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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

BREAKING: AI-powered DoD data analysis program named “Project Salus” SHATTERS official vaccine narrative, shows A.D.E. accelerating in the fully vaccinated with each passing week​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Exclusive: Woman injured by COVID vaccine pleads with health agencies for help, as local news agency kills story after pressure from Pfizer​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Your Daily Motivation​


If you're going through a period of stagnation in your life, consider the possibility that you may need to work toward releasing old baggage.

Let go of your old ways of thinking, patterns, and mistakes that keep you stuck so you can get ready to move on to the next part of your journey.

Look at your experiences and find the lessons in them. Take some time to reflect upon the past.

Then, commit yourself to a gradual change and a fresh perspective on life. Focus on the here and now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Past trauma is making you sicker (regret, fear, abuse, and stress)

Hi Jimi,

In the past 30 years, have you (or someone close to you) experienced any of the following traumatic experiences:

  • Rocky childhood?
  • Financial loss?
  • Emotional or physical abuse?
  • A car accident?
  • Regret?
  • Fear?
  • Pandemic related loss?
If so, then trauma is very likely impacting your current health.

Harvard Medical School reports that past trauma, no matter how severe, is directly linked to chronic health conditions like cardiovascular problems (such as heart attack and stroke), cancer, obesity, autoimmune diseases, fatigue, and even chronic inflammation...

What’s even worse is your risk for mental and physical health problems from past trauma increases dramatically the more traumatic events you've experienced… especially if you’ve been ‘bottling up’ these emotions for a long period of time.

But herein lies the problem…

Every person copes with trauma differently and results vary based on each situation.

Thankfully, my friend Dr. Elena Villanueva is hosting a special Mastering Trauma Masterclass that will give you everything you need to know to pinpoint, heal, & prevail from virtually any traumatic experience that’ll unknowingly make you sick, tired, & unable to lose weight.

So if you’re thinking you might be impacted by any kind of trauma at all, I highly recommend you take a closer look at this new masterclass...

Click Here To Learn More (Registration Now Open)

We’ve seen Dr. Villanueva and her team put on exceptional classes in the past, some of which cost hundreds of dollars to attend, but today she has made her Mastering Trauma Masterclass available at no cost to you.

The class is starting soon so please take a moment to learn more about this important message — it could truly change your life for the better.

You’re the best!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It’s day 3 already! Make sure to catch a few talks today.
Today’s speakers include a lot of experts that I had been meaning to interview for a long time, like Dr. Joseph Mercola and David ‘Avocado’ Wolfe. One of the health experts I respect the most on the planet - Ari Whitten - along with my close collaborator Brian Hoyer are also featured.
===> NOW LIVE: EMF Hazards Summit - Day 3 (6 new talks available)
My top 3 most fascinating talks:
  • David ‘Avocado’ Wolfe - Reconnecting With Nature's Frequencies (I was VERY impressed with David Wolfe -- he shares many great ways to reconnect with natural frequencies, and also talks about his favorite ways to minimize EMFs from your phone)
  • Dr. Joseph Mercola - The Top Supplements To Mitigate EMF Damage (I consider Mercola one of my mentors. He shares all about how to use the right supplements to minimize the biological damage from EMFs.)
  • Brian Hoyer - How To Shield Your Home Against 5G & Other EMF's (Brian is the co-teacher on my Electro-Pollution Fix Course, and is a wealth of knowledge. He shares exactly how you can shield your bedroom against 5G or any other external source of EMFs.)
Enjoy these new talks, and please share widely!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Sayer Ji Discusses The New And Upcoming Free Speech Platform!
Perhaps even more concerning is what YouTube’s new policy will do to hundreds of millions of users who face either censoring themselves or being entirely de-platformed. Millions who previously would have spoken up and out will now remain in silent complicity with an agenda deadset on covering up the harms being done by the COVID-19 vaccines, or covering up safer, natural alternatives. I cannot tell which is more egregious when it is all said and done: overt censorship or covert self-censorship?
Fundamentally, YouTube’s latest decision is a declaration of war against the truth and the public's right to informed consent. But it will require the tacit consent and/or complicity of millions of users for them to be successful.
Will you remain or become part of the solution?
Sign up to be a content creator on our pre-launch waitlist for


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
ACT NOW: Tell your governor and local legislators that COVID-19 vaccines must be voluntary!
In May, the New York State Bar Association issued an 83-page report calling for mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for all Americans; the only exception, the association said, would be doctor-ordered medical reasons. The association — one of the nation’s largest state bar groups — joins a growing number of organizations, government leaders and corporations voicing support for mandating a COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available. Large entertainment companies are being directed by the President of the United States to require patrons to show proof of vaccination before they’re permitted to attend music, sporting and other events.
Stand up for your basic human rights NOW! Every individual has the right to informed consent and to decline a medical intervention! Tell your governor and your local lawmakers that medical mandates don’t belong in a free society. Click below to send a pre-drafted (and customizable) email and tweet urging your officials to make the COVID-19 vaccine voluntary, not mandatory. Let them know that the only one who stands to profit from the coronavirus vaccine is the pharmaceutical industry — and that personal choice, not public pressure or coercion, must be the only factor in getting the vaccine.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Lifestyle Medicine Summit
Can 80% of Chronic Diseases be reversed? Listen to 35+ renowned doctors and researchers at the Lifestyle Medicine Summit October 27-31 2021, the largest global gathering of health lovers & professionals passionate about Lifestyle Medicine and Health Coaching. Register Here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi
I was recently introduced to a fascinating study shared with me by my friend who is a 17-year holistic cancer survivor (more on him in a sec).

This study investigated the anti-cancer effects of two plant extracts against breast cancer cells.

Now on their own, both of these plant extracts contain potent anticancer compounds...

But the researchers discovered that combining them supercharged their anticancer effects, completely eliminating breast cancer tumors in 80% of the mice in the study.

And the exciting thing is, you don’t have to be a doctor or a scientist with a laboratory. You can make this extract at home for just a few dollars.

This dynamic duo is not only an anti-cancer powerhouse, it also helps protect against viral infections and heart disease!

Learn how to make it right here


The author of this report is my friend Chris Wark.

During his cancer battle, and for the past 17 years since he healed, Chris has been researching cancer non-stop... what’s causing cancer, foods that fight cancer, foods that promote cancer growth... the list goes on and on.

He’s researched nearly every alternative and natural non-toxic therapy out there.

And he’s spent thousands of hours reading studies and interviewing doctors, scientists and survivors like him who’ve healed cancer against the odds.

Chris has compiled a massive amount of life-saving information, organized it and put it into a comprehensive healing and prevention program called SQUARE ONE.

The SQUARE ONE Program will show you how to transform your life and your health and give you a step-by-step roadmap to start your healing journey.

SQ1 is normally a paid program, but every year Chris puts it online for fr*ee for a short time. He’s shared the SQ1 Program with over a million people since 2017 and this year’s free screening is right around the corner.

Go here to get the Dynamic Duo report and access to the SQUARE ON coaching program FR*EE


Yours in health,

This is a fantastic program for any type of cancer


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Whether you're new to making meals from scratch or you cook on a regular basis, it’s pretty normal to feel stuck in a rut or simply uninspired from time to time.
Before you settle on carrot sticks for dinner, though, you should know that I’ve invited award-winning chef and best-selling author Bryant Terry to join me for a WHOLE Life Club Action Hour conversation that’s sure to help spruce up your menu and bring more creativity and fun to your kitchen.
You can enjoy this dynamic Action Hour interview with Bryant Terry, here.
Bryant’s critically acclaimed cookbooks include Vegetable Kingdom, Vegan Soul Kitchen, Afro-Vegan, and the forthcoming Black Food. San Francisco Magazine included Bryant among its 11 Smartest People in the Bay Area Food Scene, and Fast Company named him one of 9 People Who Are Changing the Future of Food. Since 2015, Bryant has been the Chef-in-Residence at the Museum of the African Diaspora in San Francisco, where he creates public programming at the intersection of food, farming, health, activism, art, culture, and the African diaspora.
How’s that for inspiration?
In my conversation with Bryant, you’ll learn about his favorite tools, tips, and ideas for cooking whole plant foods, building creative meals at home, expanding your palate to learn from diverse cultural traditions, and enjoying your culinary journey.
Join us for the October WHOLE Life Action Hour: Getting Fresh, Healthy, & Creative in the Kitchen! with Bryant Terry, here.
We can’t wait for you to join us.
Yours for joyful, pleasurable, and creative cooking,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
Whether you want to lose weight, overcome disease, set world records or simply wake up with energy and health every day…
Your best chance is to learn from people who've done it before.
And that's why we want to invite you to join the 5th annual Plant Fit Summit.
>>Click here to sign up
Get ready for a life-changing experience:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Now more than ever, it seems like each day brings a new set of challenges to overcome, tough decisions to make, and contradictory information to wade through.

And honestly, it can be exhausting...

Often it can feel like a game of survival that, over time, can really wear you down on the mental, emotional, and physical level.

The rates of depression, anxiety, bipolar and other mood-related conditions are rising faster than ever.

In fact, it is estimated that more than 80% of people with symptoms of depression aren’t seeking help to address them.

And if you’ve gone to a traditional doctor, chances are the only solution you’re offered is a “quick fix” in the form of a pill to help ease the mental & emotional rollercoaster.

Unfortunately, the common side-effects that accompany most pharmaceutical drugs just add to your list of things to worry about.

Fortunately, research has shown us that there are a number of natural solutions to address the symptoms of mood disorders.

These solutions include things like taking specific amino acids and other vitamin and mineral cofactors to address neurotransmitter levels.

Improving the health of your GI tract has been shown to dramatically improve mood.

Optimizing sleep, getting plenty of sun, and sufficient exercise can also make a massive difference to your mental & emotional regulation.

And perhaps most importantly, you can work inside out to fundamentally shift the baseline state of your entire nervous system.

The truth is your body is constantly sending signals when things are off. And has the power to naturally reset and recenter when it is given the right set of conditions.

But it can be a challenge to know how to provide the conditions for your system to find a new state of rest and recovery.

Fortunately, I have a solution.

My good friend Jason Prall, creator of The Human Longevity Project, has gathered 34 world-renowned experts in the realm of health and transformation in a new and very important event called Awaken The Healer Within.

In this life-changing event, you’ll discover the deep, fundamental reasons you end up feeling anxious, depressed, and run down.

More importantly, you’ll also discover permanent solutions to fundamentally rewire your nervous system so that you can access a greater depth of peace and well being no matter what’s going on around you.

Once you know how to get to the root cause using the practical solutions and scientifically proven methods in Awaken The Healer Within, you will ignite your body’s natural wisdom, accelerate healing, and make life so much more enjoyable!

Click below to reserve your spot now!

>> Save my seat for the brand new Awaken The Healer Within summit

It’s time to make life a whole lot easier! Don’t miss this groundbreaking summit.

To Your Health,

Dr. Pedram Shojai

P.S. Can you imagine how different your life would be if you finally got to the root of your symptoms? You owe it to yourself to find out.

Click here to register for this very exciting event!​
1389 Center Drive Ste 200, Park City, UT, United​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How Oatmeal Benefits Heart Health

Oatmeal contains a type of fiber called beta-glucans that supports immune health by stimulating white blood cells to ward off disease.

A 2003 study showed that beta-glucans taken from oats helped stave off staph infections and pneumonia, as well as heart valve and bone infections. Fiber also helps fill you up faster, so having a 150-calorie cup of oatmeal can satisfy your hunger for a longer period of time, and may help you lose weight.

Special: How to Keep Your Doctor From Lecturing You About Cholesterol

In addition, oatmeal contains arginine, an important amino acid. Arginine helps regulate blood flow and heal injuries. But it also boosts the immune system by encouraging the production of T cells that fight disease, especially cancer.

Oats contain plant compounds called polyphenols that can help reduce blood pressure. In addition, oats are one of the few foods that contain avenanthramides that have an anti-inflammatory and anti-itching effect.

Consuming oatmeal is one proven method of lowering cholesterol. Thanks to the beta-glucan fiber, oatmeal not only reduces total cholesterol levels but also lowers LDL cholesterol.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Dr. Osborne here,

I know parasites conjure unsettling feelings of squirming worms and sucking bugs, but the relationship between humans and parasites encompasses more than what you might imagine.

The effects of a parasitic infection can range from a simple stomach ache to the development of autoimmunity.

These ancient pathogens produce toxins, create infections, manipulate our behavior and spread to those around us to ensure their survival, but they’re not always harmful.

During this upcoming summit (starts Monday), I will speak on why parasites thrive on grains, and the steps for incorporating an anti-parasitic diet.

If you want some info ahead of time, here is a free guide on how to identify a parasitic infection.

Always looking out for you,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
I want to tell everyone in my community that stress, at the unrelenting level so many are feeling it right now, is very destructive to your health and well being.
I want you - and those you love - to have as many tools as possible at your fingertips.
Click here for a free eGuide with TWENTY TWO tools, called “Reduce Stress, Feel Better”.
Stress is the full-body reaction that occurs in response to a stressor — an event in our lives or minds that we perceive as threatening. It’s not supposed to be your set point. Please explore this eGuide and incorporate as many tools as possible.

To your BEST life,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Your Daily Motivation​


Before you hit the sack tonight, remind yourself that you did the best you could.

You are doing a great job. Tell yourself what you’re grateful for. View your current circumstances as an impetus to push yourself to become a better version of yourself.

Take time to appreciate the small good things and experiences that were part of your day. Slowly allow yourself to release the stresses of your day.

Repeat a few affirmations of your choice and assure yourself everything will be fine.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Day 7 of The Chill Pill​

The wall is a fantastic prop for yin postures, so we return to it today. Slow your reclining breathwork down to 8:4:8:4 — the gateway to a deep savasana.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
In our modern world, we are living in a state of stress, overwhelm, and clutter. And I know that over time, stress and anxiety can not only damage your blood vessels but also increase the risk of heart attacks and stroke.

So how can you reduce stress levels and increase your mental and physical health?

A great way to find out is by watching the next episode of The Dr. Nandi Show called "Super-Charge Your Health". Guest Emily Fletcher once thought she was living the dream but stress ruled her life. Now she’s a true [HASH=5174]#HealthHero[/HASH] and demonstrates easy exercises and meditation techniques that will make you feel instantly calmer. Also, Feng Shui expert Ivy Ellerby shares how you can transform not just physical spaces but emotional ones too.

Join me and my guests this week to learn quick-fix-changes that will boost your energy, improve your mood and overall well-being! Plus, you hear powerful tips on how to create more space in your life and ways you can improve your well-being through meditation.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Sending a Signal of Safety

If we have been living without a sense of safety for the greater part of our adult life, what does this do to our nervous system? If you are at the point of readiness, and want to explore what a healed and balanced nervous system feels like, here are 8 methods to send a signal of safety... Read More

The Luminous Education Revolution

I’m so excited to be supporting my friend Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan and the powerful event she put together called The Luminous Education Revolution. It explores a new educational paradigm that incorporates homeschooling or unschooling, self-directed learning, community and village building, and awakened parenthood... Watch Here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

In this week's Natural Living Family News, we're going to cover:

Cast Your Cares Upon Him​

“The LORD is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble, And He knows those who take refuge in Him.”
~ Nahum 1:7


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Food! We need it to survive.

It tastes good, but....

..sometimes it might seem like it controls you!

And as a result you may find yourself sabotaging your health with what you put in your mouth!

You know you know better. You probably even know what you ‘should’ and ‘should not’ be eating but find yourself obsessively, or compulsively doing it anyway.

Have you ever overeaten or lived on coffee and chocolate for 3 straight days due to a work deadline, and then crashed?

It happens a lot —- even to the best of us.

That used to be how I operated.

If your self-talk is reprimanding, unkind, even downright nasty, your subconscious is likely the culprit in self-sabotaging your health with bad habits.

My friend and colleague, Kimberly Ward, is hosting a webinar, Why do I Self-Sabotage with Food? 5 Secrets to Conscious Eating to explain how the “self- soothing with food” behaviors you learned in childhood are what is likely causing the binging, food obsessions and self-sabotaging behaviors that may rear their ugly heads when you're stressed.

When your environment is unstable or unsafe, your entire body chemistry forms very inventive ways to help you create emotional coping systems that are charged with adrenaline. The foods you’re attracted to as an adults are often conscious or subconscious attempts to recreate the same adrenaline rush you experienced in childhood because you associate that feeling with safety.

Join her on Saturday for this ground breaking training.

Love, health and joy,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
A Survivor’s Guide To Healing Cancer
Dear Jimi,
If you're concerned about cancer, or have a loved one facing cancer right now, we've got an invaluable resource to share with you today from our friend and 17-year cancer survivor, Chris Wark.
Chris was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer in 2003, two days before Christmas, at just 26 years old.
When faced with intimidating odds of survival, Chris did the unthinkable...
He turned down chemotherapy after surgery.
His doctors told him he was “Insane”, and had very little support, but he knew he had to take a different path to restore his health.
His was rationale was: "If my body created it, maybe my body can heal it..."
He listened to his instincts and his intuition, stepped out in faith and decided to radically change his life...
Today, over 17 years later, Chris is alive and well, cancer free, and in the best shape of his life. And his mission is to show the world how he and many others have healed with evidence-based nutrition and natural therapies.
Chris created a powerful 10-part video series called, The SQUARE ONE Cancer Coaching Program.
The information in SQUARE ONE covers the exact strategies he (and countless others) used to heal cancer, and you can watch all 10 Modules free online.
Chris's SQUARE ONE program takes you step-by-step through the healing process in a simple straightforward way that is empowering, hopeful and encouraging, without being overwhelming or confusing.
If you're a patient, a caregiver, or you're serious about prevention, this course is for you.
Check out this short video about Chris's story and the course. While you're there, you can register to watch ALL 10 SQUARE ONE Modules FREE online, October 12-21.

To better health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Many health advocates tell us that oxalates are hazardous to your health.
They say that eating a diet high in oxalates can lead to the formation of kidney stones and that oxalates act as “anti-nutrients,” impairing the absorption of minerals like zinc, calcium, and iron.
Meanwhile, there are significant amounts of oxalates in nuts and beans, and especially in a few other foods including Swiss chard, spinach, peanuts, and tofu.
Should you be worried about eating those foods?
Here’s what you need to know about oxalates.
Yours for wise choices,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. There are some people who should steer clear of eating too many oxalates. Are you one of them? Which foods have the most oxalates? And how can you reduce your oxalate consumption without cutting out some of the healthiest foods? Get the whole oxalate story here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi, I hope you are doing well today.

Here's a sobering fact -- most people alive today will get a chronic disease.

And almost 88% of those over age 65 currently suffer at least one chronic health condition.

If YOU are battling any sort of illness, whatever your age may be (and certainly if you are committed to avoiding chronic disease, too)...

Head here now to discover "The Missing Piece" that will finally help you get UNSTUCK and tap into your full healing potential

Now, I KNOW there's a lot of health information, events, and so forth out there...

However, Jim, in this unique event you'll find out how to activate the healing mechanisms in your body using advanced yet simple techniques you can do yourself that MOST people are unaware of.

It's called Awaken the Healer Within, and it's hosted by my good friend, Jason Prall, the veteran health researcher and creator of The Human Longevity Project series.

In it, you'll discover what is preventing you from experiencing far greater health -- and you will learn how to address it immediately.

Click here, SCROLL DOWN THIS PAGE, and see exactly what the world-renowned doctors and researchers will teach you

You see, the truth is that all of your organs and tissues are wired for healthy function...

However, you need to know HOW to unlock the "natural intelligence" within your cellular architecture.

And that's what you'll discover in this important and truly life-changing new event!

For example...

  • Dr. Zach Bush will show you how you can tap into nature's 3-step process to improve gut & immune function
  • Sayer Ji will teach you how to address the deeper origins of disease
  • Dr. Kelly Brogan will show you how you can identify and shift the mental and emotional patterns that prevent healing
  • Sneha Raichada will guide you on how Ayurvedic science can help you heal
  • Dr. Tom O'Bryan will teach you how to use foods, supplements, and lifestyle to reduce systemic inflammation
  • And MUCH more (again, Jim, DO scroll down the page to see exactly what you'll learn from 34 world-renowned experts)
Discover What Actually Keeps People STUCK with Chronic Illness and How to Finally Break Free in this brand-new free event

Though most people are still unaware of them...

As you'll discover, there ARE scientifically proven and practical solutions to ignite your body's natural wisdom and accelerate healing!

To Living Long and Living Well,

Brian Vaszily

P.S. I haven't shared a "dad joke" in a while...

However, because smiles and laughter are always some of the "best medicine"...

Here's a cute joke my 7-year-old daughter shared with me in the car yesterday that definitely qualifies...

What do you call two birds in love?



Enjoy the important learning in this free new event, and enjoy your day.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Jimi, Tomorrow, October, 4th at 5:30 PST we will be offering a webinar hosted by Jeffrey Smith!
Learn from world experts how regenerative agriculture can stabilize the climate, rebuild our soil, enrich our food, and foster healthier ecosystems--while making more money for farmers. Its promise for our time cannot be overstated.
But the microbes in the soil do the heavy lifting in this system and they are in trouble. Genetically modified (GM) microbes can inadvertently damage or collapse ecosystems. With gene editing technologies such as CRISPR now so inexpensive and accessible, countless GM microbes may be introduced. Any release either accidental or intentionally - through an agricultural product, an engineered soil bioremediation or a green technology project, such as genetically engineered biofuel - could deprive the world of the benefits of regenerative agriculture.
This is a wake-up call to governments, citizens, and those who envision a better world. If we want nature’s intelligence to work for us, we must protect nature now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi ,

The fifth annual Plant Fit Summit is starting in a couple of days!

Click here to reserve your spot right away.

Every year we try to bring you new content that you won't find anywhere else and the last two speakers who are joining us are must-see TV so to speak:

Dr. Rosane Oliveira, who's spent 25 years in genetics research, will reveal the surprising link between your genes and your motivation. If you've ever wished to be more "motivated", then this is for you!

Dr. Rick Dina, who co-hosts the Energy Reset Summit, will break down exactly what you need to do rev up your energy (it's counterintuitive and rarely talked about). And with all that life throws at you, who doesn't need more energy?

So regardless of where you are at in your journey, this will be an event you don't want to miss...

>> Click here to join us:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Here in Ontario, in-person classes stopped in April and all schools, both elementary and high school, moved online. As a substitute teacher, I was pretty much off for that whole four and half months, and I got into a very pleasant routine at home that I was not looking forward to changing.

Being back at school this past three weeks has felt a little weird for sure, but also not. It’s funny how quickly we can drop into the unfamiliar familiar and find our feet again, even if it’s been a while since we’ve found ourselves there. It reminded me of when we came back from our trip to South East Asia and I was worried about my ability to get back into the routines of my cancer risk reduction protocol after two months away.

I was somewhat surprised to find that it wasn’t as hard as I feared it would be, and I think that’s something new that cancer has taught me: we can always choose, it is always up to us.

Sometimes, it feels like there are these invisible forces controlling us and our decisions. When our willpower is experiencing a lull, it can definitely feel like our actions and choices are not within our control, or when something major and unwanted like cancer happens, it can feel like our whole life is out of our control. But, those good habits and choices are still there, it is still within our power to choose them.

Connect back to that place within that feels powerful, quiet, calm, and choose from that place.

There is A LOT of external noise around us these days, and influences (good and bad) can come from all sides. Tune it out and tune in to yourself. Journal, doodle, meditate, talk to yourself, go for a walk and talk to nature, dance, sing, feel joy, and then choose. The dread, the stubbornness, the negativity, the “eff it”-s, will likely be diminished, making way for the temporarily-dismissed better choice or healthy habit to become prominent and feel good again.

It’s astonishing how quickly we can adopt the familiar once more.

Happy Healing ❤️


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Mental Health Monday​

We are human, and so that means we can and will experience the wide breadth of human emotion. While we are entirely entitled to feel exactly the way we are in any given moment, once we are ready to let these emotions go and move forward, we may find that it is difficult to do so. It can often seem as though we are physically weighed down by these feelings and their energy. I have a new guided visualisation/meditation up on the YouTube channel that I find helps me to dissolve and let go. I am a very visual and hands-on person, and so I find that visualisations like this one are really helpful for me when dealing with formless things like emotions that I can’t seem to shake concretely. I hope that it likewise helps you to lessen your load and release.

Check it out here on the Solis YouTube channel


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Benefits of Infrared Saunas​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Resources: Tools​

My road to diagnosis was a little abnormal. If I pressed my skin down, I could literally see the bulge of my tumour with my bare eyes, and yet somehow, my mammogram came back NEGATIVE. From this, we discovered that I, like 40-50% of women, have dense breasts, and that makes it much more difficult for a mammogram to detect a tumour. But I didn’t know this until it was too late.

Current breast screening is failing patients. The organisation Dense Breasts Canada is trying to make it easier to find the right additional screening method(s) for you. They have developed the My Breast Screening tool, where you can take a short quiz that will assess your needs, suggest the tool(s) that may be right for you, and provide evidence-based research to help you support your discussions with your doctor, including sample scripts you can use in these discussions.

In their words:
“We know there is misinformation that can be confusing about breast cancer screening. ⁠ was founded to help Canadian women access the best possible information so that they can be breast informed. We’re here to help you navigate your province’s screening program and access the best possible breast cancer screening. We’re here to connect you to the most current evidence-based research and support you in using your voice for your best breast health."

This is geared towards Canadian women and will take your province’s screening program into account, but you may still find it helpful to take the quiz and access their information even if you are outside of Canada (just pick a province at random when you are prompted). They also have a disclaimer that it is not intended for women who have had breast cancer already because it is best in that case to speak with your oncologist about screening. But again, the quiz, information, and scripts can help to inform those discussions with your oncologist.

Take the quiz here

And you can read the full press release about current breast screening and this new tool here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


4. There is a reason our imaginations are so much stronger when we are children: we still believe anything is possible and all our dreams can come true, so we let our heart lead and tell us what it wants. We lose it as we get older unfortunately, that belief, and so our imagination diminishes and we start to rely on our brains more than our hearts because that’s more “reasonable” and “reliable”. Cancer showed me those dreams are still possible, I simply have to connect back to my soul, to my heart, and let it express its desires. Let your heart lead, because it will never lead you wrong

Happy Healing


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
8 Things to Know About Prostate Cancer​

Other than skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer among American men and the second leading cause of cancer deaths in men. Here are some things you need to know about prostate cancer:

Prostate cancer regularly has no symptoms in its early stages, and when they do occur, you’ll often find men have an enlarged prostate. If you find that you or your partner is experiencing urinary issues or has trouble passing urine at all, we encourage you to speak to a healthcare provider. The most common symptoms of prostate cancer include a dull pain in the pelvic region, regular urinating, pain during urination, or blood in their urine.

In addition, men may experience pain when ejaculating or pain in the lower back and hips. Weight loss and a loss of appetite can also be associated with prostate cancer.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Dr. Osborne here,

If you have not yet read my Friday email, I would encourage you to look it over.

Without going into much detail, I shared on my families personal use of Ivermectin.

To date, there have been 120 trials with more than 47,000 patients using this anti-parasitic drug against the disease that should not be named, and the results are overwhelmingly positive.
Though I can’t give you medical advice, I can share with you what my family and I are doing to support our immunity:

Vitamin D – I take 5,000 IU daily. I would take 10,000 IU daily if my vitamin D levels were low (simple blood test can help determine this).
Vitamin C – I take 5 grams of this in divided doses daily. (That's 5,000mg)
Zinc – I take 2 of these daily. (50mg)
Quercetin – I take 2 of these daily. (2,000mg)
NAC – I take 2 of these daily. (1,500mg)
Mixed immune support with vitamin A, elderberry, Andrographis, lysine, echinacea, and more. I take 2 of these every day.

...And here is what I would do if I came down with the disease that should not be named (TDTSNBN):

I would take everything listed above. I would also reach out to my family doctor to get Ivermectin. If Ivermectin could not be acquired, I would take 4 of these daily

Again, I encourage you to please look back over Friday's email for more information.

Always looking out for you,
Dr. Osborne - The Gluten Free Warrior


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


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