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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
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Ozempic and Mounjaro: The Dangerous Delusion of Injecting Away Our Weight Crisis
In a world where quick fixes reign supreme, the latest craze in weight loss has taken an alarming turn.
Tai Chi: The Ancient Practice Showing Promise for Chronic Low Back Pain Relief
In a world where chronic low back pain plagues millions, an ancient Chinese practice is emerging as a powerful, evidence-based solution, offering hope to those seeking alternatives to conventional treatments.
Lime Juice and 8 Other Natural Ways To Quit Smoking
Millions feel helplessly addicted to tobacco, unaware that a natural aid for smoking cessation can be found not at the local pharmacy, but at your grocer's fruit stand.
Sayer Ji interviews Dr. Gregory Damato: The Law of One, Radical Sovereignty, and A Deeper Connection to the Divine
In this in depth interview Sayer Ji goes deep into topics of sovereignty, spirituality, responsibility for one's health and life, and many other fascinating topics.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Question of the Week​
Maintaining healthy skin is essential for overall well-being, and understanding the key factors that contribute to skin health can make a significant difference!

Whether you're an enthusiast or just beginning your journey, this quiz will provide valuable insights and fun facts about maintaining vibrant and healthy skin. Are you up for a challenge?

--->>Test your knowledge about healthy skin using this quick and fun quiz!


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Question of the Week​
Maintaining healthy skin is essential for overall well-being, and understanding the key factors that contribute to skin health can make a significant difference!

Whether you're an enthusiast or just beginning your journey, this quiz will provide valuable insights and fun facts about maintaining vibrant and healthy skin. Are you up for a challenge?

--->>Test your knowledge about healthy skin using this quick and fun quiz!
hey jimmi, at our age we have skin like a crocodile, i doubt ours could be made better!!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The research is clear...

... chronic inflammation is an underlying cause of cancer.


Over time, DNA damage from chronic inflammation causes cells to become cancerous.

According to the NIH, 125,000,000 people in the US alone live with chronic inflammation.

And the real numbers are probably much higher than that.

So if you want to keep cancer at bay, the first step is to get inflammation under control.

-->> Go here now to learn the top 25 foods to combat inflammation and keep cancer at bay

The good news: you can get these foods and herbs at your local grocery store.

Go grab the free report now and start getting your inflammation under control.

Yours in health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Alcohol Leads to Heartbeat Irregularities

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

The term “holiday heart syndrome” was first coined in 1978 to describe the effect of alcohol on people who experienced atrial fibrillation, a serious heartbeat irregularity that can lead to stroke. But now researchers are finding the connection is even stronger than they thought — and not just during holidays and vacations.

In a study published in the American Journal of Cardiology, researchers asked 223 patients with documented cardiac arrhythmia, “Does alcohol trigger your heart palpitations?”

Special: What You Don't Know About Strokes Could Kill You

The researchers found that people with atrial fibrillation had almost a four and a half times greater chance of having an episode if they were drinking alcohol at the time.

It isn’t known why drinking alcohol triggers this type of heartbeat irregularity, or why some people are susceptible to it or not. This study does show, however, that even though some people may be able to have alcohol without adverse effects, this isn’t true for those who experience atrial fibrillation.

So, if you know that drinking gives you an irregular heartbeat, there’s even more reason why you should avoid it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The statistics on liver and gallbladder health are shocking… and it’s something I see with my patients time and time again. The world we live in is toxic, meaning these important organs are overworked, and becoming stagnant.

Did you know that 80% of women over the age of 40 have toxic, sluggish bile?

25% of Americans have a non-alcoholic fatty liver.

In the United States alone, 750,000 gallbladders are removed per year.

Even conventional medicine acknowledges the frequency and severity of gallstones: 21% of adults will experience them in their lifetime (and that’s an older statistic… in reality, it’s much higher!)

The good news is… there are ways to address this and take charge of your health.

Are you someone experiencing chronic health issues, digestive troubles, and fatigue? Your bile, gallbladder, and liver could be totally overloaded.

Whether trying to keep your gallbladder or had to remove it, your liver still needs support. There are methods and ways to thin your bile so you can still safely release it at a pace that’s right for you.

No matter where you are on your journey, we’re here to help!

If you want to personalize your own plan for long-term liver health with actionable steps, like liver flushes, then join me with Sinclair Kennally on July 17th at 12:00 p.m. PT/3:00 p.m. ET.

Gallbladder Secrets: The Hormones and Toxins that Cause Gallstones and Bile Sludge


If you have digestive and inflammatory conditions, then this free masterclass will equip you with the knowledge you need to make progress. A liver issue is a gut issue and a gut issue is a liver issue, so it’s important to address your liver no matter what your chronic health condition.

This masterclass is for anyone, from the sensitive folks recovering from chronic illness to the powerhouses who want to optimize their health.

I can’t wait to see you there!

Dr. Jaban


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hello ,​

Uterine and down-there changes are common in peri-/menopause and we’re often embarrassed to talk about them. We want to take away the embarrassment because we should be free to laugh heartily, enjoy a workout, and jump for joy without fear of losing bladder control.

Here were some of our top posts this week that focused on involuntary incontinence and other aspects of uterine health.

📺 Must-read hormone education (4 Uterine Changes in Perimenopause and Beyond. Read here.)
🫶 Top social posts
👉 Product rec: Uterine and Down-There Singles Collection
I’m Scared to Pee Myself!

Us too! And it’s happened to MANY of us - myself included. Involuntary incontinence is linked to perimenopause, menopause, pelvic floor muscle weakness, hysterectomy, pregnancy, and chronic UTIs. So, what can you do about it? I've detailed a uterine protocol that covers natural supplementation with phytoestrogens to boost estrogen levels, specific exercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles, and topical DHEA for added support.

Let's tackle this together—find out more in the PDF.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
(not to be missed)​
Estrogen Dominance is the Main Cause of Some Surprising Symptoms

Estrogen Dominance is often behind fibroids, uterine polyps, and PMS. Even in perimenopause and menopause, this imbalance can persist despite declining hormone levels. This can lead to heavy menstrual bleeding, uterine pain and polyps, irregular cycles, heavy periods, and pelvic pain, and PMS.

I've put together a protocol focused on uterine health, addressing these issues head-on. Learn more about managing fibroids, polyps, and PMS with our detailed guide.

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Member For 5 Years
In 1991, at 69 years old, Mike Fremont was diagnosed with metastatic colorectal cancer. His doctors gave him 3 months to live without surgery. He declined the operation and adopted a whole food plant-based diet. Two years later, he had surgery to remove the tumor and the doctors found no metastasis.
Mike is a life-long athlete, holding several world records in running and canoe racing.
He is the perfect example that you can survive and thrive on a plant-based diet!
Mike Fremont is an incredibly inspirational human, and this interview is short and sweet, only 18 minutes. Enjoy!
In this interview we discuss:
-Mike's cancer diagnosis
-Running marathons and racing canoes
-Mike's secret to longevity
-Mike's daily exercise routine
-Setting world records in his 90s
-And more!

Watch our interview

May you prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This summit is so important — especially if you have cardiovascular concerns — because there is a HUGE link between cardiovascular health and oral health.

For example...

80% of all heart attacks are actually caused by hidden poisons entering the bloodstream through the mouth!

That's right, gum disease and silent infections (from root canals or improperly pulled teeth) are directly responsible for heart attacks and strokes.

Plus many other health conditions can be improved when you learn how to properly care for your teeth and gums!

That's why we're excited to let you watch all 7 Days of the Holistic Oral Health Summit.

So remember to watch your inbox on Thursday morning at 8am Eastern when I'll be sending you the free access info.

PS... It's not just heart disease — your risk of Alzheimer's, diabetes, cancer, digestive problems, and even immune disorders can be greatly reduced by getting rid of toxic dental materials and infections. This is why you have to watch!


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Member For 5 Years
[ARTICLE] Top 5 Deadly Excuses You Tell Yourself
Preparing for a disaster (or ANY crisis that can affect your local area) does NOT have to be complicated OR expensive. Don't risk your family's safety by using these five potentially deadly excuses.
Click here to read the full article.


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Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending."

Bliss Doubt

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FDA will no longer allow brominated vegetable oil in food.



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Member For 5 Years
I crack open a gallon jar of honey from Eli, our local beekeeper, and as I measure out a mesmerizingly drippy teaspoon, I realize I no longer need this inspirational libation. My sweet muse is right here. Because when you fully understand what goes into making 1 teaspoon of honey, you cannot help but feel a sense of awe and wonder for the natural world.

We begin with a lone forager bee flying from the hive in search of nectar. We’ll call her Phoebee (after my eldest teenage daughter). All forager bees are non-reproductive females (hopefully like my daughter — at least for now ;-). Bees will venture out as much as five miles to find forage, but generally prefer to linger a mile or less from the hive.

Phoebee happens to find a particularly luscious shrub of azaleas about a mile down the way. She uses her long, tube-like tongue to sip nectar into a special organ called the “honey stomach” or “crop,” separate from her digestive stomach.

Another mile flight home and Phoebee returns to the hive, where she regurgitates the nectar into the mouth of a house bee, who chews the nectar for about thirty minutes. During this time, enzymes in the bee’s saliva break the complex sugars in the nectar into simpler sugars.

House bees then fill the hive’s honeycomb with the processed nectar and fan their wings over the cells to evaporate most of the water content, thickening the nectar into honey. Finally, the bees seal the honeycomb cell with a wax cap. This wax comes from special glands on their abdomens and is used to protect the honey from air and moisture, keeping it fresh until needed by the colony (or until it is pilfered by a beekeeper).

To summarize: Flower nectar + bee spit + dehydration = honey. So far straightforward, if still strangely miraculous. But now consider this math:

A bee can store about 70 milligrams of nectar in its honey stomach.

Nectar is 70%-80% water and, on average, nectar reduces to about one-fifth of its original weight when converted to honey.

Therefore, 70 milligrams of nectar yields approximately 14 milligrams of honey.

One teaspoon of honey typically weighs about 7,000 milligrams (or seven grams).

In our example, the flower source is a mile away, or a two-mile round trip.

7,000 milligrams divided by 14 milligrams per trip = 500 trips times 2 miles per trip = 1,000 miles!

The lone teaspoon of honey I am currently stirring into my tea thus represents a thousand miles of bee flight, not to mention all the effort spent chewing, fanning, and capping the honey.

In comparison, my goal of 10,000 steps a day suddenly seems rather trivial.

And lest you are not yet fully awed by the diligent intelligence of nature, Phoebee would not have made all those trips alone.

When a forager bee finds a good source of nectar, it returns to the hive and performs a “waggle dance” to inform other bees.

This dance involves a series of movements in a figure-eight pattern. The direction of the straight run part of the dance in relation to the sun tells the other bees the direction to fly. For example, if the bee waggles straight up the hive, it means the food source is in the direction of the sun. If the bee waggles at an angle, the other bees will fly at that angle relative to the sun. Here’s a diagram to help visualize this:​
The duration of the waggle part of the dance indicates the distance to the food source (about 1 second per kilometer). The longer the waggle, the further the distance.

It’s not exactly Google Maps, but it has worked for the last few million years. As if that’s not enough, though, bees then use a form of collective decision-making, or “voting” to choose which nectar source to pursue as a hive.

When multiple forager bees return to the hive after finding different nectar sources, each performs a waggle dance to advertise its find. The vigor and duration of a bee's dance communicates the quality and distance to the nectar source. Other bees observe these dances and, based on the enthusiasm of the dancers, decide which source to investigate.

If they find the source as good as advertised, they return and perform their own waggle dance, reinforcing the original message. Over time, this process leads to a consensus as more and more bees are attracted to the best source.

Maybe I’ll try this the next time my family is deciding on a restaurant.

So to summarize the miraculous origins of my now fully dissolved teaspoon of honey:

Phoebee discovered a promising source of nectar, went back to the hive, and danced about it.

Other bees ventured out, found it as good as advertised and added their dance to hers.

Eventually, thousands of bees traveled about 1,000 miles to gather enough nectar to make my one teaspoon of honey.

And here I have already finished my cup of tea in 10 minutes. That’s some sweet math.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
CAR-T cell therapy to treat blood cancers is safer than previously thought, with little risk that the immunotherapy will create secondary cancers, a new study finds. In 700 patients treated at Stanford University, the risk was just over 6% in the three years after a cancer patient received CAR-T cell immunotherapy, researchers said — roughly similar to the risk with stem cell transplants. Read More Here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

🤯 You won't believe what I just experienced! I had the incredible opportunity to speak at PolyFace Farms in Virginia, and let me tell you, it was magical. Picture this: 🐱 kittens, 🐔chickens, 🥛 fresh raw milk, and an amazing group of people coming together for two days of pure, unfiltered truth.

🌟 I really wish you could have been there with me and my family. It was one of those experiences that leaves you feeling energized and inspired, like you've found your tribe.

🌾 PolyFace Farms isn't your average farm. Run by Joel Salatin and his family, it's all about farming in harmony with nature. They've got this incredible mix of old-school wisdom, faith in the goodness of creation, and a joyful, purposeful approach to everything they do.

🎉 I'm excited to share a taste of this experience with you. Below, you'll find previews of some key talks from the event, focusing on the essential topic of DETOXIFICATION. Take a look – I think you'll see why we all left feeling so fired up!🔥

Watch the Amazing Interview Previews Here!
For anyone who wishes to own the Polyface is offering the GMI community 10% OFF the Two Days of Truth 2024 - PolyFace Summit. Use code 'SAYER' to enjoy this offer to view over 7 hours of discussions.

Watch the Interview Previews Here.

To Your Best Health,
Sayer Ji, Founder of GreenMedInfo


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
By now you’re likely well-aware that we’re on toxic overload today, with synthetic chemicals bombarding our bodies through foods, water, air, cosmetics, and more.

And research overwhelmingly shows this toxic overload is a key cause – many experts now say THE key cause – of today’s most widespread and serious diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, heart disease, and a range of hormonal issues.

That’s why it’s vitally important that you eat plenty of nature’s most potent fruits, veggies, herbs, and spices to detoxify your liver, kidneys, gut, and more SAFELY – which is exactly what you’ll discover in the outstanding new report for you called...

Nature’s 25 Most Potent Foods to Detoxify Your Body Safely, which you’re getting completely FREE right here today!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

Breathwork is an easy and very powerful ancient practice well-verified by science. And in this outstanding new guide, you’ll discover the exact steps to do the 15 easy and most effective breathwork exercises…

…Each targeted to different types of benefits, such as those best for your energy, your mood, focus, stopping anxiety, eliminating negative thoughts, your sleep, your blood pressure, your immune health, gut health, and more!

Get your copy of The Easy Step-by-Step Guide to the Top 15 Breathwork Exercises right here


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Member For 5 Years
I'm super sensitive to chemicals... perfumes, cigarette smoke, car exhaust, artificial food-like substances, etc. One exposure used to knock me out for a few hours or a few days. I used to get instant headaches, brain fog, nausea, and irritability.

Then I learned about my 6 Types of Sensitivity and balanced my Chemical Sensitivity!

Did you know there are over 86,000 man-made chemicals registered for use in the United States, and that less than 25% of those have ever been tested for safety?

How about the fact that over 300 million pounds (and growing) of glyphosate is used in the US every year - a known carcinogen and destroyer of the gut and microbiome.

Two recent studies were particularly alarming...

One demonstrated the presence of more than 200 chemicals in the cord blood of infants born in the US. Another estimated that, on average, women in America are exposed to over 180 chemicals every day just in their personal care products and makeup.

Given the immense size and scope of this problem, one can easily become overwhelmed and discouraged, thinking there is simply nothing we can do.

That’s why our friends at Rebel Health Tribe have brought together the world’s leading experts to empower you with the knowledge and action steps you need in order to protect yourself (and your family) from the daily onslaught of toxic exposure!

Sign up now and you’ll gain access to 24 high-value professional presentations from leaders in the field, such as the #1 educator on environmental toxins, Lara Adler, world-renown immunology expert Dr. Datis Kharrazian, Dr. Christine Schaffner, Kiran Krishnan, Dr. Maya Shetreat and many more….

Grab your ticket to this free event, and you will learn the following (from 24 leading researchers, doctors, educators and experts)...
  • Everything you need to know about the most prevalent (and dangerous) toxins found in our air, water, soil, food, and homes - and how to reduce your exposure
  • How the detoxification (bio-transformation) process in the body actually works - and what you can do to support each phase
  • The most common roadblocks to effective detoxification - and how to get things moving (literally) in a positive direction
  • How toxins made inside our body can get into the bloodstream and wreak havoc on just about every organ and system - and what you can do about it
  • Which toxins contribute to weight gain, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and blood sugar chaos - and how to protect yourself
  • How environmental toxins (and impaired detoxification) play a role in the “cancering” process - with solutions from one of the top integrative cancer experts in the world
  • Why you might feel terrible on a “detox” or while doing a “cleanse”, why that is not normal or okay - and what you might want to try instead
  • The role of genetics when it comes to detox capabilities and vulnerability to environmental-based diseases - and how you can support your “weak links”
  • How to gently support detoxification for those who find themselves to be sensitive to “everything” and struggling with chronic health conditions
  • Several ways that environmental toxins contribute to the development of autoimmune conditions - and how you can slow or stop that cascade
  • The growing catastrophe of micro (and nano) plastics and how it’s impacting human health and the health of our planet - along with practical solutions
  • How toxins and impaired detoxification can contribute to infertility and harm our most vulnerable before they’re even born - and how you can protect mom and baby
  • Mold & mycotoxins as an environmental hazard and how to identify symptoms and work to heal from exposure
  • EMF’s & electrosmog as a “toxin”, what the evidence says about health effects, and how to reduce the threat
  • All you need to know about dental toxicity, the impact it has on our overall wellness - and how you can safely navigate oral health
…and this is just some of the points you will learn (these presentations are loaded with info and action steps!)

You can RSVP for free here:


Diamond Contributor
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The important thing about a problem is not its solution, but the strength we gain in finding the solution."


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Drinking Coffee May Offset the Risks of Being Sedentary

Extended periods of sedentary behavior have been associated with increased risks of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. Now, a recent study from Soochow University in China has found that drinking coffee may help to mitigate the risk of being sedentary.

For this study, researchers analyzed data from nearly 10,700 participants in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted between 2007 and 2018, tracking participants' sitting habits and coffee consumption alongside mortality rates until the end of 2019.

Those who sat for more than eight hours a day had a 46% higher risk of dying from any cause and a 79% higher risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. On the other hand, those who drank the most coffee had a 33% lower risk of all-cause mortality and a 54% lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.

The study's most striking finding emerged when combining sitting time and coffee consumption: adults who didn't drink coffee and sat for 6 hours or more each day faced a significantly higher risk of death from all causes compared to those who drank coffee and sat less. Specifically, non-coffee drinkers who sat for extended periods were 58% more likely to die from any cause compared to coffee drinkers who sat less.

Beets May Lower Blood Pressure + Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk

Beets are a powerful superfood, containing nearly all of the vitamins and minerals your body needs. They’re particularly rich in minerals like folate, manganese, copper, magnesium, potassium, and iron. Plus, they contain highly beneficial compounds known as nitrates—which may help to lower your blood pressure and protect your brain.

The number one reason beets have received attention in research studies is its ability to help lower blood pressure. Experts believe this effect largely comes from the nitrates present in beets, which your body converts to nitric oxide—a vasodilator that helps your blood vessels to widen, promoting blood flow. This, in turn, causes blood pressure to drop and improves circulation.

The boost in nitric oxide from eating beets also improves blood flow to your brain. Research has shown that reduced blood flow to the brain may contribute to the development of neurological diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. In studies, beetroot juice was found to specifically impact the frontal lobe of the brain, which is associated with working memory, decision-making, and other high-level thought processes.

Research also shows that beets are natural inflammation fighters. Calming inflammation can help to reduce the risk of a number of life-altering diseases, including heart disease, cancer, liver disease, stroke, and diabetes. When it comes to beets, raw beets, and beet juice provide the maximum benefits. Here’s the best way to eat beets for maximum health benefits.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Could Your Meds Give You a Sunburn or a Rash?
Some medications—such as those prescribed for allergies, depression, hypertension, rosacea, and more—may make your skin more “photosensitive.” This means your skin is more likely to develop a sunburn or rash when you go out into the sun. Even some common over-the-counter medications can boost your skin’s photosensitivity. Here’s what you need to know about meds and your skin, including how to keep yourself safe. (More)
Hot Flashes May Raise Fatty Liver Disease Risk
Hot flashes are a common symptom experienced by about 75% of women during perimenopause and menopause. Now, a new study of 106 women in perimenopause and menopause found that those with moderate to severe hot flash symptoms had a three times greater rate of developing nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) than those with mild symptoms. The risk was highest within five years of entering menopause. (More)
Why Some People Remember Faces While Others Don’t
Do you never forget a face, or are you more likely to need reintroduction? Experts have long thought that facial recognition skills were stronger in those large social networks. Yet, research shows this skill is more closely tied to the strength and depth of our social network rather than the number of people we know. While it doesn’t establish causation, experts say having strong facial recognition skills might facilitate the formation and maintenance of meaningful relationships. (More)​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Compelling Health Fact
Did you know that thirst is actually a signal that your body is already dehydrated? In fact, by the time you feel thirsty, you may have already lost 3% of your body weight. Instead of relying on thirst, check the color of your urine. If it’s pale yellow or clear, you’re getting the fluids you need.​
Asian Garlic Panko Tofu
Sweet, salty, and tangy, this easy flavorful dish comes to getter in minutes.
Greek Sheet Pan Dinner
This tasty and easy dish is tossed in a lemony garlicky Greek-inspired seasoning.
Tuscan Stewed Beans
Made with simple pantry ingredients, this delicious dish is the ultimate comfort food.​

Partner of the day:
The Live Long & Thrive Summit

The Ultimate Holistic Health Summit Yours FREE (+17 Other Gifts)
To get your health on track (or back on track), you need to know with absolute clarity the best evidence-based strategies and the latest breakthroughs regarding how to help eliminate chronic conditions, boost your energy, eliminate pain, and heal faster than ever.
And that’s exactly what you’ll learn from the complete recordings and transcripts of The 2023 Ultimate Holistic Health Summit. In it, 35 of some of the world’s most forward-thinking health experts reveal how you can personally utilize once-forgotten ancient healing modalities alongside cutting-edge techniques to unlock your most vibrant health in years.
The best part? You’re getting this summit completely free today, plus 17 other outstanding gifts (worth over $1,574) immediately when you order The Live Long & THRIVE Summit recordings and transcripts at the special early bird rate!​


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Member For 5 Years
Del Reflects on a Recent Historic Congressional Hearing for the Medical Freedom Movement; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on Increasing Opposition to Transitionig Children, and The Free Speech Recession; Is Biden’s Decline Linked to the Shots? The Science Is Compelling; The Unexpected Key to Success and the future of the dollar; Fox News Star and FreedomFest MC Joins Del; Historic Admission From Top Vaccine Scientists Bring ICAN’s Fight Full Circle.
Guests: Lisa Kennedy, Robert Kiyosaki, Jefferey Jaxen​


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Member For 5 Years
Sleep Better with Dr. Michael Breus
Listen to the first 5 lessons from this course on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or search Commune Courses on your favorite podcast app.

This free podcast is made possible by Timeline
Prime Day Exclusive Offer: Sign Up Now to Uncover This Healthy Aging Steal​

When you’re tired, you’re far from your best self. Basic tasks seem difficult, your thinking slows down, and you can quickly spiral into overwhelm.

It’s simple: there’s no wellness without proper sleep. If you want to optimize the hours you’re awake, you need to be putting more focus on the hours you’re not.

Sleep Better with Dr. Michael Breus teaches actionable techniques for re-syncing with your natural rhythms and getting more energizing, restful sleep than ever before.

If you are tired of being tired, don't worry. Let's go to sleep school.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
High-Dose Vitamin D3 Supplementation in Crohn's Disease Management: Promising Results from a Pilot Study
Crohn's disease, a form of inflammatory bowel disease, presents significant challenges for patients and clinicians alike. Characterized by chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, it can cause debilitating symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and fatigue. Recent research has turned attention to vitamin D as a potential adjunct in managing this complex condition.
The Butter Renaissance: New Studies Challenge Decades of Dietary Advice
For years, butter has been vilified as a dietary demon, blamed for clogging arteries and expanding waistlines. But what if everything we thought we knew about this creamy spread was wrong?
The Invisible Nuclear Threat Within Non-Organic Food
Whether you know it or or not, nuclear waste (cobalt-60) has been used for decades to make your food "safer."
The Irrefutable Toxicity of Fluoride -- GreenMedInfo's Database Shows 90+ Signals of Harm [Dr. Joel. Bohemier]
Dr. Joel Bohemier, senior advisor and co-founder of, co-founder of Stand For Health Freedom, shares public testimony on the broad spectrum toxicity of fluoride on public health.

Following this powerful testimony, and those submitted by other members of the public, Collier County voted to remove fluoride from its drinking water, setting a powerful precedent for the rest of the nation!


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Member For 5 Years
Are you feeling stuck on your healing journey?
Are you looking for improved strategies to help you get the results you are striving for?
If so, then Register for my FREE Breast Cancer Revolution Masterclass.
Did you know that most cancer patients have:
  • A lower basal body temperature which can impact their immune system?
  • A tendency to be metabolically inflexible and insulin resistant?
  • A "personality type" that may affect their ability to heal?
During this one hour session, you will learn:
  • Top ways to increase your core body temperature.
  • Why Breast Cancer is now being called an infectious disease.
  • How your emotions affect your healing journey.
There will be a Q&A after my presentation for questions that you may about the information.
Date: Wednesday July 17th at 4:00 PM EST (New York)
This session will be recorded but only available to you if you have registered.
Click HERE to register so that you may receive an email with access to this free masterclasss.
I look forward to connecting with you.
Dr. V

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