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HCIGAR VT133/VT167 Dual 18650 DNA200/250


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Fumes could kill you couldn't they

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I only mix Nic outside. 100mg nic is nothing to be scared about....I make 250mg 16-16oz bottles for 350.00 and then you can cut them into 32- 16oz 125mg bottles for 350.00:cheers: They make a fortune off 100mg Nic ! This is the test kit i use just to make sure my math is correct when mixing Nic.


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Matchy Matchy

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This is where i get my Pure Nic from if anybody wanted to give it a try. Mix outside with gloves & eye protection!
Sorry, but there is so much fucked up with that recommendation.

To quote this post
You want to cut it in your yard maybe??? You have pets??? animals? They find a couple drops and sniff it or even walk over it, get the body bag.


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Sorry, but there is so much fucked up with that recommendation.

To quote this post
You want to cut it in your yard maybe??? You have pets??? animals? They find a couple drops and sniff it or even walk over it, get the body bag.

I have 3 dogs and 4 cats that i love. It takes a total of 10 min to make. Of course if you don't know how to do math, I would advise against making it yourself!

Edit...If the post is against the rules, Mods please remove it!
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I wouldn't recommend people buy pure Nic. I have a couple of reasons.

1. No matter how you slice it, it's more dangerous than 100mg/ml.
2. Everything I've ever read says you should have a hood, full face shield, respirator, etc when dealing with pure Nic.
3. I've seen liters of 100mg/ml go on sale for as low as $40 (how much are you really going to save when you figure in the liter of PG or VG you will need to cut it down to 100mg/ml). I'm saying to make a liter of 100mg/ml as a comparison price wise.
4. Last but not least. Most people don't need 10 liters of 100mg/ml of Nic sitting around their house. My juice is 3mg/ml. At my consumption, a liter of 100mg/ml Nic will last me over 5 years.

I never tell people what to do. I'm just saying I wouldn't personally recommend it.

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Just to keep the record straight. Sorry for posting it!

1. I never told anybody to make it.
2. It common knowledge how to make it .
3 It's legal and for sale.


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Member For 4 Years
Just to keep the record straight. Sorry for posting it!

1. I never told anybody to make it.
2. It common knowledge how to make it .
3 It's legal and for sale.
I know my friend. I don't want there to be any hard feelings. I was just saying I wouldn't recommend it. I wasn't trying to imply you were telling people what to do. The bottom line for me is I don't need that much Nic, so I've never really considered it. Ten liters of 100mg/ml Nic would last me over 50 years. Since I'm already in my 50's, those numbers don't add up :giggle: :cheers:


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I know my friend. I don't want there to be any hard feelings. I was just saying I wouldn't recommend it. I wasn't trying to imply you were telling people what to do. The bottom line for me is I don't need that much Nic, so I've never really considered it. Ten liters of 100mg/ml Nic would last me over 50 years. Since I'm already in my 50's, those numbers don't add up :giggle: :cheers:

Understood. I removed the post :cheers:


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Wow, I am dumbfounded...

Well then good luck to you, hope we don't read about you in the news.
Thanks for setting the record straight Trolldragon. I remember watching a Pbusardo video where he visited Good Life Vapor. They showed the person that mixes the juice handling the pure nic out of a 55 gallon drum. She basically had a mask on with thick gloves while she handled it. They also had an emergency wash station nearby. Definitely makes you think.

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Just to keep the record straight. Sorry for posting it!

1. I never told anybody to make it.
2. It common knowledge how to make it .
3 It's legal and for sale.

All true. I do think folks,or at least me, are simply interested in your safety. Handled properly, it can be perfectly safe. My personal concerns would be one, unintentional inhalation without a proper protective mask (at least an N95 mask, personally I'd even spend a tad more with improved filtration), second eye protection, and third, skin protection of not only gloves, but something to cover you up so after working, you don't track nic concentrate around your house on your regular clothing. My only other concern would be working outside with it. I get the ventilation (good idea) but it's uncontrolled and a wind gust could result in contamination.

Yes, it is legal, and hardly classified knowledge. But there really is a reason to recommend handling that with personal protective equipment and mixing in a ventilated hood over doing it in your backyard.

Honest, this is not to give you grief. But there are plenty of folks out there with minimal knowledge who would think this is a great way to score a super cheap nic supply. I have no problem working with 100 mg nic in my kitchen without any protective stuff around other than some paper towels and access to a sink. Only extra caution is making sure the dog is out of the kitchen. And I am confident working that way despite proper recommendations of wearing gloves (I don't bother) and eye protection (my reading glasses are good enough to me and they also let me see the syringe markings). But working on the level you are would give me pause without a proper setup.

I think it's absolutely fine to talk about it so stuff like proper handling and protection can be discussed. I just feel stating the more rigorous manner in handling "straight" nic would at least give someone new some pause to consider what is involved before dumping that stuff around.


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Thanks for setting the record straight Trolldragon. I remember watching a Pbusardo video where he visited Good Life Vapor. They showed the person that mixes the juice handling the pure nic out of a 55 gallon drum. She basically had a mask on with thick gloves while she handled it. They also had an emergency wash station nearby. Definitely makes you think.

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You are welcome. I am no expert, but people don't realize just how incredibly dangerous it is.

And that place doesn't even come close to the bare minimum for safety. The wash station must appease some regulation law as it would not help.
Most places have a sealed room in case of any accidents, what do they do there about the vapor?


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You are welcome. I am no expert, but people don't realize just how incredibly dangerous it is.

And that place doesn't even come close to the bare minimum for safety. The wash station must appease some regulation law as it would not help.
Most places have a sealed room in case of any accidents, what do they do there about the vapor?
I have no idea what their room looks like now. That was an old video. Good Life has grown quite a bit since then so maybe they upgraded their mix room. I don't know. I just recalled seeing it when I read your post. Tbh I'm no where near an expert when it comes to DIY either. I do know that pure nic must be handled with care and that it can be quite dangerous. I was more worried about a newbie seeing that post. That's why I posted the video.

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You are welcome. I am no expert, but people don't realize just how incredibly dangerous it is.

And that place doesn't even come close to the bare minimum for safety. The wash station must appease some regulation law as it would not help.
Most places have a sealed room in case of any accidents, what do they do there about the vapor?

That's why it should be done in a ventilation hood, which not only acts as an exhaust but offers additional protection with a barrier (the glass door on the hood) that is mostly lowered so you just have enough open gap to get your gloved hands in to do the measuring and mixing.


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I will give you guys a reply after the Caps & Rangers game! I don't want anybody getting hurt and you have to know what you're doing.


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I remember the video of PBusardo touring the Flavour Art facilities in Italy. They show the Nicotine room which is completely sealed and ventilated and they guy in there handling the pure nic was in a full hazmat suit.

I found a video Flavour Art posted and at the 1 minute mark they show the guy in the Nic room:

Busardo's video goes more into detail regarding the safety procedures but I don't have the time to look through both and find the section:



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I remember the video of PBusardo touring the Flavour Art facilities in Italy. They show the Nicotine room which is completely sealed and ventilated and they guy in there handling the pure nic was in a full hazmat suit.

I found a video Flavour Art posted and at the 1 minute mark they show the guy in the Nic room:
I was going to go find that video from Flavor Art, as I remembered it had a proper handling setup for the nic.
Thanks for posting it.


I forgot
VU Donator
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Sorry, but there is so much fucked up with that recommendation.

To quote this post
You want to cut it in your yard maybe??? You have pets??? animals? They find a couple drops and sniff it or even walk over it, get the body bag.
Are you sure you meant to post that in THIS thread?
I've been trying to read through all of this 125 page thread to gain as much as I can before my VT133 comes in that I ordered last night but until you posted this I hadn't noticed anything on that topic.
At least not in THIS thread.
It's none of my business, just thought I'd ask.
There IS a high probability I just haven't got to the part in the 125 pages yet that contain the collaboration that caused you to add this.
If so, I apologize for replying.


Silver Contributor
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ECF Refugee
I hate to interrupt a perfectly good 'Oh no! Pure nicotine!' segment, but I want to know if any of you have any opinions on the OBS Engine.
I can get a couple of them for doing a favor. But, if they are lousy in some way, then I'll hold out of pizza and beer instead.


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Are you sure you meant to post that in THIS thread?
I've been trying to read through all of this 125 page thread to gain as much as I can before my VT133 comes in that I ordered last night but until you posted this I hadn't noticed anything on that topic.
At least not in THIS thread.
It's none of my business, just thought I'd ask.
There IS a high probability I just haven't got to the part in the 125 pages yet that contain the collaboration that caused you to add this.
If so, I apologize for replying.
This has turned into a little bit of everything thread which we love.

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Are you sure you meant to post that in THIS thread?
I've been trying to read through all of this 125 page thread to gain as much as I can before my VT133 comes in that I ordered last night but until you posted this I hadn't noticed anything on that topic.
At least not in THIS thread.
It's none of my business, just thought I'd ask.
There IS a high probability I just haven't got to the part in the 125 pages yet that contain the collaboration that caused you to add this.
If so, I apologize for replying.
Congrats on the VT133. It's a very nice mod imo. I use one as my daily driver (work mod). It feels good in hand, is pretty tough, and works great. Just in case you are interested I posted my Ecig file on page 7. The link is also in my signature. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!



Silver Contributor
Member For 3 Years
I hate to interrupt a perfectly good 'Oh no! Pure nicotine!' segment, but I want to know if any of you have any opinions on the OBS Engine.
I can get a couple of them for doing a favor. But, if they are lousy in some way, then I'll hold out of pizza and beer instead.

Take the Engine. Right now my favorite tank with superb flavor. Nice big Velocity deck, top fill and top airflow so little likelihood of leaking. Amazing flavor and good cloud. My favorite flavor tank until now was the Merlin with a single coil and air reducer for a restricted DL. This knocks it out of that spot for me (the Merlin is till excellent and I'm still using it) and has become my go to ADV as well as out and about given the top air no leak (even upside down in my pocket by accident still dry) feature. Extremely well made and machined. Honestly, a winner.

now that you're going to take the tank, I'll be happy to take the pizza and beer off your hands.:D


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I hate to interrupt a perfectly good 'Oh no! Pure nicotine!' segment, but I want to know if any of you have any opinions on the OBS Engine.
I can get a couple of them for doing a favor. But, if they are lousy in some way, then I'll hold out of pizza and beer instead.
I like mine, it is a good tank and great if your going to carry it in your pocket, top airflow and no leaks.
I am not as goo goo ga ga over it as everyone else seems to be but maybe I have to try another build. If you look at youtube reviews there are a lot of people who LOVE the OBS Engine.

How about only getting 1 Engine and the beer

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Caps lost:headbang: Okay we have @Paratech & @mjag in the same room. How's the Beast tank? Still haven't had time to build it yet.
It doesn't leak, flavor is better since I drilled out the spit guard in the chimney. I used 3.5mm ID coils but when I rebuild I will use 3mm. If you put too much cotton you will get dry hits, I just cut my cotton about 1mm over the deck and lightly stuff them in. I moved up my coils as well, had them sitting low at first. Better flavor with the coils as high as I could get them and side airflow with just barely a little bottom airflow.

I wouldn't say it is a great tank so far but good. I am still going to tinker with it next week, may try a new build as well.

Let us know hiw it goes for u.

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It doesn't leak, flavor is better since I drilled out the spit guard in the chimney. I used 3.5mm ID coils but when I rebuild I will use 3mm. If you put too much cotton you will get dry hits, I just cut my cotton about 1mm over the deck and lightly stuff them in. I moved up my coils as well, had them sitting low at first. Better flavor with the coils as high as I could get them and side airflow with just barely a little bottom airflow.

I wouldn't say it is a great tank so far but good. I am still going to tinker with it next week, may try a new build as well.

Let us know hiw it goes for u.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

Thanks...Hopefully i will have time tomorrow to build it. I wasn't expecting too much anyway. If it has decent flavor, I will be happy :cheers:

Edit...Pic for reference:D
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I forgot
VU Donator
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This has turned into a little bit of everything thread which we love.
Ohhh, ok, forget I said anything.

Congrats on the VT133. It's a very nice mod imo. I use one as my daily driver (work mod). It feels good in hand, is pretty tough, and works great. Just in case you are interested I posted my Ecig file on page 7. The link is also in my signature. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
You were one of the handful of people that convinced me to get one whether intended or not.
I'll certainly be checking out your file and seeing what I can learn from it.

But we also still love our vt 133 s
With 125 pages, at least a few of you do. lol

now that you're going to take the tank, I'll be happy to take the pizza and beer off your hands.:D
Even though I haven't contributed, I'll be happy to consume a bit of that pizza and beer as well.

Caps lost:headbang: Okay we have @Paratech & @mjag in the same room. How's the Beast tank? Still haven't had time to build it yet.
I'll admit when I first built on it using dual Clapton 26/32ga 4mm @ .53Ω 5/6 wraps sitting about 3mm above the airflow @ 95 watts I wasn't 100% sold.
This was because the dual airflow ring is just odd.
However once you get it dialed into your liking, it really is a great RTA.
However not worthy of writing home about.
Looks awesome on the IJOY LUX and I've had NO leaking or dry hit trouble.
If I can get my build down to the .3Ω range I'll be happier but I think that's in my head.
Since I only currently have the black one I had to order the last stainless code3 had last night.
Sorry I @mjag


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What a great football Saturday today was. Michigan wins again to go 7-0 and will be ranked 2nd in the Country. MSU loses for the 5th straight time. The cherry on top of the Sundae was seeing the end of the Ohio State game. OSU loses to unranked Penn State. All in all, a very enjoyable day of College Football. :D:D:D GO BLUE!!!

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