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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
You probably already know that typical grocery store bread is one of the worst things you can eat if you want to stay lean, control blood sugar, and prevent other health problems related to excessive gluten or high blood sugar spikes... However, did you know that there is ONE type of bread that has been shown in studies to be digested easier and have less blood sugar impact? In fact, even the gluten appears to be more easily digested in this ONE type of bread...

Let's take a look at exactly which bread this is:

This one TYPE of bread is easier to digest & healthier than whole wheat, multi-grain, etc (this article has gone viral on the NutritionWatchdog blog, so don't miss reading it)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Why Women & Men Experience Pain Differently
If someone has pain, whether it’s a man or woman, the recommendations are usually “one size fits all.” Yet, a new study from the University of Arizona Health Sciences has found that women and men experience pain differently, potentially opening the door to customized gender-specific treatments.
To understand the gender differences in pain reactions in men and women, the researchers studied nerve cells from male and female animals, including rodents, monkeys, and humans, to see how they respond to substances that can make nociceptors, the nerve cells that signal pain, more sensitive.
What they found is that a hormone called prolactin made nerve cells more sensitive to pain in female animals but not in males. This was true for mice, monkeys, and even human nerve cells. They also discovered that a substance called orexin B made nerve cells more sensitive to pain in males but not in females.
The researchers say this discovery is significant because it's the first time we've seen such differences in human nerve cells. Currently, when doctors choose treatments for pain, they don't usually consider whether the patient is male or female. Yet, if treatments are tailored based on sex, they might produce better results.

5 Worst Pesticides in the US + 12 Foods to Buy Organic
Despite mounting evidence of their detrimental effects on human health and the environment, the US alone continues to use around 1.2 billion pounds of pesticides each year. Even more alarming, over a quarter of all agricultural pesticides used in the US are banned in the EU and other countries due to their toxicity concerns.
The presence of pesticides in the foods we eat every day may be one of the most widespread dangers of using them. Despite assurances from regulatory bodies like the FDA and EPA that pesticide residue on produce remains within “safe” limits, numerous studies have linked many of these chemicals to cancer, endocrine disruption, reproductive disorders, and developmental abnormalities.
The amount of pesticide residue on a single piece of produce may be small, but how often do you eat? For most of us, the answer is every day, which means we are continually accumulating small amounts of pesticides. It’s not hard to see that this has the potential to cause serious health problems down the road.
One of the most common and toxic pesticides still in use in the US is atrazine, which was banned in the EU in 2004. It’s one of the most common toxins in drinking water and some estimates have found it in almost 90% of drinking water in the US. Used as a weed killer, atrazine is an endocrine disrupter and can cause menstrual irregularities, low estrogen, and potentially fertility issues. Here are the 5 worst pesticides used on crops in the US, along with the top 12 foods to always buy organic.

Partner of the day: Myers Detox

30-Second Daily Detoxifier + Energy Booster
Did you know that there are nearly 80,000 chemicals being used commercially in the U.S. alone? Thousands of these chemicals are now linked to toxic health effects and, unfortunately, the average person is exposed to hundreds of these chemicals every day. Eventually, your body gets so overloaded with toxins that it can’t effectively flush them out anymore, leading to mysterious symptoms like brain fog, fatigue, and even weight gain.
The good news is that detoxification can be WAY easier than it sounds with the Daily Detox superfood blend from Myers Detox. This tasty formula is packed with 29 superfoods – including the anti-inflammatory superstar turmeric, the “super detoxifier” chlorella, and antioxidant-packed green tea extract – that help your body detox while also supporting liver health, immunity, and energy levels. You can easily use it to make a potent “detox cocktail” that’s ready in 30 seconds or less to eliminate toxins WITHOUT fasting, dieting, or any other harsh fads.
Find out more about the Daily Detox superfood blend right here.
IMPT Warning About Extreme Heat + Symptoms to Watch
When temperatures climb into the triple digits, it’s more than an uncomfortable annoyance. High heat can affect your heart, lead to dehydration, and cause heat stroke, cramps, and exhaustion. To keep yourself healthy, it’s important to stay indoors on high heat index days, avoid exercising outdoors, and stay well-hydrated. Plus, here are the must-know symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke and when it’s time to call 911. (More)​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Will You Develop Dementia? New Test May Predict Risk
Before dementia appears, there are changes in how different regions of the brain communicate with each other. This is particularly true in the default-mode network (DMN), which is the section of the brain associated with introspection and daydreaming. What scientists have found is that by using a brain connectivity model to measure these changes, they can accurately predict a future dementia diagnosis, allowing for early intervention. (More)

Floss vs. Floss Picks: Which is Better for Your Oral Health?
While floss picks are quick and convenient (plus, easy to keep in your purse or pocket), do they clean your teeth as effectively as floss? Dentists say that while floss picks can be helpful when you don’t have the opportunity to floss, they’re not a replacement. That’s because a dental pick doesn’t allow you to reach around your teeth as well as regular floss, so you’re more likely to leave food debris behind. Plus, here are four tips to maximize floss picks. (More)​
Compelling Health Fact
Did you know coughing is a vital reflex that helps to protect and clear our airways of mucus, irritants, and foreign particles? Coughs can be classified as productive (wet) or non-productive (dry or tickly). Productive coughs typically expel mucus from the respiratory tract, while non-productive coughs may be caused by irritation or inflammation.​
Coconut-Creamed Corn & Grains
A tasty blend of turmeric, chilis, and grains with the sweetness of fresh corn.

Protein Chia Seed Cereal
With four ingredients, this delicious cereal is ready to enjoy in just 15 minutes.

Crispy Roasted Chickpeas
Spice them up right out of the oven with paprika, chili, curry, or everything bagel seasoning.​

Partner of the day: Myers Detox

Is Your Body Overloaded with Toxins?
Toxin overload is a significant problem in today’s world, especially because the average person is exposed to hundreds of potentially toxic chemicals on a daily basis.
Your body does have its own natural detoxification system, but at a certain point, it just can’t keep up. This is especially true as you get older and toxin-removing organs, like your liver, aren’t at their prime anymore.
Fortunately, you can naturally support your liver, help your body eliminate toxins, AND boost your energy levels all at once with the Daily Detox superfood blend from Myers Detox. It contains 29 potent superfoods that promote detox, immunity, longevity, healthy metabolism, and more – all in one convenient blend that can be turned into a tasty “detox cocktail” in 30 seconds or less.
Find out more about this 5-in-1 superpowered detoxifier right here.​
Laughter is the Best Medicine
> Why did the computer catch a cold? It left a window open.
> What did the earthquake say after it was done? Sorry, my fault!
> Why do turkeys play percussion? They have drumsticks.
"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value."
- Albert Einstein.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Freedom 2024 - Protecting Our Freedom


The Declaration of Independence was signed 248 years ago.
essential vaccination information, vaccination considerations all ages, vaccine insights life stages, important vaccine facts, vaccination guide all ages
As many celebrated Independence Day this July 4th, it feels important that we honor those who fought and those who died so we could live in a country with more freedom than most by waking up to the threats to our freedom today.
What threatens our freedom today?
What freedoms do you value, and are you willing to fight for, maybe lose a career for, or even die for?
essential vaccination information, vaccination considerations all ages, vaccine insights life stages, important vaccine facts, vaccination guide all ages
The COVID years were a wake-up call. Censored, masked, prevented from working, going to school, worshiping, and moving freely about, from congregating, and for those unfortunate who were hospitalized; many lost their lives at the hands of an incentivized system that paid bonuses for those with COVID diagnoses, more if you were put on the deadly drug Remdesivir, even more, if you were intubated and then more still if you died.
Vaccine Mandates are the most obvious and dangerous assaults on our personal freedom, that of bodily integrity.
You need accurate information to properly stand up to the authorities, your family, your doctor, your public health officials, your government, and the WHO. Most mainstream media and social media companies are so heavily censored that you cannot get accurate information from them. In fact, you can almost count on their “facts” to be the exact opposite of the truth when it comes to vaccines, COVID, and pandemics past and future.
Where do we go for the uncensored facts? Find doctors like Peter McCullough, Meryl Nass, Pierre Kory, Paul Marik, and many others on SubStack. Tune in to Highwire and Children’s Health Defense (CHD) and read the Defender, the online magazine for CHD.
My gratitude goes out to all who have supported my show “With the Wind” (co-hosted with DeeDee “Just a Mom”) at and my new show on CHDTV, “Pediatric Perspectives.”


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Happy Fourth of July to all of you!

essential vaccination information, vaccination considerations all ages, vaccine insights life stages, important vaccine facts, vaccination guide all ages
As you will notice in our new book, Vax Facts, I make notes at the end of every chapter from a mom’s perspective. I want to do the same in everything we share.

I know it can seem overwhelming at times with simply being a parent and keeping your kids alive and healthy. Searching out the information that is being censored is critical.

Always remember that you have a voice. You can question everything. Don't settle for answers that don't give you all the information.

248 years ago, we were given the right to be free. It seems that right is being taken away. That means we should stand up taller, speak up louder, and, most of all, share with everyone we know that we stand for freedom.

Just a mom - DeeDee Hoover

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
these days kids get microplastics from breast feeding! lol

Hello sunshine.

Yes, breast milk is as polluted as our food chain, but the key in this lawsuit is "deliberate deception" by the companies in their marketing, about the dangers of the products, since parents often microwave plastic bottles of formula to feed with.

If we can clean up the food and supply chains, our bodies will get better, in some regards immediately, and over time from other pollutants.

I think parents should use glass baby bottles, but having been too cowardly to even consider having babies, I try not to ever preach to parents about how to raise their offspring.


Cranky Old Fart
VU Donator
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ECF Refugee
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VU Patreon

Thousands Are Suffering From Tinnitus Following COVID Vaccination​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Thousands Are Suffering From Tinnitus Following COVID Vaccination​

A friend of mine got the poison jab and he got Tinnitus right after the second jab and was actually considering committing suicide it was so bad, took him forever to detox from it and still ain't right :mad:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Did you miss our recent webinar on the raw food difference? Would like to see it presented live?

We invite you to join us for our free webinar Raw Food: Does It Really Make a Difference? It's scheduled for:

Thursday, July 11th at 6 PM Pacific Time (9 PM Eastern Time)
(Friday, July 12th 8 AM Bangkok, 10 AM Tokyo, 11 AM Sydney, 1 PM New Zealand)

Most of us have heard the various never-ending debates within nutrition circles about what the best diet is for human health. Carnivore, keto, paleo, plant-based, vegan, fruitarian, etc. How much fat, protein, starches, fruits, vegetables, raw food, cooked food, etc. should be consumed. It's all very confusing!

If you would like to consider a rational, informative, scientifically-backed perspective on conventional diets vs. whole food plant-based diets, and raw food diets vs. starch-based diets, we have a fantastic resource for you.

This will be the second webinar in our Summer Webinar Series 2024! All of the webinars contain well-thought-out slides so you can follow along with the subjects we are covering for added clarity.

Click here to register for this free webinar

In this webinar, you'll learn:
  • The benefits of plant-based eating compared to conventional eating
  • The numerous additional benefits of raw fruits and vegetables
  • The effects of selected "cooked food toxins" on the body
  • How to minimize carcinogenic substances from your diet
  • How to have the most energy
  • The safest cooking methods and why
  • A scientifically-backed perspective on the spectrum of dietary health
  • A rational, encouraging approach that doesn't make anyone wrong
  • And more!

We will also share details about our upcoming online class offerings and we'll be there live at the end of the webinar to answer questions. We invite you to join us for this free webinar:

Healthfully yours,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi, you rarely ever hear about this.

There are specific types of common clothing that use fabrics linked to cancer, hormone disruption, liver damage, impaired immunity, digestive problems, respiratory issues, and more – in many cases, strongly linked.

Because you wear clothing against your body all day and you sleep in fabrics all night – and, yes, your skin can literally eat the offending chemicals in these fabrics and you breathe them in…

You definitely deserve and need to be aware of this toxic clothing to make your own informed choices.

That’s why – as soon as possible – I urge you to read my clear-as-a-bell new report for you on this, TOXIC CLOTHING: Top Fabrics Linked to Cancer, Brain Decline, Hormone Disruption, Liver Damage & More...

--> Click here to get your completely FREE copy right now <--

You're getting this important new research-based guide in support of my new event that I can assure you will be the most health- and life-changing you ever attend, The Live Long & THRIVE Summit.

(By the way, don't miss how 19 HEARTLESS words a doctor said years ago have everything to do with how long and how well you live on the page right after the free and easy sign up… I am certain you will find this brief story powerful and, in the end, inspiring!)

And in terms of providing you CLARITY on this little-known yet essential area of health (including all the safer clothing choices), I am certain you'll appreciate being "in-the-know" with this new report…

Click here now to get your free copy of this true MUST-READ guide


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
You've probably been told that type 2 diabetes or prediabetes is a lifelong condition you must "manage and live with."

But deep down…

You know there's a better way to stop:

  • Fatigue that drains your happiness level
  • Thirst that never seems to go away
  • Frequent bathroom visits that interrupt your life
  • The constant worry about unexplained blood sugar spikes

You're right to hope for more.

Because there IS a way out.

It sounds almost too good to be true, but our clients' transformations speak for themselves:

"Eight months ago, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. My A1C at the time was 10 and l will never forget how scared I felt. Life was heavy. Thanks to finding Mastering Diabetes and their guidance and support I was able to achieve an A1C of 5.8 after just 2 months on the program. Now, eight months later, I have an A1C of 5.3, I have lost 45 pounds, 5 inches of my waist and I have the lowest cholesterol I have ever had…"
– Juan R. - Reversing Type 2 Diabetes. A1c: 5.3%

Now, before you ask me how Juan and thousands of other clients reversed type 2 diabetes, here’s the reason:

We've developed a method that does exactly that.

And tomorrow, Tuesday, July 9th at 7:00 pm EST, we're hosting a health-changing, free masterclass:

>>> How to Conquer Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes Naturally.
In just 60 minutes, you'll discover:

  • Our scientifically-proven system that has helped thousands reclaim their health and vitality
  • How to reduce or eliminate medications and break free from insulin dependence
  • The secret to effortless weight loss that supercharges your energy
  • Permanent solutions to diabetic neuropathy, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol
  • The critical food mistake most diabetics make (and how to avoid it)

With only 250 spots available, this exclusive masterclass will fill up fast.

>>> Click Here to Secure Your Spot Now!

Seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

So sign up now and reserve your spot before they're all taken.

>>> Save Your Spot

See you there,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Twins Who Conquered Autism: A New Frontier in Natural Treatment
When a set of twin girls diagnosed with severe autism spectrum disorder (ASD) began to show remarkable improvements through a series of lifestyle and environmental modifications, the medical community took notice. Could this case study, combined with emerging research on natural interventions, herald a new era in autism treatment?
10 Healthy Reasons to Enjoy Real Butter
Butter has gotten a bad rap for many years, starting in the last century with the rise of margarine, which we now recognize as a deadly trans fat. More recently, butter has been shunned in favor of olive oil and canola oil. But here's why we should reserve a place at the table for good old-fashioned butter.
Breaking: Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Biden Administration in Censorship Case
The U.S. Supreme Court today ruled the plaintiffs in the Murthy v. Missouri censorship case didn't have standing to sue the Biden administration for pressuring social media companies to censor certain content -- but Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said the similar case he and Children's Health Defense filed against the administration will move forward.
Creators Corner with Timothy Stuetz
In this episode of Creators Corner, we featured Timothy, The Magical Kids’ Books Creator, who authored a staggering 177 fairy tales, surpassing even the legendary Hans Christian Andersen.

For over 43 years, Timothy wove together the magic of fairy tales with the transformative practices of meditation, Reiki, Qigong, and yoga. Through his work, he empowered tens of thousands to tap into their infinite soul powers, conquer life's challenges, and achieve their full potential.

Watch this segment to discover how Timothy inspired and empowered through his magical creations and holistic teachings.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Wednesday, 7/10, our 151st episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Click to watch the show at 11:30 am Wed!​
In his From the Heart segment, Dr. Paul shares a heartfelt message about integrity, inspired by Dr. Christine's courageous journey of questioning long-held beliefs in pediatrics, featured on this week’s show. He commends those who, when faced with new information, choose to do the right – and brave – thing with love and kindness, standing up for a better world for our children and ourselves.​

"The most important thing going forward is to know what you believe and to be willing to stand up for what you believe. Because what happened the last four years is not an isolated event. COVID was a dress rehearsal. And you need to know your values and your beliefs and what you want for your children. And you need to start building a group of people that you trust to learn from, to get help from. And you need to do that now. So that when it is needed, you have it"
— Dr. Christine White​

In this week’s show, Dr. Paul and DeeDee Hoover interview pediatrician Dr. Christine White. Recently, Dr. Christine transitioned from a big group practice to founding Freedom Pediatrics. She talks about her awakening to the truth of what truly keeps kids healthy. This episode examines the realities of medicine today and what a healthy lifestyle really looks like for children. Don't miss out on valuable advice for both parents and doctors!
In closing, DeeDee emphasizes the importance of compassion, describing it as a deep connection within us that allows us to understand and support others. She highlights that true compassion comes from being fully present and having faith over fear, as demonstrated by Dr. Christine in her approach to pediatric care. This practice of compassion can enable us to rise above the chaos of our circumstances and truly connect with one another.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are Your Prescriptions Harming You?

I have something truly eye-opening for you: an interview with one of the world’s most prominent drug industry insiders that could rescue your health from much danger…

This information is especially crucial if you currently take or might ever take any form of prescription drugs.

But that’s just the beginning.

Not only will you learn to curb the danger many meds possess, but you will also be equipped to buy back, in many folds, the years you’ve potentially lost to some of these substances.

Following the interview with the pristine drug industry insider will be discussions with legendary MDs, revealing the most effective, little-known steps for healthy aging and longevity. These insights will undoubtedly change your life.

Now, I know words like "life-saving" and "life-changing" are commonly used nowadays online... However, you’ll quickly see that this unique online event delivers on that promise.

Aside from being a colleague and friend, I’ve attended many of Brian’s events and can attest to the expertise of his speakers.

But you don’t have to take my word for it. Scroll down the page and see "The Legends You’ll Learn From, A Taste of What You’ll Discover."

There, you will find the bios of the speakers, getting a glimpse of the stuff they’re made of.

When I say "Don’t miss this," I mean it. You truly can’t afford to miss this:

Head here to attend at no cost

Yours in Health​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
A Holistic Approach to Mental Health: The Root Causes of Mental Health Concerns
In our continuous journey to embrace comprehensive health strategies, we want to share some transformative insights from Jazmine Russell's approach to mental health, which emphasizes the profound connection between our body, mind, and environment...

Jazmine Russell highlights that our mental health is not solely a matter of brain chemistry but involves our entire body system including the nervous, immune, and endocrine systems. This perspective encourages us to look beyond conventional treatment and consider how our body as a whole contributes to our mental well-being.

Moreover, the Depth Work Podcast, hosted by Russell, dives into how societal norms and historical traumas shape our mental health landscape. The podcast explores topics like ancestral impacts on our health, the societal pressures that influence our mental states, and the importance of understanding our personal and collective histories in addressing mental health concerns.

Jazmine's holistic approach is not just about addressing symptoms but understanding the root causes that include our physiological, relational, and transpersonal experiences. This method integrates the wisdom of traditional practices with modern insights, offering a rich tapestry of resources for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of mental health.

We invite you to explore these insights further and consider how a holistic approach can enhance your wellness journey...​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

About 1.9 million new cancer cases are diagnosed every year in the United States alone.

It's a staggering number, and it affects so many of us, either personally or through loved ones.

The journey through cancer can be overwhelming, filled with uncertainty and fear.

But we can approach this battle differently…

… and we want to help you discover how with a special resource called “A Better Way To Treat Cancer” by Michael Karlfeldt, ND, PhD.

Get your copy of the e-book here.

This free guide is packed with evidence-based strategies and insights that could make a significant difference in your understanding and approach to cancer treatment.

Here are just some of the things you'll find inside:

➡️ Gain insights into what might be fueling your fight against cancer.
➡️ Explore options beyond traditional methods, including complementary approaches.
➡️ Learn the importance of mindset, nutrition, and self-care in boosting your well-being.
The American Cancer Society reports that nearly 50% of cancer deaths could be prevented through healthy lifestyle choices and regular screening.

>> Here are some other ways you can reduce your cancer risk.

Yours in health,

The Conquering Cancer team​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
There's a class of plants that I love the most for today's problems. We're all too stressed out...wired and tired. We're beat up and having to keep marching.

So do I take a stimulant or a suppressant? Come up or down?

Adaptogens let nature decide.

They are a powerful in their dual-directional function which means they some how magically support your body in what it needs when it's taking them. These botanicals are excellent in their ability to fix the body's energy systems while somehow giving you energy when tired and helping to relax when wired.

Here are some other benefits to adaptogens:

1. Stress reduction: Adaptogens help regulate the body's stress response, reducing both physical and mental stress.

2. Improved energy and stamina: Many adaptogens are thought to combat fatigue and increase energy levels without the crash associated with caffeine.

3. Enhanced mental clarity and focus: Some adaptogens improve cognitive function, including memory, concentration, and mental clarity.

4. Immune system support: Certain adaptogens boost the immune system, helping the body fight off infections and diseases.

5. Hormone balance: Adaptogens may help regulate hormone production and balance, which can affect mood, metabolism, and overall health.

6. Improved sleep quality: Some adaptogens can help regulate sleep patterns and improve sleep quality.

7. Antioxidant properties: Many adaptogens contain antioxidants that can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

8. Enhanced physical performance: Savvy athletes and fitness enthusiasts use adaptogens to improve endurance and recovery.

9. Mood regulation: Certain adaptogens can help stabilize mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

10. Cardiovascular health: Some adaptogens may support heart health by reducing inflammation and improving circulation.

11. Neuroprotective effects: Certain adaptogens help protect brain cells and potentially reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

12. Blood sugar regulation: Certain adaptogens help balance blood sugar levels, which can be beneficial for people with diabetes or those at risk of developing it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What Does Your Breath Have to Do with Your Energy?

If you look into any ancient school of medicine, you'll find that they all put a specific focus on your breath as a key to wellness - from Ayurveda to Traditional Chinese Medicine to the healing protocols of Ancient Egypt.

They understood something that many have forgotten -- learning how to master your breathing can unlock new realms of health and vitality that you never knew were possible.

Your breath can be used to access wells of energy that are often out of reach for most people. On the other hand, when your breathing is less than optimal, you can suffer from fatigue, brain fog, and low vitality.

If you're ready to access abundant energy through simple breathing exercises, then you won’t want to miss my friend Ari Whitten’s upcoming free webinar, Breathing for Energy. You’ll learn practical exercises that you can put to use today, and debunk some common myths about your breath.

Click here for more information and to sign up for Ari's free breathwork webinar

Stay curious,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It’s Monday after an amazing holiday weekend in the U.S.

But we’re jumping right into it because there’s too much unacceptable stuff going on in our sick care system nowadays.

We’re talkin’…

One in eight U.S. adults now take an antidepressant…

Yet, suicide rates are up almost 30% since 2003...

A third of U.S. adults have symptoms of either depression or anxiety...

And, only 31% consider their mental health “excellent” (which is a huge 43% decrease over the last 20 years!).

So as more people turn to therapy and medication, the rates of depression, anxiety, and overall mental decline are actually going up...

You know, the problems these treatments are supposed to help.

You can see why this is “unacceptable” to put it mildly.

So, what can you do since the system is designed this way?

Just like you and I talk about on a regular basis, first and foremost, healthy living practices are key:

Movement and exercise to stimulate "feel good" chemicals in your brain and throughout your body.

Quality sleep to remove toxins from your brain.

Faith and mindset practices for daily mental detox AND inspiration.

Of course, clean nutrition to supply the raw materials to build a healthy brain and body.

Strong spinal health and posture to improve blood flow to the brain (bet you didn't know that one 😉)

Yes, there are most certainly things you can do.

There is hope beyond the pill and past the procedure that "they" are not telling you about.

If you feel like you need a little extra oomph, my great friend and colleague Dr. Elena Villanueva is hosting a super special event to help us out.

It's a 5-day virtual event to break the silence around the root causes of brain and mental health conditions.

You're absolutely invited to check it out and join.

Learn more & sign up HERE for the Brain & Mental Health Masterclass Series

While you’re there, DOWNLOAD her "Let's Eat" cookbook to make healthy eating simpler (both are no charge).

Have a healthy Monday, my friend.

And as always, Be Your Own Guarantee for your health and life.

Dr. Ryan

P.S. If wanting to improve brain and mental health hits home for you, my best recommendation is to learn more and sign up HERE.

That way, you get the masterclass series AND simple brain-friendly breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snack, and beverage recipes like:
  • Chocolate pancakes
  • Fruity Cheesecake Overnight Oats
  • Slow Cooker Salsa Chicken Rice Bowls
  • Creamy Avocado Chicken Salad
  • Grilled Greek Chicken & Hummus Wrap
  • No-Bake Crunchy Snack Bites
  • Indian Chai Coffee

Double bonus 😀


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jim, breathwork is an easy and very powerful ancient practice well-verified by science. And in our outstanding new guide for you, you’ll discover the exact steps to do the 15 easy and most effective breathwork exercises...

...Each targeted to different types of benefits, such as those best for your energy, stopping anxiety, your sleep, your blood pressure, pain relief, your gut health, and more!

Get your FREE copy of The Easy Step-by-Step Guide to the Top 15 Breathwork Exercises right here:

I'm giving you this very helpful new guide in support of our new event that I can assure you will be the most health- and life-changing you ever attend, The Live Long & THRIVE Summit.

And in terms of providing you guidance that will benefit you right away and over the long-term, I am certain you will LOVE this new Breathwork guide!

Click here now to get your completely free copy

There’s been a LOT of research in this area recently and you’ll discover the breathwork techniques that are best to:

--> Improve your gut health
--> Help stop anxiety
--> Help you fall and stay asleep
--> Boost your ability to focus
--> Help reduce your blood pressure
--> Quickly elevate your energy and mood
--> Boost your lung health / help with COPD
--> Relieve chronic pain and headaches
--> And more!

Head here now for The Easy Step-by-Step Guide to the Top 15 Breathwork Exercises


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
At this masterclass, you'll learn:
  • The one thing bone density scans miss that doctors don’t seem to be concerned about
  • 5 action steps to boost bone health without leaving home
  • Why natural AND conventional approaches often FAIL even the most committed strong bone seekers
  • The #1 MISTAKE many people make with osteopenia and osteoporosis (it can cause lengthy setbacks)
  • The unexpected connection between water and low bone density
  • The essential "tools" used by Osteoporosis "Thrivers"
  • The surprising reason why many people don’t have a shot at better bone density (and how to avoid being one of them)
  • The 4 "internal disruptors" that prevent salads, smoothies and supplements from making ANY impact on bone health
  • Why a faulty "bone plan" now can lead to debilitating fractures and even loss of independence later in life
Don’t miss this great opportunity to build stronger bones and avoid the frailty that often comes with aging.

Wishing you abundant health,

Jason Prall

P.S. Wait until you see what’s in store inside the Stronger Bones Masterclass™. Register now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
check out these recent episodes from Rosie Radio:



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Offline Club: Netherlands Pioneers New Approach to Screen Time
In an era where our lives are increasingly tethered to screens, a countermovement is brewing in the Netherlands. The Offline Club, a chain of digital detox cafes, is offering patrons a radical proposition: leave your phone at the door and rediscover the joys of analog entertainment.
3 Popular Sweeteners That Can Kill Your Health
That diet soda you're sipping to cut calories? It might be doing more harm than good. Recent research suggests some of the most popular artificial sweeteners could be wreaking havoc on your health - from disrupting your gut bacteria to potentially increasing cancer risk.
Can Ginger Beat Out The Multi-Billion Dollar Acid Blockers?
Did you know that the multi-billion drug category known as "acid blockers," despite being used by millions around the world daily, may not work as well as the humble ginger plant in relieving symptoms of indigestion and heartburn?
Conscious Conversation Overcoming the Great Reset w Love and Creation - Sayer Ji and John Bush
The Great Reset. Tyranny. Technocracy. Experimental jabs. Immunity passports. Division. Discontent. Economic crisis. Inflation Fear. What is going on!?! Join Sayer Ji and John Bush for a conscious conversation on how we can come together and rise above the fear and division by loving one another and creating rather than criticizing.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Enroll in Cardiac Rehab to Live Longer

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

The best thing you can do for yourself after an angioplasty is to enroll in cardiac rehabilitation, a structured program designed to help patients beat heart disease.

Special: Give Dr. Crandall 90 Days, and He'll Show You How to Undo Decades of Damage to Your Heart!

As recently as July 2023, researchers from Michigan Medicine found people who participate in cardiac rehab have a lower risk of death years after ending the program, and the benefit increased the longer the patient participated in activities such as:

  • Aggressive coronary risk-factor management
  • Exercise training
  • Tobacco cessation
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Weight management
  • Stress management
  • Psychosocial counseling to deal with depression, social isolation, and other issues that increase heart disease risk
In addition to people who have had angioplasty or cardiac bypass surgery, people with these conditions are usually eligible for cardiac rehab:

  • A heart attack in the last 12 months
  • Current stable angina pectoris
  • A heart valve repair or replacement
  • A coronary angioplasty or coronary stent
  • Stable chronic heart failure
  • A heart or heart-lung transplant


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are you feeling stuck on your healing journey?
Are you looking for improved strategies to help you get the results you are striving for?
If so, then Register for my FREE Breast Cancer Revolution Masterclass.
There will be a Q&A after my presentation for questions that you may about the information.
Date: Wednesday July 17th at 4:00 PM EST (New York)
This session will be recorded but only available to you if you have registered.
Click HERE to register so that you may receive an email with access to this free masterclasss.
I look forward to connecting with you.
Dr. V


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Why do some people live vibrant lives into their 90s and beyond — while others look and feel old by the time they hit 45?
What makes the difference?
My dad and colleague, 2 million-copy bestselling author John Robbins, has been fascinated by these questions for decades. He even wrote the book, Healthy at 100.
Now, he’s sharing the 5 biggest tips for adding up to 15 healthy years to your life in a riveting masterclass.
Right now, you can watch it for free. And it only takes 15 minutes!
>> Watch What You Can Learn From the World’s Healthiest Elders now.
Yours for living longer and living better,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Did you know that there are places in the world where people live 10 or more years longer than the rest of us (one of them is even in the United States!)? What’s their secret? And how can you put it to work in your life? Get the whole story in my dad’s potent 15-minute mini-masterclass right here.
P.P.S. After you watch What You Can Learn From the World’s Healthiest Elders, my dad and I will invite you to join his powerful course, Unlocking Longevity, where he’ll walk you through putting it all into action. Join in and get it all right here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Free 10-Day Yoga Challenge
Grounding Into Grace with Schuyler Grant
Learn to move with fluidity and profound stability. Sign up for free to enjoy ten 30-minute classes. All levels welcome!​

How much time do you spend in your head versus your body?
How aware are you — as you sit, stand, walk, and go to sleep?

Most of us spend most of the day in our heads (and on our phones).

The result: Bad posture, damaging movement patterns, and a disconnection from the visceral feeling of being alive. We end up scattered and “outside” of ourselves — ungrounded and detached.

Grounding Into Grace with Schuyler Grant will bring you home to your body. These all-levels classes are designed to help you develop a functional connection to the earth even as you move — so you can learn and experience what it is to live more fully present.

Each 30-minute class begins with mobility exercises followed by a guided flow sequence and finishing with a brief breath practice to soothe and restore.

By the end of the series, we hope you feel a deeper connection with your physical self and how you move through space. On the mat and off.

Energized, stabilized, and on solid ground.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are you frustrated with not feeling heard by your primary care doc?
You’re not the only one who feels like your perimenopause or menopause concerns are getting dismissed.
So many of the women I talk to feel like the level of support they’re getting from their doctors could be a lot better.
And I’m not surprised.
Because most doctors are trained to treat symptoms.
So you if you come in with anxiety and headaches, you might walk out with two prescriptions:
One pill for anxiety and another for pain.
But guess what?
You’ve still got all the same underlying hormonal, physical, and emotional issues that created the anxiety and headaches in the first place.
And who knows what symptoms might pop up next.
Girl, the challenges of midlife are no joke.
They require holistic solutions.
Which is why I asked one of the nation’s top WHNPs (Women’s Health Nurse Practitioners), Jackie Piasta, to share her comprehensive midlife protocol with you on this week's podcast.
Jackie is also certified by The Menopause Society and has been working to advance women’s health for more than 15 years.
Her protocol addresses all the struggles of midlife in one place.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
  1. Effects of childbearing later in life and during perimenopause
  2. Major misconceptions about perimenopause and menopause
  3. What’s the metabolic trifecta in perimenopause and menopause?
  4. Key complementary medicine tips on how to THRIVE in midlife
  5. The benefits and side effects of hormone replacement therapy
  6. And more!
Catch the full episode HERE >>
(or tap the image below!)
Here are a few more resources to help you power through the week!

One of the Biggest Deficiencies Among Women in Midlife​

Nutrient deficiencies can be a major roadblock to achieving hormone balance and whole-body health. I often recommend starting with this nutrient because it can quickly deliver so many potential benefits.
Learn more HERE >>

Gift: Top 14 Hormone-Balancing Recipes Guide​

Whether you’re struggling with hormonal symptoms or just want to upgrade your diet with simple changes, these recipes will help you move the needle toward your goals!
Download the recipe guide at no cost HERE >>
That's all for this week…


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
New Study Suggests Up to 40% Fewer People May Need Statins
It’s estimated that about 26% of US adults aged 40 are taking statins to manage their cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Now a new study suggests that up to 40% fewer people may need statin drugs, potentially changing the way heart patients are treated.
In 2023, the American Heart Association introduced the Predicting Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Events (PREVENT) equations to better estimate the 10-year risk of developing atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), improving on the 2013 model by using newer data. Plus, PREVENT removed racial factors and included additional variables such as kidney function and statin use to enhance accuracy.
To evaluate the impact of these new equations, researchers conducted a cross-sectional study using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) from 2017 to early 2020. They compared the participants’ cardiovascular disease risk based on both the PCEs and PREVENT equations to see how they influenced recommendations for statin therapy.
On average, the 10-year ASCVD risk was lower when calculated using the PREVENT equations compared to the PCEs. This trend was consistent across various demographic groups, including age, sex, and race. Most importantly, they noted that the PREVENT equations resulted in a significant reduction in the number of adults eligible for primary prevention statin therapy compared to the PCEs, reducing that number by up to 40%.

More Physical Activity (Less TV) May Promote Healthier Aging
Although the benefits of sleep and activity are well-established, the impact of light physical activity and sleep on healthy aging has not been extensively studied until recently. Now, a recent study has found that swapping physical activity for sedentary behaviors like TV watching can make a measurable impact on how well people age.
To study this, researchers looked at data from the Nurses’ Health Study. They focused on participants aged 50 or older without major chronic diseases in 1992. Their goal was to investigate how sedentary behaviors like TV watching and prolonged sitting and light physical activity such as standing or walking independently influence healthy aging.
Among the 45,176 participants, only 8.6% achieved healthy aging, defined as reaching at least age 70 while maintaining freedom from chronic diseases and preserving physical, mental, and cognitive health.
They found that each additional two hours of daily TV watching decreased the odds of healthy aging by 12%, yet the same amount of light physical activity boosted the likelihood of healthy aging by 6%. Plus, for those who routinely slept seven or fewer hours per night, the researchers noted that substituting just one hour of television time with more sleep or moderate-to-vigorous activity improved the odds of healthy aging.​

Partner of the day: Myers Detox

30-Second Daily Detoxifier + Energy Booster
Did you know that there are nearly 80,000 chemicals being used commercially in the U.S. alone? Thousands of these chemicals are now linked to toxic health effects and, unfortunately, the average person is exposed to hundreds of these chemicals every day. Eventually, your body gets so overloaded with toxins that it can’t effectively flush them out anymore, leading to mysterious symptoms like brain fog, fatigue, and even weight gain.
The good news is that detoxification can be WAY easier than it sounds with the Daily Detox superfood blend from Myers Detox. This tasty formula is packed with 29 superfoods – including the anti-inflammatory superstar turmeric, the “super detoxifier” chlorella, and antioxidant-packed green tea extract – that help your body detox while also supporting liver health, immunity, and energy levels. You can easily use it to make a potent “detox cocktail” that’s ready in 30 seconds or less to eliminate toxins WITHOUT fasting, dieting, or any other harsh fads.
Find out more about the Daily Detox superfood blend right here.
High-Sugar Drinks May Alter Oral Bacteria & Lead to Disease
Researchers have long known that drinking sugary drinks can increase the risk of getting cavities by changing the mix of germs in dental plaque. Now, a new study has found that drinking high-sugar beverages may change the bacteria in our saliva, resulting in more harmful and fewer beneficial bacteria. The researchers say this may raise the risk of not only cavities but diabetes and oral cancer. (More)

Stay Healthy at 40+: A Must-Have Checklist for Women
As Benjamen Franklin famously said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” That’s especially true when it comes to maintaining good health. Getting the tests and screenings you need allows you to catch issues in their earliest, most treatable stages. Here’s a must-have health checklist for every woman over 40. You’ll want to print this out and bring it to your next doctor’s appointment. (More)​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
8 Foods That Keep Your Colon Healthy + 3 to Avoid
Your colon, also known as the large intestine, is one of the largest organs in your body—measuring over five feet in length. Its job is to absorb water and salts from undigested food and aid in the formation of solid waste before elimination. Plus, your colon contains millions of microorganisms crucial for digestion, immune function, and overall health. To keep your colon healthy, you want to consume plenty of fiber, vitamin D, omega-3s, probiotics, and other essential nutrients. Here are the top foods recommended by experts for colon health, along with three you’ll want to avoid. (More)​
Compelling Health Fact
Did you know the majority of the muscles that control finger movement are located in our forearms, not our hands? These muscles have long tendons that extend into the hands and fingers. They essentially act like ropes on a pulley system, transmitting the force to your fingers which allows you to move your fingers and thumb.​
“Just-Keeps-Getter Better” Lentil Salad
This delicious prep-ahead salad is filled with lentils, kale, crunchy nuts, feta, and more.

Crispy Tofu & Eggplant Lettuce Wraps
Perfect as an appetizer or a meal, these tasty wraps are a delicious cool summer dish.

Rainbow Kale with Carrot Ginger Dressing
A tasty combination of roasted chickpeas, colorful veggies, and avocado.​

Partner of the day: Myers Detox

Is Your Body Overloaded with Toxins?
Toxin overload is a significant problem in today’s world, especially because the average person is exposed to hundreds of potentially toxic chemicals on a daily basis.
Your body does have its own natural detoxification system, but at a certain point, it just can’t keep up. This is especially true as you get older and toxin-removing organs, like your liver, aren’t at their prime anymore.
Fortunately, you can naturally support your liver, help your body eliminate toxins, AND boost your energy levels all at once with the Daily Detox superfood blend from Myers Detox. It contains 29 potent superfoods that promote detox, immunity, longevity, healthy metabolism, and more – all in one convenient blend that can be turned into a tasty “detox cocktail” in 30 seconds or less.
Find out more about this 5-in-1 superpowered detoxifier right here.​
Laughter is the Best Medicine
> What do you call a broken clock? A waste of time.
> What do you call a deer with no eyes? No eye deer.
> What does the sprinter wear before a race? Nothing, they fast!
“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible!'”
— Audrey Hepburn​


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Reddit Exile
New Study Suggests Up to 40% Fewer People May Need Statins
It’s estimated that about 26% of US adults aged 40 are taking statins to manage their cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Now a new study suggests that up to 40% fewer people may need statin drugs, potentially changing the way heart patients are treated.
In 2023, the American Heart Association introduced the Predicting Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Events (PREVENT) equations to better estimate the 10-year risk of developing atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), improving on the 2013 model by using newer data. Plus, PREVENT removed racial factors and included additional variables such as kidney function and statin use to enhance accuracy.
To evaluate the impact of these new equations, researchers conducted a cross-sectional study using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) from 2017 to early 2020. They compared the participants’ cardiovascular disease risk based on both the PCEs and PREVENT equations to see how they influenced recommendations for statin therapy.
On average, the 10-year ASCVD risk was lower when calculated using the PREVENT equations compared to the PCEs. This trend was consistent across various demographic groups, including age, sex, and race. Most importantly, they noted that the PREVENT equations resulted in a significant reduction in the number of adults eligible for primary prevention statin therapy compared to the PCEs, reducing that number by up to 40%.

More Physical Activity (Less TV) May Promote Healthier Aging
Although the benefits of sleep and activity are well-established, the impact of light physical activity and sleep on healthy aging has not been extensively studied until recently. Now, a recent study has found that swapping physical activity for sedentary behaviors like TV watching can make a measurable impact on how well people age.
To study this, researchers looked at data from the Nurses’ Health Study. They focused on participants aged 50 or older without major chronic diseases in 1992. Their goal was to investigate how sedentary behaviors like TV watching and prolonged sitting and light physical activity such as standing or walking independently influence healthy aging.
Among the 45,176 participants, only 8.6% achieved healthy aging, defined as reaching at least age 70 while maintaining freedom from chronic diseases and preserving physical, mental, and cognitive health.
They found that each additional two hours of daily TV watching decreased the odds of healthy aging by 12%, yet the same amount of light physical activity boosted the likelihood of healthy aging by 6%. Plus, for those who routinely slept seven or fewer hours per night, the researchers noted that substituting just one hour of television time with more sleep or moderate-to-vigorous activity improved the odds of healthy aging.​

Partner of the day: Myers Detox

30-Second Daily Detoxifier + Energy Booster
Did you know that there are nearly 80,000 chemicals being used commercially in the U.S. alone? Thousands of these chemicals are now linked to toxic health effects and, unfortunately, the average person is exposed to hundreds of these chemicals every day. Eventually, your body gets so overloaded with toxins that it can’t effectively flush them out anymore, leading to mysterious symptoms like brain fog, fatigue, and even weight gain.
The good news is that detoxification can be WAY easier than it sounds with the Daily Detox superfood blend from Myers Detox. This tasty formula is packed with 29 superfoods – including the anti-inflammatory superstar turmeric, the “super detoxifier” chlorella, and antioxidant-packed green tea extract – that help your body detox while also supporting liver health, immunity, and energy levels. You can easily use it to make a potent “detox cocktail” that’s ready in 30 seconds or less to eliminate toxins WITHOUT fasting, dieting, or any other harsh fads.
Find out more about the Daily Detox superfood blend right here.
High-Sugar Drinks May Alter Oral Bacteria & Lead to Disease
Researchers have long known that drinking sugary drinks can increase the risk of getting cavities by changing the mix of germs in dental plaque. Now, a new study has found that drinking high-sugar beverages may change the bacteria in our saliva, resulting in more harmful and fewer beneficial bacteria. The researchers say this may raise the risk of not only cavities but diabetes and oral cancer. (More)

Stay Healthy at 40+: A Must-Have Checklist for Women
As Benjamen Franklin famously said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” That’s especially true when it comes to maintaining good health. Getting the tests and screenings you need allows you to catch issues in their earliest, most treatable stages. Here’s a must-have health checklist for every woman over 40. You’ll want to print this out and bring it to your next doctor’s appointment. (More)​
hope your doc visit went ok buddy


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Dear Jimi,​

This week's newsletter highlights a fantastic new documentary, whether there is any association between the size of animals and their brain size, a new Alzheimer's drug approval, tools and techniques to reverse brain aging, and more...

-->> Little Empty Boxes: A Film of Love, Loss, and the Quest for Understanding Dementia - Empowering Neurologist Podcast (July 2024)​

Dr. David Perlmutter connects with Max Lugavere, the creative force behind the deeply moving documentary Little Empty Boxes.

-->> Larger Animals Do Not Have Proportionally Bigger Brains, Challenging Long-Held Beliefs About Brain Evolution - Technology Networks (July 2024)​

A study of 1,500 species reveals that the largest animals do not have proportionally bigger brains...

-->> No, Memory Loss Is Not Normal — How To Protect Your Brain, From An Integrative Neurologist - MBG (July 2023)​

Is any amount of memory loss a normal part of aging?

-->> FDA approves new Alzheimer's treatment, donanemab from Eli Lilly - CBS News (July 2024)​

CBS News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook described the new drug as "an incremental advance" that may slow the decline of cognitive function for people in the early stages of the disease...

-->> Reverse Brain Aging: Tools and Techniques You Need to Know with Dr. Leroy Hood - The Doctor's Pharmacy (July 2024)​

This episode examines the crucial role of regular exercise and diet in maintaining brain health, and how early detection methods like metabolic PET scans can identify changes in brain metabolism years before symptoms of disease appear...



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