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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Your Daily Motivation​


You have to stop chasing people who do not care about you. You deserve to be surrounded by people who treat you with respect and love you for who you are.

Let go of worrying about people who ignore you even after your deliberate attempts at communicating with them. You don’t need to beg for their attention.

Realize your own worth. Avoid placing your value on other people’s opinions. Take care of yourself first.

Extend the same kindness and consideration to yourself as you do to those around you.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Popping sleeping pills, and calling it a night?

C’mon, you know better than that.

Most sleep pills don’t even make you sleep, they merely put you in a state of “hypnotic sedation”, according to Prof. Matt Walker (author of Why We Sleep). (1)

He explains:

“The way that [these pills] work is by targeting a set of receptors, or ‘welcome sites,’ in the brain that are lured to basically stop your brain cells from firing. [...]

They principally attack those sites in the cortex, this wrinkle of tissue on the top of your brain, and they just switch off the top of your cortex, the top of your brain, and put you into a state of unconsciousness.”

So what should you do instead?

You already know the answer -- opt for the holistic approach. Find the root cause(s) behind your sleep troubles.

Educate yourself. Learn what obvious or not-so-obvious factors might impact your sleep, or lack thereof…

The Holistic Sleep Summit starts TODAY, and sleep expert Suzie Senk has invited 30+ experts who will each tackle a specific angle of the sleep puzzle.

If you are not getting enough sleep, or worse, are getting enough sleep and never feel refreshed in the morning… do not miss this opportunity to learn from the world’s best experts:

===> Holistic Sleep Summit - Starts Today (Oct 7th - 10th)

Have a great day,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi!

Did you know that self-detecting your own br-east lump by touch is as effective as a mammogram?

Learn about the most reliable methods of early br-east cancer detection when you unlock Vibrant Life’s powerful eBook, Shocking Facts About Br-east Cancer Detection and What You Can Do About It, created by scientists from the University of Florida.

Advantages to finding a lump earlier than your annual mammogram:

  • Early detection may mean less aggressive treatment
  • Gives you & your doctor more options
  • Mastectomy, radiation &/or chemotherapy may not be required
  • Side effects of more aggressive therapies may not be necessary
  • Recommended hormone therapy may not be required
—>>Download your complimentary eBook, Shocking Facts About Br-east Cancer Detection and What You Can Do About It!

Yours in health,


P.S. You’ll also reserve a seat for the free, online My Br-east Friend webinar taking place on October 14, 2021, at 2pm U.S. Eastern.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi, I hope you are doing well today.

You already know that stress can ruin your mood, your productivity, and have far more serious consequences for your health over time...

Here's a crystal-clear new and free guide for you on 23 top proven ways to quickly de-stress that you won't want to miss!

This very helpful guide is loaded with practical steps you can take yourself to STOP those anxious feelings that can otherwise build up inside and feel like they're taking you over.

This wonderful new guide is provided by food and mood expert, Trudy Scott, a certified nutritionist who educates anxious people about nutritional solutions for anxiety. She's giving it away to you today in support of her forthcoming Anxiety Summit.

And, YES, you certainly will discover nutrition-oriented steps to stop stress, such as the best stress-busting foods and why you want to AVOID foods high in "catecholamines."

HOWEVER, you'll also discover many easy non-dietary steps you can take to quickly "put the brakes" on feelings of stress, too!

Head here now to get your completely free copy of Reduce Stress, Feel Better


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi!
I love sugar. I get it. It's hard not to eat! But once you avoid it for a while, your brain actually recalibrates and you crave it less!

But Halloween prides itself on finding sugary, sweet treats behind every door. After all, what’s Halloween without an oversized bowl of Reese’s, M&Ms, and candy corn?

That said, you can still enjoy Halloween, while also keeping your health a priority. If you’re struggling with autoimmunity or other chronic illness, consuming excessive amounts of refined sugar is more of a trick, than a treat. Luckily, there are healthier, more nutritious treats to be found and enjoyed!

My secret to nourishing and enjoyable holidays?

Real Plans!

It's is an app that helps you find delicious recipes, plan faster, shop more easily, and customize any dietary restrictions to reach your health goals. For the holiday season, you can find delicious recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.

My favorite Halloween recipes are:

Real Plans also offers unique features and access, such as:
  • Personalized weekly meal plans (customized to your food preferences)
  • Over 1,600 Original Recipes
  • Advanced filters ie. Simple (few ingredients), Make-Ahead Breakfast, Freezable, Kids
  • Automatic Shopping List
  • Desktop and Mobile apps
Try Real Plans for FREE and take advantage of all of their healthy and delicious Halloween recipes!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
ACT NOW: Tell your governor and local legislators that COVID-19 vaccines must be voluntary!
In May, the New York State Bar Association issued an 83-page report calling for mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for all Americans; the only exception, the association said, would be doctor-ordered medical reasons. The association — one of the nation’s largest state bar groups — joins a growing number of organizations, government leaders and corporations voicing support for mandating a COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available. Large entertainment companies are being directed by the President of the United States to require patrons to show proof of vaccination before they’re permitted to attend music, sporting and other events.
Stand up for your basic human rights NOW! Every individual has the right to informed consent and to decline a medical intervention! Tell your governor and your local lawmakers that medical mandates don’t belong in a free society. Click below to send a pre-drafted (and customizable) email and tweet urging your officials to make the COVID-19 vaccine voluntary, not mandatory. Let them know that the only one who stands to profit from the coronavirus vaccine is the pharmaceutical industry — and that personal choice, not public pressure or coercion, must be the only factor in getting the vaccine.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Cauliflower is enjoying its moment in the sun. Thanks to its versatility, mild flavor, and “meatiness,” it’s turning up as a gluten-free substitute for bread and pasta, as “riced” cauliflower, and even as cauliflower pizza crust.
And you may not realize how nutritious it is, too. Cauliflower is a great source of fiber and micronutrients like phosphorus, potassium, vitamin C, folate, and vitamin K1 – as well as the potent anti-cancer compound sulforaphane.
But what about goitrogens, and pesticide exposure? Is cauliflower sustainable? And what are the best ways to prepare it so it tastes great?
Get the whole story (and some yummy cauliflower recipes) here.
Yours for loving foods that love you back,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Should you eat cauliflower raw or cooked? Are the cauliflower products in the store good for you? And which color is healthiest: white, purple, orange, or green? Here’s what you need to know about cauliflower.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Okay, so something very special is happening right now...

My best buddy Evan Sylliaasen's Traditional Incense Crafting Course just opened up for enrollment... and while I usually don't recommend too many other courses out there, this one is just SO unique from everything else I've seen that I feel really good sharing it with you.
So good in fact that I want to do something special...
If you join Evan's course by this Thursday at midnight (PST), I'll give you my Elemental Herbalism Program for FREE.
This is the most in-depth course on incorporating incense into your work with plants and how to craft your blends at home. This is the culmination of Evan's 10+ years of study and research into aromatics, plants, and incense cultures around the world.
(Plus he's an Evolutionary Herbalism grad, so I know he's got solid herbal training under is belt!)
In this comprehensive online course, you'll learn:
  • The traditions of medical incense as the root of modern aromatherapy
  • Multiple formulation and preparation techniques for therapeutics, fragrance, or ritual
  • The 4 Key Elements of a successful incense that burns properly and smells amazing
  • Incorporate essential oils to enhance your incense and utilize plant medicine to the fullest
While incense isn't often considered by many herbalists to be a part of their apothecary and therapeutic protocols, truth is that it's been an important part of herbalism cross-culturally for a very long time.
Click here to enroll in The Traditional Incense Crafting Course and get your free copy of Elemental Herbalism too!
Remember, this super special offer expires Thursday, October 14th at midnight pacific, so be sure to get these two programs for the price of one now while you can.
Take care,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Discover the truth about our modern cancer epidemic and how you can protect your cells without drugs inside this FREE masterclass​

  • How the CEO enzyme works for cancer prevention and why it’s currently studied by scientists for developing new cancer therapies
  • Why controlling this enzyme may also help your body stay away from diabetes, gut inflammation, diabetes, dementia, heart disease, osteoporosis and more
  • How you can trigger your body’s “cell repair system” in order to prevent your cells from replicating too fast and causing cancer in the bodY
  • The bad habits that lead to a disease epidemic, from cancer to diabetes, dementia and Alzheimer’s
  • The little-known link between insulin and cancer, and how this #1 diet change automatically lowers your risk of developing certain types of cancer or prevent it from spreading


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Poor Oral Health Can Lead to Cancer - Jonathan Landsman​

Effective exercise techniques to help your body heal from cancer
Impact of dental toxins and how to eliminate them
Reducing chronic inflammation and supporting your immune system
And More!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How to Prevent Prediabetes From Becoming Diabetes

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

America is going through an outbreak of prediabetes, with more than 86 million U.S. adults, including half of those over age 65, affected — most of them unsuspectingly.

Prediabetes occurs when your blood sugar levels are consistently higher than normal, which increases your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

Special: The Hidden Cause of Fatigue & Low Energy

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that 30% of overweight men and women will develop Type 2 diabetes within five years of being diagnosed with prediabetes. But experts say that you can make simple lifestyle changes to stop and even reverse prediabetes, without resorting to potentially dangerous drugs.

Here are some things you can do to keep prediabetes from progressing to diabetes:

  • Make lunch the main meal of the day. Eat a large green salad with beans or chili on top. Make your own salad dressing using a good quality vinegar blended with nuts. Avoid using oil.
  • Finish eating by 7 p.m. at the latest. Eat a large serving of steamed green veggies of your choice with mushrooms, garlic, and onion for dinner. The mushrooms are important because they naturally reduce absorption of glucose from other foods.
  • Avoid all processed foods and fats including white foods such as bread, rice, white potatoes, and products made with flour.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
A Step-By-Step Guide To Healing Cancer - my highest recommendation
Hey Jim,

Cancer touched my inner circle this week. For privacy reasons I can't say who, but it's no fun.

I know it's touched many of you as well.

If you're concerned about cancer right now, or have a loved one facing cancer right now, I've got something really important for you today.

My friend Chris Wark was diagnosed with metastatic cancer in 2003, two days before Christmas. He was just 26. Still a kid.

But he did the unthinkable...

He turned down chemo.

His doctors told him he was “Insane”, and he had very little support. I remember him saying

"If my body created it, maybe my body can heal it..."

Today… over 17 years later, Chris is alive and well. He's also cancer free. Was he lucky?


But one thing's for sure - he stacked the deck in his favor.


Chris has created a powerful 10-part video series called…

The SQUARE ONE Cancer Coaching Program

And every year he makes this available for one week for free.

You can watch all 10 Modules free online beginning October 12th, 2021... (details below)

The information in SQUARE ONE covers the evidence-based nutrition, natural therapies, and lifestyle strategies that he himself used to battle cancer.

Many others have used it to fight heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic diseases.

SQUARE ONE takes you step-by-step through the healing process in a simple straightforward way that is empowering, hopeful, and encouraging, without being overwhelming or confusing.

There's nothing else like this out there and I am so excited to share it with you :)

Check out this short video about Chris's story and the course here.

While you're there, you can register to watch ALL 10 SQUARE ONE Modules FREE online.

If you're a patient, a caregiver, or you're serious about prevention, this course is for you. Don't miss it!

Watch the trailer, read the incredible testimonials, get registered for free access, and tune in to watch this great series.

(Seriously - no BS - if one of my family got cancer tomorrow - this is the series I would recommend to them. I can't give it higher praise than that.)

Speak soon,


p.s. Go here to watch SQUARE ONE.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

BREAKING: Sweden, Denmark both ban Moderna covid vaccine for causing myocarditis in young people​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

BBC: 2 in 3 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the UK are among the vaccinated; 87% of hospitalizations are among the vaxxed​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Your Daily Motivation​


Wait patiently through the storm. Remember, a storm never lasts. Do not undermine your ability to deal with the situation.

If you focus too much on your problems, they will appear larger than what they actually are.

It will be very difficult to stay patient because you would expect things to change right away.

Patience will allow you to retain your willpower. You will come out better than ever, having achieved real strength in the process.

You are stronger than your doubts or sorrows. You are going to be fine.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Surprising Health Benefits of Cashews​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi -
Turning 50 was a big eye-opener for me. I've been taking much better care of my health these last few years but...
🤷‍♀️ Am I doing enough?
🍎 Am I doing the right things?
👵 If my body feels like this at 50, what's it going to be like at 60 or 70?
🤸‍♀️ Am I going to have enough energy to play with my grandkids someday?
Worrying about aging is bad enough, but with an Autoimmune Disease and history of chronic illness... the worry is EXTRA.
Do you feel the same way? Can I get some solidarity?
This past year has also brought me a great appreciation for my immune system. And how do I keep that strong too as I age?
Dr. Ron Rosedale, a world-renowned doctor in longevity and metabolic diseases, says...
"What you eat determines how fast you age. The wrong foods - even so-called 'health foods' - can actually wreck havoc on your insides, your hormones, and your immune system... which leads to disease and autoimmune conditions. That's because the part of your immune system - which puts out the fires and fends off dangerous invaders - becomes too weak to do its job."
After dedicating most of his career to this issue, Dr. Ron found a little-known protein enzyme he calls the "CEO Enzyme" that can help to reverse this damage and improve your immune system.
And for the first time ever, Dr. Ron created a FREE masterclass that reveals everything you need to know about this simple method.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Does Eating Healthy When Stressed Make You Feel Better?​

Hi Jim-

Eating a healthy diet can reduce the negative effects of stress on the body and builds a solid, more enduring foundation for your longterm health. Eating a well-balanced diet promotes health by reducing oxidation and inflammation, and by helping to reduce weight gain. In this video, I am joined by Evan to talk about how we can better handle stress to keep our health in tact. I can't wait for you to check it out!

>> Click here to listen to the podcast!<<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

*-- 6 Healthy Fall Foods that Aren't Pumpkin --*

1. Apple - Fall is also prime apple picking season! Apples supply so many health benefits from vitamin C to fiber, they can help with gut health and help with blood pressure. From pies, sauce, apple butter, caramel, candied apples, and cider you can enjoy apples in all their fall glory. Think about your favorite apple recipe and try it out or just enjoy a fresh apple from the harvest. My favorite? Cinnamon streusel toast with unsalted butter and apple butter. Delicious and seasonal for breakfast or a desert.

2. Pomegranate - Pomegranate seeds are packed with antioxidants and nutrients, many that help with blood pressure and muscle recovery after exercise. Some people prefer POM teas but my favorite way to have pomegranate is in fresh guacamole! Not only is it beautiful, it give it a fresh bit of sweetness that complements the savory and spice.

3. Acorn Squash - Acorn squash is rich in antioxidants that can help to protect against health issues like arthritis, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and certain cancers. A wonderful fall recipe for acorn squash is cut in half, and bake for 20 minutes at 350 degrees. Add salted butter and cinnamon for a delicious and healthy side to any meal.

4. Brussel Sprouts - Brussels sprouts are like tiny cabbages and believed to prevent cancer due to their sulforaphane. They are also a muscle building protein! Many people aren't a fan of these, but my favorite dish is cutting them in half and roasting them in the over for 30 minutes at 350 degrees and adding fried bacon and onion bits on on top. There is rarely much left when served this way.

5. Beets - Beets are rich in inorganic nitrate, which expands blood vessels, increases blood flow and improves cardiovascular function. Beets sound tricky for most people because of their earthy flavor, so why not try adding a few chunks when you're making humus? Beets, chickpeas, tahini, extra virgin olive oil, salt, lemon, and maybe a little garlic blended together will make a flavorful dip and a beautiful pink or red, depending on how many beets you add.

6. Artichoke - Fresh artichokes, per gram, contain more antioxidants than almost any other vegetable. They are in season in the fall and not that hard to prepare if you've got a hotpot or pressure cooker! artichokes can also be cooked in a pressure cooker (about 5-15 minutes at high pressure). Cooking time depends on how large the artichokes are. The larger, the longer they take to cook. First, trim the stem and snip the pointed ends off of the leaves. From here, open the leaves some to insert your flavorings of choice like butter, garlic and lemon. Once they're tender serve with melted butter and garlic.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,
Awaken the Healer Within has launched a sneak peek of Sayer Ji's interview with Jason Prall prior to their official launch on October 19.
We have seen an explosion in health research related to the microbiome, metabolomics, stem cell therapies, sleep science, psychedelic assisted therapy, and so much more!
Additionally, we’re seeing a massive resurgence of indigenous healing modalities and ancient wisdom traditions...and they are finding a new home in the west.
When you combine cutting-edge science, ancient wisdom, and the healing power of nature, you have a tremendous opportunity to radically and permanently shift your health.
In this very important summit, you’ll learn how to activate the healing wisdom of your body using very advanced techniques, simple strategies, and profound natural solutions that most people are unaware of.
Register for the Awaken The Healer Within Summit, happening October 19-26.
If you’re ready to break free of your chronic symptoms, join us in this groundbreaking summit and watch this sneak peek now!

To better health,
The GreenMedInfo Team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. Peter Osborne: Why Autoimmunity is on the Rise - CHTV
Dear Friends,

Today I am bringing back a great interview from 2018, which welcomed "gluten-free warrior" Dr. Peter Osborne. I loved this discussion about why autoimmunity is on the rise and how making the wrong food choices can set a person on a path towards chronic health problems. You will hear about the complex relationship between longevity and body composition, generational toxicity, and non-celiac gluten sensitivity and how they are all things to consider when looking at your own health. This is an all things gluten-free episode you won’t want to miss, it you didn't catch it last time!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Back in 2016, my mom’s breast cancer diagnosis and quick recovery inspired me to write a book... “Cancer Clarity” was supposed to be the title.

I wanted to write a quick guide to help people make the best decision for their health -- and use all the healing modalities available to them regardless of whether they choose to do chemo or not.

I ended up having to cancel the project, and decided to focus all my time and attention on EMFs. That was one of the best decisions in my entire life considering where it ended up leading me...

There is one main reason I felt “okay” with my decision of never writing my book on cancer -- a man named Chris Wark.


Chris and I first connected in early 2016. I had heard about the incredible information he was sharing on how to fight cancer using natural approaches.

But when we spent hours on the phone talking about a possible collaboration, I realized that he’s one of the few people who’s found a real way to beat most cancers using nutrition, lifestyle, supplements and everything in-between.

As a cancer survivor himself, Chris knows what it’s like to be overwhelmed when faced with a cancer diagnosis...

- Should you be juicing or should you be avoiding fruits because “sugar feeds cancer cells”?
- Should you be exercising or should you be resting?
- Should you be taking 100 different supplements that everyone tells you are essential to kill cancer cells, alkalize your body and boost your immune system? Which ones are the most important?

Even after studying the topic for an entire year in 2016 (and gathering more than 500 pages of research), it’s still hard for me to say exactly what your top priority should be if you do get diagnosed with cancer or even what are the most important things to do to prevent cancer in the first place. (obviously, reduce your EMF exposure as much as you can…)

But Chris knows all these things -- not because he’s smarter than everyone else, but because of the experience he’s had personally coaching hundreds of cancer patients through different stages of cancer, on top of interviewing the top minds in functional medicine for the last several years.

The very good news is that Chris has put ALL of his cancer knowledge in an incredible video course called “Square One”.

As the name implies, Square One is the only program which teaches you exactly where to start when you or a loved one is diagnosed with cancer, but also how to survive the initial shock, and get into action to change your life dramatically and fix the ROOT causes of why you’re developing tumors in the first place.

Chris is not anti-chemo or anti-medicine, but he’s all about trying to reverse cancer naturally before using more extreme means like chemotherapy, radiation and surgery that can definitely take a real toll on your body.

Here’s the best part. He’s offering this life-changing online program 100% for free -- from Oct 12 - 21, at the link below.

If you know someone who has cancer (nearly 50% of all adults will have cancer in their lifetime according to the latest stats…), has fought cancer and wants to stay cancer-free, or anyone interested in staying healthy for life -- send them to Chris!

===> Register For The Square One Free Online Screening + See The Trailer

Enjoy the info,



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
FDA to ban cancer-causing chemicals in food packaging!

Hi Jimi,
Did you know that many food packaging materials contain chemicals linked to cancer? You may have recently seen a segment on John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight that highlighted the dangers of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS). PFAS are commonly found in takeout containers, nonstick skillets, plastic bottles, disposable plates, pet food bags, and pesticide storage barrels.
You may have heard PFAS referred to as forever chemicals because they last forever. PFAS chemicals are water-, heat-, and oil-resistant; contaminate the environment; and accumulate in our bodies. All the evidence shows that PFAS chemicals are linked to cancer as well as other immunological, reproductive, and developmental harms. The amount of scientific evidence on PFAS showing widespread harm to health — especially to children — is overwhelming.
Earlier this year, Center for Food Safety sent a formal petition urging the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ban all PFAS chemicals that accumulate in the body. That PFAS got a lot of media attention this week presents us with a unique opportunity to protect public health if we come together and overwhelm FDA with opposition to these dangerous chemicals. Could you add your name to our petition?
Add your name: FDA should protect public health by banning the entire class of PFAS chemicals!
Products with FDA-approved PFAS — like water and grease-resistant food packaging materials — are a major contributor to our overexposure to these dangerous chemicals. But the few actions FDA has taken to regulate PFAS have been inadequate and delayed.
The agency has acted in a piecemeal way, phasing out some varieties of PFAS but still approving new ones for food which often replace the PFAS formulations that have just been phased out. The more PFAS are studied, the more we learn that substances misleadingly touted by the chemical industry as safer forms of PFAS are also linked to harm and contamination.
To escape this vicious cycle and protect public health, we need to stop the use of all of these new PFAS formulations. Or as John Oliver put it: “We need to change the way that we regulate PFAS completely. Instead of regulating them one at a time, we should do it as an entire class of chemicals.” We couldn’t agree more.
Add your name: FDA should protect public health by banning the entire class of PFAS chemicals!
Together, we can build a better food system,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi ,

In the past 30 years, have you ever done something you’ve regretted deeply?

...Or maybe it was something you didn’t do that still haunts you to this day?

If so, then Harvard Medical School reports that your past trauma could haunt your future health.

Believe it or not — no matter how severe, past trauma is directly linked to chronic health conditions like cardiovascular problems (such as heart attack and stroke), cancer, obesity, autoimmune diseases, fatigue, and even chronic inflammation…

Especially if you’ve been ‘bottling up’ these emotions for a long period of time.

Thankfully, our friend Dr. Elena Villanueva is hosting a special Mastering Trauma Masterclass that will give you everything you need to know to pinpoint, heal, & prevail from virtually any traumatic experience that’ll unknowingly make you sick, tired, & unable to lose weight.

So, before you jump to any conclusions, see for yourself what kind of damage you’ve endured over the years and wash away your ‘bottled up’ trauma for good...

Put Your Trauma To The Test (Masterclass Registration Now Open)

To your health,

Healing Cellular Team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi ,

What if you could finally have your best health and body?

The odds are stacked against us, but it's not impossible...

Whether you want to lose weight, overcome disease, set world records or simply wake up with energy and health every day, your best chance is to learn from people who've done it before...

And that's why I want to invite you to join our 5th annual Plant Fit Summit.

It starts tomorrow morning but you can still claim your spot right now!

Click here to sign up.

Get ready for a life-changing experience:

  • You'll learn how to eat to reclaim and protect your health with nothing but food...
  • You'll discover how elite athletes are able to perform at the highest level and how you can replicate that in your own life...
  • Coaches will help you implement the advice in your life with practical, proven systems that are sustainable...
  • You'll get cutting edge insights into topics like digestion, stress, epigenetics, recovery, sleep, intermittent fasting, anti aging and more!
  • And you'll learn from change leaders how to forge your own path.
In fact if you've ever wondered how to make it all come together and see what you're truly capable of then make sure to sign up right now!

Click here and enter your name and email on the page that opens up.


You'll meet people who have been in your shoes. They will inspire you to take action and pursue your dreams - regardless of where you're at right now...

Think of it this way: 36 experts want to help you live a life full of health, fitness and joy.

It's that simple and we hope to see you there!

Tobias & Luke

P.S. For the 5th anniversary of the Plant Fit Summit we're bringing back 10 of the most powerful interviews from previous years including pioneers like Dr. Den Ornish, Dr. Kim Williams, Dr. Michael Klaper and more. Click this link to enjoy all of it for free.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Health solutions the media won’t tell you about

Hi Jimi,
One of the most difficult things about dealing with a chronic health condition is that there just doesn’t seem to be a clear path forward to regain your health.
Sometimes it feels like you’ve tried everything and just can’t get over the hump.
You change your diet, you exercise, take supplements, prioritize self-care...and yet the symptoms remain. It can be frustrating...and frankly, exhausting
What if you could finally figure out what is actually at the core of keeping you stuck dealing with symptoms?
What if, instead of spending so much time, money, and energy trying to solve the complex disease riddle, you can actually go straight to the root of what’s going on?
Discover how to do just that in this brand new, life-changing event called Awaken The Healer Within, hosted by our good friend and colleague, Jason Prall.

Click here now to reserve your spot

In this very important summit, you’ll learn how to activate the healing mechanisms in your body using very advanced but simple techniques that most people are unaware of.
You’ll discover what is preventing you from experiencing lasting health...and you’ll learn how to address it immediately.
Truth is, all of your organs and tissues are wired for healthy function, you just need to learn how to unlock the natural intelligence within your cellular architecture.
And that’s what you’ll discover how to do in this very important, life-changing event.
Join the FREE Awaken The Healer Within Summit Now!
You owe it to yourself to finally break free of your chronic symptoms. Join us in this groundbreaking summit!
We’ll see you on the inside.
To your success,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We all get stuck in life.

Whether it's stuck in a health challenge we weren't expecting...

Or stuck in a relationship that's not healthy any longer...

Or stuck in patterns of unhealthy habits, jobs we hate, or a life that's unfulfilling.

We all have our moments of getting stuck - and sometimes, we're not even aware that we ARE stuck...

...Until we do something different that all the sudden leads us to feeling better, having more energy, seeing improvements in our health or life in general.

At that moment we realize that making small but powerful and positive changes to our life, lead to not only getting unstuck, but radically shifting our life for the better.

I know this to be true in my own life, because I've been desperately stuck, and following these strategies I'm going to share with you, I've been able to positively and radically change my own life for the better.

Here are 9 simple and practical strategies that can help anyone get unstuck in any area of life and radically shift your life for the better.

In this new report called, 9 Simple Ways to Increase Abundance, Freedom & Flow, and I urge you to do the same, immediately!

>> Grab your copy here.

The tools and wisdom within these pages are invaluable nuggets that I wish had known about years ago.

Created by my good friend, Jason Prall, this guide is a culmination of knowledge and experience from the world’s top experts in personal growth and spiritual transformation.
Jason is a practitioner, health educator, & creator of The Human Longevity Project film series. He’s also mildly obsessed with the growing body of information that lives at the intersection of ancient wisdom and modern science.

In this powerful guide, 9 Simple Ways to Increase Abundance, Freedom & Flow, you’ll learn methods to help get you unstuck immediately so you can break through those invisible barriers and move forward in any area of your life.

And the best news is, there’s no fancy equipment or training required.

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Most vaccinated state in America now seeing massive surge in covid hospitalizations​


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