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HCIGAR VT133/VT167 Dual 18650 DNA200/250


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It appears that that Phil Busardo got his wish in terms of the ability to control "views" Advanced/novice.

While playing around with my Therion (no update for the 75 BTW).. I started checking out options. I had to select the "Manufacturer" view to see much of anything that I care about. Just letting you guys know, if you need to make any "mod" settings.. you will enable the correct view option.


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It appears that that Phil Busardo got his wish in terms of the ability to control "views" Advanced/novice.

While playing around with my Therion (no update for the 75 BTW).. I started checking out options. I had to select the "Manufacturer" view to see much of anything that I care about. Just letting you guys know, if you need to make any "mod" settings.. you will enable the correct view option.

View attachment 58383
looks like we used to manufacturer. ....

cool concept I reckon....
I dunno, mother fuckers need to be less like a tittie baby


AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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Well the new VS 133 is in stock . Rush job or the the quality we all expect ? Really want to pull trigger . Everyone's thoughts on QC

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
What's the vs133?

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk


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Forgive the question if it's been asked/answered. Tried searching but not sure I'm phrasing it properly. After you input all your variables into SE for the coil you want, what is the purpose of downloading the curve to the device?


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Member For 4 Years
Forgive the question if it's been asked/answered. Tried searching but not sure I'm phrasing it properly. After you input all your variables into SE for the coil you want, what is the purpose of downloading the curve to the device?
Are you saying for a coil that you don't already have a TCR or curve on your mod? Like if you were making a clapton out of two different type of wires? If you are for example making a coil out of SS430 and already have that profile there would be no reason too.


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Are you saying for a coil that you don't already have a TCR or curve on your mod? Like if you were making a clapton out of two different type of wires? If you are for example making a coil out of SS430 and already have that profile there would be no reason too.

This is correct, It appears in your situation with the "mixed coil" types, you are required to download that curve to device so that those values are actually present on your device. Without downloading the values to eScribe and subsequently onto your device, you will not be able to apply those values to your coils.

I hope this answers your question.. please let us know if you have any more questions.


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Sheesh, I need to do a better job of remembering / documenting coils types and wire combinations.


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Well the verdict is in on SS316L on the new firmware :D :bliss:
Old Firmware running 26ga SS316L 2.5mm, 7 wraps SS316L TC Graph.png
New Firmware running SS316L 26ga, 7 wraps

Thats awesome. Thanks for testing & posting Steve. Wonder if the new update will improve the CW430 as well.. ? Will have to give a try on that tomorrow.


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Member For 4 Years
Thats awesome. Thanks for testing & posting Steve. Wonder if the new update will improve the CW430 as well.. ? Will have to give a try on that tomorrow.
It seems to have flattened out the graphs on anything that has a low TCR (316L, 317L; 304). The main problem I'm having with the CW SS430 is that the TCR/Curve from Steam Engine doesn't work on it (my graph was also choppy, but that's not the biggest issue for me). Mine limits out almost immediately with a .00138 TCR. If I find the right TCR I'm pretty sure it will run smooth.

What I'm trying to say is the update isn't going to fix the TCR issue. That has to be an issue with CW's SS430 having a different formulation causing it to have a higher TCR than normal SS430.



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Just in case someone updates the firmware and decided I want to go back there is an option to do that.

To revert back to older firmware with this update. Click on Tools in Escribe, then apply Service Pack, finally on DNA200 (that's what I'm running) and these options come up (The new one is on top and the older Firmware is under it).




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Looks like someone doesn't want me to have a VT133 I have one lost in the mail (3 days now) and another at ecig (broken) but since there out of stock I guess I'll have to get a refund.
O well I got 2 SDNA 75's that work perfectly with SS316L so that's something I guess.


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Member For 4 Years
Looks like someone doesn't want me to have a VT133 I have one lost in the mail (3 days now) and another at ecig (broken) but since there out of stock I guess I'll have to get a refund.
O well I got 2 SDNA 75's that work perfectly with SS316L so that's something I guess.

that sux man... well at least when you do get one it will be that much more appreciated


Silver Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
It appears that that Phil Busardo got his wish in terms of the ability to control "views" Advanced/novice.[...] I had to select the "Manufacturer" view to see much of anything that I care about. Just letting you guys know, if you need to make any "mod" settings.. you will enable the correct view option.

View attachment 58383
THANK YOU! Was looking all over for that mod tab!


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Looks like someone doesn't want me to have a VT133 I have one lost in the mail (3 days now) and another at ecig (broken) but since there out of stock I guess I'll have to get a refund.
O well I got 2 SDNA 75's that work perfectly with SS316L so that's something I guess.

What a bummer. But I wouldn't give up hope on the one 3 days in the mail... they can get waylaid a day or two. Let's hope it comes today or Monday!


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There does seem to be a bug with the battery meter even after the initial install/reset. Reset the meter then changed a profile in Escribe and uploaded to device, and battery meter once again read empty. Did a soft reboot thru the sftw to reset it again... but looks like it might be something you have to constantly deal with when transferring data.


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Member For 4 Years
THANK YOU! Was looking all over for that mod tab!
Glad that helped you and anyone else looking :). When I noticed it was buried, I thought to share because we are so accustomed to having ALL option visible.

Sent from a random device, most likely a LG V10


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SS316 Graph 1.png SS316 Graph 2.png

Before and after the update similar to Steve's results. SS 316L 0.3 mm, 8 wraps. Holy crap! What did they do? The difference is incredible.


  • SS316 Graph 1.png
    SS316 Graph 1.png
    56.9 KB · Views: 13
  • SS316 Graph 2.png
    SS316 Graph 2.png
    52 KB · Views: 14


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What a bummer. But I wouldn't give up hope on the one 3 days in the mail... they can get waylaid a day or two. Let's hope it comes today or Monday!
No worry and no rush be patient you will get the beautiful and sweet fruit of your patience. Also It depends on where did you order? I order from California some of the stuff at the same time order from New Jersey (few mins difference) CA one came earlier then NJ :)

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
There does seem to be a bug with the battery meter even after the initial install/reset. Reset the meter then changed a profile in Escribe and uploaded to device, and battery meter once again read empty. Did a soft reboot thru the sftw to reset it again... but looks like it might be something you have to constantly deal with when transferring data.
I had dame issue just disconnexted feom laptop and connected back upload the my profile and done, no more issue

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk


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I started thinking after looking at my results with 316L that if it was always like that, who would have tried SS430? I mean if 316L and 317 are going to be smooth, it sort of takes the want/need away from SS430. This is a huge difference imo.

Don't get me wrong, I like my SS430 but I mainly tried it because 316L was finicky in TC. SS316l is easy to find and has a lot of different gauges available.



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Without asking too much of anyone, can someone explain in a nutshell how to interpret the graphs? Like what you're looking for visually that directly relates to performance, and why?

EDIT: Oh, I think I got it. Looking to see that the max temp flatlines out around the set max temp, rather than spiking up and down 'around it'.
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I started thinking after looking at my results with 316L that if it was always like that, who would have tried SS430? I mean if 316L and 317 are going to be smooth, it sort of takes the want/need away from SS430. This is a huge difference imo.

Don't get me wrong, I like my SS430 but I mainly tried it because 316L was finicky in TC. SS316l is easy to find and has a lot of different gauges available.


Agree completely. Now I have to figure out what to do with all the SS430 from crazy wire. I will have to try a build with that and see how it does.


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While HCigar doesn't list it, there is an orange one. This site lists orange and red as different covers. Although they don't show the picture of the orange one.
nice catch!
I'm not really sure there is two different colors. That is the only place I've ever seen it listed like that including Hcigar themselves. I'm more likely inclined to believe that some are more Red and some are more Orange (the color not being consistent) and they sorted them. I could be wrong.



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I started thinking after looking at my results with 316L that if it was always like that, who would have tried SS430? I mean if 316L and 317 are going to be smooth, it sort of takes the want/need away from SS430. This is a huge difference imo.

Don't get me wrong, I like my SS430 but I mainly tried it because 316L was finicky in TC. SS316l is easy to find and has a lot of different gauges available.

Your 316L Is that from TemCo? TemCo doesn't have SS430, where do you buy SS430? Thanks

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk


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I started thinking after looking at my results with 316L that if it was always like that, who would have tried SS430? I mean if 316L and 317 are going to be smooth, it sort of takes the want/need away from SS430. This is a huge difference imo.
Don't get me wrong, I like my SS430 but I mainly tried it because 316L was finicky in TC. SS316l is easy to find and has a lot of different gauges available.

Yeah but i still like that the Unkamen ss430 is 'Nickel Free' :)


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What a bummer. But I wouldn't give up hope on the one 3 days in the mail... they can get waylaid a day or two. Let's hope it comes today or Monday!
Unfortunately it left Warrendale Pa and the next stop should've been my local post office but it never made it. Should have been here Thursday. 8/4/16. I hope I'm not out 100 bucks or a mod.


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Without asking too much of anyone, can someone explain in a nutshell how to interpret the graphs? Like what you're looking for visually that directly relates to performance, and why?
Well I'll post two graphs showing the difference in the stability of TC using SS316L. Here's the first one with the firmware update. The horizontal Red line is showing the temperature I set. The Red line coming up then running on top is my actual temperature. What that says to me is it's coming up to Temperature and staying there without swinging wildly above and below my set temperature.

SS316L with New Fiemware.png

This second graph I don't have the set temperature line in it. It just has the actual red temp line. As you can see it's swinging up and down. It's not holding a stable temp. SS316L TC Graph.png

Depending on what you check off in the boxes on the left you can get a lot of information. For instance if you check Cell 1 and Cell 2 you can see how much each batteries voltage is sagging. You would want those lines to run on top of each other for a good matched set. If one was sagging more than the other it would tell me one of my batteries is going bad. This is just another example of what info you can get from the device monitor.

PS Each line is color coded (the color surrounding the box you check). That way you know what you are looking at. I hope that helped at least a little. The second graph I posted has Cell 1 and 2 checked. If you look close you can see they are very well matched.


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Unfortunately it left Warrendale Pa and the next stop should've been my local post office but it never made it. Should have been here Thursday. 8/4/16. I hope I'm not out 100 bucks or a mod.

Just FTR I sent an Avocado to a member here in a trade last week. Left a CA post office and then no activity whatsoever on the tracking even though it was supposed to be delivered to TN on the 2nd. The 2nd came and went and still no update from three days prior when it left CA. I thought it was lost. Then lo and behold, the next day it's showing as in TN and out for delivery. I'd hold out hope another couple business days....


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Well I post two graphs showing the difference in the stability of TC using SS. Here's the first one with the upgrade. The horizontal Red line is showing the temperature I set. The Red line coming up then running on top is my actual temperature. What that says to me is it's coming up to Temperature and staying there without swinging wildly above and below mt set temperature.

View attachment 58414

This second graph I don't have the set temperature line in it. It just has the actual red temp line. As you can see it's swinging up and down. It's not holding a stable temp. View attachment 58415

Depending on what you check off in the boxes on the left you can get a lot of information. For instance if you check Cell 1 and Cell 2 you can see how much each batteries voltage is sagging. You would want those lines to run on top of each other for a good matched set. If one was sagging more than the other it would tell me one of my batteries is going bad. This is just another example of what info you can get from the device monitor.

PS Each line is color coded (the color surrounding the box you check). That way you know what you are looking at. I hope that helped at least a little


Thank you so much Steve.... I just figured it out (and edited my original post) a few moments before this posted, but happy to see my assumption was correct.


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I started thinking after looking at my results with 316L that if it was always like that, who would have tried SS430? I mean if 316L and 317 are going to be smooth, it sort of takes the want/need away from SS430. This is a huge difference imo.

Don't get me wrong, I like my SS430 but I mainly tried it because 316L was finicky in TC. SS316l is easy to find and has a lot of different gauges available.

This is indeed great news/update. I never jumped on the ss430 wagon BC I could not find the gauges that I prefer.

I can confirm that my 317L performs even better after the update...have not graphed it yet...not terribly concerned with the graph...but most importantly to me, it vapes even better to, to qualify my assessment, please note that I have not graphed wire since I first began trying TC. I go fully by feel and exoerience, so my report may not mean anything to most:)...

I'm just happy that my beloved Unkamen 317L wire is even better than it used to be in TC. It still is the best that I've tried :)

Sent from a random device, most likely a LG V10


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Unfortunately it left Warrendale Pa and the next stop should've been my local post office but it never made it. Should have been here Thursday. 8/4/16. I hope I'm not out 100 bucks or a mod.


As '11' mentioned, I agree... couple or three days late is not any reason give up hope. Have had mail show up 5 to even 10 days late sometimes. Stuff happens.. def give a few more days i'd say. :cheers:


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It's just bad karma I guess. I got two from ecig and my buddy convinced me to sell him one as a gift for his kid. Ok no problem went to order another one and ecig was out of stock so I got one from VapeNW and that's the one that almost showed up in the mean time the one from ecig died so it's back at ecig but there out of stock. We'll see what happens from here. Probably nothing until Monday. Chocking it up to shit happens.

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