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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Your Daily Motivation​


Get into the habit of gently replacing negative thoughts with more helpful and rational thoughts.

Avoid suppressing, fighting, or engaging with negative thoughts in any way. Simply recognize them, take a deep breath, and become more mindful of your immediate surroundings.

Then, invite a nicer thought to replace it. Acknowledge that all emotions are impermanent. With patience, allow the wave of negativity to pass.

Try visualizing a relaxing experience with the help of calming photos.

Instead of letting yourself drown in negative thoughts, practice gently releasing negative energy so you can make wiser choices about how you respond to stressful situations.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years



Diamond Contributor
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RIGGED worse than a ballot counting machine: CDC allowing hospitals to classify “fully vaccinated” deaths as “unvaccinated”​



Diamond Contributor
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DoD data show that 60% of “covid” hospitalizations in 65 and older patients are “fully vaccinated”​



Diamond Contributor
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BREAKING: Attorney Thomas Renz reveals DoD data proving covid vaccines WORSEN infections and hospitalizations


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Day 8 of The Chill Pill​

After opening with 6:6 breath, we progress to our slowest breath rate yet for yin practice: 6 seconds for the inhale, 9 seconds for the exhale.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Healing solutions THEY don’t want you to know

Hi Jimi,
Despite everything going on in the world there are some huge medical and scientific breakthroughs to be excited about…
People are living longer than ever before…
There is less disease and more opportunity…
And even though you’ll never see it in the media…
Ancient healing wisdom concerning “mind-body” connection practices are now being validated by scientific research.
That might sound a bit weird to some…
But the reality is you cannot live a long, happy and fulfilling life when you lack the proper mind-body connection.
Of course this was known for thousands of years in places like India, the Middle East and the Amazon…
Now the most respected research institutions confirm just how important these practices are.
Whether you’re dealing with depression, anxiety, gut dysfunction, chronic fatigue, skin conditions, cardiovascular disease, chronic pain, unwanted weight, addiction, and even cancer…
The solutions are available right now
You may be thinking: “I’ve tried everything, it’s been years of searching for the solution, what makes this any different?”
I hear you...
And I found that sometimes the missing piece of the puzzle is not what you’d expect.
But once you find the missing piece, everything falls into place...
That’s why I want to invite you to a very important and life-changing event hosted by my good friend and creator of The Human Longevity Project, Jason Prall.
>>> Awaken The Healer Within.
This life-changing event brings together 34 world-renowned experts who have been teaching health and transformation for decades and are here to help you take your power back and reclaim your life.
There are simple and subtle shifts that can radically change your life. Many are not well known. Some of these ideas and methods have been around for decades...and some for thousands of years.
And they’re all waiting for you, right now.
>> Click here to watch the trailer
Now you can write your own prescription for lasting health and wellbeing that comes from within.
Don’t miss this groundbreaking event.
Be Blessed,
Dr. David Jockers


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Germ vs Terrain Theory: Could Everything We Know About How We Get Sick Be Wrong?​



Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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Warding Off Stroke Fights Dementia

By Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Mike Roizen, MDs

From 1902 to 1912, shortstop Joe Tinker, second baseman Johnny Evers, and first baseman Frank Chance were an efficient double-play dream team, anchoring the infield while the Chicago Cubs won four National League pennants and two World Series championships.

Now medical science has discovered a new type of double play: If you work to strike out strokes, you also can knock out dementia.

Special: Worried About Forgetting Things? Try Dr. Blaylock's Brain Boosters

In 2000, Ontario, Canada, put a stroke prevention program into play. A new study shows that between 2002 and 2012, stroke rates for those aged over 80 in Ontario went down an amazing 38 percent.

The researchers also observed that there was a 15 percent decline in dementia rates in people over 80.

That suggests that the steps people took to lower their risk of stroke probably helped stave off some types of dementia.

Or, having a stroke puts you at higher risk of dementia — so fewer strokes means less dementia.

Either way, make your double play and get both stroke and dementia off your home plate:

  • Stick with a diet rich in produce, olive oil and nuts, whole grains, and lean proteins.
  • Eliminate inflammation-triggering added sugars and syrups, and artificially sweetened beverages and foods, which are also associated with increased risk of ischemic stroke and dementia.
  • Keep blood pressure at less than 120 over 80; high blood pressure damages your circulatory system. It's the No. 1 cause of strokes.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years




Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Healing breast cancer naturally

Dr. Veronique Desaulnier's "Ask the Experts" session was incredible!
She shared many powerful solutions for preventing and healing breast cancer!
Access the full interview here - limited time only - Free
During the session we covered:
  • Dr. V’s top 7 steps she followed to help her heal from cancer twice
  • Important vitamin D levels for women
  • How to balance estrogens in the bloodstream
  • Natural supplements that Dr. V uses for her health
  • The RGCC test and how it works and if you might consider it
  • How to safely improve low iron,,ferritin and hemoglobin level for breast cancer patient - Floridix
  • Aggressive natural and integrative therapies for breast cancer
  • RGCC Test ordering
  • Removing Mercury Amalgams and should we remove them?
  • How heavy metals are matal oestrogens and might be contributing to cancer
  • Why do Doctors recommend aromatase inhibitors, and should we take them?
  • Do biopsies cause the spread of cancer? And what other tests are available?
  • The Cancer Profile Test
  • The Gallery Test
  • How to find the root cause of your cancer
  • How to heal emotionally to help the body heal from cancer
  • Vitamin D and Vitamin K together - how much is enough?
-- >> Click here to access the replay -limited time only


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi!

This is an unprecedented time and many of us feel powerless and paralyzed by fear, but I want you to know that you are not powerless.


The choices you make each day can have a dramatic impact on your health and wellbeing, and drastically lower your risk of disease.

As you know, a strong immune system is THE KEY to preventing and healing chronic diseases like cancer, and also infectious diseases. And people with poor diet and lifestyle habits and underlying health conditions have the highest risk for life-threatening infections.

The goal is to get out and stay out of the high-risk category. And you have the power to do this with your daily choices.

I created a program to teach you how to strengthen your immune system, and heal your body with evidence-based nutrition, exercise, detoxification, stress reduction, and more.

It's called SQUARE ONE.

This comprehensive course is the culmination of my own experience healing cancer, over 16 years of research on survivors who've healed holistically, and from personally coaching hundreds of cancer patients one-on-one.

SQUARE ONE is normally a paid program, but I want to serve you in a big way... so I'm putting the entire SQUARE ONE Program online for you to watch for free this month!

Check out the trailer and get access to watch SQUARE ONE here

But wait, is it ok if I overdeliver?

Right after you sign up, I'm also going to send you my Free Therapies Guide, which will show you the 10 most powerful healing therapies, which cost you nothing. :)

This is life-changing, life-saving information.

I can't wait to share the SQUARE ONE program with you!

To your life and health!


p.s. Please note: If you want access to the SQUARE ONE free screening this month you have to join my special SQ1 email group, jump over to this page and sign up. :)

p.p.s. Please share this with people you care about!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi there!
You can do all the right things: Eat a super clean diet, filter your water, filter your air, work out, take supplements...
But if there’s any chance you have a parasitic infection, you’ll be limited in the progress you can make with your health.
There are hundreds of different types of parasites that can infiltrate the human body, and many people are unknowingly infected.
In humans, parasites can cause a wide array of symptoms:

  • Digestive trouble
  • Skin rashes
  • Constant hunger
  • Symptoms worse during full moon
  • Heart palpitations or chest pain
  • Brain fog
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Muscle aches
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Warts
  • Acid reflux
  • Teeth grinding
  • Irritability
  • Itching on anus

Determining if you have parasites and how to treat them may be the missing piece of your health puzzle.
If you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms or you’re struggling with other chronic health issues...
->> Join me to learn more at the complimentary and online Parasites: The Missing Link to Chronic Illness!
Jaban Moore, DC, has spent the last few months gathering the right experts, information, and protocols to teach you everything you need to know about parasites, how to protect yourself from getting them, and what to do if these sneaky critters keep coming back.
Dr. Moore often sees parasites as a root cause of chronic illness in MANY of his clients. In fact, 70% of patients he works with start their treatment by focusing on opening their body’s drainage pathways and clearing out parasites.
He’s put together effective natural strategies for removing them safely, so that you can move confidently toward improved health and vitality-- and this week, he’s here to help you by sharing his wisdom at no cost.
Be sure to join us TODAY, October 4th through the 10th! It’s 100% free to attend.
Maximum Blessings,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

EVIDENCE: Covid plandemic was being schemed at least as far back as 9/11​



Diamond Contributor
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Seven out of 10 new covid infections occurring in “fully vaccinated:” REPORT​



Diamond Contributor
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Huge uptick in ivermectin use is causing profit-driven Big Pharma to sell patented copycat pills​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Understanding Breast Cancer: Risk Factors & Prevention​

According to the National Cancer Institute, breast cancer incidence rates increased by more than 40% from 1973 to 1998. Despite breast cancer being the leading cause of death among middle-aged women in the United States, only 5% of the National Cancer Institute's budget is allocated to research on cancer prevention.

The key to the prevention of breast cancer is being aware of the various factors that cause the disease while also being aware of what discourages cancer growth in breast tissue.

What causes breast cancer?

From my clinical experience, it’s rarely just one cause. From one cancer cell to a tumor takes about ten years. Imagine a young woman named Sarah. Sarah had mild scoliosis when she was younger so she received more x-rays than normal. She also grew up eating ultra-processed foods. Then one day while walking to her car, she fell and landed on her breast. Several years later during perimenopause, her doctor gave her hormonal therapy in the form of estrogen pills. During all that time, she was also working a very stressful job. I often hear some form of this story with a new breast cancer patient.

Here's an in-depth look at some of the risk factors of breast cancer:

• A poor diet can lead to insulin resistance and estrogen dominance.

• Age - Women who are in their mid-thirties to their mid-forties have the highest risk of breast cancer.

• Pharmaceuticals such as HRT - Synthetic hormone therapy has a major link to breast cancer.

• An injury to the breast - A physical disruption to the breast can cause inflammation.

• Genetics, race, and geography - For example, women of non or less industrialized countries have less breast cancer.

• Not enough exercise - Recent studies show women who exercised for seven or more hours per week had a 20% lower risk of breast cancer than those who exercised for less than one hour per week. It should be noted that too much exercise is estrogenic (cancer-causing). Balance is always needed!

• Pregnancy - Pregnancy has a protective effect on the body likely due to the production of HCG and progestogen.

• Ionizing radiation - Radiation exposure is cumulative. Each dose increases the risk of breast cancer.

• Excess iron - Excess iron in the body works as a powerful oxidant, increasing free radicals thereby raising a woman's risk. Ferritin (a measure of iron storage) stimulates breast cancer cells through an iron-independent mechanism and is localized within tumor-associated macrophages.

• Chronic Stress - Stress hormones can inhibit a process called anoikis, which kills diseased cells and prevents them from spreading.

• Insufficient Iodine - Iodine is required in breasts, ovaries, and the prostate. It balances estrogen and has a strong anti-breast cancer effect.

• Low vitamin D - Studies show breast cancer rates tend to be lowest in regions of high solar radiation and highest in areas with low solar radiation. This effect is probably due to vitamin D status in childhood and early adolescence.

Some of these risk factors are out of our control. But even then, that doesn’t mean breast cancer is guaranteed. There are actionable ways we can keep our bodies healthy and balanced. I believe the most important factor in breast cancer is unopposed estrogen. Unopposed estrogen feeds breast cancer. A poor diet, environmental toxicity, older age (which accompanies progesterone deficiency), ionizing radiation, and chronic stress are all linked to estrogen.

Early Detection for Breast Cancer

Here at our clinics, we have thermography and ultrasound services for early breast cancer prevention. Thermography is an FDA-approved, non-contact, and radiation-free diagnostic imaging tool that's used to detect inflammatory levels due to breast cancer and pain anywhere in the body. It utilizes an ultra-sensitive, high-resolution infrared camera that can detect minute changes in vascular patterns. These patterns appear as temperature variations and may signal disease years before other imaging modalities.

In addition, we can run a full hormone panel to evaluate if your estrogen levels are too high, putting you at risk for breast cancer.

To learn more about early breast cancer detection options available, click here. If you are interested in our early breast cancer detection services or curious to know your estrogen levels, book an appointment at 949-680-1800.

Your Partner in Health,

Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
ACT NOW: Tell your governor and local legislators that COVID-19 vaccines must be voluntary!
In May, the New York State Bar Association issued an 83-page report calling for mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for all Americans; the only exception, the association said, would be doctor-ordered medical reasons. The association — one of the nation’s largest state bar groups — joins a growing number of organizations, government leaders and corporations voicing support for mandating a COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available. Large entertainment companies are being directed by the President of the United States to require patrons to show proof of vaccination before they’re permitted to attend music, sporting and other events.
Stand up for your basic human rights NOW! Every individual has the right to informed consent and to decline a medical intervention! Tell your governor and your local lawmakers that medical mandates don’t belong in a free society. Click below to send a pre-drafted (and customizable) email and tweet urging your officials to make the COVID-19 vaccine voluntary, not mandatory. Let them know that the only one who stands to profit from the coronavirus vaccine is the pharmaceutical industry — and that personal choice, not public pressure or coercion, must be the only factor in getting the vaccine.


Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This program is outstanding

Square One Healing Cancer Program
CANCER: Are you being told about ALL of your options? 17-year holistic cancer survivor Chris Wark reveals the exact methods he used to heal his stage III colon cancer in the worldwide free screening of his 10-Part Healing Cancer Coaching Program. Doctors should watch this too and take notes! This event is live October 12-21. Register Here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Your Daily Motivation​


When you find yourself spiraling into worst-case scenarios, acknowledge that those fears are not facts; they are irrational. Those fears do not define you.

You have the choice to not believe them. The only thing you have complete control over is your reaction.

You have got to be sure you're choosing the best possible reaction for the given situation. You can't choose a helpful reaction if you let negative thoughts take over.

Don’t get ahead of yourself. Stay right where you are and live in the immediate moment.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Day 9 of The Chill Pill​

While reclining, slide into the slowest ratio yet — 10:5:10:5 (i.e. 30 seconds for one entire breath cycle) — to feel nurtured on all layers.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi
We know that life can be challenging during these unprecedented times (especially for families).

So, today we wanted to share an inspirational feature film that your whole family can enjoy!

The film is called Milton’s Secret and it’s based on the book by Eckhart Tolle (author of the Power of Now). It’s a refreshing coming-of-age story of a boy who overcomes bullying, fear and anxiety.

>> Get your FR*EE ticket to watch Milton’s Secret

This is a life-changing movie that Psychology Today calls “a rare gem that allows us to consider the function of film in our society more deeply.”

It’s also the first ever feature film based on Eckhart Tolle’s teachings, and stars some of the biggest names in Hollywood including:

⭐ Donald Sutherland

⭐ Michelle Rodriguez

⭐ And Mia Kirshner

Blending contemporary concerns about financial uncertainty, bullying and social isolation with a soundtrack featuring classic pop songs by Donovan...

This is a timeless story about inner peace and empowerment that will resonate with people of all ages.


Given that the world seems to grow more chaotic every day, the reassuring insights contained with Milton’s Secret couldn’t have been revealed at a better time.

This film will be sure to entertain AND educate... as it contains practical-focused teachings that family members of all ages can apply to their everyday lives.

The characters, relationships and plot that unfolds brings a unique and practical quality to Eckhart’s teachings that will facilitate positive conversations with families for years to come.

>> So go here to reserve your FR*EE ticket now.

Sit back, relax and enjoy this incredible movie!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

We're so honored to announce that Dr. Rick was just interviewed for the Plant-Fit Summit 2021 along with over 30 other world-renowned plant-based doctors, athletes, chefs, and inspiring speakers including Drs. Neal Barnard, Dean Ornish, Joel Fuhrman, Alan Goldhamer, Cyrus Khambatta, Kim Williams, Michael Klaper, and Vivian Chen. In his interview, Dr. Rick shares little-known information on the benefits of fruits and vegetables along with a comparison between different types of plant-based dietary approaches, including raw food!

As you are likely well-aware, in times like these, chronic diseases are taking their toll. Diabetes, obesity, cancer, Alzheimer's, heart disease, and autoimmune diseases are rampant and leave us vulnerable. It's unfortunate that the next generation is expected to live shorter lives than their parents...

And instead of following the latest research, authorities are best buddies with companies and a system that rarely support us in reaching our greatest health potential…

The good news is: you don’t have to be a victim…

There is a growing community that is thriving in all three areas of well-being: health, fitness, and mind.

This movement is spearheaded by doctors who still believe in integrity, Olympic athletes who show what’s possible, and normal people who have become inspirations against all odds…

And today, I’d like to invite you to start or augment your own health journey!

On the Plant Fit Summit you’ll get the latest insights on how to protect yourself and loved ones against these dreadful diseases and how to reverse many of them! And that’s just step one. Next, you’ll learn how to thrive and live to your full potential… It’s an eye-opening and inspiring event that takes you on a journey from sick to well to thriving.

Click here to sign up today:

You’ll meet inspiring people who’ve been in your shoes.

Their stories, tips, and inspiration will empower you to finally start thriving yourself! Or if you are already thriving, you can learn more on how to bring your health to an even greater level!

Click here to be a part of this event.

Regardless of whether you want to reclaim your health, lose weight, perform at the highest level or simply wake up with energy every single day, when you join the Plant Fit Summit you'll walk away with the knowledge, inspiration, and real-life tips that you need to take that next step...

Click here and claim your complimentary spot!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Top 5 Lifestyle Choices Shared By Centenarians Include...​

  1. They Eat Mostly Plants
    If you could label a centenarian's diet, it would be “mostly whole foods plant-based”.

    You’ll quickly notice that all ‘blue zoners’ eat a diet that’s rich in vegetables. It’s truly part of the fabric of their lifestyle. It’s very approachable too! It’s not a diet that consists of exotic ‘superfoods’ or complex gourmet meals.

    Centenarians eat a wide variety of whole, plant-based foods that are local and accessible to them. Think everyday ingredients like root vegetables, leafy greens, beans and legumes, nightshades, soy, herbs, etc.

    Because plant-based whole foods are the majority of a centenarian's diet, this leaves little room for processed foods and refined sugars, both of which we know do little for our health.

  2. They Choose High Quality Ingredients
    Apart from eating a whole foods plant-based diet, centenarians naturally eat foods that are high quality. This means locally grown, seasonal vegetables without pesticides.

  3. They Only Eat Meat And Animal Products OCCASIONALLY
    Most centenarians don’t have rigid food restrictions, but when it comes to meat and other animal by-products such as dairy and eggs, they’re eaten sparingly. And when they are consumed, it is only as a small side to a meal, not a main course.

    In addition to the portion and frequency it’s eaten being minimal, quality is again a key factor. Since there’s no high demand for a large volume of meat in blue zones, centenarians are able to choose small-business-owned, truly free-range animal products, and avoid factory farmed ones.

    The quality and quantity of animal products consumed in blue zones naturally makes centenarians less exposed to saturated fats, as well as common toxins used in factory farmed animals like growth hormones, antibiotics and pesticides.

    It’s notable that many centenarians do abstain from meat, however.

  4. They Live Actively
    As mentioned above, there is little formality in a centenarian's approach to health, and this includes how they physically live.

    Centenarians don’t count the steps they take in a day, carve out a strict gym schedule, nor do they wear smart watches to monitor their heart rate or how many calories they burn in a day. And yet, somehow, they easily maintain a healthy weight and overall lean body body mass.

    Even though they don’t track their exercise, centenarians are inherently active in their daily lives, well into old age. They keep moving, whether that be through walking, hiking, or engaging in some other form of physical activity that they truly enjoy.

  5. They Choose Optimism
    Although the foods consumed vary from each blue-zone depending on what's available locally in a country, the thing all centenarians have in common that contributes to their longevity is their optimism.

    Centenarians believe that a key aspect to their longevity is thanks to their positive outlook on life. [1]

    Optimism, gratitude, and proactively choosing things that make them feel fulfilled have been linked to their longevity. And it makes perfect sense! We all know stress wreaks havoc on our bodies. Going through life with a positive attitude indeed can do wonders for mental, physical and emotional health...just ask a centenarian!
We can all benefit from taking a page out of a centenarian's lifestyle. If living longer and better is something that appeals to you,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
A lot of people think that oranges are good for immune health, thanks to their high vitamin C content. Many people also believe that they’re good for your gut and your heart and that they can help fight cancer and inflammation.
Is all that true, or is orange enthusiasm mainly fueled by marketing from the citrus industry?
And what about orange juice? Should you be drinking it every morning?
Here’s what you need to know about oranges.
Yours for healthy choices,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Oranges are sweet, and they’re one of the most popular fruits in the world. But are they healthy? And are they sustainable? Get the whole orange story here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Incense cones...

They are one of the greatest herbal inventions used for so many different purposes... fragrant pleasure, therapeutics, spiritual or ritual use, or for whatever your intentions may be.

Incense cones are compact, self-burning, versatile little gems of potent aroma, enjoyment, or medicine.

Ever wonder how people actually make these cones?

Learning how to properly make these treasures has remained a mystery for so many people because the teachings just haven't been readily available, until now.

Today, my friend Evan Sylliaasen will solve the mystery on how to properly make these cones...

In today's lesson, you’ll learn...

  • The step-by-step guide to making any kind of incense cones
  • The proper consistencies of botanical ingredients necessary for making incense
  • What all traditional incense crafters do right before they make incense
  • How to form, dry, and store your incense cones

You'll also get Evan's Blueprint Handout for making your own incense cones.

You can sign up to watch the incense cone making blueprint and recipe right here. Make sure you do today, because he only shows this for free once a year.

At LearningHerbs, we don't often share much about aromatic medicine, and that's because it's tough to find someone who teaches it from the herbalist's perspective.

This is why I love Evan's work so much.

Enjoy this rare opportunity!

John Gallagher

In addition to the incense cone lesson, you can also watch a couple of other videos Evan released that cover...

  • The traditional key to aromatic medicine and the roots of aromatherapy
  • The many virtues and uses of incense and plant smoke
  • The various types of incense and their specific qualities
  • The 4 basic building blocks of incense crafting that every recipe needs for success
  • What botanicals make the best foundation for a natural incense blend

You can watch his entire series on aromatic herbalism right here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

5 Key Strategies to Prevent Respiratory Infections

In this video, you will discover 5 key strategies to prevent respiratory infections.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Kissing Improves Immunity, Cardio Health

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

You know kissing makes you feel good emotionally, but it also has amazing physiological benefits that can boost your immune system and regulate your blood pressure.

Saliva is full of materials that ward off bacteria, viruses, and fungi. These substances are your body's own naturally occurring bacteria and are responsible for your immune responses.

Special: Leading Doctor: Two Magic Words for Optimal Male Bedroom Performance

Exchanging saliva can boost your immunity by exposing you to new germs. Besides fighting infections, kissing helps control your autoimmune response to common allergies. A Japanese study revealed that people who had allergies to dust mites or pollen showed a significant reduction in allergic response after kissing for 30 minutes freely with their lover or spouse.

Kissing also reduces your blood pressure. Andrea Demirjian, author of the book "Kissing: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About One of Life’s Sweetest Pleasures," says that kissing dilates blood vessels, increasing blood flow throughout the body and decreasing blood pressure.

And kissing may also lower total cholesterol. A 2009 study found that couples who increased their incidence of romantic kissing showed improvement in total serum cholesterol. This can help lower your risk of heart attacks and stroke.

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