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Garden time is coming


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
the joyful gardener

Wahoo! The Joyful Garden Docuseries Event is off and running!

It’s Day 1 of this joyful adventure together and it’s all about your climate.

WATCH IT HERE >>> Making the Most of Your Local Climate

Day 1: Site & Climate

🧑‍🌾 Join the conversation with other gardeners … available now (10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern) and again today at 4pm PT / 7pm Eastern. Just look for the chat box to the right of the video here.

You can watch this episode free until 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern tomorrow.
(convert to your time zone here)

Share your take-away from today’s episode here … it’s a great way to deepen your learning and share your ah-ha’s with others who are also deepening their garden knowledge.

We are so glad you are joining us!

See you tomorrow for Episode 2: Healthy Plants Start with Healthy SOIL!

To your Joyful Garden,

🌱 Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱

To get the most out of this event, download and print the The Joyful Gardener’s Ultimate Field Notebook here.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
A lot of people ask me about permaculture. Usually, they’ve heard about it before but aren’t sure whether or how to apply it to their home gardens.

So, for the record, let it be known that I believe permaculture is perfectly suited to home gardeners. In fact, I think it’s an ideal method for urban growers because you can often fit more in less space.

My dear friend Toby Hemenway, author of the famous book Gaia’s Garden, used to teach permaculture classes with us.

Tragically, Toby is no longer with us, but his knowledge has shaped the entire permaculture movement. His wisdom will live on in our hearts and minds.

If you’re wondering how permaculture might fit into your life, check out these Articles:

Or, get inspired by this story of an innovative farmer in Nepal that brought permaculture to his community despite the doubts of his neighbors: Lessons from a Farm in Nepal: Love, Community, and the Pursuit of Permaculture

Anyway, back to Toby.

Toby has taught us that, with a permaculture mindset, you can take your growing beyond the garden and apply it to other areas of your life. We have had the privilege of preserving an incredible his incredible online permaculture course that will change the way you connect with the land and the world.

Click here to learn more and enroll in Creating Your Permaculture City.

Enjoy, and let this ignite your passion for permaculture.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Permaculture Food Forest for You​

In this exclusive MOTHER EARTH NEWS video Darrell Frey walks us through the Seven Springs food forest and the plants that grow in this permaculture-designed garden.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

How to Prune Fruit Trees to Keep Them Small​

Learn how to prune fruit trees to keep them thriving using this revolutionary method. Nearly any deciduous fruit variety can be trained to stay compact.​

Growing American Chestnut Trees​

Want to get started growing American Chestnut trees? Learn how to start harvesting chestnuts at home and choose the best species for you.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Good Fruit Trees For Beginners​

Looking for a few good fruit trees for beginners? Get tips for pruning fruit trees, how to manage pests and how to plant your fruit trees.​

Unique Infused Vinegar Recipes​

Create your own infused vinegar recipes to punch up your cooking. Flavored vinegar recipes are limited only by your imagination and foraging abilities.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
the joyful gardener

We are off to an amazing start! We have people from around the world joining us. 🌍

>>> Healthy Plants Start with Healthy SOIL!

Day 2: Soil

🌟 Save this link. This will be the same link used each day of the docuseries so you can bookmark this page to watch the new daily episode after 10am Pacific.

🧑‍🌾 Join the conversation with other gardeners … available now (10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern) and again today at 4pm PT / 7pm Eastern. Just look for the chat box to the right of the video here.

You can watch this episode free until 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern tomorrow.
(convert your time zone here)

Share your take-away from today’s episode here … it’s a great way to deepen your learning and share your ah-ha’s with others who are also deepening their garden knowledge.

We are so glad you are joining us!

See you tomorrow for Episode 3: Making Compost and Compost Teas.

To your joyful garden,

🌱 Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱

To get the most out of this event, download and print the The Joyful Gardener’s Ultimate Field Notebook here.

P.P.S. Here is what a few people had to share about Making the Most of Your Local Climate:

“I loved the whole planning segment. I always draw a garden plan for my gardens but do not have any vegetables. Seeing a formal process for getting this started was great...very helpful.” June S.

“I enjoyed the presentation. I really liked your diagrams on the differences in a particular climate zone. I also appreciated how to protect my plants from cold or excessive heat. Thank you.” Lise B.

“My takeaway from this presentation was the absolute importance of planning. I have never put this much thought into it before, but I can see how it makes a world of difference.” Janny K.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

Are you tired of…

➡️ Figuring out how early you need to plant to have enough time for another succession?

➡️ Constantly rearranging your plan to try to maximize the space you have?

➡️ Struggling with four-season farming?

➡️ Having three different to-do lists and still missing important tasks?

➡️ Trying to figure out the best time to seed, plant, transplant, or harvest?

Then come join us next week for a FREE crop planning session + get access to the Seedtime crop planner tool when you register!

This event was originally scheduled for yesterday, but we had to reschedule for February 27 @ 8 pm EST. So, if you previously missed the signup window, you can still join now!

During the event, I’ll be talking with Paul & Edwin Dysinger over at Seedtime about…

👉 how to adjust succession plantings on the fly

👉 how to visualize your crop layouts

👉 the best succession planting hacks to maintain a year-round harvest

👉 ways to drastically cut down on your crop planning time

👉 and more!

Have any questions? Just hit reply and ask away!

Have a great evening,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
the joyful gardener

Episode 3 of the Joyful Garden Docuseries
is here!

Today’s topic is one that if everyone participated in just a little bit, we could green up this planet in no time! 🌍

Today’s episode is all about compost … building compost is one of the best ways to reconnect with nature and your garden.

WATCH NOW >>> Making Compost & Compost Teas
*You can watch this episode free until 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern tomorrow.

Day 3: Compost

🧑‍🌾 Watch along and join the conversation with other gardeners … available now (10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern). Just look for the chat box to the right of the video here.

We would love to hear one thing about COMPOST from today’s episode that you learned or will apply this year. Join the conversation with other gardeners from around the world on Facebook here or in this form here. Oh … and did we mention there will be prizes? 🎉

Enjoy! That’s what this event is all about … finding joy in your garden. 💚

To your joyful garden,

🌱 Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱

Tight on space? Tomorrow’s episode is about small plot growing & packing in plants.


Here is what a few people had to share about their SOIL ah-ha’s:

“Who knew so much was going on in dirt! LOL that's my take away...blew my mind.” Sue G.

“I learned so much. I'm clearly a novice. I learned about PH, nutrients, cover crops... So much!!!” Susan A.

“I enjoyed learning that there are always options for optimizing our soil quality. I'm enjoying the series very much. Thank you.” Judy C.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Winter Harvest Delights: Five Nutrient-Rich Veggies You Can Grow in Cold Weather:

As winter blankets the landscape with snow and frost, many vegetable gardens lie dormant, awaiting the warmth of spring to burst forth with new life. However, with careful planning and selection, you can continue to enjoy fresh, nutrient-rich vegetables even in the chilliest months of the year. In this guide, we'll explore a variety of cold-hardy vegetables that thrive in winter conditions, providing both sustenance and satisfaction to the dedicated gardener. Learn more in our new blog.

Global Organic Area Grows More Than Ever Before and Reaches 96 millon Hectares:

The global organic farming area increased by over 20 million hectares in 2022, reaching 96 million hectares. The number of organic producers also saw a significant rise, surpassing 4.5 million. Published by FiBL and IFOAM – Organics International, the new edition of the statistical yearbook “The World of Organic Agriculture” shows that the sales of organic food reached nearly 135 billion euros in 2022. Learn more in this news article.

Organic Gooey Corn Spoon Bread:​

Who doesn't love something warm in February? Try this delicious recipe from Handsome Brook Farms here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
the joyful gardener

The joy of gardening is alive and well!

Get ready for today’s Episode 4 … it’s all about plants. Some of us have really large growing plots, but many people have smaller growing spaces.

WATCH TODAY’S EPISODE >>> Small Plot Growing & Packing In Plants
*You can watch this episode free until 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern tomorrow.

Day 4: Plants

We would love to hear one thing about PLANTS from today’s episode that you learned or will apply this year. Join the conversation with other gardeners from around the world on Facebook here or in this form here. To add more JOY to this event, we will be giving away some prizes next week … more on that soon 🎉

🧑‍🌾 Watch along and join the conversation with other gardeners … available now (10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern). Just look for the chat box to the right of the video here.

Enjoy! That’s what this event is all about … finding joy in your garden.

💚 To your joyful garden,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Starting Peppers By Seed: 10 Tips For the Strongest Seedlings​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
the joyful gardener

Can you believe, Jimi, that we are more than halfway through this docuseries?!

Episode 5 of the Joyful Gardener Docuseries is why we are all here—because we all want a fresh food lifestyle where we harvest the healthiest, most flavorful, and cleanest food possible.

🕰️ Fitting Gardening into Your Lifestyle 🕰️
*You can watch this episode free until 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern tomorrow.*

Day 5: Time

🧑‍🌾 Watch along and join the conversation with fellow gardeners … available now (10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern). Just look for the chat box to the right of the video here.

After watching today’s episode, please share a takeaway about TIME and your gardening lifestyle on Facebook HERE or in this form HERE.

💝 Did someone say prizes?

To add more JOY to this event, we are giving away some prizes next week. Sharing your takeaway with us is your entry to win. 🎉

Time is often a constraint for all of us when it comes to gardening. You want the gardening lifestyle of fresh food and healthy living, but there are only so many hours in the day, right?

That’s why Episode 5 is so important!

Episode 5 shares a gardening system that transforms your “garden chores” into quality garden time, allowing you to no longer have to worry about not having enough time to garden.

After Episode 5 of the Joyful Gardener Docuseries, you’ll know how to do LESS work for MORE food and ensure the JOY remains a part of your quality time in the garden!

To Your Joyful Garden,

🌱 Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱

—Tomorrow, get ready for another very important area of a happy and healthy garden. 💦


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello from sunny southern California! I'm happy to report that our months-ago-planned trip just happen to start one day after the flooding in these parts and we've got sun and high 60s to 70 degrees forecast. Yay! #goodtiming

I'm here with Brian and our daughter for a surf trip for them - I'm on a beach walk trip, no surfing for me, thank you very much. 😀 We found a very comfortable Airbnb a block from the ocean with a little bit of an ocean view. We plan to visit some area missions as well as take a few hikes and just enjoy a more relaxing pace.

Before we left I did get the first of this year's garden seeds started:

  • Peppers - they take a long time to both germinate and grow and I like them to be as big as possible when I transplant them in their pepper house so we get as long a harvest as possible.
  • Tomatoes - I also prefer to plant these when they're 10-12" so I start them with the peppers and pot up as needed (they can go out in the garden earlier than peppers in our area).
  • Onions - I could've started these a few weeks earlier, but I think they'll still be big enough to set out in spring after our frost date has passed (around April 25).
  • Spinach - just a few to plant out when I also plant seeds to create a staggered harvest.
  • Lettuce - same idea to have some transplants to plant at the same time I sow seeds for a staggered harvest.
  • Peas - this is an experiment for me as I have always started peas outside but have been having germinating issues (or more likely, ground squirrel eating issues!). I planted them in jiffy peat pots thinking when I plant them I can just cut off the outside mesh without disturbing the roots too much. We'll see!
Have you started any seeds yet? If you'd like a refresher, I have a whole page dedicated to the why's and how's of starting plants from seeds here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
the joyful gardener

Can you believe we are more than halfway through the docuseries?!

If you haven’t watched today’s episode yet, grab your favorite warm drink and enjoy today’s refreshing presentation on the MOST valuable resource in your garden (more on that in a minute). Go here to watch it before it goes away:

>>> Episode 5: Fitting Gardening into Your Lifestyle

Before we get to what resource we’re talking about, there’s a wasteful myth out there in the world of gardening. It’s so persistent that it’s GOT to be some kind of weed! 😬🥀

This myth is so sneaky, even experienced gardeners fall into its snares…

But today, we are going to debunk this myth once and for all!

It’s the myth that more time = bigger harvest... And it’s just not true!

Here are some more great takeaways from the last couple of days from gardeners like you:

“I definitely recommend this event as it is packed with information. This is a fast, condensed, information based docuseries. Be ready to take lots of notes, and be ready to start gardening! This series will take you from dreaming to doing...finally.” - Robyn
“Planting close together is ok! So many great tips” - Charlene
“I'm very excited about the amount of information. Learning a lot as a beginner. So far my biggest take away is seasonal crops and their relation to the local climate.” - Daniel
“Learning so much about gardening! All important information for beginners in one place.” - Elzbieta
“My favorite so far has been learning about dirt & compost, so helpful.” - Jen

>>> Watch Today's Episode HERE


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

I Am HealingStrong​

Podcast by Jim Mann,​

Stage 4 Cancer Thriver​

Stories of hope are at the heart of HealingStrong's journey. When faced with adversity, it's essential to witness and learn from those who have triumphed against all odds.

Three years ago, during a meeting at HealingStrong offices, I had the pleasure of meeting Jim Mann. It became apparent through our conversation that Jim was not only a celebrity radio host but also a former music minister with an incredible healing story of his own. His story left me in awe. We had always aspired to share the inspiring stories within our HealingStrong community, and in that moment, a beautiful collision of ideas occurred.

The result? The birth of the I Am HealingStrong Podcast, where Jim's talent as an interviewer and his genuine desire to spread hope shines brightly.

Jim is an exceptional human being who is dedicated to amplifying the voices of others and ensuring that people know that hope is always present. If you haven't already, I encourage you to take some time to listen to the I Am HealingStrong Podcast. After three years of planning, the very first episode was released in January 2022.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Jim for his unwavering commitment to sharing his own testimony with countless individuals and empowering them to do the same. If you want to meet him in person, you can find him leading his own HealingStrong Group at the Cancer Survivor’s Park in Greenville, SC.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend filled with inspiration and hope!

Warm regards,

Suzy Griswold


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
the joyful gardener

We are so glad you are hanging out with us this week!

Episode 6 is all about water. 💦

>>> Simple Irrigation Systems

*You can watch this episode free until 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern tomorrow.

After watching today’s episode, we would love to hear your wins or takeaways … Please share those wins or takeaways on Facebook HERE or in this form HERE.

🧑‍🌾 Watch along and join the conversation with fellow gardeners … available now (10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern). Just look for the chat box to the right of the video here.

Watering is one of the most TIME CONSUMING tasks in the garden, and who doesn’t love to meander about the garden watering with the hose iconically watching the birds and the bees… but there’s not always time for that!

Spending time relaxing in the garden is important. But watering by hand is not the best task choice if you have a lot going on. Because if you run out of time, your plants may not get the precious liquid life force they need. 💧

You want to know that your garden is not too dry, not too wet… not too often, not to sparse… the list goes on. Episode 6 is all about how to be a Garden Goldilocks and make the just right water choices.

To Your Joyful Garden,

🌱 Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱

P.S. Mark your calendar:
There will be a 🎉 Joyful Gardener After Party 🎉 to gather together and celebrate after the final episode airs. The celebration will happen on Wednesday, February 28th at 1pm PT / 4pm ET. More details coming soon!

P.P.S. Coming up tomorrow … you’ll get to see how to pick your most succulent and flavorful veggies and herbs ever. Harvest time! 🥒🥦🥕🥗🍅


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Worm Castings
Worm castings are the best multipurpose, all-in-one soil amendment anywhere!
This product carries the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) label. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Organic Program regulations, you can use it in certified organic production or food processing and handling with no restrictions. These American worm castings are organically made in Tennessee.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Grow high-profit rhizomes: turmeric & ginger
Hey Jimi,

When I first started farming, we focused on growing traditional vegetables. Lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers…the normal stuff.

But we soon found another profitable niche in growing root vegetables, specifically rhizomes like ginger and turmeric!

What do I mean by profitable?

Well, to give you an example…we make $0.54 per square ft per week on ginger. In comparison, our greenhouse tomatoes only make $0.40 per square ft per week.

Worth growing? We certainly think so!

Ginger and turmeric are primarily used for flavoring and medicinal purposes. They both have powerful anti-inflammatory effects and contain many antioxidants, leading us to use them in almost all of our wellness products.

This year we have several varieties of ginger and turmeric rhizomes available in our online store, complete with planting guides so you know how to start growing them on your own farm or in your garden!​

turmeric #1

➡️ Turmeric Rhizomes

Our turmeric is a mix of rhizomes grown here at the Farm on Central, as well as some grown from one of our certified organic suppliers in Florida. These are the same rhizomes we grow for our wellness product line, and will give you a great crop!

➡️ Green Turmeric Rhizomes

Green turmeric is a highly resilient and low-maintenance variety, making it a great choice for first-time growers.

➡️ Alabama Wild Turmeric Rhizomes

This variety sourced from northern Alabama will literally thrive with neglect! Unfortunately, we're sold out till next year.

➡️ Turmeric Plants (shipping in April-June)

Once the weather warms up, we’ll start shipping out turmeric plants at the end of April. But you can still preorder now to be first in line to get yours shipped!

➡️ Ginger Rhizomes

Right now we've got Certified Organic Hawaiian yellow ginger. We've grown this now for many years and had good success with it here at the farm. We hope to be able to expand our selection to additional specialty varieties in the future. We offer it in rhizomes, cut seed, presprouted seed, as well as ginger plants.

➡️ Ginger Plants (shipping in April-June)

Just as with turmeric, ginger plants will start shipping out in late April, but are available to preorder now.

turmeric testimonial #1

As a quick note…ginger and turmeric are warm season crops. Not to say that you can’t grow them in colder zones; we grow them up here in Ohio, and previously grew them on our farm in upstate NY! But if you are in a colder growing zone, you’ll probably want to plant them in a greenhouse instead of open fields.

Have any questions about ordering turmeric or ginger rhizomes? Hit reply and let us know! We’ll be happy to answer any questions or concerns you might have.



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jimmi if you water your lawn with bourbon it will
the joyful gardener

We are so glad you are hanging out with us this week!

Episode 6 is all about water. 💦

>>> Simple Irrigation Systems

*You can watch this episode free until 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern tomorrow.

After watching today’s episode, we would love to hear your wins or takeaways … Please share those wins or takeaways on Facebook HERE or in this form HERE.

🧑‍🌾 Watch along and join the conversation with fellow gardeners … available now (10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern). Just look for the chat box to the right of the video here.

Watering is one of the most TIME CONSUMING tasks in the garden, and who doesn’t love to meander about the garden watering with the hose iconically watching the birds and the bees… but there’s not always time for that!

Spending time relaxing in the garden is important. But watering by hand is not the best task choice if you have a lot going on. Because if you run out of time, your plants may not get the precious liquid life force they need. 💧

You want to know that your garden is not too dry, not too wet… not too often, not to sparse… the list goes on. Episode 6 is all about how to be a Garden Goldilocks and make the just right water choices.

To Your Joyful Garden,

🌱 Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱

P.S. Mark your calendar:
There will be a 🎉 Joyful Gardener After Party 🎉 to gather together and celebrate after the final episode airs. The celebration will happen on Wednesday, February 28th at 1pm PT / 4pm ET. More details coming soon!

P.P.S. Coming up tomorrow … you’ll get to see how to pick your most succulent and flavorful veggies and herbs ever. Harvest time! 🥒🥦🥕🥗

Worm Castings
Worm castings are the best multipurpose, all-in-one soil amendment anywhere!
This product carries the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) label. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Organic Program regulations, you can use it in certified organic production or food processing and handling with no restrictions. These American worm castings are organically made in Tennessee.
jimmi if you water your lawn with bourbon it comes up half cut!


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
VU Donator
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Member For 5 Years
I read an interesting article about a farmer in Brazil. Unfortunately I can't find it again so can't provide a link, but he built a facility on his farm specifically to grow various types of mold, fungus, etc that have pesticidal properties. He said that the fields he applies these biopesticides to have increased their yield by 30% over the ones he uses traditional chemical pesticides on, and the biopesticides save him 65% on his costs.

So why the hell are farmers still insisting that they need to use the chemicals that are known to cause various health issues when NATURE has already provided a better and more cost effective solution?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
the joyful gardener

We are in the home stretch but still have so much to share with you!

Episode 7 is all about harvesting for higher yields … getting every last morsel from your garden. 🥒🥦🥕🥗🍅

>>> Harvesting and Pruning to Improve Yields
*You can watch this episode free until 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern tomorrow.

Day 7: Yield

🧑‍🌾 Watch along and join the conversation with fellow gardeners … available now (10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern). Just look for the chat box to the right of the video here.

What did you learn in today’s episode or during this docuseries so far that you have applied to your garden (or plan to soon)? Please share those discoveries with us HERE.

You may recall in Episode 2 on soil that we mentioned that the best growers don’t grow plants, they grow soil. And that’s true. We don’t grow plants, mother nature does all that. We are, however, the stewards.

To Your Joyful Garden,

🌱 Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱

Tomorrow wraps up this docuseries but it’s one of the most important episodes. It could determine the difference between ending the season with a bowl full of salad or dozens of pounds of harvested produce! Don’t miss it!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
the joyful gardener

Wahoo! You made it to the final episode. Episode 8 is all about pests, diseases, & weeds and how you can take care of your garden. 💪🌱 💑

>>> Pests, Diseases & Weeds: Show Them Who’s the Boss!
*You can watch this episode free until 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern tomorrow.

Episode 8: Bonus!

You’ll be amazed how much time it saves you in your garden when you have a simple set of prevention techniques in place. It’s a lot better than trying to tear out whole plots of fully-grown vegetables. 🚫🥦😭

It’s important to change your mindset from an elimination mentality to a prevention mentality. Because you want some pests in the garden… after all, they keep your beneficials around for those heavy high pest population years. And if you try to eliminate pests, diseases and weeds… you’ll be chasing your tail and running around ragged all season long.

Together, we’re creating a healthy, balanced ecosystem! 🥳

🧑‍🌾 Watch along and join the conversation with fellow gardeners … available now (10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern). Just look for the chat box to the right of the video here.

What did you learn in today’s episode or during this docuseries so far that you will be applying in your garden this year? Please share with us HEREPLUS you will be entered to win on of our prizes! 🐛🐭🐝🐞🐜🐌

Be sure to watch this episode to the end. Today you will also be hearing more about next steps and a very special offer! We’ve been on quite a garden adventure over the past week!

Let's continue on by growing healthy, luscious, and delicious food!

To Your Joyful Garden,

🌱 Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱

The 🎉 Joyful Gardener After Party 🎉 is set for tomorrow, Wednesday, February 28th at 1pm PT / 4pm ET. Celebrations, prizes and more! More details coming soon.

P.S. There’s more to come! Keep watching your email. 😉



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Building Soil: What Makes Good Soil?​

Learn from speaker Leah Webb as she describes how you can build your soil over time through soil components, chemistry, and organic matter.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Container Vegetable Garden Layout & Setup​

Learn to start growing herbs in pots for beginners. These simple container vegetable garden layout and setup instructions can help you to start growing food in a small area.​

Small Space Gardening​

Get started growing food with small space gardening. You can even start with apartment vegetable gardening for a fun and productive hobby.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

A Gardening Activity for Kids: Make Indoor Gardens​

Growing small gardens indoors is a great gardening activity for kids because they can look after their own worlds without feeling overwhelmed.​

Kitchen Gardening At Home​

Learn how to create your own easy kitchen garden to produce fresh fruit, veggies and herbs for delicious, healthy meals. Start kitchen gardening at home and become an expert in choosing the best crops and preparing your garden site.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I’ve read a lot of articles about it costing $ __ (fill in the blank, but a lot) to grow “one tomato” or “too many zucchinis.”

Most of the time they are written tongue in cheek, but really do want to get the point across that gardening is expensive.

I’ve also had a lot of people ask me if growing our own food really saves money.

And, well, there’s not a really cut-and-dried answer because there are lots of variables (how you decide to grow the vegetables, seeds vs. transplants, where you live, how much you plant, etc.)

But after many years of gardening, I have found that there are some plants that produce a lot, or over a long period, and so give the biggest bang for your buck.

So of course I wrote it all down for you, with the reasons why as well as a list of vegetables and fruits that aren’t as prolific. 😀

10 Plants to Grow to Save Money Gardening


In the end, though - you get to decide if it’s worth it because there's joy to be had, too! (As you’ll see when I talk about sweet peppers…)


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Reddit Exile
I’ve read a lot of articles about it costing $ __ (fill in the blank, but a lot) to grow “one tomato” or “too many zucchinis.”

Most of the time they are written tongue in cheek, but really do want to get the point across that gardening is expensive.

I’ve also had a lot of people ask me if growing our own food really saves money.

And, well, there’s not a really cut-and-dried answer because there are lots of variables (how you decide to grow the vegetables, seeds vs. transplants, where you live, how much you plant, etc.)

But after many years of gardening, I have found that there are some plants that produce a lot, or over a long period, and so give the biggest bang for your buck.

So of course I wrote it all down for you, with the reasons why as well as a list of vegetables and fruits that aren’t as prolific. 😀

10 Plants to Grow to Save Money Gardening


In the end, though - you get to decide if it’s worth it because there's joy to be had, too! (As you’ll see when I talk about sweet peppers…)
seedlings are better as if you use seed alone you lose plants through birds, rain, snails etc. and if you have to bur mesh to cover your seed area then think of cost


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Many of you wrote in asking for access to a daily episode you missed of the Joyful Gardener Docuseries. Was there one—or more—that you missed or wanted to rewatch, Jimi?

We are excited to be able to offer one final opportunity to view the WHOLE docuseries over this upcoming weekend! Watch as many times as you want through Sunday at 11:59pm Pacific Time.

Click below to start binge watching the series NOW. Why not throw a fun garden viewing party this weekend?

Button: I'm Ready!!!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We still have the joy, joy, joy, joy down in the dirt with a special encore presentation of the Joyful Gardener Docuseries for newsletter subscribers, but we’ve also expanded into the joy of garden journaling.​
Thank you for joining us on this garden journey. Together, we'll nurture the beauty of your garden and the well-being of your body and mind. 🌻

Happy Gardening!

🌱 Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱
If there is a topic that you would like to see in future newsletters, please let us know by replying to this email. This newsletter is for YOU and your gardening success!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Grow Your Own Flowers – The Beginning Florist's Starter Kit​


Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Benefits of Foraging for Wild Edibles

There can be worries to foraging too. There is a long stretch of I-35 leading south out of SA, where miles of prickly pear are producing luscious fruits. I've never pulled over to pick those juicy purple fruits because they're right next to the continuous automobile exhaust, settling particulates, highway rain runoff. People have reported getting sick from foraged foods.


Gold Contributor
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New Member
Reddit Exile
There can be worries to foraging too. There is a long stretch of I-35 leading south out of SA, where miles of prickly pear are producing luscious fruits. I've never pulled over to pick those juicy purple fruits because they're right next to the continuous automobile exhaust, settling particulates, highway rain runoff. People have reported getting sick from foraged foods.
yeah be real carefull, over here in aurtralia councils often spray with poisons. i sent a letter once saving if my dod died through eating something that had been sprayed then i would sue them, in england they have to put up a warning sign letting you know what has been sprayed.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How does your garden grow, Jimi?
Join Nichole Dandrea-Russert, RDN, and superstar Ashlie Thomas in this month’s outstanding Action Hour — as they unearth the transformative power of gardening and urban farming.
Dig into the conversation and find out how you can reap the benefits from your own garden — right here!
Expect to walk away from this moving interview with a veritable shed full of action items and practical solutions! Nichole and Ashlie will also explore how nurturing gardens can revolutionize food security and nutrition in our communities and beyond while bringing us closer to the natural world that sustains us.
About our gardening guest: Ashlie Thomas is an author, entrepreneur, and food security advocate known on social media as The Mocha Gardener. Her gardening-forward blog has been featured on NBC, Taste of Home, Epicurious, MindBodyGreen, Country Living, Country Woman, Apartment Therapy, House and Home , and more. Ashlie is deeply conscientious of local food systems and their implications for human health. With a background in biological sciences and research management, Ashlie practices as a health and wellness coach. She works with nutrition and community health-based initiatives to help bridge the gap between food security and chronic diseases in rural and underrepresented communities.
Yours for gardens everywhere,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. I warmly invite you to take advantage of this opportunity to discover the wonderful possibilities that exist in gardening for improving the quality of your food sources and, as a result, your health! Join in this beautiful, inspiring gardening conversation here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How many plants does it take to get a pound of tomato seeds?

On this episode we’re joined by Theresa Podoll from Prairie Road Organic Seed in Fullerton, North Dakota. Since 1997, Theresa and her husband, Dan, have been passionate about providing resilient, organic seed varieties with a focus on taste and abundance for their customers.

Tune in to hear about the important need for regional seed supplies and the role of seed companies in providing resources and support to gardeners.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • More about which seed crops use the most nutrients
  • About the methods they use to harvest their seeds
  • What is the hardest part of seed production
  • What advice Theresa would give someone starting in seed production
  • About how many plants does it typically take to get a pound of tomato seed

About the Guest:

Along with her husband, Dan, Theresa Podoll runs Prairie Road Organic Seed in Fullerton, ND where they focus on providing their customers with strong, resilient seeds of 'work-horse' varieties. They’ve been seed producers and contract growers for other garden seed companies since 1997 and all of Prairie Road’s seed is grown on their farm which has been certified organic since 1977.


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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Productive Growing From Home​

This video helps you kick off your growing season, covering a wide range of crops ideal for growing at home. Learn about growing microgreens and mushrooms, starting seedlings, and raised bed growing.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

How Does Photosynthesis Happen In The Garden​

How does photosynthesis happen? How does photosynthesis affect plant growth? Learn about what's really going on inside your garden plants as they soak up the sun and water.​

Planting Vegetables for Beginners​

Learn how to grow a vegetable patch for beginners! Planting vegetables for beginners can be daunting but there are some easy tips and tricks to help them grow successfully.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Best Crops For A Self Sufficient Garden Plan​

Wondering what plants produce the most food to feed your family? Here are some crop ideas for a self sufficient garden plan that are calorie rich, return high yields and store easily.​

DIY Seed Tape​

Does homemade seed tape work? Check out this method to create your own DIY seed tape to sow more rows in less time and keep straight rows.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Regenerating the Planet by 2047​

In this video Rob Avis discusses steps we can take as a society toward reversing climate change and creating a livable future for all of earth's inhabitants.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Who all is experiencing these weird false springs? The weather has definitely been unpredictable in a lot of the world lately—a theme that we used for this week’s cartoon.​
Thank you for joining us on this garden journey. Together, we'll nurture the beauty of your garden and the well-being of your body and mind. 🌻

Happy Gardening!

🌱 Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱
If there is a topic that you would like to see in future newsletters, please let us know by replying to this email. This newsletter is for YOU and your gardening success!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

A Few More Spring Garden Helps:

How to Clean & Prep Asparagus & Strawberry Beds

These should be done about the same time - cut back, clean out debris and mulch. It's pretty much all these easy foods need all year!

Ideas to Refresh Flower Pots For Spring

Are your pots looking a bit sad? Mine are for sure! Here are some early spring pot "recipes" using flowers you can find at many stores right now.

Early, Mid & Late Spring Garden Clean Up Tasks

Here's a clean up list broken down into the different times of spring as the garden is waking up - complete with a printable list to grab!

9 Steps to Your Easiest Garden Ever

You could already be doing some of these, but check them all out to see what you can add to make your gardening life easier this season.
Wanting some seasonal recipes?? There are a lot along with menu planning help here:



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Sugar Bush Site Assessment: Which Trees to Tap​

In this video, come along through the Virginia woods and learn what you should consider when choosing the right area to tap maple trees.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Sugar Maple vs. Red Maple Trees​

Learn to recognize sugar maple vs. red maple trees with maple tree identification pictures for red and sugar maple tree identification.​

DIY Maple Syrup Evaporator Design​

Learn how to build this DIY maple syrup evaporator using step-by-step instructions. This wood-fired maple syrup evaporator design is a perfect homestead addition.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

What To Do at the End of Maple-Tapping Season​

Learn how to remove maple stiles, clean your equipment at the end of maple tapping season, and pick up a few recipes to help you enjoy that fresh maple syrup.​

Harvesting Maple Syrup on a Small Scale​

Start harvesting maple syrup in your backyard by gathering your maple tree tapping supplies and use these instructions to build a maple sap evaporator from a barrel.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Farmer Jimi,
What an exciting month we have in store for you plus check out the P.S. section for a great opportunity to dive in deeper with an incredible deal on our courses!
Check out our chats for the the drip tape class below!

Tree Chat
"Fruit Tree Q & A
w/ Tom Spellman"
March 12
Click HERE


Seed Chat
"Are your seeds Dead or Alive?"
March 19
Click HERE


Garden Chat
"How to Help Pollinators"
March 26
Click HERE

Plus this month we are giving our annual Introduction to Drip Tape Class. An informative class to help you create a easy to install professional farmer style watering system for your gardens and backyard orchards. Live Q&A included.
  • Learn about the super efficient irrigation system used by professional farmers to provide consistent watering over entire crop areas.
  • See the best ways to adjust for garden sizing and watering needs, and learn what is needed to make the system work.
  • See how a drip tape system solved the watering challenges for an orchard with high clay soil
Register HERE!

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