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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Maternal Genetics May Boost Alzheimer’s Disease Risk

It’s a well-known fact that Alzheimer's disease is influenced by genetic factors. Certain gene variants, such as the APOE gene, are known to increase susceptibility to the disease. Now, a new study from Mass General Brigham suggests that susceptibility to Alzheimer’s may run most strongly on the maternal side of the family.

In a comprehensive study involving over 4,400 cognitively unimpaired older adults ages 65 to 85, researchers examined the influence of maternal versus paternal history of memory impairment on brain health indicators linked to Alzheimer's disease.

Their findings revealed that those with a maternal history of late-onset Alzheimer's disease showed higher levels of β-amyloid (Aβ) in the brain, which is correlated with Alzheimer’s, as well as reduced brain metabolism and lower gray matter volumes compared to those without this family history. Paternal history did not demonstrate the same association with these biomarkers.

Interestingly, a paternal history of early-onset memory impairment (before age 65) was correlated with increased Aβ-PET levels, which correlate with a buildup of β-amyloid (Aβ), while late-onset paternal history did not show a significant association. These sex-specific correlations may allow doctors to identify those at high risk for Alzheimer’s disease more effectively.

Green Tea Promotes Healthy Skin Aging + Reduces Wrinkles

Green tea has a truly impressive antioxidant content that soars past many superfoods, including most fruits and vegetables. Its primary antioxidants are flavonoids, a subgroup of polyphenols, and catechins, particularly abundant in green tea leaves—flavonoids alone can make up to 30% of their dry weight.

These antioxidants contribute significantly to green tea’s skin-enhancing powers, including helping to combat signs of aging as well as promoting a clear complexion. In studies, green tea helped to improve skin elasticity when consumed or applied topically. The main antioxidant in green tea, EGCG, has even shown an ability to “re-energize” dying skin cells, causing them to start dividing again.

Other research has shown that green tea extracts may have benefits for delaying collagen aging. Collagen is one of the main skin proteins that helps to keep your skin plump and wrinkle-free, so this is a major finding.

Along with these powerful anti-aging properties, green tea can also calm inflammation and has antimicrobial effects, giving it the potential to help skin issues like acne, dermatitis, rosacea, and psoriasis. Plus, here are more of the many ways green tea can improve your health.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Parkinson’s Disease Linked to a Lack of B Vitamins
A recent study across five countries has found something intriguing: people with Parkinson's disease have lower levels of gut bacteria genes that make vitamins B2 and B7. This discovery adds to what we already know about how gut health relates to Parkinson's. The researchers suggest that taking these two B vitamins may help ease the neuroinflammation linked to the disease, possibly offering a new way to manage its symptoms. (More)
Lacking This Blood Group May Boost Obesity Risk
Obesity rates have skyrocketed in recent decades. While this condition is known to have multiple genetic factors, researchers have identified a genetic variant associated with blood group Vel that significantly influences weight regulation. Those with this variant often have higher body weights, abnormal blood lipid levels, altered hormone levels, and reduced energy expenditure compared to the general population. (More)
Why It Feels Like Something Is Stuck in Your Throat
If you’ve ever had the sensation that something is stuck in your throat, you know how uncomfortable and scary it can be—even if you know you’re not choking. A gastroenterologist reveals the top causes behind this sensation, whether it’s a recent occurrence or a persistent feeling you’ve been grappling with for weeks. (More)​
Compelling Health Fact
Did you know humans can perceive millions of different colors thanks to specialized cone cells in the retina that respond to different wavelengths of light? Yet, some people are more sensitive to picking up color differences than others.​
Gallo Pinto
Made with rice and black beans, this Central American dish is easy to prepare.

Kale Salad with Carrot Ginger Dressing
A delicious blend of colorful veggies, crispy chickpeas, avocado, cranberries & pepitas.

Frankies! (Bombay Burritos)
This healthy version of India’s flavorful street food is bursting with flavor.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

[Part 2 of 4] 4 ways red meat could be BAD for your unique biology​

Many of you were interesed in this topics, so in the next few emails we'll unpack some of the reasons that red meat could be good for you ... or bad for you ... depending on your bio-individuality.

Let's start with some reasons read meat could be BAD for your unique biology ...

If you are have a Slow Oxidizer or Sympathetic Dominant metabolic type, which is the majority of people, red meat is not the best choice for you most of the time but could be good from time to time when you have a taste for it

Most of the time these metabolic types do not like red meat, and that is their body telling them to avoid something that can further imbalance them.

Red meat slows the metaboxlic oxidation rate and increases sympathetic nervous system activity, the opposite of what people with Slow Oxidizer or Sympathetic Dominant metabolic types need.

If you have a certain variants of the PPARG genes, long-chain saturated fats (not short-chain like MCT oil) tend to promote inflammation, high blood sugar, stress (elevated cortisol and aldosterone), and accelerated aging.

But the research suggests that this in the case of a high-fat, low-carb diet.

For people with these genetic variants, getting some saturated fat with red meat may not be much of an issue in a diet that is not overly high in fat or overly low in carbohydrates and has a balance of other fats like monounsaturated fats (e.g. from olive oil) and polyunsaturated fats (e.g. from fish, nuts, and seeds).

To learn more about this, read this article on the Bio-Individual Wellness website: "Keto, Fats, Stress, Aging, and Bio-Individuality" (also linked to in the previous email)

After being bitten by certain types of ticks, some people develop alpha gal syndrome (AGS), which causes an allergic reaction to red meats including pork, beef, rabbit, lamb, goat, buffalo, or venison, as well as products maide from mammals such as gelatin and cow's milk and some personal care items and medical products and medications.

Some people with AGS also react to carageenan, a thickening agent added to many foods such as ice cream, nut milks, meat products, and yogurt.

AGS can develop after being bitten by certain ticks because their saliva contains a sugar in their saliva called alpha-gal that triggers the sensitivity to red meat.

Some people develop an allergy to the protein in red meat for other reasons (e.g. due to leaky gut syndrome and immune system dysfunction).

At least standard food allergies like this can go away after the gut and immune system have been healed and rebalanced.

I do not know if AGS can go away, but avoiding trigger foods and products plus balancing the immune system might eventually can bring about remisision.

I hope you found this email helpful, and in the next email we will cover "Why red meat could be GOOD for your unique biology".

And the next email after that will cover "The ethcs and ecology of red meat".


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Let's face it.

We are all getting older everyday.

So it's important that you pay attention to this new event from Brian Vaszily.

In the Live Long and Thrive Summit, which starts TODAY, July 17th, you will learn to ditch all the tired “same-old, same-old” health advice you’ve heard a thousand times before.

And instead, gain clarity on the little-known, evidence-based MOST powerful steps of all for you to fight disease, live long, and thrive...

From some of the most qualified healthy aging and longevity MDs and researchers on the planet.

It’s all right here and completely FREE, Jim

And this one will genuinely change your life. I can assure you of that.

-->> Click here now to sign up if you have not already!

To Living Long and Living Well,

-The Science of Prevention Team

P.S. -
Don't miss this opportunity. Register now to ensure you don't miss out on this transformative experience!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Discover The Science Behind IMMUNITY
Join Dr. Joel Bohemier, from GreenMedInfo + A.J. Lanigan, Immunologist from Better Way Health as they unravel the science behind Immunity and take a closer look at beta glucan and the role it plays in bolstering the immune system. Gain insights into how this powerful compound can support your body's natural defenses. Whether you're interested in preventative health or holistic wellness, this event promises to empower you with actionable information.

Don't miss out on this enriching opportunity to deepen your understanding of natural immunity and explore the benefits of beta glucan.

Join us LIVE TODAY, Wednesday, July 17th @ 2pm EST to be part of this transformative discussion.
The Western Diet: A Silent Pandemic Ravaging American Health
While health authorities focus on tracking infectious diseases, a more insidious threat lurks in our kitchens and on our plates. The Western diet, ubiquitous in American households, may be as dangerous as any viral outbreak.
Animal Magic: How Animal-Assisted Therapies Are Transforming Autism Care
In a groundbreaking development for autism care, a comprehensive study reveals that our animal companions may hold the key to unlocking new realms of communication, social interaction, and emotional well-being for those on the autism spectrum.
Nature's Synergy: Vitamin D and Curcumin Piperine Offer New Hope for Lupus Patients
In a world where autoimmune diseases like lupus often leave patients and doctors feeling helpless, a groundbreaking study offers a ray of hope from an unexpected source: the spice rack and sunshine vitamin.
The New Era of Health
We are thrilled to announce an exciting new alliance between GreenMedInfo and Activation Products. This strategic partnership aims to bring top-tier health information and innovative wellness solutions to a global audience of 10,000,000 people. By combining 15 years of GreenMedInfo’s natural health research with Activation Products' mission of empowering health and wellness globally through innovation and excellence, we are poised to enhance the well-being of millions worldwide.

We are profoundly grateful for this alliance, as it allows us to align our missions and serve people's health at a deeper, greater level. Activation Products is dedicated to helping people live long, healthy lives with essential natural health protocols. Together, we are committed to providing the knowledge and tools individuals need to achieve optimal health and vitality. This partnership marks a significant step forward in our shared vision of transforming global health. Stay tuned for insightful content, transformative health initiatives, and groundbreaking research coming your way!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

What Does Galvanic Toxicity Have to Do with Breast Cancer?​

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla.
Born in 1856, Nikola Tesla (Tesla (the car company) was named after him) developed the alternating-current power system that provides electricity for buildings and changed the course of our world! And just like Mr. Tesla said, energy, frequency, and vibration can lead to finding the secrets to your healing.
Every part of your body energetically connects through electric currents, from a little tooth to a big organ. With all these energetic exchanges going on, it is vital to ensure there is no obstruction in that energy flow. Blocks can occur because of spinal subluxations, chemical toxicities, oxidative stress, DNA damage, chronic emotional stress, etc. They can also be caused by galvanic toxicity—an oral-originating electrical imbalance that happens when saliva comes in contact with toxic metal and creates its own electric current.

This Week's Podcast​

Balanced hormones can help you love how you feel, and living WELL is the best medicine. This is Dr. Deb Matthew’s message and mission. She’s a mom of four, author, doctor, speaker, and expert in hormones and functional medicine.
This episode answers all your big hormonal questions and provides realistic solutions.
Are hormones a cause of breast cancer? Does hormone replacement increase the risk of breast cancer? Should I ever use hormones as a Breast Cancer Thriver?
It’s time to take the expert’s insight and restore hormonal balance in your body. Let’s go!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It’s no secret that we live in a world where the fear of being fat ranks pretty high on the “things to be afraid of” list.

Probably even higher than our fear of snakes, spiders, death, disease, and the dark.

The fear of being overweight starts for most of us at a very young age, when we’re taught by the movies, our parents, our peers, and through social media that, if you’re fat, you’re unacceptable … even, unlovable.

That’s a pretty heavy message to hear as a kid, no?

That message leaves an indelible impression, following us around into adulthood.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the fear of being fat isn’t limited to those who have weight to lose. Over the years coaching clients, I’ve found that even those considered to have the “perfect” body often hold an intense fear of weight gain. This fear is also often experienced by those of us who’ve lost weight - it can be difficult to release anxiety that the weight will come back.

The fear of being fat can include fear of gaining it in certain areas of the body - like your belly. Or, your hips.

Our fear of fat also extends to others, such as the fear that your child will gain weight - or, your partner.

Regardless of how the fear expresses itself, it tends to have one common result:

We are forever worried.

Our inner peace and sense of freedom with food becomes almost nonexistent. We feel constantly on guard, like there’s no end in sight.

In response, most people tend to deal with the fear of being fat using one simple - albeit ineffective - approach:

Don’t ever be fat.

In other words, do whatever you can to ensure that you don’t gain a pound … diet, exercise, restrict, control, obsess, rinse and repeat.

The logic here is that if we have no fat, then we will no longer be afraid of it.

If you’ve tried this approach, you’ve probably seen that it doesn’t work.

Sure, through chronic dieting, losing and gaining, binging and purging, or all or nothing eating - we might end up losing weight for periods of time. But the vast majority of us end up gaining the weight back.

And through it all, the fear of being fat persists.

Let’s get out of this endless dead end loop.

If you want to work with the fear of fat in a more effective way, here’s my suggestion:

Stop fighting the fear.

Don’t try to conquer this fear by controlling your calories and being skinny.

Instead, acknowledge the fear. Recognize that you didn’t invent this fear, it’s something that was ingrained in you at a young age. It’s a big fear to overcome, and you don’t win by fighting the fear head on.

Instead, the way you win is by building and nurturing thoughts and practices that gradually make the fear of fat obsolete.

This means that you shift your focus to things like:

  • What are my talents and gifts? And how can I express them more?
  • What am I passionate about? And how can I give more time to those passions?
  • What gives me joy? And how can I have such joy more often?
  • Who do I want to be in this world? And how can I start becoming that person today?

The fear of fat has us falsely believing that our worth is dependent upon a bunch of body tissue. It has us chasing after a certain weight from a place where we don’t truly value who we are right now.

I explore this and a lot more in my article, “The Fear of Weight Gain: 4 Steps to Letting It Go.” If you’re interested in exploring this fear more, I recommend you check it out.

The bottom line is that focusing on being the best version of ourselves allows the fear of being overweight to naturally subside over time. It will lose more and more of the false power we’ve given it.

Of course, you can continue to wish for and work towards creating the body that you desire. That’s your natural born right.

At the same time, I think you’ll find it becomes far easier to arrive at the body you want when you’ve been feeding your soul some good nutrition along the way.

All my best,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This Week on the Podcast​
Be sure to like, follow, and review our show on your favorite podcast app to help us continue to share these inspiring stories of healing!​
After receiving a life-altering rare breast sarcoma diagnosis in 2019, Julie embarked on a journey of discovery, immersing herself in cancer literature, connecting with patients and physicians, and identifying resources to enhance her well-being despite the diagnosis. This transformative experience sparked a perspective shift that resulted in a career pivot from marketing professional to a dedicated patient advocate and active contributor to the cancer community. Whether co-hosting her podcast "Oncology Unscripted," networking with patients, or collaborating with various non-profits, Julie leverages her own patient experiences to advocate for improved resources, support, and care for those impacted by sarcoma and other cancers.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Pet dander.

Chemical fumes from your favorite cleaning product.

Fresh paint and new carpet.

Even those candles and air fresheners you thought were so harmless.

What do all of these things have in common?

They release pollutants, allergens, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into your home. Yes, that’s a lot of science talk to say that these invisible invaders could be making you and your family feel less than stellar.

Are any of these symptoms familiar?

  • Itchy eyes when you’re trying to relax or watch TV
  • Constant sniffles or a cough that just won’t quit
  • Feeling dizzy or tired for no obvious reason
If you're nodding along, you're not alone, and more importantly, you're not without help!

You don't have to live with these irritants any longer!

Here's some good news:

We're not here to sell you anything today. Instead, we want to invite you to a free webinar where Trevor King, a film producer turned health researcher, will take you through the ins and outs of indoor air quality. Trevor’s not just any expert; he’s a passionate advocate for healthier living environments, and he’s got some eye-opening insights to share.

In this webinar, you’ll discover:

  • What’s really floating around in the air at your home
  • Simple steps you can take to minimize these unwanted guests
  • How modern technology can be a game-changer in keeping your indoor air clean
Curious? You should be! Clearing up the air in your home could be the next step to feeling better every day.

[Reserve Your Spot Now!]

Join us for a casual chat with Trevor and learn how you can breathe easier. You’ve got nothing to lose except maybe a few sneezes and sniffles!

Looking forward to seeing you there.

In health and wellness,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Loneliness Can Raise Older People's Stroke Risk

A lonely middle and old age could bring higher odds for a stroke, new data suggests.

A 12-year study of people over 50 found that those who experienced chronic loneliness were 56% more likely to have a stroke, versus those who said they weren't lonely.

Special: Urgent Warning for Boomers: Strokes at an All-Time High!

“Loneliness is increasingly considered a major public health issue. Our findings further highlight why that is,” said study lead author Yenee Soh, a research associate in social and behavioral sciences at the Harvard School of Public Health.

“Especially when experienced chronically, our study suggests loneliness may play an important role in stroke incidence, which is already one of the leading causes of long-term disability and mortality worldwide," she said in a Harvard news release.

The findings were published June 24 in the journal eClinicalMedicine.

The study looked at data from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) from 2006 through 2018. As they entered the study, more than 12,000 people over 50 who had no history of stroke prior to joining the study were asked questions from a standard test to gauge their levels of loneliness. About 8,900 of the participants were asked the same questions again in 2010.

A total of 1,237 strokes occurred among the group over the 12 years of the study, including 601 strokes among the participants who had been surveyed about loneliness at two time periods.

Soh's group placed folks into four categories of loneliness based on their survey answers: "consistently low”; “remitting” (those who scored high at baseline and low at follow-up); “recent onset” (those who scored low at baseline and high at follow-up); and “consistently high” (those who scored high at both baseline and follow-up).

People in the "consistently high" group had a 56% higher odds of having a stroke versus those in the "consistently low" group, the research showed, even after accounting for other psychological factors such as depression and isolation.

Any form of loneliness observed over the study period was tied to a higher risk for stroke, but there was no clear pattern of risk for folks whose loneliness came and went — suggesting that it's long-term, chronic loneliness that's the main source of danger.

“Repeat assessments of loneliness may help identify those who are chronically lonely and are therefore at a higher risk for stroke," Soh said. "If we fail to address their feelings of loneliness, on a micro and macro scale, there could be profound health consequences.

“Importantly, these interventions must specifically target loneliness, which is a subjective perception and should not be conflated with social isolation," she added.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
That was an incredible Day 1 of The Live Long & THRIVE Summit with Dr. John Abramson, today's most revered MD exposing prescription drug secrets everyone needs to know... Dr. Michael Greger, the legendary nutrition and longevity MD... and David Winston, RH(AHG), the legendary herbs-as-medicine expert!

DIRECTLY BELOW via the link is your complimentary access to catch today's interviews right now if you haven't heard them yet.

We've already received so many kind words for the summit, such as this small sampling, and we're just getting started!

"Incredible first day. Thoroughly enjoyed. I'm looking forward to the next 6 days of talks," Eve A. shared.

"This information is vital, clear, and easy to understand," noted Angela M.

"The first day was excellent! Keep going!" said Alexandro A.

"Shocking and jaw-dropping," Deb K. shared about the first interview with Dr. John Abramson.

"I absolutely concur about the drug companies and drugs... Thank you for sharing this information with us!" noted Jacqueline V.

"Everything Dr. Abramson said is what I have kind of thought over the last many years. Such good information, and my goal is to get my husband to believe it, as well," Lisa R. shared.

"Learning about the 'number needed to treat' was eye-opening!" said Linda V.

"After listening to Dr. Abramson all I can say is WOW!! Thank you for bringing this info to the public," noted Margie M.

Dr. Michael Greger's information was most helpful... I'll be sure to incorporate the advice he recommended," said Kimberly M.

"Loved Dr. Greger," Darla H. shared.

"Amazing and interesting tips from David Winston... LOVED his advice and knowledge," noted Vincent M.

"David Winston really was amazing... comforting and very helpful. He sounded like someone I could relate to. Excellent interview. Thank you so much!" said Teri F.

"That last interview (with David Winston) put me over the edge, and I purchased the recordings. I'm pretty skeptical about these types of seminars... but these speakers seem to be balanced, knowledgeable experts. It's a lot to take in, so listening later and doing more research will be helpful!" Lisa E. said.

"I just want to say thank you. You and your team are doing excellent work impacting people's lives. I hope that your work reaches a billion people," noted Curlin S.

"Today's event was excellent. And, Brian, your jokes are clever!" Simonne F. shared.

"I absolutely loved Day 1. Thank you for such wonderful information," said Sheryl N.

"Thank you, Brian, for your jokes, tips, and today's speakers. It was a wealth of information," said Kooi L.

"So much covered! Will be listening to each of these presentations again and again!!" noted Janice S.

"I purchased this today and will enjoy all the bonuses as well. Great value. I’m glad this supports the elderly and pets too, Brian!" Beth M. shared.

"Brian just makes these summits so special and fun! What a spectacular lineup of remarkable speakers," said Stephanie G.

"Brilliant! Important! Life-saving! Much appreciation for this important information," noted Nancy G.

Head here asap today to catch the replay, Jim, before we have to take it down tomorrow morning.


Here's just a small taste of what you can expect to discover today:

  • Mind-blowing, widely suppressed, truly life-saving new insights about prescription drugs.
  • What evidence shows you now must do for healthy blood pressure & to avoid Alzheimer’s.
  • The “major driver of aging” and what you must do to BLOCK it.
  • A widespread cause of dementia that no one is talking about.
  • The doctor you must BEWARE of and why.
  • The best herbs for your gut & specific gut issues.
  • The little-known DO's & DON'T's of consuming turmeric.
  • The best herbs for blood sugar, inflammation, thyroid, blood pressure, cholesterol, anxiety, sleep.
  • The #1 most toxic food health-conscious people eat.
  • And much more!

Tomorrow is a MUST, Jim:

After you listen to Day 1 right here today, be sure not to miss Day 2 tomorrow (sign up for this completely free summit below if interested!)

Because tomorrow brings you:

Dr. Russell Kennedy, the pioneering doctor known as “The Anxiety MD,” and renowned for his highly effective do-it-yourself method to overcome anxiety.

Dr. Kennedy will reveal those highly effective techniques if you suffer occasional worry to chronic anxiety (you'll know this before most therapists!) Plus, he'll share how to get unstuck from guilt, how to use your HANDS to halt self-sabotaging thoughts, and more.

Dr. Vivian Chen, the board-certified internal medicine and family practice MD who is renowned for helping patients treat a wide range of chronic conditions when “nothing else seems to work.”

Dr. Chen will reveal the NEW #1 worst health risk facing all of us (now strongly linked to brain, thyroid, & gut issues, cancer, diabetes, fatigue). Plus, you'll discover the foolproof RULE to stop the worst toxins from harming your health, and more.

Ocean Robbins, the world-renowned nutrition expert and co-founder of the 900,000-member Food Revolution Network.

Ocean will reveal what you must do yourself for peak longevity (most currently let others do this!), the ONE food that lowers your risk of heart attack by 38%, the "healthy" food that boosts risk of diabetes death 5 TIMES, and more.

And, YES, right before Dr. Russell Kennedy, I'll start the day with another brilliantly bad dad joke because smiles and laughter are crucial ingredients for longevity.

PLUS, Jim, before and after each of these incredibly important conversations -- instead of “hold music” or empty filler -- I'll personally provide you my own “Little-Known and MOST Life-Changing Health Tips."

For example, tomorrow:

--> Right before my big first interview with Dr. Russell Kennedy, I'll briefly share the TRUTH about pesticides (including some vital new insights you need to know!)

--> After my interview with Dr. Kennedy, and right before the 2nd interview, I'll briefly share one easy "trick" to quickly stop anxiety.

--> After my second interview, right before the 3rd and final interview of Day 2, I'll share the world's most dangerous "innocent" products that you likely use often.

--> And then, right after the final interview of the day, I'll share 5 best-of-the-best plants for amazing skin to close down Day 2!


Right now -- or after experiencing Day 1 via the replay link above -- you can still...

Sign up completely FREE to experience the next 6 days of The Live Long & THRIVE Summit right here

You can scroll a bit down the page to see the FULL SCHEDULE -- including the 22 world-renowned doctors and researchers and a "taste" of the genuinely life-changing insights they will each be sharing with you!

Okay then, please do come on in and experience the Day 1 replay right here.

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