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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Peas contain loads of the nutrients your body needs to thrive.
They’re an abundant source of carotenoids (which are especially good for your eyes), and they're high in protein, too. Plus, they’re rich in fiber, copper, manganese, and phosphorus, as well as B vitamins and vitamins A, K1, and C.
But which kinds of peas are best for you? What about frozen peas? Should you be concerned about phytates, and pesticide exposure? And how should you prepare them?
Here’s what you need to know about peas.
Yours for giving peas a chance,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. The pea protein industry is on track to top $1 billion in sales this year. Is that a good thing, or a bad thing? Get the whole story about peas and pea protein here.
P.P.S. FRN is hiring! We’re looking for Full Stack Developers and a Head of Marketing. Find out about the current positions here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,
Despite all the crazy ongoings in the world right now, there has been a dramatic increase in high quality, natural health solutions accessible to the general public over the past few decades.
We have seen an explosion in health research related to the microbiome, metabolomics, stem cell therapies, sleep science, psychedelic assisted therapy, and so much more!
Additionally, we’re seeing a massive resurgence of indigenous healing modalities and ancient wisdom traditions...and they are finding a new home in the west.
What used to only be available deep in the Amazon rainforest is now available with the click of a button on the digital version of Amazon. Simply amazing!
When you combine cutting-edge science, ancient wisdom, and the healing power of nature, you have a tremendous opportunity to radically and permanently shift your health.
That’s why we want to invite you to this brand new and life-changing event called, Awaken The Healer Within, hosted by our friend and colleague, Jason Prall.
In this very important summit, you’ll learn how to activate the healing wisdom of your body using very advanced techniques, simple strategies, and profound natural solutions that most people are unaware of.
Now you can finally discover what is preventing you from experiencing lasting health. And you’ll learn how to address it immediately.
Truth is, you are wired for healthy function, you just need to learn how to unlock the natural intelligence within your cellular architecture.
Register for the Awaken The Healer Within Summit, happening October 19-26.
If you’re ready to break free of your chronic symptoms, join us in this groundbreaking summit.

To better health,
The GreenMedInfo Team
P.S. If you’re still unsure about the impact of this event, click here and check out the amazing experts that you’ll hear from in this series. These are some of the most trusted authorities in health and transformation on the planet. And remember, it costs nothing to register, so you have absolutely nothing to lose...other than those nagging symptoms.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi, I hope you are doing well today.

First, Jim, before I get to my own sage advice below about why you'll want to considering consuming more sage (couldn't resist the pun!)...

I highly recommend you don't miss out on this very interesting and helpful new guide on 26 emerging "SUPER HERBS" that can make an immediate and powerful difference in your health and life...

Get your completely FREE copy of "The Top 26 Herbal Supplements You're Not Taking (but should be)" right here if you haven't done so already.

As the title implies, these are 26 of the most medicinal herbs on earth, many of which you likely have not yet heard of.

(And, YES, they are each available to you online and in health food stores if you are interested in any of the herbs you'll discover.)

This wonderful new guide is being provided to you by my good friend, Jason Prall, the veteran health researcher and creator of The Human Longevity Project series, in support of his forthcoming free event, Awaken the Healer Within.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Do you TRUST the herbs you take?

I have a question for you...

Have you ever taken an herbal remedy and wondered if it was going to work?

I’m pretty sure this has happened to everyone reading this.

I believe that anyone who uses herbs hopes that as time goes on, they'll get better at knowing which herb to choose.

However, this isn’t going to happen unless you learn this simple skill.

This skill has been used by humans since the dawn of our time on Earth.

Rosalee and I wanted to put something together that would help you learn this, which will then help you begin to trust the herbs you choose.


I present to you a new webinar by Rosalee de la Forêt...

How to Trust the Herbs You Choose

Explore 5 Herbs that Reduce Inflammation, Boost Your Immune System, Reduce Risk of Heart Disease, Improve Digestion & Relieve Stress

I think that title is pretty self-explanatory.

We are showing this webinar today through Saturday.

We have plenty of flexible times for you. It's only an hour long.

Please go here to register for this webinar.

I know it’s a little last minute, but we are just way too excited to teach this.

We hope you can join us!

John Gallagher


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Nature Sounds Boost Healing

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

If you feel recharged after a day spent in the great outdoors, there's a physiological reason for that.

Bird songs and lapping waves combat negative feelings like annoyance and stress, while boosting positive emotions and health, according to new research.

"It's good for alleviating stress and just a wide variety of benefits that we saw from alleviating pain to improving mood and cognitive ability," said study co-author Rachel Buxton, a research associate in the department of biology at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada.

Special: Stress Impacts Your Heart — Now There's Something You Can Do About It

"I think it's really remarkable, not only that natural sounds confer these health benefits, but also the variety of health benefits."

The researchers listened to sound recordings from 251 locations in 68 national parks. The amount of natural sound at parks varied. Some areas had abundant natural sounds. Others had more visitors and, thus, more human noise.

The researchers then did a literature review and meta-analysis of 18 publications looking for the health impacts. Most of the evidence in the research was from sounds played in lab or hospital settings.

They found that certain natural sounds provided more specific benefits. Bird songs, for example, reduced stress the most. Water sounds improved positive emotions and health outcomes most.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi!
The 9-Day Green Smoothie Challenges we host are a bright spot in this crazy world.
Thousands of people committing to do something good for themselves. The positive community helping each other.
People enjoying healthy foods. And feeling better, in many ways. Whether it’s better digestion (which changes everything!), or feeling more positive about life.
I love helping people see the incredible benefits from consistently doing one of the easiest and healthiest things they can do for themselves.
>> We start in 4 days. On Monday. Click here and I'll automatically reserve your free spot & get you connected to the community today.
What do people experience after taking the Challenge?
Drinking a green smoothie everyday has changed my life,” Leasel said.
“I have more energy and I feel stronger. When I start my day with a green smoothie I tend to eat healthier the whole day. My body craves the nutrients in the smoothies.
Also the best part is it is one meal a day I don’t have to decide what I’m going to eat, I just know I’m having a smoothie and it’s a meal I look forward to because I know how I feel after.”
And Dr. Corinna Heitmueller-Henckell said: “I am hooked. I am looking forward to it in the morning. I am in a better mood, my skin looks better and I want to keep it that way.
No croissants or rolls with butter and jam in the morning anymore. I am less hungry and don 't crave sweets and treats. Thank you for reminding me that smoothies are a good way to start my day.”
And check out what Kristine experienced as a result of the 9-Day Green Smoothie Challenge we held in the Spring:
“The belly bloat goes down, the sugar cravings stop after the 2nd or 3rd day, and I even lost a few pounds which motivates me to keep going with this healthier practice of better eating habits.
Now that the sugar is out of my system I just feel better! Nine days works because it is long enough to turn your system around but not so long that it is overwhelming to just get started.
>> Click here and I'll register your free spot to join the Green Smoothie Challenge


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Just a friendly reminder that this is your last chance to download the new eGuide 10 Best Self-Care Techniques For Everyday Aches & Pains.

Written by Qigong Master Chunyi Lin’s, you'll discover that this guide is exceptionally helpful to healing everyday aches and pains with 10 simple and effective pressure point techniques.

Your could even consider it your body’s repair manual!

We've had a deep respect for Qigong practitioners and experts for many years. Several years ago, Dr. Z was commission to write a series of public health reports about the therapeutic efficacy of how Qigong helped people with their health problems and the research threw us through a loop.
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • And the list goes on...
The clinical research is clear - the practical principals behind the ancient practice of Qigong can be a game-changer for you and your family and THIS guide can help you live an abundant life without aches & pains...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Stop a Cold Before Having Symptoms​
Hi Jimi,

Fall is already here! As the leaves change and the temperature drops, it's important to stay ahead of your immune health regimen. Part of keeping yourself from getting sick is forming preventative habits in your daily life.

Down below, I curated some supplements that may help with cold and flu prevention.*

Camu Camu Vitamin C
For those who know anything about cold prevention, Vitamin C is often the first vitamin to start with. Camu Camu is a sour berry originating from the rainforests in the Amazon. Full of rich nutrients, Camu Camu is packed with Vitamin C and antioxidants. Not only does Vitamin C help to prevent colds, but it also helps to reduce the length of a cold.

Power Immune
Power Immune is a blend of Echinacea, Agaricus Blazei, Elderberry, and Berberine. Power immune works to harness the power of natural ingredients; doing so provides natural immune boosters which work to protect your body from colds and other minor sicknesses.

Tranquility Formula
Regulating your stress levels is important for your overall health. Tranquility Formula is a calming proprietary blend of vitamins, minerals, herbs, and amino acids to support the body’s natural ability to deal with stress and nervousness.

4 Sleep
Whether it’s poor sleep quality or issues falling asleep, our 4 Sleep contains the following herbs, elements, and extracts that have been found to help improve individuals’ sleep quality along with their ability to fall asleep.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.​
Your Partner in Health,
Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

In the past 30 years, have you (or someone close to you) experienced any of the following traumatic experiences:

  • Rocky childhood?
  • Financial loss?
  • Emotional or physical abuse?
  • A car accident?
  • Regret?
  • Fear?
  • Pandemic related loss?

If so, then trauma is very likely impacting your current health.

Harvard Medical School reports that past trauma, no matter how severe, is directly linked to chronic health conditions like cardiovascular problems (such as heart attack and stroke), cancer, obesity, autoimmune diseases, fatigue, and even chronic inflammation...

What’s even worse is your risk for mental and physical health problems from past trauma increases dramatically the more traumatic events you've experienced… especially if you’ve been ‘bottling up’ these emotions for a long period of time.

But herein lies the problem…

Every person copes with trauma differently and results vary based on each situation.

Thankfully, my friend Dr. Elena Villanueva is hosting a special Mastering Trauma Masterclass that will give you everything you need to know to pinpoint, heal, & prevail from virtually any traumatic experience that’ll unknowingly make you sick, tired, & unable to lose weight.

So if you’re thinking you might be impacted by any kind of trauma at all, I highly recommend you take a closer look at this new masterclass...

Click Here To Learn More (Registration Now Open)

We’ve seen Dr. Villanueva and her team put on exceptional classes in the past, some of which cost hundreds of dollars to attend, but today she has made her Mastering Trauma Masterclass available at no cost to you.

The class is starting soon so please take a moment to learn more about this important message — it could truly change your life for the better.

To Your Health,

Dr. Pedram Shojai


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Happy Thursday Jimi!
Big announcement today... I have a new cookbook coming out on November 16th called...
BEAT CANCER KITCHEN: Deliciously Simple Plant-Based Anticancer Recipes
Published by Hay House!
Many of you have asked me to write a recipe book for years and truth be told I never thought I would create one... but here it is!
BEAT CANCER KITCHEN was a really fun collaboration. My wife Micah and I started working on it in 2020 while I was writing Beat Cancer Daily and we finalized all the recipes in August.

BEAT CANCER KITCHEN is a gorgeous full-color book with raw and cooked recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, desert, soups, salads, juices and smoothies galore!
There's a hardcore anticancer diet section and a section with recipes for healthy living and prevention.
There are anticancer nutrition factoids sprinkled throughout the book as well.
And most importantly, the recipes are all super yummy and super easy to make! :)
BEAT CANCER KITCHEN is available for pre-order now. You can call and pre-order it from your favorite local bookstore (they need your support!) or get it from one of these online booksellers:
Barnes & Noble
Booktopia (AU)
Indigo (Canada)
Waterstones (UK)
Hive (UK)
I can't wait to share this book with you!!!
To your life and health!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi!
Earlier this week we sent out an email about our friends over at Fungi Ally and the amazing course they’re offering on Medicinal Mushrooms.

We’re so excited because this class starts TONIGHT!
Don’t miss out on an awesome chance to learn from some of the leaders in the mushroom community about how medicinal mushrooms can help boost your immune system, and overall physical and mental health!

Tonight’s talk is all about Fungi Fundamentals and begins at 7PM EDT

Visit Medicinal Mushroom Class to learn more and join the class!
The next 5 weeks are packed with tons of information, check it out:​
  • Mushrooms for Immune Support
  • Making Preparations of Medicinal Mushrooms
  • Skin Care, Oncology, and Cancer Care
  • Growing and Foraging Medicinal Mushrooms
  • Psychoactive Mushrooms and Chronic Mental Illness

Happy Thursday!
Michael and the Growing Farmers Team

P.S. Check out this week’s episode of the Thriving Farmer Podcast HERE where Nigel Palmer and I talk about → Creating Nutrient Dense Foods Without the Damage and Expense of Commercial Chemicals

This podcast episode is brought to you by Harvest Hosts!
If interested in being a host, please be sure to mention Thriving Farmer Podcast on your application!
We are Harvest Hosts, a platform that connects over 180,000 RVers to local businesses and attractions. Based on our recent survey, Harvest Hosts members spend an average of $50 per night at each Host Location they visit; well-established Hosts are reporting an average of $13,000 in additional annual revenue. Our model is a cost-free opportunity for hosts to share their offerings with our members by opening up space for an overnight stay. We simply tell our members about you and they schedule their visit in advance. In exchange for the overnight stay, Harvest Host members are encouraged to make a purchase of at least $20 at each host location they visit. We hope to see you as a new host location of ours soon. If you have additional questions, please contact our Account Executive, JD at [email protected]

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The Vaccine Death Report reveals that MILLIONS of people have died from covid vaccines​



Diamond Contributor
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YOUR LIFE OR YOUR JOB: Massachusetts state troopers are opting to resign rather than get COVID-19 vaccines​



Diamond Contributor
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Hospitals are using vaccine mandates to engineer a staffing crisis so they can claim they’re “overrun” with patients​



Diamond Contributor
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Spartacus Letter blasts medical establishment for weaponizing covid to usher in global fascism​



Diamond Contributor
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Media smear campaign against ivermectin timed to clear market for Pfizer’s new ivermectin-like clone drug, which will be hailed as a “miracle”​



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CRITICAL SKILLS: How to grow a massive amount of food without electricity or soil


Diamond Contributor
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To survive, red states must now NULLIFY the federal government and declare themselves “health freedom zones” that DENOUNCE the FDA, CDC and OSHA​



Diamond Contributor
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Safety signals for COVID vaccines are loud and clear. Why is nobody listening?​



Diamond Contributor
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‘If you get the Pfizer vax, you’re more likely to get COVID’: Industry analyst flags FDA study​



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Your Daily Motivation​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I highly recommend this one


Hi Jimi​
If you’re concerned about cancer, or have a loved one facing cancer right now...

We’ve got an invaluable resource to share with you today from our friend and 17-year cancer survivor, Chris Wark.

>> a step-by-step guide to healing & preventing cancer

Chris was diagnosed with metastatic cancer in 2003, two days before Christmas, at just 26 years old.

When faced with intimidating odds of survival, Chris did the unthinkable — he turned down chemotherapy.

His doctors told him he was “insane”, and had very little support, but he knew he had to take a different path to restore his health. His was rationale was:

“If my body created it, maybe my body can heal it…”

Today, over 17 years later, Chris is alive and well, and cancer-free, and his mission is to show the world how he and many others have healed holistically with nutrition and natural therapies.

Chris created a powerful 10-part video series called:

The SQUARE ONE Cancer Coaching Program

And you can watch all 10 modules completely FR*EE online when you register today... (details below)

The information in SQUARE ONE covers the evidence-based nutrition, natural therapies, and lifestyle strategies that he and countless others have used to heal cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and many other chronic diseases.

SQUARE ONE takes you step-by-step through the healing process in a simple straightforward way that is empowering, hopeful, and encouraging, without being overwhelming or confusing.

There’s nothing else like this out there and we are so excited to share it with you. 😊

Check out this short 3-minute video about Chris’ story and the course here

And while you’re there, you can register to watch all 10 SQUARE ONE modules at no cost.

If you’re a patient, a caregiver, or you’re serious about prevention, this course is for you. So don’t miss it!

Watch the trailer, read the incredible testimonials, get registered for fr*ee access, and tune in to watch this life-saving series.

We’ll see you there!

The Conquering Cancer team​
Last edited:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Sayer Ji Discusses The New And Upcoming Free Speech Platform BE SOVEREIGN
Perhaps even more concerning is what YouTube’s new policy will do to hundreds of millions of users who face either censoring themselves or being entirely de-platformed. Millions who previously would have spoken up and out will now remain in silent complicity with an agenda deadset on covering up the harms being done by the COVID-19 vaccines, or covering up safer, natural alternatives. I cannot tell which is more egregious when it is all said and done: overt censorship or covert self-censorship?
Fundamentally, YouTube’s latest decision is a declaration of war against the truth and the public's right to informed consent. But it will require the tacit consent and/or complicity of millions of users for them to be successful.
Will you remain or become part of the solution?
Sign up to be a content creator on our pre-launch waitlist for


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

YouTube Bans All Content Questioning Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness, Colluding with Big Pharma, WHO & CDC​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
ACT NOW: Tell your governor and local legislators that COVID-19 vaccines must be voluntary!
In May, the New York State Bar Association issued an 83-page report calling for mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for all Americans; the only exception, the association said, would be doctor-ordered medical reasons. The association — one of the nation’s largest state bar groups — joins a growing number of organizations, government leaders and corporations voicing support for mandating a COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available. Large entertainment companies are being directed by the President of the United States to require patrons to show proof of vaccination before they’re permitted to attend music, sporting and other events.
Stand up for your basic human rights NOW! Every individual has the right to informed consent and to decline a medical intervention! Tell your governor and your local lawmakers that medical mandates don’t belong in a free society. Click below to send a pre-drafted (and customizable) email and tweet urging your officials to make the COVID-19 vaccine voluntary, not mandatory. Let them know that the only one who stands to profit from the coronavirus vaccine is the pharmaceutical industry — and that personal choice, not public pressure or coercion, must be the only factor in getting the vaccine.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today's Thought:
"Almost anything can become a learning experience if there is enough caring involved."


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Raising Free Children

This year, many families are recognizing that the reverential respect and regard for children is the first step out of a hierarchical paradigm that seeks to enslave all of us.
Abusive school protocols have awakened many to how these systems were never meant to support a child's wellness, spiritual development, or empowerment. And a revolution is taking place.
It’s a beautiful metamorphosis! 🦋
Many pioneers are leading the charge, and I’m so excited to be supporting our friend Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan and the powerful event she put together called The Luminous Education Revolution. It explores a new educational paradigm that incorporates homeschooling/unschooling, self-directed learning, community and village building, and awakened parenthood.
Learn from pioneers like Dayna Martin and Charles Eisenstein. And on Day 2, we’ll hear about some fearless moms in California who started their own beautiful villages with 100% all-natural-health, free-thinking kids.
It’s all happening today through Sunday!
And while this summit is certainly NOT for everybody...
It IS for open-minded truth-seekers, freedom lovers, trailblazers, and solutionaries—conscious moms, dads, grandparents, educators who are ready to step into the new paradigm. It’s for those of us who feel called to be part of the solution—to co-create the more beautiful new earth our hearts know is true.
So if this resonates, click below to be inspired, find your tribe, and reclaim your children’s upbringing.
Towards your reclamation,
Kelly Brogan, MD


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
[Free Guide] The Beat Colon Cancer Diet
Hi Jimi,

There was fascinating study that swapped the diets of African Americans with rural Africans. In just two weeks, both groups experienced significant changes in their gut bacteria and cancer markers.

After two weeks on theAfrican diet, the African American group had significantly less colon inflammation and a dramatic drop in multiple risk factors for colon cancer.

But in the rural African group, the opposite happened. Their cancer risk markers increased dramatically after only two weeks of eating an American diet.

And the opposite happened to the rural Africans after eating a Western/American diet. Everything got worse. In just two weeks!

The rural African diet was the clear winner for colon cancer prevention.

So what does the health-promoting rural African diet consist of?



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Can Parasites Cause Thyroid Problems?​

Hi Jimi-

Welcome to another episode of Beyond Wellness Podcast!

Parasitic infections are insanely common among my patients. Among the infections that I treat most frequently are giardiasis, which may cause diarrhea, gas, and an upset stomach, greasy stools; cryptosporidiosis, which may cause stomach cramps, stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting; and toxoplasmosis which may cause flu-like symptoms, including swollen lymph nodes and muscle aches or pains.

If you're struggling to get to the root of your weight, energy, mood, and concentration issues, you may have an infection. Be sure to check out this podcast to learn more!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

*-- Tips to Maintain Good Posture --*

Don't Slump at Your Desk

I get it. If you work at a desk sometimes slumping down in your chair feels amazing on your back. I sometimes even lean back for a couple seconds and twist my chair. But if we find ourselves slumping down a lot of the time, were not doing ourselves any good.

Try this instead: Sit all the way back in your chair. You can place a small lumbar cushion behind your mid-back to protect your spine's natural curve. If you don't have a lumbar cushion, you can also purchase a posture support cushion which can be used in any chair, car seat or wheelchair. Also try bending your knees at a right angle and keep them at the same height. Then place your feet flat on the floor.

Don't Be a Slouch

The bottom line is that slouching causes stress on your spine. As a result, this puts a strain on the bones, muscles, and joints. Lousy posture isn't just bad for your back. When you constantly slouch, you ultimately smash your inside organs together, and makes it harder for your lungs and intestines to work. Over time, that'll make it hard to digest food or get enough air when you breathe.

Try this instead: Make it a habit to sit up straight as soon as you sit down no matter where you are. Whether you're sitting down for lunch or even in the movie theater, turn sitting up straight into a daily routine.

Don't Lean Back When You Drive

Sometimes it's hard to sit up straight when you drive, especially since the seats in cars are molded in a way that makes it difficult. But it is important that you try to sit up as straight as possible.

Try this instead: Position your drivers seat so that your knees are higher than your hips. If you have a lumbar support in your car, adjust it so that it sits at the curve of your back. If you find yourself stuck in traffic, you can even do a little stretch. Rotate your torso to one side for five seconds keeping your back straight and then rotate to the other side.

Check for Problems

We all know whether we are a slouch or not. It's not a surprise. And if you really aren't sure, here's a quick way to tell. Stand up against a wall and place the back of your head against it. Move your feet 6 inches out from the baseboard. Your lower back and your neck should be about 2 inches from it. If not, talk to your doctor about ways to improve your posture.


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Member For 5 Years
Harvard & childhood trauma
Hi Jimi,

Harvard Medical School reports that past trauma, no matter how severe, is directly linked to chronic health conditions like(1):

  • Cardiovascular problems (such as heart attack and stroke)...
  • Cancer...
  • Obesity...
  • Autoimmune diseases...
  • Fatigue...
  • Inflammation...
  • And much more…
What’s even worse is that your risk for mental and physical health problems from past trauma increases dramatically the more traumatic events you've experienced.

Events like a rocky childhood, financial loss, emotional or physical abuse, a car accident, regret, fear, and yes, even a pandemic…

The problem is, every person copes with trauma differently and results vary based on each situation.

Thankfully, my friend Dr. Elena Villanueva is hosting a special Mastering Trauma Masterclass that will give you everything you need to know to pinpoint, heal, & prevail from virtually any traumatic experience that’ll unknowingly make you sick, tired, & unable to lose weight.

Click Here To Learn More (Registration Now Open)

We’ve seen Dr. Villanueva and her team put on exceptional classes in the past, some of which cost hundreds of dollars to attend, but today she has made her Mastering Trauma Masterclass available at no cost to you.

The class is starting soon so please take a moment to learn more about this important message — it could truly change your life for the better.

Be Blessed!

Dr. David Jockers




Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

It feels like everyone is going through some kind of challenge right now.

Whether it’s health, family struggles, finances, or work…

Sometimes you might feel like each day brings a new set of challenges to overcome, tough decisions to make, and contradicting information to wade through.

I’m sure you agree, it can all be exhausting. And confusing. Which doesn’t help ease things!

You might even feel like you’re caught in a game of survival that really wears you down on the mental, emotional, and physical level.

There’s no denying it…

The rates of stress, depression, anxiety, bipolar and other mood-related conditions are rising faster than ever.

The truth is, though, the stress we carry inside has a massive detrimental effect on our mental, emotional, and physical well being. And ultimately, it has the power to keep us stuck, constantly dealing with frustrating symptoms.

But what can you do about it?

Our good friend and award-winning film-maker Jason Prall has a solution.

And I’m not talking about some strategy to manage stress...Nope, he’s been researching a permanent solution to fundamentally rewire your nervous system so that you can access a greater depth of peace and well being no matter what’s going on around you.

Jason has gathered 34 world-renowned experts in the realm of health and transformation in a new and very important event called Awaken The Healer Within, which has its world premiere soon...

In this life-changing event, you’ll discover the deep, fundamental reasons you end up feeling anxious, stressed, and overwhelmed.

But more importantly, you’ll also learn practical solutions and scientifically proven methods to ignite your body’s natural wisdom, accelerate healing, and simply make life more enjoyable!

There’s no cost to attend so you can go ahead and reserve your spot now.

>> Save my seat for the brand new Awaken The Healer Within summit

Can you imagine how different your life would be if you finally got to the root of your symptoms? You owe it to yourself to find out.

To Feeling Happy and Resilient,

The VegHealth Team

The truth is your body is constantly sending signals when things are off. And has the power to naturally reset and recenter when it is given the right set of conditions...

Join hundreds of thousands of others around the globe and discover how you can work inside out to fundamentally shift the baseline state of your entire nervous system.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Happy Friday, I hope you've had an amazing week so far!
Below are 2 events happening this weekend I'll be watching and participating in, and I hope you'll join us!
I want to invite you to an amazing 3-day online FREE event called the I Choose Fitness™ Summit where I agreed to be one of the speakers!
Find out more here
People everywhere are looking for new solutions and some “positivity” in their lives. Everyone wants something to get past all the uncertainty and fear-mongering that has spread out of control.
If you’re like me, you’re noticing A LOT of…
  • People who are struggling with maintaining (or getting!) a positive mindset;
  • Not exercising as much as they did pre-C*vid; and
  • Neglecting proper nutrition and putting on lots of weight
Well, that’s what the I Choose Fitness™ movement is all about and they have something really special starting October 1st and running through Oct 3rd.
1 in 3 people have Fatty Liver Disease which is the precursor to so many modern day health issues like...
Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, chronic fatigue, low thyroid function, and even autoimmune disorders.
Plus... A new study from the UK recently revealed that your risk of being hospitalized with C-VID DOUBLES if your liver contains over 10% fat!
(If you've got something wrong with your health — then chances are your liver plays a big role in it — because your liver function impacts every organ in your body!)
This Saturday and Sunday night you will get full access to:
  • All 7 episodes of The Fatty Liver Docu-Class plus...
  • The Best of The Kidney Health Docu-Class
  • The Best of The Metabolic Syndrome Docu-Class


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Errin Smith

Dear Friends,

Today welcomes back great friend to the show, Errin Smith. Uncover all of the details of Errin’s personal journey and how it led to her amazing emotional eating event, What We Crave.

Errin will go through her struggles with the keto diet, pin point all of the areas where she went terribly wrong, how she got SIBO, and how she hit her all time low under a highly stressful and toxic career. She will go through how she lost herself and got herself back 2.5 years later and created What We Crave in effort to help others who are struggling with the same issues she did. On the surface we think it’s diet related but really underneath it all it is an issue that has nothing to do with food.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Have you already signed up for the Plant Fit Summit?

If not - it’s starting very soon!

If you didn’t see my last email, it's a special online event where leading doctors, elite athletes, world-class coaches are coming together to help YOU!

Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, perform at an elite level, set world records or simply wake up with energy and health every day, this event is for you. Go here to join in for free.

On each day of the event you’ll have the opportunity to master a different aspect of well-being, whether it pertains to health, fitness, or mindset. You can check out the full line-up and topics here.

It should be a fantastic event!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi, I hope you are doing well today.

I was recently introduced to a fascinating study shared with me by my friend and 17-year holistic cancer survivor Chris Wark (more on Chris in a sec).

This study investigated the anticancer effects of two plant extracts against breast cancer cells.

Now on their own, both of these plant extracts contain potent anticancer compounds, but the researchers discovered that combining them supercharged their anticancer effects, completely eliminating breast cancer tumors in 80% of the mice in the study.

And the exciting thing is, you don't have to be a doctor or a scientist with a laboratory. You can make this extract at home for just a few dollars. :)

This dynamic duo is not only an anticancer powerhouse, it also helps protect against viral infections and heart disease!

Learn how to make it right here

If you don’t know the author of this free report, Chris Wark, you should.

During his cancer battle, and for the past 17 years since he healed, Chris has been researching cancer non-stop -- what’s causing cancer, foods that fight cancer, foods that promote cancer growth.

He’s researched nearly every alternative and natural non-toxic therapy out there...

...And literally spent thousands of hours reading studies and interviewing doctors, scientists and survivors like him who’ve healed cancer against the odds.

Chris has compiled a massive amount of life-saving information, organized it and put it into a comprehensive healing and prevention program called SQUARE ONE.

The SQUARE ONE Program will show you how to transform your life and your health and give you a step-by-step roadmap to start your healing journey.

SQ1 is normally a paid program, but every year Chris puts it online for free. He’s shared the SQ1 Program with over a million people since 2017 and this year’s free screening is right around the corner.

Go here to get the free Dynamic Duo report and access to SQUARE ONE.

The recipe is VERY SIMPLE, as you'll see, and it's truly an anticancer (and anti-other-disease!) powerhouse!

To Living Long and Living Well,

Brian Vaszily

P.S. You never know when someone in your circle of family and friends will receive a cancer diagnosis. The last thing you want to do is spend precious time searching for answers if/when that day comes.

Arm yourself with ALL of your options now… you can thank me later. :)

Grab the report and get your free pass to watch SQUARE ONE!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Can't get Ivermectin?

Hi Jimi,

Dr. Osborne here,

In the last several months, the popularity of Ivermectin has skyrocketed. The big question is why…why does an anti-parasitic medication work so well against a virus? For that matter, why do other anti parasitic drugs also work against The Disease That Should Not Be Named (TDTSNBN)?

I won’t go into that today, but I do think there are some things you need to know about Ivermectin. My oldest son used it and recovered from TDTSNBN in only a few days with no side effects.

To date, there have been 120 trials with more than 47,000 patients using this anti-parasitic drug to treat TDTSNBN, and the results are overwhelmingly positive. So positive in fact that Ivermectin is currently on a 5 month back order in most pharmacies around the US.

That’s because smart doctors and smart people like yourself are reading, researching, and asking for this very safe and effective treatment.

Many of you have been writing in, asking about what you can do to keep your immune systems strong. Many of you have also asked what to do if you can’t get Ivermectin. Though I can’t give you medical advice, I can share with you what my family and I are doing to support awesome immunity:

Vitamin D – I take 5,000 IU daily. I would take 10,000 IU daily if my vitamin D levels were low (simple blood test can help determine this).
Vitamin C – I take 5 grams of this in divided doses daily.
Zinc – I take 2 of these daily.
Quercetin – I take 2 of these daily.
NAC – I take 2 of these daily.
Mixed immune support with vitamin A, elderberry, Andrographis, lysine, echinacea, and more. I take 2 of these every day.

...And here is what I would do if I came down with the disease that should not be named (TDTSNBN):

I would take everything listed above. I would also reach out to my family doctor to get ivermectin. If ivermectin could not be acquired, I would take 4 of these daily - Intestinal Defense.

The key active ingredients have been used for thousands of years for their anti-viral, anti-parasitic and anti-inflammatory properties. They include sweet wormwood and artemisinin.

Artemisinin is one of many compounds derived from wormwood. Its discovery earned a shared 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine with ivermectin. Recent in vitro human lung cell studies show that wormwood extracts including artemisinin inhibited the virus that causes TDTSNBN.

  1. Zhou, Y., Gilmore, K., Ramirez, S. et al. In vitro efficacy of artemisinin-based treatments against SARS-CoV-2. Sci Rep 11, 14571 (2021).
  2. Uckun, F., Saund, S., Windlass, H, et al. Repurposing Anti-Malaria Phytomedicine Artemisinin as a ((ov1d-19 Drug. Front. Pharmacol., 19 March 2021.
  3. Krishna, S, et al. “Artemisinins: their growing importance in medicine.” Trends in pharmacological sciences vol. 29,10 (2008): 520-7.

Always looking out for you,
Dr. Osborne - The Gluten Free Warrior


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
BREAKING: Attorney Thomas Renz reveals DoD data proving covid vaccines WORSEN infections and hospitalizations


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Former Pfizer employee flags FDA study, warns that Pfizer vaccine increases COVID by over 300%​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

COVID-19 vaccines may cause organ damage; pathologists ask for autopsies to investigate inoculation programs​


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