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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

I have a video to share with you today that I think will change your life, and I don't say that lightly.

But before you watch it, let me first say this...

A lot of people really beat themselves up over "negative thinking," and you may be one of them.

This was me. I used to be extremely hard on myself for not being “more positive” and not being consistently grateful for my circumstances.

I would often feel frustrated by constantly feeling like I couldn’t eliminate patterns of emotions like anger, sadness, loneliness, fear, guilt, shame, resentment, and disappointment.

In order to create the life we want today, it is imperative that we shift our patterns of thought, emotion, and belief.

And...there's more to this picture than meets the eye.

What most people don't realize is that our patterns of thought and emotion are actually programmed into our entire the nervous system, in the fascia, muscles, organs and everything in between.

These patterns are actually there for a very important reason, which you'll learn about in the video I'm sharing with you today.

If you want to reprogram your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, so that you can become the most confident, fulfilled, healthy and successful version of yourself, then watch this life-changing video!

>> [video] How To Unwind Negative Thought Patterns

In this video, I sit down with practitioner and guide, Felicia Gualda, who is an expert at helping her clients resolve trauma, improve relationships, increase inner peace, and step into their own true power.

And she demonstrates her methods on me...and even makes me cry.

Her gifts and abilities are hard to put into words. You simply have to experience it.

That’s why I’ve convinced her to lead a FREE group healing session for the first 20 people who feel called.

>> Click here to sign up!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Most people, including doctors, treat symptoms (like those listed below) as disconnected and separate issues. The truth is that if you want to heal from chronic conditions, you must approach the Brain-Immune-Gut axis as an integrated system.

You don’t need to suffer with chronic health issues. There IS a way to reverse even difficult symptoms:

● Brain Fog
● Fatigue
● Depression
● Short Term Memory Loss
● Autoimmune Disease
● Inflammation
● Immunocompromisation
● Food and Chemical Sensitivities
● Digestive Dysfunction
● And more...

The BIG secret known in Functional Medicine circles is this: You must optimize the Brain-Immune-Gut Axis!

Join me at this unique online event and learn to RESET your Brain-Immune-Gut axis so you can reverse symptoms and improve overall health!


Cranky Old Fart
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China announces first-ever human case of rare bird flu from ‘accidental’ transmission​

Oh Boy, here we go again :facepalm:
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again...


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
Where we are now its being rolled out. Its now mandated that we must use QR check in codes on our phone at every place we shop. Me and the misses at present refuse to use our phones to do so as QR codes gain access to your entire phone. There is still the choice to sign in by paper which we do. Also business's here because us in regional Victoria are out of lockdown are required to now be the Cops. Yep, upon entering a shop they are told to ask and check our ID for where we are from. If from Melbourne then the person is refused service. What an utter insult to the intelligence. Not long ago adults asked underage kids for ID before entering clubs, buying alcohol, cigarettes. Now we, me, get asked by kids not even old enough to drive a car or smoke or drink to show "Them" our drivers licences or they can refuse "us" entry and service. This is utter insanity! Kids asking adults for ID!? Our state rulers have lost the plot.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Where we are now its being rolled out. Its now mandated that we must use QR check in codes on our phone at every place we shop. Me and the misses at present refuse to use our phones to do so as QR codes gain access to your entire phone. There is still the choice to sign in by paper which we do. Also business's here because us in regional Victoria are out of lockdown are required to now be the Cops. Yep, upon entering a shop they are told to ask and check our ID for where we are from. If from Melbourne then the person is refused service. What an utter insult to the intelligence. Not long ago adults asked underage kids for ID before entering clubs, buying alcohol, cigarettes. Now we, me, get asked by kids not even old enough to drive a car or smoke or drink to show "Them" our drivers licences or they can refuse "us" entry and service. This is utter insanity! Kids asking adults for ID!? Our state rulers have lost the plot.
The whole thing is all part of the "New World Order" :mad: :mad: :mad:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Your Daily Motivation



Trust the uncertainty. We may not necessarily know exactly how things will unfold but we can still believe they will ultimately work in our favor.

When you commit yourself to the possibilities of a happier life, you start finding clarity amidst the uncertainty. Some of the most fulfilling experiences of our lives are those that we didn't expect much from.

Trust that what you want or something even better is coming to you instead of letting yourself get overwhelmed by a sense of powerlessness. You are being guided toward more joy and freedom.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Best Time of Day to Exercise to Metabolize Fat​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Sugary Drinks Increase Colon Cancer Risk

By Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen, MDs

Actress Audrey Hepburn, of "Breakfast at Tiffany's" fame, died of colon cancer in 1993 at age 64. Elizabeth Montgomery, who played Samantha on the sitcom "Bewitched," also succumbed to the disease in 1995 at age 63.

They were young. But these days, the disease is appearing in even younger women.

Special: Arthritis Sufferer Reverses Bone-On-Bone Without Surgery

Overall, women’s risk of developing colon cancer is about one in 25. But for those ages 20 to 39, rates have been increasing since the mid-1980s; and since the mid-1990s, women ages 40 to 54 have experienced the steepest increase.

We may now know one important factor that's fueling the higher risk for younger women: sugary beverages.

A new study in the journal Gut found that women who said they drank two or more servings a day of sugary beverages as an adolescent or young adult were at a 200% increased risk for early onset colon cancer compared to women who reported drinking less than one 8 oz. serving a week when they were young.

And if the women drank a sweet beverage every day from ages 13 to 18 (and millions of kids do), each daily serving was associated with a 32% increased risk of developing colon cancer before the age of 50.

Even if you've given up sodas (and bravo to that), energy or sports drinks, fruit juices, and hyped-up flavored coffees or ice teas can put you and your young daughters at risk.

Instead, drink water, plain coffee, and tea to wash away your increased risk for colon cancer.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Sugary Drinks Increase Colon Cancer Risk

By Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen, MDs

Actress Audrey Hepburn, of "Breakfast at Tiffany's" fame, died of colon cancer in 1993 at age 64. Elizabeth Montgomery, who played Samantha on the sitcom "Bewitched," also succumbed to the disease in 1995 at age 63.

They were young. But these days, the disease is appearing in even younger women.

Special: Arthritis Sufferer Reverses Bone-On-Bone Without Surgery

Overall, women’s risk of developing colon cancer is about one in 25. But for those ages 20 to 39, rates have been increasing since the mid-1980s; and since the mid-1990s, women ages 40 to 54 have experienced the steepest increase.

We may now know one important factor that's fueling the higher risk for younger women: sugary beverages.

A new study in the journal Gut found that women who said they drank two or more servings a day of sugary beverages as an adolescent or young adult were at a 200% increased risk for early onset colon cancer compared to women who reported drinking less than one 8 oz. serving a week when they were young.

And if the women drank a sweet beverage every day from ages 13 to 18 (and millions of kids do), each daily serving was associated with a 32% increased risk of developing colon cancer before the age of 50.

Even if you've given up sodas (and bravo to that), energy or sports drinks, fruit juices, and hyped-up flavored coffees or ice teas can put you and your young daughters at risk.

Instead, drink water, plain coffee, and tea to wash away your increased risk for colon cancer.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I don't know what is wrong with the forum today but everyu post has been a double post


Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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Coffee Falls Short When Sleep Deprived, According to New Study​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Integrative Cancer Prevention and Care
Dr. Nasha Winters

Dear Friends,

Today I’m bringing back an inspiring interview from 2019 with Dr. Nasha Winters. Dr. Nasha has turned a personal journey of overcoming cancer into a purposeful career specializing in integrative oncology and cancer prevention. She’s here today to discuss how to avoid becoming a statistic, and she’ll explain why we’re seeing more cancer than ever before. She’ll also offer helpful tips about what we can do about it, starting with prevention and early detection. Just wait until you hear her story!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
New study warns certain personality types more prone to cancer

You’ve heard of Type A and Type B personalities...but is this personality type more prone to cancer?

Research into cancer and personality types dates as far back as 15th century Italy.

A 1979 San Francisco study identified five personality characteristics common in patients with the biggest tumors and the worst prognosis...

...and countless other doctors and studies describe similar personality attributes in their sickest patients.

But does personality type indicate an absolute cancer sentence?

Take this brief personality risk assessment quiz and see for yourself. When you take the quiz, you’ll receive a FREE report, based on your quiz results, to help you better understand your risk factors.

You’ll also learn what these 50, once terminally ill, cancer survivors all have in common. And the 2010 study that followed nearly 60,000 people for 30 years (what they learned may shock you).

Take this short quiz now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I have some great news to share with you from our good friend, Marjory Wildcraft…
You may remember, Marjory hosted the powerful Grow System Summit a couple weeks ago. Over 3 short days, the Summit featured 10 live interviews with the top-tier experts in self-sustainability, true vitality, and deep health… It was an event no one would want to miss.
And, while the event is technically "over”... Marjory’s team has been overwhelmed with excited and grateful messages coming in from all around the world. Each from someone that took a step or two along their path to true wealth because of this event.
The practical, inspiring advice that was exchanged during the 3-day live event really can’t be found anywhere else.
And because of the huge demand, and deep need for this kind of guidance, I’m excited to share that Marjory is inviting everyone to a 48-hour, open-access Encore of the entire event!

If you missed a live interview (or two) during the live event…

Or, even if this is your first time hearing about this Summit…

Set aside time now to make sure you can catch the full Encore Replay of the entire Grow System Summit.
Starting Saturday at 9 a.m. CST and until Monday, 8:59 a.m. CST, you’ll have open-access to the entire recorded event:


Cranky Old Fart
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Diamond Contributor
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The #1 Inflammation Busting Food You Should be Eating (you might be surprised)​



Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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“It’s terrifying”: Connecticut mom speaks out after teen son develops heart condition post COVID-19 vaccination​



Diamond Contributor
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AstraZeneca vaccine probed over death of BBC presenter Lisa Shaw​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Spike proteins administered intravenously are engineered to cross the blood-brain barrier, can cause cerebral hemorrhage​



Diamond Contributor
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Newly uncovered emails show Fauci admitting the truth about masks: They DON’T work​



Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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CCP planning major attack on USA this year: Bioweapons, cyber war, kamikazee drones and infrastructure sabotage​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi
If you have been able to catch any of:

END GAME, The Coming Collapse And How To Survive It


You know that the number of threats to your wellbeing is steadily increasing every year.

The only way you can truly be secure is to prepare in advance for outcomes you just can’t predict.

That is why thousands already made the wise choice of securing the END GAME series for on-demand viewing.

Now they can watch each of the interviews as many times as they need, or catch the ones they missed.

END GAME is your preparation encyclopedia.

It covers everything from an upcoming financial collapse, surviving chaos in the streets, and even our failing public education system.

With so much crucial information included, you are going to want a copy on your shelf so you can reference it again and again.

(Seriously, on a shelf in your home, they blackout the internet in other countries all the time, how long until it happens here?)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today let’s talk about sleep. Many Americans are losing a lot of sleep these days, and this was true before the coronavirus crisis hit. Now with many of us losing income, social contact, and peace of mind, the problem is worse than ever.

Let’s talk about how to sleep better:

1.) Watch your caffeine intake. My sleep went to heck about 6 months ago, and it turned out that my wife had switched our coffee blend to one that had 3x more caffeine than our previous one! And I had to Google the blend to find that out, of course it wasn’t on the packaging. I went back to my normal blend, and even started drinking decaf, and my sleep was restored.

2.) Watch out for sneaky stimulants. A couple years ago, I fell in love with a ‘health’ drink called Bai. They were delicious, sugarfree, and perfect when I wanted something cold. But I realized many nights when I was up at 3am I had drank a Bai the day before. The primary ingredient in Bai? Coffee beans. I had no idea, it wasn’t obvious from the packaging (it’s more obvious now actually). Also I’ve noticed any time I drink something with aspartame (which is very rare) I can’t get to sleep. Take note of some things you’re taking that seem healthy or healthier, but might be keeping you up.

3.) Alcohol is the reason many of us wake up in the middle of the night. Alcohol relaxes us so it’s a good thing to take before bed, right? Wrong. Alcohol disrupts the sleep pattern and specifically the ‘deep sleep’ pattern we should be experiencing about 3-5 hours after we fall asleep. So cut down on alcohol for better sleep.

4.) Exercise in the morning or midday. Exercise is great for sleep patterns. Numerous studies have shown that 20-30 minutes of mild exercise improves sleep. But doing it too close to bedtime can have the opposite effect. Make sure you leave about 4 hours between exercise (even that evening walk might be keeping you up) and bedtime for better sleep.

A few more quick tips:
  • Make sure your room is dark, even a bright alarm clock can stimulate your brain

  • Manage the temperature of your room, try keeping in the mid to low 60’s for better sleep

  • Avoid TV and screens an hour before bed, they stimulate your brain just like caffeine. Try a good old fashioned physical book instead

  • Manage your stress, there are some really good meditation apps that can help with this, like Calm.

  • Match your sleep patterns to the sun. A lot of studies show that humans are genetically predisposed to waking with the sunrise and going to bed about 3-4 hours after sunset.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

5 Tips to Conquer Loneliness​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Your Daily Motivation



A large part of our experiences in life is about what's going on within us, rather than what's going on around us.

Can you recall a time when things were great on the surface yet you still felt dissatisfied? We have all experienced this many times in our lives. Now consider the times when you experienced moments of immense bliss and joy that weren't even related to any external measure of success.

Unless your thoughts and beliefs are in alignment with what you truly want, you won't feel satisfied no matter what you achieve. Similarly, if you are more positive in your thoughts, you will have an easier time dealing with unfavorable external circumstances.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey, Jimi!

In this podcast, I am speaking with Luis Villasenor - one of the most knowledgeable and high-integrity people in the world on the science of low-carb and keto diets.

In this episode,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,
It is an absolute tragedy that so many health experts and elected officials across the nation have still done nothing to get masks off our children. It’s unethical and unconstitutional to force children to abide by COVID measures that result in physical and emotional harm. With just one click, you can ask your governor and your state department of education to permanently lift COVID-19 guidelines in your schools. Please Act Now - it’s time to return to pre-COVID education!
After you take action, access a step-by-step guide to educate people in your community, including your local school board. It is time to stand up for our children and we are here to help you do that.
Co-founder, Sayer Ji shares a special note about Stand for Health Freedom's new Kids First campaign:
"I rarely feel so inspired by a presentation that I cry. But, I will tell you, that if you spend just 3 minutes watching Leila Centner present, you will know why....and, you will likely shed a tear or two yourself."
"This weekend, I witnessed one of the most inspiring presentations and campaigns I have ever participated in co-creating. I am deeply excited and honored to announce the new Stand for Health Freedom initiative to put our Kids First, and put an end to the inhumane, harmful, and non-scientific policies that are damaging our children."
Please share this email and the campaign far and wide, as we are experiencing unprecedented censorship online. Also, please don't forget to take 30 seconds and let your voice be heard! Together, we can make a world of difference!
For the last 15-plus months, we have waited — some of us more patiently than others — for the COVID responses to play out. We have now waited long enough. It is time, as a global community, to reflect and make choices that are best for our children.
You can access the same presentation that Leila Centner used (along with the power point script) to educate parents in your community and to urge your local school board to lift COVID-19 guidelines permanently.
There has never been a more important campaign than this one. Make sure you share with at least 10 of your friends so that our kids can start the 2021-22 school year in educational environments that put them first.

In solidarity,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Prediabetes Doubles Chance of Cardiovascular Event

By Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen, MDs

People like to predict things — and sometimes they are uncannily accurate. In 1909, Nikola Tesla, the former right-hand man of Thomas Edison, told The New York Times: "It will soon be possible to transmit wireless messages all over the world so simply that any individual can carry and operate his own apparatus."

New predictions about your health risks from prediabetes are just as visionary.

A study presented at the American College of Cardiology's 70th Annual Scientific Session looked at the health outcomes for more than 25,000 people ages 18 to 104 and found that serious cardiovascular events, including heart attack and stroke, occurred in 18% of people with prediabetes compared with 11% of people with normal blood sugar levels.

Special: Heart Surgeon: Throw Out Your Olive Oil Now – Here’s Why

"Based on our data, having prediabetes nearly doubled the chance of a major adverse cardiovascular event," says Dr. Adrian Michel, lead author of the study. "Instead of preventing diabetes, we need to shift focus and prevent prediabetes."

There are four steps you can take that will help prevent prediabetes — or if you've been diagnosed, help reverse it or at least reduce the risks.

1. Adopt a plant-based diet, eating five to nine servings a day of fruits, vegetables, and grains, and animal protein from fatty fish like salmon and skinless poultry.

2. Ditch added sugars, syrups, and ultraprocessed foods.

3. Move a lot — 10,000 steps a day or the equivalent; and do regular strength-building exercises.

4. Manage your stress response (and blood sugar) by getting good sleep, and use stress-reduction techniques like meditation.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Zinc has gotten a lot of attention in the last year, thanks to some promising studies showing that it might help fight viruses and strengthen your immune health.
And we already know that zinc can help regulate your blood sugar, balance your hormones, protect your vision, and support your cardiovascular health.
But many people aren’t getting enough zinc. And some plant-based eaters face a unique set of zinc-related challenges.
Here’s what you need to know about zinc.
Yours for the nutrients we need,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Do phytates reduce zinc absorption? Should you be sucking on zinc lozenges? Can you get too much zinc? Get the whole zinc story here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Fruits, Veggies Lower Blood Pressure

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Pumping up your fruit and vegetable intake may be key to lowering blood pressure.

High blood pressure (hypertension) is a major health threat, responsible for at least 51% of deaths due to stroke and 45% of heart disease deaths, according to the World Health Organization.

Decreasing sodium intake is vital for lowering blood pressure, but so is raising your potassium level, says Alicia McDonough, a University of Southern California researcher who reviewed studies that looked at the link between high blood pressure and dietary sodium, as well as potassium and sodium-potassium.

Special: Lower High Blood Pressure Without Dangerous Drugs

Several found that higher dietary potassium was associated with lower blood pressure, irrespective of salt intake. Potassium supplements also helped.

The body’s balancing act uses sodium to maintain close control of potassium levels in the blood, which is critical to normal heart, nerve, and muscle function.

Fruits and vegetables particularly rich in potassium include avocado, acorn squash, spinach, dried apricots, pomegranates, white beans, and bananas. You can also get potassium from tuna (fresh, frozen, or canned, but avoid those packed in brine), yogurt (unflavored, preferably), and low-fat milk.

If you have kidney disease, or are taking certain blood pressure medications, a large increase in potassium could be harmful. In that case, avoid taking potassium supplements and check with your doctor before dramatically increasing your potassium intake.

The review was published in the American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jim,

SLEEP FACT: 50-70 million U.S. adults struggle with their sleep, and most likely you’re one of them.
SLEEP MYTH: Consistently getting the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep is enough to rewire your brain for deep sleep and amazing energy levels.
Here’s the simple truth you MUST understand if you do suffer from racing thoughts at bedtime, wakeful and restless nights, or any other sleep issues...
It’s the quality of your sleep that really matters, not the quantity.
See, while you might be resting for 7-8 hours, that doesn’t mean you’re sleeping soundly, especially if you have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep.
And a nasty cycle begins each time you don’t get that deep, restorative shut eye...
  • You wake up feeling sluggish, and you have to drag yourself through the day.
  • You’re forced to rely on caffeine and sugar to give you fake jolts of energy (which only last for a short while before you crash again).
  • You’re forgetful, your brain is foggy, and you just can’t focus. You can barely make a dent in your to-do list that’s a mile long.
  • You actually begin to age much more quickly – puffy eyes, saggy skin, and unwanted belly fat are much more noticeable.
Yep, the reality is that bad sleep = poor quality of life. But we're sure you already know that.
And we're guessing you’ve tried just about everything to fix your sleep struggles?
You don’t want to hear about more melatonin or some sleep gimmick that claims to fix your sleep but doesn’t actually work.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Dr. Osborne here,

Are you craving truthful health information? There are just 20 tickets left for this event!

This line-up of speakers over the two days is world-class. Here is what you'll hear:
  • The heart does not really pump blood.
  • Plaque and vessel narrowing do not necessarily cause heart disease.
  • High LDL can actually be an indicator of good health.
  • A fourth phase of water exists in your body that stores your emotions.
  • Viruses may actually be genetic upgrades.
  • Corn contains a form of gluten that can be more inflammatory than the gluten contained in wheat.
  • Loss of specific microbes in the body leads to diseases such as cancer, MS, diabetes, and all autoimmune diseases.
  • To reverse disease or food sensitivities/allergies you must change the imprint on your biofield.

If that doesn't get you fired up, prepare for your mind to be blown.. Here is the line-up of speakers:
Dr. Thomas Cowan: Leading expert on structured water and co-founder of the Weston A. Price Foundation and co-author of the Amazon-banned THE CONTAGION MYTH.
Dr. Peter Osborne: Leading expert on glutens and how our modern diet makes us sick compared to our ancient ancestors.
Dr. Sabine Hazan: Leading expert on the microbiome and how the loss of diversity leads to disease, including specific strains her lab has already identified.
Dr. Christine Shaffner: Leading Naturopathic doctor whose podcast Spectrum of Health complements her Ecosystem and Terrain, Energy Analysis, Clear Blocks, Optimize Flow (EECO) methodology.
Dr. William Archer: Director of Appropriations for a ranking member of the U.S. House Appropriations Committee and specialist in public health, nutrition, agriculture, and international development.
Dr. Sina McCullough: Creator of the online program “GO WILD: A Step-by-Step Guide for Reversing Autoimmune & Chronic Diseases.,” author of HANDS OFF MY FOOD and co-author of BEYOND LABELS. She hosts the Beyond Labels podcast and Cooking Show and is a board member of MOMS ACROSS AMERICA.
Folks, you will not see a more distinguished, exciting, and captivating line-up of speakers for a health-focused gathering anywhere in the world this year. If you want to get away, immerse for two days with people who love life and truth regardless of being branded misinformation and censored, this is the one to attend.
Oh, and you'll enjoy food from the fertile fields of Polyface. To see a fuller description, get tickets and see the schedule, just click HERE!
I hope to see you here in June for the two most exciting days you can imagine!

Always looking out for you,
Dr. Osborne - The Gluten Free Warrior
P.S. An unhealthy gut isn't just annoying, it also puts your immune system at risk. There are solutions, you just have to know what to ask and who to ask! If you need more guidance, this is free and online June 21-29th.

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