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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Quick reminder — this is your last chance to grab a spot in the brand new Healthy Heart Masterclass with holistic cardiologist Dr. Mimi Guarneri.

>> Click here to register.

You’ll discover what the best foods are if you want to:

  • decrease your risk of heart disease
  • switch off the genes that cause heart disease
  • slim down, sustainably and enjoyably
You’ll also discover which foods are the worst for raising cholesterol and high blood pressure — and why some ingredients found in common "health" foods are worse than we thought :-(

Plus — you’ll learn the tips and tricks Dr. Mimi uses in her own life (and what she did to lower her cholesterol level from 300 down to the 90s — without medications!).

The tips you’ll learn are proven to reduce heart disease by up to 90% — even if you have a family history. Pretty cool, huh?

Don’t miss out. Watch the free Healthy Heart Masterclass here, while you still can! (This is your last day to view)

To a healthy heart,
Sarah Otto


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

Ready for some binge-worthy podcast listening?

We've got you covered!

We just released episodes 2 through 10 of The Natural Evolution Podcast.

Listen to all the episodes here. <=

Ep. 2 - Origins of RHT with Joe Rignola
- Hey, that's ME! Michael and I discuss the crazy and sometimes funny origins of RHT.

Ep. 3 - Dr. Nasha Winters - From a terminal cancer diagnosis before the age of 20 to educating thousands of doctors who treat cancer naturally - incredible story.
Ep. 4 - Dr. Keesha Ewers - Her personal experience w/ trauma's links to autoimmune disease & cancer and how that's shaped her career
Ep. 5 - Dr. Cynthia Li - Author of "Brave New Medicine," a best-selling book outlining how her own health crisis and healing journey have re-directed her career towards a holistic approach to healing/medicine
Ep. 6 - Dr. Al Danenberg - Given months to live with a terminal cancer diagnosis a few YEARS ago, Dr. Al shares his journey - and how he's not only surviving but thriving!
Ep. 7 - Dr. Titus Chiu - How did a motorcycle accident lead to Dr. Chiu becoming one of the leading functional neurologists in the industry? Listen to this episode and find out!
Ep. 8 - Dr. Christina Bjorndal (Part 1) - A highly charged emotional episode where Dr. Bjorndal shares openly about her life-long struggles with suicidal depression - to which Michael can relate as he's had similar struggles. This turned out to be a Part 1 because there's so much here and more to discuss (coming soon!)
Ep. 9 - Dr. Kat Toups - Dr. Kat shares how her own diagnosis of early-onset dementia has led her towards not only reversing her condition but being intimately involved in cutting-edge studies proving the same is possible for others
Ep. 10 - Eddie Enever - Australian Naturopath, Eddie Enever, shares his journey through three cancer battles, what he's learned along the way, and how this experience shaped the rest of his life (which is now helping others with cancer)
By the way, there's still time to enter to win our podcast launch contest!

We're giving away over $1500 in prizes, including supplements like Megaspore, ZenBiome, and more.

You can even win our favorite air filter, AirDoctor. I personally have two of them in my home.

Learn more about how easy it is to enter and win here! <=

There's tons of great listening here so I'll let you get to it.

Thank you, as always, for helping get the word out.

In gratitude,


P.S. Don't forget to subscribe on your favorite podcast platform (iTunes, Spotify, PocketCast). Access all the episodes here. <=


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Your Daily Motivation​


Avoid assuming things about others. Assumptions are often wrong.

And you may end up making poor decisions or hurting your relationships if you jump to conclusions without understanding what the other person actually intended to do.

When we make assumptions about what others are thinking, we create barriers to effective communication.

We have to remember that everyone sees life a bit differently. You can't accurately guess what's on the other person's mind.

Try to become more self-aware of how many assumptions you make each day. Ask people about what they think, rather than assuming you already know.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
‘Free Sugar’ Comes With a Cost

By Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen, MDs

You know that added sugars and syrups are health bombs that fuel obesity, inflammation, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. They pop up everywhere, with names like corn syrup, fructose, sucrose, maltose, and lactose.

By contrast, natural sugars, found in fiber-rich veggies and fruits, are not health risks for most people. When you eat five to nine servings a day of fruits and vegetables, you are getting the nutrients you need, including vitamin C, beta carotene and vitamin A, potassium, magnesium, and folate.

However, when those good-for-you foods containing natural sugars are stripped of their fiber, you can get in trouble. That’s because fiber slows digestion of the sugars, preventing your glucose levels from spiking. Without that protection, you're zapping your body with what’s called “free sugar,” which is as harmful as added sweeteners.

Special: Can Eating 2 Veggies for Breakfast Balance Blood Sugar All Day?

According to Tufts University School of Nutrition Science and Policy: “Recent evidence suggests these ‘free sugars’ are similar to added sugars in influencing blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, and that reducing intake may lower risk for cardiovascular disease. The World Health Organization recommends limiting free sugars to less than 10% of calories.” We say go for zero.

Commercial smoothies that are made from juice not whole fruits, all fruit juices (with or without pulp), and yogurt flavored with juice are disguised as “healthful,” but really aren’t.

One study in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition found that when you use whole fruits and veggies to make a smoothie, around 17% of the cellular material in the foods remains, and that is enough to earn the smoothie a low glycemic index and a low or medium glycemic load.

That means it’s unlikely to spike your blood sugar level or contribute to dysregulation of your gut biome.

Try the Vitality Smoothie recipe, with 5 grams of fiber, and the Grape Escape smoothie, with 2.1 grams of fiber and frozen grapes, in Dr. Mike's “What to Eat When Cookbook.”


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Addressing Fatigue + Gut Symptoms via Organic Acid Testing​

Hi Jimi-

Hey, guys! In this video, I am joined by my buddy Dr. Evan to talk about addressing gut symptoms via organic acid testing. Organic acid testing (OAT) is a very popular urine-based test that can provide essential information about the functioning of various bodily systems and to identify possible nutrient deficiencies, gut dysbiosis, and more.
Organic acid testing may be beneficial for people whose symptoms have not yet been properly understood through other stool tests, blood work, or urinary hormone tests. It helps give an immense understanding of nutrient deficiencies, mitochondrial function, neurotransmitter metabolism, detoxification abilities, antioxidant status, and gut health, which trained and experienced clinicians can utilize to dive deeper. Check out the podcast to see how OAT can benefit you!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi, hope you are doing well today.

Quick reminder — today is your last chance to grab a spot in the brand new Healthy Heart Masterclass with holistic cardiologist Dr. Mimi Guarneri.

>> Click here now to register -- this is entirely free!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

Over the next few days you’ll be hearing about the 4-day online virtual summit titled the EMF Hazards Summit.
It’s the only one of its kind, focused on safeguarding your entire household from 5G and electropollution and how to overcome the dangers of EMFs.
After hearing what these experts have to teach you about how to protect your health and family from dangerous effects of EMF, all you have to do is use what they will teach you to start seeing a radical transformation in your health happen before your eyes.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Did you know that depression, anger, and loneliness impact your chances of developing or dying from a heart condition?

The Cleveland Clinic states, "Unmanaged stress can lead to high blood pressure, arterial damage, irregular heart rhythms and a weakened immune system."

Even if you eat unprocessed foods, don't smoke, and go hiking almost every day - if you experience negative emotional states often, your chances for heart disease and cancer go way up!

But the good news is, there are very powerful and simple things you can do to improve your heart health, enhance your immune system, and thrive emotionally for years to come!

Want to know the latest science on the real source of heart health? Check out this brilliant brand new Masterclass, available now (for a limited time).

>> Discover 4 Major Heart Disease Myths & 10 Recent Breakthroughs right here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Exercise Cuts Prostate Cancer Risk

By Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Mike Roizen, MDs

"Jeopardy" and "Wheel of Fortune" creator Merv Griffin said in a 2007 interview: "I've been very fortunate with my health. I smoke. I drink — not heavily, but I like my wine. I don't exercise. I take a cab to a cab."

Later that year, he died from a recurrence of prostate cancer that first surfaced in 1996.

Could he have avoided that result? Quite possibly.

Special: Doctors Witness Amazing Joint Pain Changes

A study from the U.K. looked at 140,000 men — around 80,000 of whom had prostate cancer — and found that guys ages 50 and older who exercised regularly reduced their risk of prostate cancer by 51% compared with those who were not active.

In fact, the researchers say that guys can cut their risk of prostate cancer by more than half if they spend just 20 minutes a day walking or gardening.

We say that you'll see even greater rewards if you exercise an hour a day.

But what's really impressive about this study is that the researchers didn't rely on self-reporting for their findings. They looked at variations in DNA sequencing that indicate a person's level of physical activity.

Yes, physical activity changes which of your genes are switched on or off, and that changes your risk of cancer.

So guys, get as active as you can (10,000 steps a day or the equivalent), and avoid added sugar and syrups, saturated or trans fats, and any grain that isn't 100% whole.

You'll decrease your odds of cancer while increasing your odds of normal I am a spammer ban me function.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
So get this Jimi…

A week and a half ago now I came down with something pretty bad..

Severe fatigue, severe body aches, continually hacking up a lung, etc…

Then mid last week, Teddy went down even harder.

I was still feeling pretty bad but went about trying to figure out how to get her better.


Let this be a “Stern” warning to you… continue to work on your immune system!!

The Brain Immune Gut Masterclass shows you how your brain and gut come together to make your immune system

And how to optimize everything based on that understanding!!

This thing gets rave reviews every time they do a new showing.

I’ll certainly be taking a second look at everything we’re doing to ensure we have a robust response to any threat after my experience…

This is a great place to start!!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Understanding Ovarian Cancer: Risk Factors & Prevention​

It seems like we all know someone that has had ovarian cancer sneak up on them. It's a silent disease that's often caught too late. Ovarian cancer ranks 5th in cancer deaths among women so why might it happen in the first place?

Potential causes of ovarian cancer:

Gonadotropins are peptide hormones that regulate ovarian and testicular function and are essential for normal growth, sexual development, and reproduction. Gonadotropins are also fertility medications given by injection that contain follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) alone or combined with luteinizing hormone (LH). P. M. Wise, a hormone researcher showed that too much estrogen accelerates aging of the central nervous system, destroying the nerves which regulate the pituitary gonadotropins, and causing ovarian failure and infertility. Estrogens are implicated as causative factors of ovarian carcinogenesis. Ovarian tissue estrogen levels are at least 100-fold higher than circulating levels and those in the follicular fluid of ovulatory follicles are even higher.

Early puberty in girls has been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, obesity, and even diabetes in adult life. "Some of these conditions are related to prolonged and early exposure to estrogen from the active ovarian cycle."

Ray Peat, a hormone researcher, goes on to say "estrogen itself can impair the ovary’s ability to produce progestogen, but the continuous high secretion of gonadotropins disturbs the ovary, the adrenals, and (according to recent observations), even the uterus." Ovarian cancer is one reason to be careful with synthetic estrogen replacement therapy and xenoestrogens in the environment. In addition, normal factors in the physiological control of the ovaries include an interaction between the thyroid and the gonadotrophins; the combination of hypothyroidism and stimulation by gonadotropins can cause ovarian cysts to develop.

Progesterone is a possible protective factor against ovarian cancer.
Epidemiological data provide additional support that P4 or response of Ovarian Surface Epithelium (OSE) cells to the steroid affords a protective role against ovarian cancer development or progression. An increase in ovarian cancer incidence was observed among women with progesterone deficiency. Progesterone (P4) or cellular responses to P4 appears to offer protection against ovarian carcinogenesis. The protective effect of pregnancy may be attributable to exposure of the OSE to high levels of P4 during pregnancy.

About 20% of women with ovarian cancer are less than 50 years of age. To learn more about ovarian cancer, you can watch my video on that topic.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

22-year-old “fully vaccinated” champion show jumper may never ride again due to covid jab-induced blood clots​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Is this even America? Clark County, Nev., declares truthful reporting about COVID to be a “public health crisis” by labeling it “disinformation”​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Lunacy: Left-wing doctor says government should “go after” “anti-science” independent media for reporting truth about COVID vax dangers​

Monday, September 27, 2021 by: JD Heyes


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

ENDLESS NIGHTMARE: Moderna CEO says booster shots will need to be taken FOREVER… Big Pharma now dictating all public policy as real science is SILENCED​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Please don’t think this is just a California issue. Biotech firm Oxitec’s business plan is to go nationwide. California today; your backyard tomorrow. Not on our watch!
It’s our voices against Oxitec who believes it has captured the EPA. If vested interests are allowed to continue to set the agenda, human health and the environment will not be protected. Society must have more say about whether GM insects should be released into the open.
Thousands of you rocked the platform already. Impressive! If you haven’t, add your name to our group comment now. It’s super-easy.


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
Hmmm. An Aussie Olympic Athlete, double jabbed in hospital with Covid in Italy.
Hmmm, from underlying health issues.
Not too fit is she then. 😒 What a croc.
An Olympic Athlete, double jabbed!?
Works well doesn't it.
I read recently from a big name Aussie Basketballer Andrew Bogut. That he was contacted by aussie pollies to put up messages on the net, twitter or whatever, to encourage people to get vaxxed. He refused saying he doesn't want to be a gov political stooge, that people should have choice. He said too he knows of many others who were approached, and payed, that sold out and did it. He was offered big money but refused.
Id bet Madi, even though its clear her jab did Not Work, sold out. A puppet stooge. Sad, she has no honour.
She says "my vaccine protects those around me!" Not too bright either is she.
Last edited:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hmmm. An Aussie Olympic Athlete, double jabbed in hospital with Covid in Italy.
Hmmm, from underlying health issues.
Not too fit is she then. 😒 What a croc.
An Olympic Athlete, double jabbed!?
Works well doesn't it.
I read recently from a big name Aussie Basketballer Andrew Bogut. That he was contacted by aussie pollies to put up messages on the net, twitter or whatever, to encourage people to get vaxxed. He refused saying he doesn't want to be a gov political stooge, that people should have choice. He said too he knows of many others who were approached, and payed, that sold out and did it. He was offered big money but refused.
Id bet Madi, even though its clear her jab did Not Work, sold out. A puppet stooge. Sad, she has no honour.
She says "my vaccine protects those around me!" Not too bright either is she.
I agree 100% not very bright at all.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Your Daily Motivation​


What if you believed that everything is happening for your highest good?

Understandably, it can be hard to believe so when you are suffering and dealing with unbearably difficult situations.

But you must realize that you have the power to choose the way you process the pain. When you keep replaying the unpleasant scenarios in your mind, you increase your attachment to the pain.

Instead, try to focus more on the blessings. Understand how the experience helped you grow and gain a fresh perspective.

Trust life to bring you more good. Give this approach a go.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Dear Jimi
If you or someone you love has cancer, or is worried about getting cancer (and these days, who wouldn’t be)...

One doctor has done profound research on an unusual discovery that you need to know about.

According to Dr. Ron Rosedalea world-renowned doctor in longevity and metabolic diseases — the secret lies in your cells and prolonging their life by repairing old, worn-out cells.

However, because of poor lifestyle choices and old age, your body diminishes cell repair... and when this happens it causes unwanted cell replication — which could lead to cancer, advanced aging, and other chronic diseases.

But here’s the good news:

After years of research, Dr. Ron found that a “CEO enzyme” inside your body, that when managed properly, can help prevent the growth of cancer cells naturally by reducing unwanted cell replication and switching ON your body’s constant “cell repair mode”.

And for the first time ever, Dr. Ron has created a FR*EE informative masterclass that reveals how he’s helped over thousands of people transform their health with this secret...

And how you can do it yourself right from home!

The video has since gone viral and been shared all over the Internet, with many viewers singing their praises of this breakthrough discovery.

Watch the FR*EE masterclass presented by Dr. Ron himself.

Yours in health,

The Conquering Cancer team

P.S. When you watch this groundbreaking NEW masterclass with Dr. Ron Rosedale, you’ll also discover:

  • The number one common protein source that literally FEEDS cancer cells

  • Simple daily trick recommended by Dr. Ron to feel younger and healthier each day

  • The one quick dietary change that extended the lifespan of rodents by a whopping 33 percent and how it can help YOU delay aging

Go HERE and reserve your spot for the F*REE masterclass before it’s taken down.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Lifestyle Changes to Cut Premature Death Risk

By Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen, MDs

You might hate childproof lids that make it difficult to take an aspirin when you need one fast, but as a direct result of the 1970 Poison Prevention Packaging Act deaths have decreased by 1.4 for every million kids ages 5 and younger. Simple changes have big benefits.

The same is true for the leading causes of death in adults. Most cases can be avoided or significantly delayed if you put a hard-to-remove lid on your activities that trigger inflammation, obesity, and a dysfunctional gut biome.

Special: How to Flood Your Body With Heart-Healthy Nitric Oxide

According to a new study in JAMA Network, the top noninfectious causes of death in U.S. adults in 2020 were heart disease (No. 1) and cancer (No. 2), along with stroke, Alzheimer's disease, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, and kidney disease.

The interesting thing is that as diverse as those conditions are, they're all influenced by the same lifestyle choices: what you eat, how you move, your sleep quality, your level of chronic stress, and the use of drugs/toxic substances, including nicotine and alcohol.

Cap those activities and you dramatically cut your risk for premature death.

The lifestyle repairs that work are:

• 150 minutes per week of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity

• No smoking of anything

• Limiting alcohol intake

• Eating a plant-based diet with no red meat, added sugars, or highly processed foods

• Limiting added salt

• Controlling your stress response

• Improving sleep quality using mindful meditation and/or talk therapy


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi!

For the first time in his career, one of the world’s top longevity doctors, Dr. Ron Rosedale, is going to teach a masterclass on his 5-step process to slowing and even reversing aging.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this free masterclass:

  • How to keep your body in a youthful state of cell repair with the enzyme that’s “the CEO enzyme of longevity”... and why cancer patients have this enzyme going haywire
  • How age is just a number: Why biological aging and chronological aging are different… And how you are unwittingly accelerating your biological aging
  • The crucial 5 steps that change the game when it comes to keeping your cells, skin and organs young.
  • The essential dietary change that extended the lifespan of rodents by 33% and how this discovery can help you live longer
  • The quickest and easiest way to decrease your biological age, at any age (even if you feel you’re aging prematurely)

>> Click HERE to discover how to control your youth enzyme

Yours in health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

How do you fit it all in?

Health, fitness, wellbeing, self-love, family, personal goals...

Living to your true potential seems impossible, or is it?

Together with my friends and colleagues Luke and Tobi I'd like to invite you to the Plant Fit Summit (it’s free for a limited time).

What makes this summit special is that it covers all three areas of well-being: health, fitness and mind.

You'll hear from leading doctors, elite athletes, world-class coaches and people who've been in your shoes...

So regardless of where you are in your journey - or if you’re just starting out - it's the one event you don't want to miss...

>> Check out the full line-up and topics here

To living your best life,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Top 5 Causes of Bloating – Functional Medicine Solutions & The Mold-Bloating Connection​

Hi Jimi-

Hey, everyone! In today’s podcast, I am talking about bloating and its connections to mold, low stomach acid, bacterial overgrowth, H. pylori, fungal overgrowth, Candida, and parasite infections.

The cause of your bloating might not be what you think it is. I am drawing a line between the root cause and palliative solutions. In this episode we're looking at natural solutions to help treat and relieve your bloating, tests we can conduct to help get down to the root of your bloating, chronic vs. acute bloat, and more. Let’s ditch the discomfort of bloating!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How you can possess supernatural herbal powers...

Bite into a lemon.

What did you taste?

Sour, right? (I bet your mouth just puckered up as well.)

As you know, lemons are high in vitamin C.

So, if you were to eat a fruit or veggie that had a sour taste, would it have higher vitamin C content?

The short answer is... YES!

And when you also see that food is colorful (meaning fruits, not Froot Loops) you can bet that it’s high in other antioxidants as well.

So, when we get into herbal medicine, there are some popular plants that we learn about that also have a sour taste and have bright colors...

Elderberries, hawthorn, schisandra, bayberry, goji berries, and the beloved rosehip.

Do these all have vitamin C?

They sure do!

The ability to use your senses to discern an herb’s unique flavors and qualities is one of the best skills you can learn as an herbalist.

If you really know how to taste an herb, you can...

  • Determine whether an herb (or herbal preparation) is potent or weak.
  • If a particular year’s harvest is better for one ailment or another.
  • If similar plants can be used interchangeably.
  • How to know the best substitute of one herb for another.

This is a supernatural power because it’s both super AND natural. Humans have been using this skill for thousands of years, in fact.

Today, Rosalee has written an excellent article that shows you how to learn about herbs without even needing to look it up in a book.

She starts with asking the question... What do rosehips do?

Simply go here to read Rosalee’s incredible post to find out the answer and how you too can possess supernatural herbal powers.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How to Defend Yourself Against COVID

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

As variants of COVID-19 continue to spread throughout the country, this list is a reminder of what you can do to protect yourself from getting sick.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Flu viruses are thought to spread mainly from person to person through droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze, or talk. The cashier who hands you change, the server who hands you a cup of coffee, any of the people you encounter in your daily life can spread the flu to you.
  • If COVID-19 is spreading in your area, wear a face covering.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Special: Doctor Reveals Little-Known Immune Health Secret

  • Avoid large gatherings.
  • Make sure other health issues are under control. High blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease all increase the risk of dying from COVID-19. Make sure that you have your blood pressure, blood glucose, and cholesterol levels at target.
  • Lose weight. One of the surprises from COVID-19 research has been that the disease targets people who are obese, even those without underlying health issues. Get close to your high school weight, and stay there.
  • Quit smoking. Research in China found the odds of COVID-19 progressing during hospitalization increased 19-fold for smokers. Indeed, even e-cigarettes and smoking marijuana have been found to be harmful.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Censorship and The Way Forward​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Scientists have found the fastest way to slow down and even reverse the signs of aging and help the body fight against cancer.

Some of them call it “the CEO of Aging”.

When taking full control over “the CEO of Aging”, you can slow down the aging rate by as much as 3 fold.

Even more, it can delay the onset of chronic disease at your command…

Which made scientists believe it is the most important health discovery of our generation.

The reason why this discovery is so powerful is that anyone at any age can take full control over this enzyme.

Now, looking at feeling young and healthy at any age isn’t just for the rich and famous who can afford expensive diets, surgeries, or fancy therapies.

For the first time in his career, world’s top longevity doctor agreed to reveal how to control the “CEO of Aging”, prolong youthfulness and ward off diseases:

=> Click to discover how to control your youth enzyme, help your body fight cancer and slow down aging 3-fold!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Keto Hacks for Women with Leanne Vogel

In this podcast with best selling author and popular podcaster Leanne Vogel, we discuss how to simplify the keto diet for women. We go over how to eat for thyroid health, weight loss and hormone balance.

We discuss key topics such as carb cycling, intermittent fasting and the best foods to center your diet on. Leanne goes over her top hacks and recipes to turn your body into a fat burning machine!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Friend,

On today’s episode of The Psychology of Eating Podcast, we explore weight and hypothyroidism through the lens of yet another moving human story.

This one features Holly, a 52-year old grandmother who loves being active outdoors, but finds that her weight and low energy levels — typical symptoms of hypothyroidism — are holding her back from fully enjoying life.

As they work together, Marc explores some important facets of Holly's weight loss journey, including:

  • The utility of getting 2nd and 3rd opinions from medical providers
  • Exploring natural forms of hypothyroid treatments, such as glandulars
  • Ideally, seeing a natural or functional medicine practitioner for a full hormonal workup
  • Assessing the potential benefit of bio-identical hormones
  • Making caring for herself a top priority
  • Working on creating a life that she loves (recognizing that when we’re vibrant and fulfilled, our body has a much greater opportunity to reach its natural weight…)
If you or a loved one are dealing with any kind of weight challenge, whether related to hypothyroidism or not, we know you’ll appreciate this episode.

====>> Tune in over on YouTube!

Wishing you the best in health and life,

The Institute for the Psychology of Eating
[email protected]


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

It’s happening tomorrow, and you still haven’t registered for my newest training: The Power of Plants To Balance The Endocrine System: How To Avoid The Top 3 Costly Mistakes Most Health Practitioners Make In Identifying The True Causes of Hormone Imbalance

This training is for you if you’re:

  • A doctor, nurse or other front-line health professional who wants to break out of the allopathic system, empower their patients, and get to the bottom of their health issues without pharmaceuticals.

  • A health coach or nutritionist who wants to stay ahead of their savvy clients—the ones who have "tried everything"—and support them to transform their health and truly get to the root causes.

  • A nutrition enthusiast who wants to stay at the cutting edge of health information so you can get as healthy as possible (while in the back of your mind wondering if you have what it takes to help others get healthy as you learn).
I know your time is extremely valuable, which is why I’m going to reveal what you need to get started with plants as medicine for the endocrine system. Some are foods, some are herbs and every one I’ll share is safe and effective.

Your practice is too important to just keep treating symptoms and prescribing meds.

Imagine having patients and clients who are empowered to help themselves and who truly VALUE what you have to say to them.

They look forward to seeing you.

They tell their friends about you.

Your practice can flourish based on addressing the root causes of their suffering.

This is what it’s all about. It’s what you got into this for.

The Power of Plants To Balance The Endocrine System is the training that helps you to make it happen.

Sign up here and join me for a training that you can put into action right away.

Love, health & joy,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi, Jim!i

Now that Fall is upon us and the inevitable cold season will soon be here, it’s important we all take some extra precautions to keep our bodies healthy and immune systems strong!

Did you know that certain types of mushrooms can provide a ton of benefits to help to ready your immune system and improve your overall physical and mental health?

Join our good friend Willie Crosby over and Fungi Ally, Dr. Lindsay Chimileski, and other industry leaders for a 6 week dive into Medicinal Mushrooms! This amazing course will cover:

  • Fungi Fundamentals
  • Mushrooms for Immune Support
  • Making Preparations of Medicinal Mushrooms
  • Skin Care, Oncology, and Cancer Care
  • Growing and Foraging Medicinal Mushrooms, and
  • Psychoactive Mushrooms and Chronic Mental Illness

With a line up like this, you definitely don’t want to miss out! Head over to the Medicinal Mushroom Class to learn more and join today, the first course is this Thursday, September 30th! Courses are live 7-8:30pm EST.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
The Global Energy Healing Summit is live right now, and so far, it’s been incredible! We’ve already had presentations teaching our audience:
  • How to use Qi (life force energy) to heal chronic pain, reverse illness, and prevent disease
  • The critical forces blocking your energy flow (and how to fix them)
  • How to become a magnet for good luck, prosperity, and opportunity
  • How to unlock your complete healing potential to become the healer in your home and community
But I see you haven’t claimed your ticket yet ....
... which is strange because it’s fr-ee.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

UK hospital data shocks the world: 80% of COVID deaths are among the vaccinated… COVID deaths up 3,000% after vaccine wave​



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ECONOMIC TERRORISM: Italy tells companies to stop paying “unvaccinated” workers​


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