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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

"Revealing Nature's Dynamic Duo: Piperine and Curcumin" TTAC Substack Members Weekly Report #9​


Embedded in nature's bounty, we find a treasure trove of potent remedies and health-promoting compounds. Among these, curcumin and piperine emerge as a dynamic duo, their synergy enhancing their individual benefits. Curcumin, the vibrant yellow pigment that graces turmeric, has been a revered part of culinary and medicinal traditions for centuries. Piperine, a bioactive compound found in black pepper, significantly amplifies the bioavailability of curcumin, transforming this combination into a formidable therapeutic tool. This report delves into the multifaceted benefits of curcumin and piperine, exploring their individual and combined effects on health, and underlining their potential in treating and managing various health conditions.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

New Series:​

Home Sick Home​

In case you missed it, I'm screening my new series right now for free. It's all about the potentially hazardous environmental toxins that can be lurking in your home. Check it out and keep your family safe!


Balancing Stress: A Deep Dive Into Positive And Negative Stress With Jeff Krasno​

Not all stress is bad for you. Let's explore how to use positive stress to make you better.

Join me!​

A Year of Transformation​

52 world class life coach per week. I'm doing it and invite you to join me. Let's make this our best year ever.


Unleashing Full Potential: A Deep Dive Into Hypnotherapy With Elliot Roe​

Elliot is the expert behind pro athletes and serious CEOs. He helps them get their heads straight and get out of their own way. Join me in this podcast.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Would you love to lose some weight but don’t want to go on a diet?

I am with you!

As someone who was a chronic yo-yo dieter for DECADES, I am forever DONE with diets!

They don’t work and aren’t sustainable anyway, leaving you feeling like a failure.

If you’d like to learn how you can eat more and lose weight, then join my FREE MASTERCLASS called Lose Weight, Feel Great, and Prevent or Reverse Chronic Disease with a Plant-Based Diet.

I share the secrets to sustainable weight loss on a plant-based diet without calorie counting, portion control, or deprivation.

You’ll get to eat MORE, not less! Yes, for REAL!

This is the SECRET to a long-term way of eating because you won’t feel hungry or like you have to use willpower to make it through the day.

Plus, this isn't just about weight loss. There are lots of things you can do to lose weight, but that doesn't make it good for your health.

This is also about your HEALTH - lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, improving your A1C, having more energy, improving your mood, and so much more.

The weight loss comes as a happy side effect!

So REGISTER HERE to join this free class!

See ya there!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
As I am writing to you while sitting by the peaceful Pecos River in New Mexico during my working vacation/retreat, I am reminded of the incredible power of taking time away from distractions, busy routines, and the accumulation of stress

…and as I watch the river flowing gently but persistently, carving its way through mountains, creating valleys, nourishing and transforming the land — I am reminded of how the flow of Qi/chi, the vital life force within us, can nourish and transform our lives.

That is why I am inspired to create some “time away” for the community next week so you can take a couple of hours off from your life’s distractions and be with the healing and transformative power of Qigong.​
Wisdom Healing Qigong Connections membership
In my new free webinar Qi: Your Radical Partner for Accelerated Healing and Growth, I’ll share stories from the medicine-less Qigong hospital in China, where the practice of Qigong is valued above modern medicine.

We’ll then explore the role of Qi in your own life and ways you can invite healing and transformation in by directing its flow.
In this free online event, you’ll embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing, exploring:
  • A foundational understanding of Qi, the energy that flows through all living things, and how it influences your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being according to the principles of Wisdom Healing Qigong.
  • Inspirational stories of miraculous recoveries and spiritual awakenings from China's medicine-less Qigong Hospital where the power of Qi and collective energy fields have made the impossible possible.
  • The power of full immersion in the practice: Discover how dedicating time for an immersive Qigong Retreat can accelerate your healing and spiritual growth, providing the concentrated environment needed for profound transformation.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello, Jimi!
In this episode, I have the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Datis Kharrazian, an award-winning researcher, academic professor, and functional medicine provider with extensive clinical experience treating chronic fatigue syndrome.
Today, we focus on how the brain contributes to chronic fatigue. Dr. Kharrazian provides a really pragmatic viewpoint that both respects and, I believe, supersedes many of the other theories I’ve heard throughout the years.
I’m very excited for you to hear his take on this debilitating but solvable topic!
This podcast was initially released in Oct 2018
In this podcast, Dr. Kharrazian and I discuss:
  • The number one question Dr. Kharrazian asks when working with patients who report chronic fatigue as their primary problem

  • 2 forms of chronic fatigue and how to identify which type you may be dealing with

  • The first signs of neurodegeneration (that commonly occur in your 30s and 40s!) that you should be aware of to avoid Parkinson’s and dementia

  • 3 major forms of brain-based fatigue and the areas of the brain they correspond to

  • The shocking digestive symptom that is the first sign of early Parkinson’s disease

  • An easy way to assess your metabolic—and brain—health and the most common reasons why post-meal symptoms occur

  • Dr. Kharrazian’s highly practical tip for reducing blood sugar imbalances

  • The link between cortisol patterns, the brain, and detection of neurological diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s

  • Why cold hands and feet might be your sign for understanding and addressing brain fatigue!

  • How stress, cortisol, the vagus nerve, and the gut interact to create a healthy brain, and why dysfunction in just one of these areas can generate brain imbalances

  • Dr. Kharrazian’s top 5 tips to keep your brain and cognitive function strong and healthy!
Yours in health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

Nearly 40% of people will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lifetime…

But over 90% of cancers are linked to lifestyle and environmental factors.

This is actually GREAT NEWS because it means we have way more control over our health than we might think!

This reality is why we’re so passionate about sharing life-changing information with you, and today, we have something incredibly special.

Get your surprise here.

Back in May, we aired The Missing Link Docuseries, uncovering insights that have helped countless individuals take control of their health…

… and the response was overwhelming.

Thousands of you tuned in, and the feedback was nothing short of amazing.

Because of the massive demand, we’ve decided to host a FREE surprise watch party!

For the next 3 days, you have the chance to re-watch all 9 core episodes, along with 3 bonus episodes and 9 bonus interviews — all entirely on-demand.

Watch anything you want, or binge watch it all...

Either way, it’s a golden opportunity to revisit the insights or catch up if you missed it the first time around.

Here’s the link to start watching and accessing valuable knowledge that could change your life.

Whether you missed it the first time or want to revisit the invaluable insights, this is your chance.

Why join the Watch Party?

  • Learn actionable steps to reduce your cancer risk.
  • Hear from experts who are pioneering cancer prevention and treatment.
  • Empower yourself with the tools and knowledge to make healthier choices.
This event is our way of showing how much we appreciate your support and enthusiasm.

But hurry because this exclusive watch party is only available for the next 72 hours!

Go here to join the weekend watch party (and don’t forget to share this with friends and family)

Yours in health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dangerous Dental Errors​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Don't want these Bible Health Tips? Simply Unsubscribe.
Today, we're excited to share with you a few of our best blog posts highlighting the Bible Health solutions you need to eliminate some hidden toxic chemicals from your home & fight sleep cancer cells so you can enjoy the abundant life...
Free eGuide:
Proactive Strategies Against Sleeping Cancer Cells: Unveil the hidden TRUTHS about sleeping cancer cells and discover proactive strategies to combat them
From the Blog:
  • Create Your Own Chemical-Free Sunscreen: Concerned about the harmful chemicals in commercial sunscreens but still need protection from the sun? Make your own sunscreen without toxic ingredients! Check out our DIY guide for a travel-friendly bar, lotion, or spray that will keep your skin safe naturally.
  • Enhance Oral Health with DIY Mouthwash with Essential Oils: Did you know dental hygiene is closely linked to overall wellness and heart health? Improve your oral care routine by adding essential oils with our personalized homemade mouthwash recipe. Keep your mouth fresh and healthy naturally.
  • Delicious Vegan Tapioca Pudding (Recipe): Looking for a quick and easy dessert without unhealthy ingredients? Our vegan tapioca pudding is free from soy and sugar, making it a tasty and healthy treat for your family. Enjoy this simple yet delightful snack anytime.
Spotlight: Proactive Strategies Against Sleeping Cancer Cells
Yes, the data is still alarming... cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide - accounting for nearly 1 in 6 deaths.
Sadly, Cancer TRUTHS and Effective THERAPIES are often overlooked by mainstream medicine that ADDRESS the root causes of cancer progression.
And, one shocking fact is that most people are unaware of is that dormant cancer cells could be lurking within your body, waiting to awaken, which is one of the MANY reasons why we recommend that you...
--> Download the new eGuide, "Proactive Strategies Against Sleeping Cancer Cells," and...
Discover these mind blowing truths:
  • Understanding how cancer cells hide and avoid treatment.
  • A detailed exploration of how chronic inflammation fuels the growth of dormant cancer cells.
  • Embracing holistic approaches to cancer prevention. Prevention is better than cure.
  • Top 10 Expert Driven Cancer Fighting Therapies
Unveil the hidden TRUTHS about sleeping cancer cells and discover proactive strategies to combat them in our latest eBook.
In a world where cancer rates are escalating…
It's time to explore effective ways to fight cancer using natural methods.
--> Download "Proactive Strategies Against Sleeping Cancer Cells" today!
Z Family Outside Fun
Spending time outside with your family boosts your immune system, happiness levels and (in turn) can help fight sleeping cancer cells! Fresh air, sunshine, and fun activities strengthen your body and mind, creating precious memories while promoting health and well-being.
Thank you for joining us on this journey. We appreciate you! <3

As always, praying that you experience the abundant life.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Rare Childhood Illness Raises Heart Disease Risk

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Researchers at Cedars Sinai Heart Institute in Los Angeles have found that experiencing Kawasaki disease, a serious childhood illness, increases the risk of developing coronary artery disease in young adulthood.

Often treatable, Kawasaki disease causes swelling in the walls of small to medium-sized blood vessels that carry blood throughout the body. Symptoms include high fever, swollen hands and feet with skin peeling, and red eyes and tongue.

Special: SHOCKING: Doctors And Big Pharma Rigging Blood Pressure Numbers

It is diagnosed in approximately 5,000 children in the U.S. every year, predominantly affecting those younger than 5. Boys are more likely than girls to get the disease. While the cause is unknown, it is thought to be the body’s response to a virus that has not yet been identified.

Researchers used young mice to show how the disease predisposed them to develop accelerated atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) in young adulthood. Atherosclerosis is associated with chronic inflammation in the blood vessels.

The study also suggests that aggressive early treatment of the blood vessel inflammation caused by Kawasaki disease may reduce the future risk of developing this type of heart disease.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi,
Did you start a plant-based diet hoping to lose a few pounds?
Has it been harder than you expected?
Well, if this is you, then you need to come to this class!
There are important things you need to know that can really affect your success at losing weight on a plant-based diet.
In fact, if you are eating certain foods, you can actually GAIN weight pretty easily!
In this class, I’ll share how you can lose weight on a plant-based diet without stressing over every calorie or bite.
Sounds impossible? I used to think so.
But I’ve been able to lose not only 20 pounds and 17 inches, but I’ve kept it off for over 5 years! This is something I was NEVER able to do in the previous decades of dieting.
And this was after I had turned 40!
I know that as we get older, losing weight can become more challenging due to changing hormones and a slower metabolism, but not if you learn the secrets in this class!
Plus, I lowered my cholesterol, eliminated my brain fog, increased my energy, and stopped hurting my joints. BONUS!
So join me for this FREE CLASS called “Lose Weight, Feel Great, and Prevent or Reverse Chronic Disease with a Plant-Based Diet.”
See ya there!
P.S. Set your alarms so you don't miss it! There won't be a replay, but I WILL be giving out a free gift to those who attend. See the available class times here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Receiving a cancer diagnosis is life-changing, but you don't have to face it alone...

Dr. Nasha Winters’ FREE eGuide gives you the tools and insights to tackle your diagnosis head-on!

Her expert insights, derived from years of integrative oncology practice, will teach you how to transform your approach to cancer, starting with 6 critical steps.

Inside, you’ll discover:

  • Calming techniques to navigate the emotional rollercoaster
  • A new approach to understanding and potentially supporting your body’s natural defenses
  • Expert connections to a supportive network who understand your fight
  • Powerful dietary strategies to fuel your well-being and optimize your health
  • And more!
--->>Click here to unlock 6 Steps to Dealing with a Cancer Diagnosis today!

And when you download this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the FREE, online Cancer Breakthroughs Summit 2.0 taking place on July 20-22, 2024, where over 50+ experts will teach you new ways to fight and prevent cancer.
So thankful that you’re making an investment in your health, your life and yourself.

Because health means everything,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Improve Your Eyesight
Research funded by a $3.5 million grant from the National Institute on Aging has just demonstrated that elderly adults can quickly improve their vision with perceptual training.
The study, “Perceptual learning, aging, and improved visual performance in early stages of visual processing,” was published in the online November issue of the Journal of Vision. According to the research team from the University of California, Riverside (UCR) and Boston University, the ability of elders to improve their sight so quickly has a host of important implications for the health and mobility of older people....
Heartburn Drugs Linked to Increased Risk of Pneumonia
A recent study shows a startling finding that drugs commonly used to treat heartburn could actually shoot up the likelihood of having pneumonia. This was result of a Korean research conducted after evaluating the 31 studies conducted from 1985-2009.As uttered by Dr. Sang Min Park of the department of family medicine at Seoul National University Hospital in Korea, there must be no recklessness in the use of heartburn drugs such as proton pump inhibitors and histamine-2 receptor antagonists, be it high-dose or long duration, since it may be linked with risk of pneumonia......


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Avoid the Cholesterol-Lowering Drug Crestor
A report in circulation in the journal of the American Heart Association (AHA) highlights the dangers of Crestor, stating that this drug is more likely than similar drugs in the group to increase the risk of muscle deterioration, kidney failure, and kidney disease....

Eliminate or drastically reduce foods that can cause inflammation
Processed foods: Foods high in sugar, refined grains, and unhealthy fats can trigger inflammation in the body.
Sugar: Consuming excessive amounts of added sugars can lead to inflammation and contribute to various health issues.
Trans fats: Found in fried foods, processed snacks, and baked goods, trans fats can promote inflammation and increase the risk of chronic diseases.....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

A surprising molecule that can block harmful galectin-3 expression and lead to a significant reduction in cancer risk has been identified by Dr. Isaac Eliaz, a leading integrative medicine physician.
Find all you need to know about this discovery in his fr-ee eBook, *Break Fr-ee of Survival Mode & Reduce Your Cancer Risk*
Download Your Fr-ee Copy
Plus, you’ll receive a free ticket to the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit 2.0!
Yours in Health


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Peptides - The new frontier in health and healing?​

At various times throughout your health journey you have probably focused on things like nutrition, detox, and gut health ...
... using special diets, nutritional supplements, and protocols for detoxification, killing pathogens, and healing the gut.
And the goal of all of this has been to restore normal function in the body that has been distorted by toxins and dysregulation of the nervous system, endocrine system (hormones), immune system, and gastrointestinal system.
Typically, we use tools like binders, botanicals, nutrients, and probitoics.
This all makes sense and often works when things are done in the right sequence with strong enough measures that are aligned with your bio-individuality.
But as stress, toxicity, nutrient deficiencies, EMFs, and other dysregulating influences have exploded in recent years, healing has become increasing difficult and elusive.
As a result, some people have become so dysregulated and sensitive that they need to use slow, gentle approaches, focusing on regulating their neuroimmune system because they have developed highly reactive syndromes like Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.
Other people need more powerful approaches because all of the binders and botanicals in the world are just not moving the need enough for them.
Fortunately, a new kind if therapeutic has emerged that can help both types of people ... those that need a gentle, regulation-restoring approach and those that need a powerful intervention that can accomplish what binders and botanicals have not.
How could something be gentle and more powerful at the same time, and what are we talking about here?
I'm talking about peptides and bioregulators.
Peptides and bioregulators are natural compounds that are composed of amino acids like proteins are but are smaller than proteins.
Generally speaking, peptides and bioregulators can do things like restore normal regulation in the body and regenerate organs, tissues, and even sub-cellular structures like mitochondria.
In conditions like Lyme disease, mold illness, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, and long C___D, which all share similar characteristics, peptides and bioregulators have been producing accelerated recoveries when nothing else was working.
Peptides can also be game-changers for less extreme situations, such as leaky gut syndrome, neuropathy, healing of wounds and injuries, and general age-related decline of function in the immune system and other systems of the body.
So if you have been frustrated by unsatisfactory progress in resolving a health condition, don't lose hope.
Peptides and bioregulators could be just what you need to experience a breakthrough.

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