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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
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ACT NOW: Tell your governor and local legislators that COVID-19 vaccines must be voluntary!
In May, the New York State Bar Association issued an 83-page report calling for mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for all Americans; the only exception, the association said, would be doctor-ordered medical reasons. The association — one of the nation’s largest state bar groups — joins a growing number of organizations, government leaders and corporations voicing support for mandating a COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available. Large entertainment companies are being directed by the President of the United States to require patrons to show proof of vaccination before they’re permitted to attend music, sporting and other events.
Stand up for your basic human rights NOW! Every individual has the right to informed consent and to decline a medical intervention! Tell your governor and your local lawmakers that medical mandates don’t belong in a free society. Click below to send a pre-drafted (and customizable) email and tweet urging your officials to make the COVID-19 vaccine voluntary, not mandatory. Let them know that the only one who stands to profit from the coronavirus vaccine is the pharmaceutical industry — and that personal choice, not public pressure or coercion, must be the only factor in getting the vaccine.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Leaked Dept. of Defense Document Reveals Evidence of Widespread VACCINE FAILURE​



Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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Here's a new twist on the ultra-popular Apple Cider Vinegar detox...

That's so powerful...

Folks reported losing up to 12% of their bodyweight.

Which for the average person over 45...

Comes to around 23 pounds...

Without exercise or changing your diet.

You see...

A landmark study from Arizona State University discovered that acetic acid in ACV vinegar...

Cuts blood sugar and insulin levels by up to 64% after meals.

That's really important because if your blood sugar stays low after a meal...

You'll burn more fat.

And if it stays low after 3 meals a day...

You can burn 3 times as much fat.

And one study showed that having the ACV drink actually decreased total caloric intake... up to 275 calories a day.

That's more than walking three miles.

And if you do the math...

That comes to almost 2,000 fewer calories you'll be eating each week...

Which is an extra 5-10 pounds of pure fat your body will naturally "burn off" in just one month...

Without you really having to do anything.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
My friend and 17-year holistic cancer survivor Chris Wark just shared this exciting study with me.

The study investigated the anticancer effects of two plant extracts against breast cancer cells.

Now on their own, both of these plant extracts contain potent anticancer compounds, but the researchers discovered that combining them supercharged their anticancer effects, completely eliminating breast cancer tumors in 60% of the mice in the study.

And the exciting thing is, you don't have to be a doctor or a scientist with a laboratory. You can make this extract at home for just a few dollars. :)

This dynamic duo is not only an anticancer powerhouse, it also helps protect against viral infections and heart disease!

Surprisingly, after just 14 days of treatment with these 2 plants, the tumors shrunk by an average of 80%, and 60% of the mice were completely cancer-free!



Cranky Old Fart
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ECF Refugee
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Diamond Contributor
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You may need to subscribe to see this.

Dr. Russel Blaylocks protocol to block the jab if forced to take it

I respect Dr. Blaylock's recommendations. One of the few I trust.

It's a shame to even have to think about having to be forced to take their Vaccine, that by the way doesn't work, in a supposedly free country, especially for someone who served to keep this country free:(:tantrum:
Last edited:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Vaccine researcher James Grundvig blows the lid on the CRIMINAL FRAUD of the CDC


Diamond Contributor
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EXPOSED: China stockpiled PCR tests many months before first covid case emerged​



Diamond Contributor
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Israel just nullified vaccine passports for all double jabbed people… now only the triple jabbed get “freedom”​



Diamond Contributor
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New study on 41,000 people reveals that taking vaccines INCREASES a person’s risk of hospitalization​



Diamond Contributor
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Australians who refuse covid vaccines will “lose their freedoms,” warns deputy premier​



Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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COVID outbreak sparked by fully vaccinated patient challenges vaccine-induced herd immunity theory​



Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Trauma, negative emotions, regret… these are just a few of the mental factors now being linked to physical illness.

According to Harvard Medical past trauma is directly responsible for chronic conditions like fibromyalgia, cardiovascular disease, obesity, fatigue and even cancer…

Now this is nothing new…

Ancient cultures in India and South America understood the intimate connection between the mind and body…

Top universities are just confirming reality…

Traumatic experiences such as a rocky childhood, abuse, bad break ups, car accidents, fear and regret can lead to disease…

Especially when these experiences aren’t properly released.

The problem is, every person copes with trauma differently and results vary based on each situation.

Thankfully, my friend Dr. Elena Villanueva wants to help you understand and heal from your past…

In her brand new online event, Master Trauma Masterclass

Dr. Elena will give you everything you need to know to pinpoint, heal, & prevail from virtually any traumatic experience that’ll unknowingly make you sick, tired, & unable to lose weight.

>>> Mastering Trauma Masterclass (reserve a spot at NO COST)

See, Dr. Elena is on a personal mission to help as many people as she can heal from trauma and live a happier and healthier life.

That’s why when you reserve a seat right now you won’t have to pay a dime…

Yes, you will be given the tools to wash away and clear any psychological trauma that may be holding you back from living your best life…

Just for being a reader.

So if you’re tired of just treating the symptoms of your physical ailments and want to get to the root case…

This is your chance.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Your Daily Motivation​


Avoid watching too much negative news. Constantly consuming news about upsetting events will put you in a negative emotional state.

We often feel anxious and experience empathy for the victims, which in turn aggravates our own personal worries. Try to reduce the time you spend watching the news.

Tweak your social media feed so you see more of things that are good for your mental health. Choose what you want to read.

Keep yourself engaged in constructive activities and do more of the things that increase positive feelings.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today's Thought:

"Planning is bringing the future into the present
so that you can do something about it now."​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Day 10 of The Chill Pill​

This course culminates at the wall for a deep yin upper chest opener and a very special pranayama practice called Rechaka Kumbhaka.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If you're concerned about cancer, or have a loved one facing cancer right now, I've got an invaluable resource to share with you today from my friend and 17-year cancer survivor, Chris Wark.

Chris was diagnosed with stage IIIc colon cancer in 2003, two days before Christmas, at just 26 years old.

When faced with intimidating odds of survival, Chris did the unthinkable...
He turned down chemotherapy.

His doctors told him he was “Insane”, and had very little support, but he knew he had to take a different path to restore his health. His rationale was:
"If my body created it, maybe my body can heal it..."
...And he was right.

Today… over 17 years later, Chris is alive and well, and cancer free, and he’s sharing how he and many others have healed holistically with nutrition and natural therapies.

Chris created a powerful 10-part video series called…The SQUARE ONE: Healing Cancer Coaching Program

The information in SQUARE ONE covers the exact strategies he (and countless others) used to heal cancer…

And you can watch all 10 Modules free online this month!

Here is the free screening schedule and it begins October 12th, 2021.

>Oct. 12: Module 1 - First Things First
>Oct 13: Module 2 - Why You Have Cancer & How to Eliminate the Causes
>Oct 14: Module 3 - The Anti-Cancer Diet (Part 1)
>Oct 15: Module 4 - The Anti-Cancer Diet (Part 2)
>Oct 16: Module 5 - How to Detoxify Your Body & Environment
>Oct 17: Module 6 - How to Eliminate Stress & Heal Your Heart
>Oct 18: Module 7 - The Importance of Spiritual Healing
>Oct 19: Module 8 - How Exercise & Rest Activate Healing
>Oct 20: Module 9 - Cancer Healing Herbs, Teas & Supplements
>Oct 21: Module 10 - How to Test & Monitor Your Progress

Chris's SQUARE ONE program takes you step-by-step through the healing process in a simple, straightforward way that is empowering, hopeful and encouraging, without being overwhelming or confusing.

There's nothing else like this and I am so excited to share it with you and I encourage you to pass this information on to someone who may be in GREAT need of a better way right now.

Check out this 3 minute video about Chris's story and the course here.

While you're there, you can register to watch ALL 10 SQUARE ONE Modules FREE online this month.

If you're a patient, a caregiver, or you're serious about prevention, this course is for you. Don't miss it!

Watch the 3-minute video, read the incredible testimonials, get registered for free access, and tune in to watch this awesome series.


P.S. Chris has given free access to his Square One Program to over 1.1 million people since 2017! You never know when someone in your circle of family and friends will receive a cancer diagnosis. The last thing you want to do is spend precious time searching for answers if/when that day comes. Arm yourself with ALL of your options now....Go here to watch Square One.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi!

For many people, it can be a huge struggle trying to guess how to fix their health problems.

Discover how to find the root cause of your issues with this brand new, life-changing event called Awaken The Healer Within, hosted by my good friend and colleague, Jason Prall.

Learn how to:

  • Truly heal and eliminate symptoms for good.
  • Build a healthy, resilient, and robust immune system that can adapt to a changing environment.
  • Prevent conditions like cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, arthritis, and autoimmune conditions.
  • Start your health journey with purpose and direction - or just explore some of the most profound self-applied healing techniques on the planet.
  • Discover how to apply a diet and lifestyle approach that fits your unique constitution and circumstance with healing strategies you can implement today.
  • Get to the source of what’s causing your symptoms and finally resolve them.
You owe it to yourself to finally break free of your chronic symptoms, so…

Join the FREE Awaken The Healer Within Summit Now!

Yours in health,


P.S. If you’re still unsure about the impact of this event, click HERE and check out the amazing experts that you’ll hear from in this series. These are some of the most trusted authorities in health and transformation on the planet. And remember, it costs nothing to register, so you have absolutely nothing to lose...other than those nagging symptoms. Sign up now before it’s too late!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Health Benefits of Hugging​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Histamine Intolerance: Root Causes​

Hi Jimi-

Hey, guys! For today's new podcast today with Evan Brand, we are talking about histamine intolerance and its root causes. We'll start with the symptoms of histamine intolerance including IBS, cramping, anxiety, dizziness/vertigo, fatigue, flushing, hives, and brain fog. Often, you’ll see these overlap with the symptoms of hypothyroidism, adrenal issues, or Hashimotos. So, what next?

We break it all down in today's episode, including going over common foods that increase the histamine response, palliative solutions for relief, and the reality behind finding the root cause.

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,
Harvard Medical School reports that past trauma, no matter how severe, is directly linked to chronic health conditions like cardiovascular problems (such as heart attack and stroke), cancer, obesity, autoimmune diseases, fatigue, and even chronic inflammation.
What’s even worse is your risk for mental and physical health problems from past trauma increases dramatically the more traumatic events you've experienced, especially if you’ve been ‘bottling up’ these emotions for a long period of time.
But herein lies the problem…
Every person copes with trauma differently and results vary based on each situation.
Thankfully, Dr. Elena Villanueva is hosting a special Mastering Trauma Masterclass that will give you everything you need to know to pinpoint, heal, & prevail from virtually any traumatic experience that’ll unknowingly make you sick, tired, & unable to lose weight.
So if you’re thinking you might be impacted by any kind of trauma at all, we highly recommend you take a closer look at this new masterclass.
We’ve seen Dr. Villanueva and her team put on exceptional classes in the past, some of which cost hundreds of dollars to attend, but tshe has made her Mastering Trauma Masterclass available at no cost to you.
The class is starting October 10, so please take a moment to learn more about this important message — it could truly change your life for the better.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I hope we don’t share this in common, but “cancer” hits close to home for me.

If you or someone you love are worried about cancer… this will be of interest to you.

A Chicago doctor has done profound research on an unusual discovery that you need to know about.

According to Dr. Ron Rosedale — a world-renowned doctor in longevity and metabolic diseases — the secret lies in your cells and prolonging their life by repairing old, worn-out cells.

However, because of poor lifestyle choices and old age your body diminishes cell repair... and when this happens it causes unwanted cell replication — which could lead to cancer, advanced aging, and other chronic diseases.

But the good news is… after years of research Dr. Ron found a “CEO enzyme” inside your body that when managed properly, can help prevent the growth of cancer cells naturally by reducing unwanted cell replication and switching ON your body’s constant “cell repair mode”.

And for the first time ever, Dr. Ron has created a f-ree informative masterclass that reveals how he’s helped thousands of people transform their health with this discovery… and how you can do it yourself right from home.

It’s had a lot of attention so I’m excited for you to get a chance to see it.

Click here to watch the f-ree masterclass presented by Dr. Ron himself.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi, I hope you are doing well today.

Here's a new movie based on the teachings of Eckhart Tolle (author of The Power of Now) and starring Donald Sutherland and Mia Kirshner I am sure you're going to love.

At its heart, this powerful film uncovers the secret to overcoming fear, anxiety, and stress...

See the trailer for Milton's Secret right here and choose the day and time you want to watch this amazing movie (completely free!)

This is a refreshing coming-of-age story of a boy who overcomes fear and anxiety (and bullying)...

...And whether you're 17 or 77, it's hard not to watch this film without feeling calm, uplifted, and having a healthier perspective yourself!

Head here now to find out more...

Ekhart Tolle said, “It’s my hope that as you watch Milton’s Secret, you are able to join the characters in a state of presence.”

Meanwhile, Spirituality & Practice magazine noted, “Milton’s Secret is a transformational film that speaks to the heart with its lessons about love, being present, nurturing, tenderness, and moving beyond fear and reactivity.”

If you're looking for a movie that, yes, entertains you... and also brings you great inner-peace and uplifts you...

Just a friendly suggestion today NOT to miss this incredible film! :)

Go here now to choose a day/time convenient to you to watch this wonderful and free new movie!

Enjoy it, and enjoy your day.

To Living Long and Living Well,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The "People's Food Summit"​

From Organic Consumers Association:
The United Nations Food Systems Summit in NYC on Sept. 23 was hijacked by corporate agribusiness and the pesticide/GMO cartel. In the wake of this corporate food summit, OCA and Regeneration International are broadcasting a “peoples’ summit” to promote organic and regenerative food systems.
Regeneration International, the Organic Consumers Association, the Global Alliance for Organic Districts, IFOAM Asia, Navdanya, the International Network of Eco Regions, Savory Hub Africa, Via Organica, the League of Organic Municipalities and Cities and BERAS International will be hosting the People's Food Summit on World Food Day, October 16, this year.
The Summit will be a 24 hour global, participatory, virtual summit that will start in Oceania, and move westwards through the time zones of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Latin America and North America.
We will have speakers from every continent to present the truly good news about organic and regenerative systems—including Vandana Shiva, Ronnie Cummins, Andre Leu, Million Belay, Precious Phiri, Ben Dobson, and others, with panels, discussions and other live events as well as videos and music from every region of the world.
Register here for the free online event


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

This email is about a special Q&A that we are hosting about the current VAxZENE and the various mandates and events around America and farther afield. I will be putting your questions to Robert Scott Bell, a naturopath and broadcaster.

Now - please - hear me out on this.

This is NOT a vaccine bashing session - I have had vaccines in the past. I don't totally rule out having one in the future. BUT I am totally against forced vaccination of anyone. I am against ANY forced medical procedure, period.

And even as someone who researches this stuff EVERY DAY for my job, I have so many questions. So maybe this webinar will be an hour, maybe it will run 2 hours. I really don't know.

But I know it will be interesting and it will be real.

You can send your questions in advance by mailing them to [email protected] and you will also have the chance to join the discussion live on the webinar.

***Please be aware - we will take no BS on the webinar.***

We welcome people from both sides of the debate (and those in the middle) with open arms - AS LONG AS you are respectful and are willing to listen to the points being made. If you are not - we will simply remove you from the room. No exceptions.

If you have lingering questions about what's going on right now - we will do our best to get you answers.

Register HERE for the webinar and send your questions to [email protected]. (Important: Please make the subject - Special Q&A with Robert)

Hope you can join us, it's going to be interesting.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The world is now witnessing a pandemic of N-STEMI heart attacks caused by blood clots​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Vast majority of delta variant deaths occurring in the “fully vaccinated”​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
Have you ever heard these words before?
“I’m amazed at your huge cholesterol drop.”
Or how about these words?
“I’ve never seen someone lower their cholesterol and blood pressure like this before. Whatever you’re doing is CLEARLY working.”
That’s what doctors are telling our members – and trust us, it never gets old.
This Thursday, October 7 at 4:00pm PT / 7:00pm ET, we’re hosting a FREE Masterclass that we think you’re going to love.
The information in this simple Masterclass is responsible for helping more than 4,000 people drop their triglycerides, cholesterol, and blood pressure by 30 points (without medications).
People write to us all the time about how powerful this training has been for them, showing us pictures like this:


We love hearing from people whose cholesterol and triglyceride levels have been plummeting...quickly.
And the beauty is that the system we’ve created is so powerful, it often blows our mind just how quickly it improves both cardiovascular and diabetes health.
Raise your hand if you’re...
  • Living with high blood pressure or
  • Living with high cholesterol or
  • Living with high triglycerides or
  • Overweight (and trying to lose weight permanently)
If your hand is up (or if you want to raise your hand but can’t right now), then click on this link below to register for our newest and most action-packed FREE training:
>> Click here to register for our newest FREE training that’s guaranteed to dramatically improve your heart health
It will outline, in the simplest terms, the exact 5-step system to drop your blood pressure, triglycerides, and cholesterol by 30 points in the next month…using only what’s in your kitchen.
This Masterclass works for anyone who wants to:
  • Reduce their total blood pressure (using strategic foods)
  • Reduce their total cholesterol (without the use of statin medications)
  • Reduce their LDL cholesterol (using food, not pills)
  • Reduce their triglycerides (and keep them down for good)
  • Pay less money for medication (for many years to come)
Spaces are limited, so join this Masterclass before the seats fill up!
>> Click here to secure your spot (there are only 500 seats available)
See you inside!
Cyrus Khambatta, PhD and Robby Barbaro, MPH
New York Times bestselling authors of Mastering Diabetes
Both living with type 1 diabetes
P.S. Denise took this Masterclass last year and dropped her cholesterol by 35 points in only 5 weeks. She also got the lowest blood glucose of her life. Click here to find out how to make this work for you.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If you’re worried about cancer- Read this.

I hope we don’t share this in common, but “cancer” hits close to home for me.

If you or someone you love are worried about cancer… this will be of interest to you.

A Chicago doctor has done profound research on an unusual discovery that you need to know about.

According to Dr. Ron Rosedale — a world-renowned doctor in longevity and metabolic diseases — the secret lies in your cells and prolonging their life by repairing old, worn-out cells.

However, because of poor lifestyle choices and old age your body diminishes cell repair... and when this happens it causes unwanted cell replication — which could lead to cancer, advanced aging, and other chronic diseases.

But the good news is… after years of research Dr. Ron found a “CEO enzyme” inside your body that when managed properly, can help prevent the growth of cancer cells naturally by reducing unwanted cell replication and switching ON your body’s constant “cell repair mode”.

And for the first time ever, Dr. Ron has created a f-ree informative masterclass that reveals how he’s helped thousands of people transform their health with this discovery… and how you can do it yourself right from home.

It’s had a lot of attention so I’m excited for you to get a chance to see it.

Click here to watch the f-ree masterclass presented by Dr. Ron himself.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Dr. Osborne here,

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America:

  • Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults age 18 and older, or 18.1% of the population every year.
  • Women are twice as likely to be affected as men when it comes to generalized anxiety, panic disorder and phobias.
  • Anxiety disorders affect 25.1% of children between 13 and 18 years old.
  • Anxiety is as common among older adults as among the young.

If you’re anxious, fearful, have phobias or experience panic attacks, you want a solution.
If you’re stressed and overwhelmed, you want relief.

This is THE online event to learn about the powerful individual amino acids — GABA, theanine, tryptophan, 5-HTP, glutamine, DPA and tyrosine — to quickly ease anxiety and help with gut symptoms while you are dealing with other root causes which take longer to address. (They also help with cravings, sleep and immunity.)
Many folks believe their anxiety is much too severe and that food and nutrients couldn’t possibly help.
I’m here to tell you this is just not true.
Anxiety is your body’s natural response to a threat. However, more people than ever before find themselves far too frequently in a state of chronic stress and anxiety.
They’re never told that poor gut health could be a root cause, instead they continue thinking their anxiety is much too severe for nutrition to be the solution.
This summit could help you if you are experiencing:
  • Anxiety & feel overwhelmed & stressed by little things
  • Panic attacks &/or obsessive thoughts or behaviors
  • Social anxiety/pyroluria
  • Phobias or fears (flying, spiders or even driving on a highway)

And if you are also suffering from:
  • Food sensitivities, IBS/SIBO, parasites or gallbladder issues
  • Constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, pain & other digestive issues
  • Leaky gut, a leaky blood-brain barrier or vagus nerve issues
—>>Find practical solutions when you attend this complimentary, online event!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How to Lose Weight After Menopause
It's time for another research update! In this week's Vlog, I present more findings from our Research Program and share a study that we recently published in Current Developments in Nutrition addressing weight loss success as we age. Watch to hear all about it.

Click here to watch!


Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Canada is persecuting doctors who promote ivermectin, criticize deadly COVID injections​


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