on Friday and Saturday.

One day I'll make you a list of oldies I love, but the first one that popped into my head was "Imitation of Life", the 1934 first one, with Claudette Colbert, which is the better one, and the 1959 remake with Lana Turner in the starring role.

There are lots of contemporary movies I've never seen, and my DVD collection has a lot more vintage than current.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Please don't be offended. I only said I was "starting to get a profile", and that it explained your wide ranging music interests.
If I gave the impression that I was offended I am sorry. I was just trying to have a little fun. I am absolutely not offended and I apologize for coming across in a way that made you think I was.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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-Mucky Pup

With that, gotta log out, get ready for the Monday that's depressing only because it follows a four day weekend.

I hope Jimi's okay. Looks like he wasn't here very long today.

Enjoyed playing Kad. Thank you. Hope your hand is continuing to heal up too.
Have a good night Bliss, and yeah, Monday definitely sucks after a long weekend.
Now I gotta come up with another jail song...


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
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Not jail, yet similar:

Dashiel Hammet also wrote Red Harvest. It was an inspiration for this:

One of, if not, my all-time favorite movies. Red Harvest translated Seven Samurai over into a Shakespearean five act play structure. Yes, it still holds to Aristotle's 3 acts of a story, but, it flows better in a five beat structure. Hammet was also a Pinkerton man, they later became the Secret Service. You go counterfeiting money, it'll be them show up in sharp suits to, 'take you for a ride'. And no, they are not beholden to any government as they are still a privately held company.

I also like Magnificent Seven, the one with Yul Brynner & Steve McQueen. There was an anime remake of Seven Samurai, titled 7 Samurai.

Liked that one as well. It has a hilarious but true koan. A farmer, walking with a couple of samurai and heading back to his village as the advanced scouting unit, gets frustrated. The two samurai are discussing and joking about disguising their party as dancing girls. "How can you joke over such a life and death matter," the farmer demands.

"It's always a life and death matter, may as well not take it so seriously."

Another anime that comes to mind I enjoyed, Gunslinger Girls and the whole series of it. I also liked Fists of North Star, though, so my foray into anime is limited. Wife and I watched Fairy Tale, and I would catch some Bleach, but never got into it.

Hm, still do enjoy Labyrinth with Bowie and his, well, tight pants. Saw a dumb movie on Netflix, but I ought to have known. The new one called The K----ler. It was very 'ho-hum'. A lot more may have been done, I think. *shrugs* But, I'm nothing but space and space dust, energy and inertia.
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Bliss Doubt

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Member For 5 Years
I brought this over here to not disrupt the vapeversary thread.
This is what happened with me, just an FYI, if interested.

Thank you Wolfie.

My email log-in on VU is with Proton mail.

But when I saw this that CaFF posted on the bugs thread, I knew immediately. It's $!@%& Cloudflare! VU needs to stop using it.


Cloudflare was keeping me out of certain websites in my Epic privacy browser. It would give me that page to click "checking for security" or something like that. I would click the box, and then the little dots would spin and spin and spin, and never let me through. Then it started preventing me from accessing so I complained on TrustPilot. Cloudflare responded, and argued with me. If you can't get in, they said, the site doesn't want you there. I argued back to them, even if it's a site I have visited for years, where I have a user account?

Bloody computards. They did do something to improve it though, but it still acts up when I try to access some sites. The problem occurs in my Epic privacy browser, which has a built-in VPN, so if I really need to access a site and can't do it in Epic, I'll try it with Brave and can usually get through from there.


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ECF Refugee
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I'm starting to agree with Rincewind from Interesting Times. Causes can be picked up a nickle a dozen on any street corner, your life is priceless and sacred, don't waste it on a cause. Although, I do believe all of humanity needs to come together. We need our basic human rights guaranteed.
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Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I'm starting to agree with Rincewind from Interesting Times. Causes can be picked up a nickle a dozen on any street corner, your life is priceless and sacred, don't waste it on a cause. Although, I do believe all of humanity needs to come together. We need our basic human rights guaranteed.

So who is it, MMM, that you're waiting for who is going to guarantee our basic human rights, that you never need to stand up for yourself or for anyone else, nor ever waste your priceless and sacred life by taking on a cause? How does humanity come together if we sit around letting unelected bureaucracies make our decisions, do things to us, pass laws that strip us of our rights?

What are those "nickel a dozen" causes? Elections? Food drives? Online pedophiles? Government authoritarianism?

Never mind.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
So who is it, MMM, that you're waiting for who is going to guarantee our basic human rights, that you never need to stand up for yourself or for anyone else, nor ever waste your priceless and sacred life by taking on a cause? How does humanity come together if we sit around letting unelected bureaucracies make our decisions, do things to us, pass laws that strip us of our rights?

What are those "nickel a dozen" causes? Elections? Food drives? Online pedophiles? Government authoritarianism?

Never mind.

I may lack a clear answer. I at least do hope that since the U.N. created that deceleration, the U.N. would see to its administration & enforcement. Yes, I understand that can be seen as idealism, dreaming. All may dream last I heard.

Sincerely do comprehend your questioning. If I had all answers for you, I'd grant them. Again, that is part and parcel why humanity needs to come together. We can then converse, think, plan, organize and eventually locate answers.

While I comprehend your questioning, I do not appreciate the contemptuous negative tone conveyed with it. I am merely saying I have hope. Even your negativity cannot quell my hope.

I am genuinely contrite that it seems you've lost hope. No, this was not nor is not intended as means to argue, debate, berate anyone. Simply hopeful and sad others are not.

How does humanity come together if we sit around letting unelected bureaucracies make our decisions, do things to us, pass laws that strip us of our rights?

I do have one answer. Got reminded of it.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

What reminded me was joking with a co-worker who said now I knew. "And knowing is half the battle," I quipped. He told me other half is vicious violence.

There are causes worthy of a life. One must balance such cost though, carefully.
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Squonk 'em if you got 'em
VU Donator
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I'm starting to agree with Rincewind from Interesting Times. Causes can be picked up a nickle a dozen on any street corner, your life is priceless and sacred, don't waste it on a cause. Although, I do believe all of humanity needs to come together. We need our basic human rights guaranteed.
The Wind That Shakes The Barley - The Chieftains


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Well, cleaned the battery terminals/posts, used my battery pack to jump the car, drove it for a bit. I'll see if it restarts without a jump later. But probably should replace the battery regardless due to it's age and the corrosion.


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