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I want to see everyone's wood....... (Stabwood, wood, mixed ) Regulated, Mechanical, Wood look alike


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Member For 4 Years
Yes, I completely agree about wax. Better to watch the wax than waste $400+. You may think I have money but I will tell you I hate being wasteful for wastefuls sake. I do try to save in fact. Buy cheaper on Amazon and shit. So I have learned from my mistakes here. Luckily I did not go destroy a one of a kind $4,000 Mod. Any idea how I can get this glossy? Matt is okay though.

I will know if juice hit the finish because it gets a rough feeling. It is in fact very acidic.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 2 Years
Yes, I completely agree about wax. Better to watch the wax than waste $400+. You may think I have money but I will tell you I hate being wasteful for wastefuls sake. I do try to save in fact. Buy cheaper on Amazon and shit. So I have learned from my mistakes here. Luckily I did not go destroy a one of a kind $4,000 Mod. Any idea how I can get this glossy? Matt is okay though.

I will know if juice hit the finish because it gets a rough feeling. It is in fact very acidic.

i'm the same way = i don't like to waist. and if i throw something out, 1 week later i need it.

glossy. the only thing i can think of would be sanding it, like Manny does. you would have to strip the wax off, or buy $300 in sandpaper. then rewax it.

when it gets a rough feel, that is the wood swelling =may be to late.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Todd. our juice is oily. while i do not "know", i bet it is harsher on wax than you think it is. just keep an eye on it, now you know better and are more educated in what to look for. watch the wax. look at it this way, would you rather have a wax line or a fucked up mod ?

Billet Box is a mod where the tank is on the inside. lots of pros and cons. look in the other BB thread, to see mine and more info.

making juice is basicly like cooking food. if you are good at it = better food. if you are not so good at it, well.
the stuff i make, its not bad, even good. i have bought better, but, for a lot more money. i will make my own =DIY. FAR more economical.
Billet box sucks ass.......

Mine had a piece of plastic covering the juice well inside,..... That cover always moved and the entire interior became flooded......

Worst $300 ever spent........

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
i'm the same way = i don't like to waist. and if i throw something out, 1 week later i need it.

glossy. the only thing i can think of would be sanding it, like Manny does. you would have to strip the wax off, or buy $300 in sandpaper. then rewax it.

when it gets a rough feel, that is the wood swelling =may be to late.
Just have that wood guy put 20 coats of poly on it..

Juice, water, food..... Nothing sticks to that bitch......

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 2 Years
Billet box sucks ass.......

Mine had a piece of plastic covering the juice well inside,..... That cover always moved and the entire interior became flooded......

Worst $300 ever spent........

i like mine. you probably sold yours ? i have a feeling you had the glass upside down, it will not close all the way like that.


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Member For 4 Years
I have no idea but does that block look kind of like my Mod? Same color at least? Thank you for emailing VA. I liked Billet posts just because I like your posts. I do not know what it is. Manny, I said I have been avoiding Bill. I will run into him sooner or later. This county does not have 1 stop light. I am just going to tell him have to be fair pardner. I do not know if he took advantage he saw I was coming in here a different "class" or he just had no clue what things were worth. Either way it is not happening again. Interestingly the coated VA is in fact water proof(it floats). Don't try that at home kid's.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I have no idea but does that block look kind of like my Mod? Same color at least? Thank you for emailing VA. I liked Billet posts just because I like your posts. I do not know what it is. Manny, I said I have been avoiding Bill. I will run into him sooner or later. This county does not have 1 stop light. I am just going to tell him have to be fair pardner. I do not know if he took advantage he saw I was coming in here a different "class" or he just had no clue what things were worth. Either way it is not happening again. Interestingly the coated VA is in fact water proof(it floats). Don't try that at home kid's.
You know up to $150.00 is a fair standard to sand and poly a mod specially if you have power tools-equipment.

All of the sanding I do is by hand using high grain paper which takes forever........

I think horse saddles and items like that are worth up to thousands....... Don't trade expensive items rathe than paying him a normal price.....

If he's the one wanting to trade fuck him...... Tell him sand it and poly it and I'll give you $100.00 bucks......

If he says how about a trade for this.... Fuck you.....

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 2 Years
I have no idea but does that block look kind of like my Mod? Same color at least?

Thank you for emailing VA.

I liked Billet posts just because I like your posts. I do not know what it is.

Interestingly the coated VA is in fact water proof(it floats). Don't try that at home kid's.

from our pics, i think they are different.

we will see what they say, if anything.

thanx. i wasn't sure just what they were either. i was way "over thinking". after getting one, nothing to it. basicly, its a mod with the tank inside the mod.

how did that happen ?


Platinum Contributor
Member For 2 Years
Yes, still Titanium it just differs in the finished.


well, there ya have it. now, is he telling the truth ..............

i was just thinking, perhaps i can be something of a metallurgist. when i have the 21700 apaart, i can try drilling it. SS will drill, Ti, i don't think it will. the plot thickens .


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Why did you drill it? I thought you were going to "rebuild" it? I hope you did not just waste $80? I am guessing $80 is not chump change to you?
I would feel bad. Anyways, that is not a definitive test. Thin, Machined TI is brittle and "can" drill easily if it is crap. Which I am sure it is. This is not Mil-Spec shit here. Get yourself a nice 20# TI Billet and try to drill through that without Cobalt or running oil! This shit does not really count for that test though. There is a chemical marker test. Turns blue. If you care to buy it. It is about $5. I personally don't care. This does not need a strength to weight ratio. In that case I find Carbon Fiber better anyways especially since it is non-conductive.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Why did you drill it? I thought you were going to "rebuild" it? I hope you did not just waste $80? I am guessing $80 is not chump change to you?
I would feel bad. Anyways, that is not a definitive test. Thin, Machined TI is brittle and "can" drill easily if it is crap. Which I am sure it is. This is not Mil-Spec shit here. Get yourself a nice 20# TI Billet and try to drill through that without Cobalt or running oil! This shit does not really count for that test though. There is a chemical marker test. Turns blue. If you care to buy it. It is about $5. I personally don't care. This does not need a strength to weight ratio. In that case I find Carbon Fiber better anyways especially since it is non-conductive.

But you were the one making a big deal about the titanium. So in a way you started this!

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
No, I really did not mean to make a big deal about it. I said I could care less. I hope no one took it that way. It does not really matter to me. It is just that VA are obviously not proven decent folks. It does not matter what it is. Honesty matters. Given my experience with them, I would not trust them further than I could throw them. I will still buy their Mods just because I like them. As a company I think there is a lot of room for improvement but that too hardly matters to me. It is not like I am going to pay $100 for shipping anyways. Phil charges about $35USD for shipping in 2 days from UK to US.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 2 Years
Why did you drill it? I thought you were going to "rebuild" it? I hope you did not just waste $80? I am guessing $80 is not chump change to you?
I would feel bad. Anyways, that is not a definitive test. Thin, Machined TI is brittle and "can" drill easily if it is crap. Which I am sure it is. This is not Mil-Spec shit here. Get yourself a nice 20# TI Billet and try to drill through that without Cobalt or running oil! This shit does not really count for that test though. There is a chemical marker test. Turns blue. If you care to buy it. It is about $5. I personally don't care. This does not need a strength to weight ratio. In that case I find Carbon Fiber better anyways especially since it is non-conductive.

But you were the one making a big deal about the titanium. So in a way you started this!

she got a point there, Bro. ..

... no, i didn't drill it. i "thought", apparently incorrrectly, that trying to drill Ti would be very hard to do, as opposed to SS. so i thought i would try to put a little divot on the inside somewhere.

but like you say, who gives a shit. i mean, yeah, real Ti is cool and all. but in the end, it is what it is. we buy these for the wood, not the metal.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
she got a point there, Bro. ..

... no, i didn't drill it. i "thought", apparently incorrrectly, that trying to drill Ti would be very hard to do, as opposed to SS. so i thought i would try to put a little divot on the inside somewhere.

but like you say, who gives a shit. i mean, yeah, real Ti is cool and all. but in the end, it is what it is. we buy these for the wood, not the metal.

But who knows what a divot is? Anyway, yep it is about the wood.

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I honestly like Stainless Steel better anyways. My point was what I do not like it untruthfulness. If infact that is even so. It does appear that way though. Since I have never seen TI take that kind of high polish. VA is not what I thought they were. Oh well. It hardly matters to me anyways. Overall they make a nice Mod. They did show their true colors, to me at least. I am not sure why they singled out me either. I am positive I did nothing to provoke them. Heck, I barely even was able to get them to respond to my initial contact. That is indeed strange. I know most people have no issue whatsoever contacting them. I just chalk it up to my general bad luck. At the end when I informed them I elected to purchase another instead of paying them $100 shipping, they were indeed offended. It is not like I said screw you I am buying some other companies Mod. I thought they would be happy all said and done I was still loyal to them, and I am. I no longer hold them in high regard as a company but I most certainly like the Mods they produce. It being my fault, they could have just have said so instead of having blown me off. They act like everyone should bow before them. They may have let success go to their head. That alone is a shame not to remember their humble beginnings Not every company did so well. Others that did not necessarily take that stance such as Asmodus or YIHI both of whom are very approachable. It does seem it is just me, for whatever reason though. I know very well they are highly successful and highly coveted. They are often held as a top echelon. They are storied and famed quite frankly. I don't know why but I do not dispute that either. I personally never bought into the hype anyways. It is just another Mod in a sea of them to me. I do like them though. Of course this is coming from a person that considers the likes of Lamborghini to be "transportation". Money or not I just do not get that excited about material things. If I could do anything in my power to save but one animal that is of much greater importance to me. That is juts my feelings. So previously and now my feelings about them really did not change. It really does not matter to me. I have no hard feelings against them after what had ensued between us. Since it just does not mater to me. that being said I liked their Mods before and I like them just the same now. I do not put them on some plateau as some may however. To me they are just disposable since they are mass produced. something that is one of a kind and irreplaceable, which is an anomaly to begin with is a different story to me but that is a rarity rather than the norm. For every irreplaceable Mod I have I have 100 that are mass produced. One of a kind Mods are far and few between actually. So in the end I think no differently about VA than I previously did. I have interest in the Mods, I could care less about the company. which is the case with almost all of my mods. Unless in the rare instance someone was exceptionally nice to me then I will go out of my way to let it be known. For VA kind of the opposite is true But it really does not bother me whatsoever. I am just not singing their praises. That is all. Anyways I guess I am beating a dead horse about this already. I have no animosity towards them. I am just neutral. It takes too much effort to be mad at people and it was my fault anyway. Better CS may have been in order but that is water under the bridge. After the fact I do not even mind. I got my new mod and am quite happy with it. When I inevitably ruin this one I shall simply order another, forgoing contacting VA entirely. Live and Learn. Still, I am absolutely not upset in the least. My ranting in this manner, it may seem that I am indeed but honestly I assure everyone I could care less. sorry for wall of text. Once again I do not feel very good. thank you for listening. I hope I do not sound bananas here LOL.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
No, you sound like someone who appreciates honesty. Most companies are out to make money. A few may be truly honest. I’m sorry VA has crappy CS. They’re in China though, right?

You’re lucky that you can afford to buy whatever you want. And if something ends up being messed up, why let it get to you? You can replace it or get something better.
Sorry if it sounds like conspicuous consumerism but you’ve got it like that, so enjoy it!
Main thing is to feel good, however!

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Member For 4 Years
Philippines actually. I have no clue why they treated me that way because they are decent to most people. As I mentioned AFAIK I did absolutely nothing to offend them. unless in their eyes they took it that way. However even getting ahold of them was a chore. Whatever. It is over. it is not bothering me. Yes, honesty is of utmost importance to me. I do not care if it is over 1 cent. If you cannot trust a person., who are they? I made the mistake of defending very bad people. However, Other than that everyone always knew they could trust me. I am a man of my word. I would hope everyone was. sadly this is often not the case. I do not let it upset me though. I just learn and move on. It is not like I got screwed out of any large amount and it turned out to be my fault anyways. I guess I do just kind of feel a bit bad when people think I am a jerk for no good reason. At least for 5 minutes :) I am glad at least jinx'd got the mod. It went to a good home and I cannot wait to see what he does with it. Okay, It is way past bedtime!


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Member For 4 Years
At least no Hurricane.

The Rebel looks like a less fancy version of a Triade. Unlike the Triade it is a tank. I got mine about a week ago.


Member For 4 Years
Wife just got me a MM Hybrid DNA250C 2250mah 3s 100c. However this is my first real Lipo in 6 years and it didn't come with any tips/info on Lipo care. Any info anyone can offer about caring for the Lipo would be appreciated. Does it need to be completely drained first or full charge first? Should I make sure it stays above a certain charge?



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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Wife just got me a MM Hybrid DNA250C 2250mah 3s 100c. However this is my first real Lipo in 6 years and it didn't come with any tips/info on Lipo care. Any info anyone can offer about caring for the Lipo would be appreciated. Does it need to be completely drained first or full charge first? Should I make sure it stays above a certain charge?

View attachment 145521
I have a listing on eBay......I think it would be perfect for you........

Answers your question..... Never charge a Lipo in the mod......
Always balance charge with a proper charger.

and charge the battery in a fire bag !


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Right after the atomic bomb was dropped!

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Yeah I can't ride my bike.....

I tried riding my bike today and the wind hitting you feels like when you open the oven door and that hot convection air hits you on the face.......

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Yeah I can't ride my bike.....

I tried riding my bike today and the wind hitting you feels like when you open the oven door and that hot convection air hits you on the face.......

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It’s a pretty long wait until winter, too. But it prolly goes down to only the 50’s there! Although it’s usually pretty cool in the desert at night.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It’s a pretty long wait until winter, too. But it prolly goes down to only the 50’s there! Although it’s usually pretty cool in the desert at night.

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That's another story during the daytime it can drop to 35° degrees and at night below freezing.......

DESERT life gets getting used to.......

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hmmm...well this one is sealed up. Apparently it's made to charged through the port as it came with a cord and charge block.
The best thing is making sure you empty the cell until 10-15%

Lipos don't like when the get charged in between for example if it's at 75% it doesn't like topping off to 100%

Let it get down to 15% before a full charge..... That extends the expected life of the lipo cells .....

Your mod probably has a built-in balance charging port.......


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
That's another story during the daytime it can drop to 35° degrees and at night below freezing.......

DESERT life gets getting used to.......

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Nice picture, Manny. If I hadn’t seen the mod, I’d have thought those were small statues!

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Member For 4 Years
The best thing is making sure you empty the cell until 10-15%

Lipos don't like when the get charged in between for example if it's at 75% it doesn't like topping off to 100%

Let it get down to 15% before a full charge..... That extends the expected life of the lipo cells .....

Your mod probably has a built-in balance charging port.......

Ok cool....Thanks Manny.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Manny. a lot of people do not even know what a convection oven is. Our kitchen is not set up for family. It is a commercial kitchen. Only staff in there.
I am very weary of Mods with built in LI-PO. That was adopted ny Mod industry. Never meant to be. It is highly dangerous quite frankly. I would not take my eyes off it while charging. They are made for a balance charger in a fireproof bag as Manny just stated. Although USB is only charging at 5V 500MA so maybe safer. A Balance charger will and can charge much higher and faster. That low it may indeed be okay but one bad cell will blow up your home. Also do not let them drain. Keep them charged at least 25%. Do not use them until they are empty. I know a lot about this from RC but I ripped out all my LI-PO and put NIMH. Maybe lower performance but I can charge right in my cars then. Plus the small motors I run it lasts me 45 minutes anyways. I mainly like rock crawlers and those are about torque not speed. So NIMH is actually better in my case. Like Manny, I just hate LI-PO. What about that big 400W box Manny? You still using that or let it drop to low? I have many LI-PO Mods I let drop to low. Plus sealed sucks IMO but no insult. If anything goes wrong with the battery the Mod is gone then. Otherwise it should last 5-7 years at that low charge current. It is a very nice looking Mod. I like the spalted/burl woods. I am sorry if I am the bearer of bad news. Just facts. Enjoy it though. I like it.

Manny, what temp do they shut down the airports? 115? 120? The tarmac gets so hot plus the friction it will burst the tires. I do know for sure they shut them all down but not sure of the exact temp. AZ is great. No real weather perils. Just good dry heat but cool at night. Nearly damn perfect place on earth. I could go up in the mountains and never be heard from again. How I like it. only problem is lots of desert animals and plants will kill me faster than the Mobsters.

I saw a guy with a new BMW boxer. It just made me realize how much nicer the V6 is. Boxer is sometimes good in an inexpensive car but no way a bike. Especially a expensive one. Heck the bike is the price of a pretty decent car. What I dislike most is inline 6 like new Supra/ BMW. They just did that for heritage. They know full well V6 is much better. Even a boxer is better than an inline. Crack that long chain of cylinders plus too nose heavy. It is pretty quick for the price though. It was also way underrated. I think is was supposed to be 330BHP. It turned out to be more like 370. It had to be to get the numbers it did. Honestly it is fast enough. Most people do not need, nor should have 8 second street cars. Heck top of the line AMG is running under 10 out of the box. Most people do not belong with that either. Just because one could afford it does not mean they belong with it. Although I find most people that buy those just happen to be able to handle it luckily. Just do not loan it to your kids. I also find they are pretty responsible too on that note. At least that is mostly good news.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm done with Lipo mods......They are like carrying a brick ......

And after a while the lipos begin to puff up and replacing and charging in a fire bag.....

I had one blow up during charging and it spun around the office melting and catching everything it hit on fire...

So I sold the Batman mod and have (2) more on eBay and also the charger and fire bag.....

I'm done messing around with them.......

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
I'm done with Lipo mods......They are like carrying a brick ......

And after a while the lipos begin to puff up and replacing and charging in a fire bag.....

I had one blow up during charging and it spun around the office melting and catching everything it hit on fire...

So I sold the Batman mod and have (2) more on eBay and also the charger and fire bag.....

I'm done messing around with them.......

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Wow, what is that? It took me a second to see the face. Cool, Manny.

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